MHA: Gomu Gomu No Mi

Chapter 42: Chapter 43 ~ Ohara Vs iida

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"Is this the end of the fight?"

"It looks like that the green-haired boy has lost consciousness."

"But man, that was an insane attack, did he intend to kill him?"

"That's not an appropriate question. The question is how did Midoriya manage to protect himself?"

"I saw him punch that giant foot."

"Punching it? That's crazy! What will he gain from doing that??"

"I don't know, but that boy has a strange power. I think he's the one who made Akari fly into the sky."

"Are you telling me that one punch from him sent someone into the sky? Isn't that amazing."

"I feel like he's going to be a great hero in future."

"But on the other hand, Akari is a really strong person. I think he will win this festival."

"You're right, we'll see him fight again soon. He still has two fights, we're lucky to see such a frenzy fights"

Before Akari and Midoriya left the arena, Ohara descended from the sky.

Midnight ran to Ohara and said to her

"Hey you! What are you doing here!" Midnight said.

Ohara smiled and looked at iida and said;

"Don't worry, it's our turn."

And at that time in the stands.

"She's so excited," Daiki said.

"You're right, but this fight won't be easy. It's true that she easily won the first fight, but now her opponent very fast." Misaki said.

Daiki put his hands in the back of his head, sighed and said;

"No, she will win. That girl has a strange personality so I don't understand her. But she is able to destroy half of this hall if she uses all her strength."

"You know a lot about Ohara," Misaki said.

"Well, actually... we live in the same house," Daiki said.

"Ah!" Misaki said calmly and then looked at the arena, after a while Misaki realized what Daiki had said and a shocked look appeared on her face and she said out loud; "Wait what!!"

"What kind of reaction is this?" Daiki said, feeling annoyed at Misaki's high voice.

"But for a boy to live with a girl at our age is… I mean, not normal!" Misaki said as her face moved closer to Daiki's. She was excited to find out why Daiki was living with Ohara.

"You're so close, Akari will be coming here, stop getting me caught up in your romantic problems."

"But seriously, what's the reason?" Misaki spoke with a calm look, returning to her normal personality.

Daiki looked up at the sky, and said with a cold look on his face;

"Ohara... I wonder how that girl can keep smiling. Her sister Tami is her father's princess, he cares for her so much and loves her. Unlike her, Ohara is a girl he fathered while he was having sex with her mother when he was drunk. That's why he hates Ohara so much. Tami, Ohara and their father. 

They all live in our family home. Because their father is my father's friend. I don't want to delve deeper in this. All I can say is that Ohara is someone I respect a lot, more than I respect Akari."

Misaki looked at Ohara, who was stood in the Arena.

"So even a pretty girl like her has problems like this…"

Soon, iida came down to the Arena and stood in front of Ohara.

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Unlike Ohara, iida was nervous, because his opponent was a strong person who won very quickly in his first fight.

Ohara's first fight was against a girl with green hair, who can make her hair coil like a bush and fight with it. But she lost in the first second against Ohara.

When the fight started, that girl's body flew out of the arena and hit the wall until she passed out.

Everyone in the hall was surprised, not understanding what had happened. That's why this fight was kind of awaited, people want to see Ohara's power again.

Midnight raised her flag, and iida put his finger on his glasses and pushed them up.

"The one who is faster wins."

That's what iida was thinking. And his reasoning was correct.



Soon, fire came out of iida's feet, he wanted to use everything he had in the first second.

                  Fight! ]

         [ Recipro Burst! ]

iida reached Ohara quickly, he was ready to kick her head from above. But the thing that made iida surprised was Ohara's look.

She was smiling despite the difficult situation she is in now.


Iida shoted a lightning Kick at Ohara's head.


But he was surprised by the presence of an invisible shield covering Ohara's body.

Because of the power of his kick, iida was able to break her shield and kick her face until she looked to the side, but the damage was not significant.

Ohara looked at iida again, blood coming out of her eyebrow, she said;

"It's my turn"

        [Justice Impact! ]


Ohara let out a powerful shock, and because iida was so close to her, he took a lot of damage.

iida's body flew to the edge of the arena, at that moment Ohara used her power.

[Attraction! ]

iida was very surprised by his opponent's strength, but at the same time he was offended that she saved him before he left the arena.

The people in the hall didn't understand what happened, for them iida kicked that girl with light green hair. Then he flew away from her. When he reached the edge of the arena, his body stopped in the air and returned to the middle of the arena.

Even commentator Yamada was unable to describe what was happening.

In order to see Ohara's power you have to be close enough to her.

The only person in the hall now who can see Ohara's power is iida.

That is why iida begins to try to analyze her strength.

But he couldn't come up with any logical explanation.

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