MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia

Chapter 10: World! I am Child Emperor!

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Chapter 10 World! I am Child Emperor!

Tonight has been a lot of fun, first I easily defeat SludgeMan, then the heroes are lured into my little ambush in the underground fighting arena where I managed to identify some flaws in the programming of some of my inventions.

I also collected a lot of data which will help me a lot in the future to develop and complement combat strategies for different situations as well as the implementation of new weapons to my arsenal.

As for my little legion of Furbies, their programming has worked to my specifications, which is why the field test for the Furby-Apocalypse project was a complete success. This will kick off future more advanced technological developments regarding artificial intelligence.

Additionally, they will cause an excellent distraction by keeping most of the heroes and the police busy while I escape.

All of this is just a side benefit to my main objective though. My main objective has always been to have fun, to have a lot of fun in this world.

Heroes and villains are just pawns in a grand and elaborate game. My game!

"You're going to end up roasted!" I exclaim with a laugh shooting a powerful stream of energy from my sniper umbrella in the direction of the winged hero while the recoil of the weapon swiftly propels me in the opposite direction allowing me to get away to a safe distance from the hero.

The shot of energy lights up the dark sky of the city drawing the attention of countless people who were in the streets below us.

"You won't be able to run away from me!" Hawks exclaims performing an impressive evasive maneuver nimbly dodging the energy blast as he spreads his wings and shoots some of his feathers in my direction.

At this, I activate my umbrella's protective hexagonal barrier causing the feathers sent in my direction to bounce off my barrier as I continue to propel myself over the city.

Hawks is clearly holding back, I guess he doesn't want to hurt a little kid with his sharp feathers. Idiot heroes, however, I will use his idiocy to my advantage.

“Activate Contingency Protocol C-17!” I exclaim which causes a small holographic sight to appear on the right visor of my gas mask causing a large number of codes to begin executing.

In that, I unfold the hooks of my belt which proceed to embed themselves tightly around some buildings which causes me to abruptly change direction performing a 360-degree turn with the help of the propulsion of my three-dimensional rocket shoes. Which in turn positions me right behind Hawks taking him by surprise.

Below us, thousands of people are watching us from the apartments, and from the streets, the drivers even stopped their vehicles to observe the strange situation that was happening in the sky of the city.

Many people are recording the situation on their phones while news helicopters are already in the air broadcasting the events live.

Most of the heroes and cops are fighting my legion of Furbies across town in the industrial zone, so there's only a small number of low-level cops and heroes watching me right now.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Hawks yells stopping abruptly in midair turning quickly towards me. However, his eyes widen as he realizes that I am propelling in his direction with my sniper umbrella pointed at him.

At that moment, a small but powerful turret unfolds from my backpack thanks to my compression technology. "Time to bring out the heavy weapons!" I exclaim with a crooked smile spreading across my face. At this, Hawks' face turns completely serious and he lunges with impressive speed toward me.

"Target in the crosshairs!" I exclaim on a collision course with him, gripping my sniper umbrella tightly causing energy to begin to gather around the tip of the umbrella as the small holographic sight of my gas mask marks Hawks as a target.

"FIRE!" I exclaim pulling the trigger and triggering a huge laser volley as numerous homing missiles are fired from my small turret in the direction of Hawks causing the entire sky over the city to fill with explosions under the horrified gaze of all of Japan.

Then the evacuation sirens began to sound throughout the city.

POV Naomasa Tsukauchi

During my years of law enforcement service, I have seen many things and overcome countless obstacles with my unwavering determination for a sense of justice. However, there are no words to describe what I am experiencing tonight.

“Quickly transfer the injured to nearby hospitals and contact Recovery Girl, we have several people in critical condition.” I say quickly behind a barricade of cop cars pointing my gun in the direction of a Furby.

How? How the hell did we get to this?

Rookie and pro heroes find themselves fighting side by side alongside police forces against a small and terrifying enemy. Against some damn toys!

"Don't let them near the barricades!" I exclaim pulling the trigger and quickly destroying the toy. Many of us find ourselves with burns in different parts of the body as a result of the explosions and the lasers that the toys shoot.

This whole situation was a trap from start to finish.

At that, several clones of Ectoplasm converge on the area, charging at the Furbies and quickly reducing their numbers, causing sighs of relief from the nearby heroes and police, including me.

Since Ectoplasm is here that means they managed to neutralize the villain responsible for all this disaster, however, my vision is focused on the newly arrived heroes and a sinking feeling begins to run through my body.

An unconscious Ingenium with severe injuries to his arms finds himself being carried on Eraser Head's back closely followed by Midnight, Present Mic, and Snipe who have visible injuries to their bodies along with many burns.

What happened inside the stadium? All of them have helpless looks on their faces. Why isn't the person responsible for this whole mess among them? Did they kill the villain by accident?

"What happened?" I seriously ask.

"We lost." That was all Eraser Head said.

Then in the distance, right in the center of the city, numerous explosions began to light up the entire night sky followed by the chilling sound of evacuation sirens. This of course draws the attention of all the heroes and members of the police who have their eyes wide open.

At that, I clench my fists after hearing the chilling evacuation siren along with the terrifying sight of the city sky turning into hell. “What the hell are we dealing with?” I whisper through clenched teeth while the screams on my police radio are not long in coming.

The last time an evacuation alarm went off in a city was when All Might fought All For One!

POV Third Person

On top of a building, Tomura Shigaraki along with Kurogiri are watching the explosions above the city. "Are you seeing it, Kurogiri?!" Tomura exclaims dropping his mask and spreading his arms theatrically with a crazed look on his face.

"The Beginning of the End of the Age of Heroes!" Tomura exclaims starting to laugh out loud as explosions light up the sky.

"Certainly quite an impressive turn of events, young Tomura." It's all that Kurogiri says looking with interest at all the chaos that is being generated in the city.

At the Midoriya residence, Izuku stands in front of the television with his fists clenched, watching with horror in his eyes as a very powerful villain battles Hawks in the skies above the city far away from his apartment building.

"Don't worry children, that battle is taking place far from our home." Inko says quickly looking out the window with nervousness on her face.

"Hawks will defeat the villain quickly, don't be afraid, Isamu-chan, I'm sure more heroes are on the way to help Hawks." Izuku stutters forcing a smile on his face.

"I have to pee." Says Toga with the form and voice of Isamu quickly heading to the bathroom.

Izuku continues to watch the news live, in that, Inko takes a seat next to Izuku while she yawns. “Looks like the overtime is getting to me.” She says closing her eyes.

"Mom?" Izuku asks as his eyes begin to close from sleep. "What? Why am I so sleepy?” Izuku says yawning and falling sound asleep.

Then the bathroom door slowly opens and Toga comes out of the bathroom in her original form wearing a small gas mask. "Isamu-chan told me to activate the sleeping gas in case of an emergency... and I consider this an emergency." Toga says happily hugging herself as her cheeks begin to blush as she heads towards Isamu's room.

Inside Isamu's room, Toga opens the closet door and steps inside. "What was the password?" Toga says tilting her head and placing a finger on her gas mask. Then, Toga's eyes widen as she remembers the password.

"Hail Hydra!" Toga exclaims happily as a secret compartment unfolds, lighting up the closet.

“Oh~ Isamu-chan, tonight we will bathe in the blood of your enemies.” Toga hums, peering into the compartment with eyes wide with admiration. "No one will spill Isamu-chan's blood except for me!" Toga exclaims with a dark smile.

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Meanwhile, in the streets of the city panic reigns, the few policemen and heroes in the area cannot keep up with the number of people fleeing and seeking refuge in the subway. This generates a large number of car accidents, making most of the streets impassable.

In the face of all the panic, many villains and criminals take advantage of the situation to rob stores and create more disasters throughout the city, little by little, anarchy begins to take over the city.

"Keep calm! The battle is happening in the air.” Screams a hero trying to restore order, however, he fails miserably being pushed and trampled by a panicked crowd.

“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" A young man screams in panic watching in horror as dozens of explosions occur in the sky.

“Where are the heroes?!” Another person screams in panic. "Where's All Might?!"

In an unknown location, in an underground room, All For One finds himself staring intently at a screen as a crooked smile spreads across his disfigured face as he leans closer to the screen. "Interesting." It's all he says.

POV Isamu

Hawks has a dark side and he is showing it right now, his confident smile is gone, now, his face is completely serious and devoid of emotion. He knows I'm dangerous, very dangerous.

"Enough of games!" Hawks exclaims wrapping his wings around his body as he lunges at impressive speed towards me. In that, multiple self-guided missiles hit him creating powerful explosions over the night sky of the city.

However, Hawks cuts through the tide of fire epically and then extends both hands in my direction, clenching his fists tightly, then shoots his feathers at me with impressive speed.

At this, I quickly activate my hex shield to protect myself from the feathers, however, my shield begins to crack in several places as the powerful feathers continue their assault. Hawks isn't holding back!

"Awesome!" I exclaim excitedly propelling myself back at full power as more missiles close in on Hawks from all directions.

I need to get this over with quickly, my three-dimensional rocket shoes won't last much longer before they overheat and start to fail. Additionally, if other powerful heroes join the fight things will become much more difficult for me. I'm drawing too much attention with my fight with Hawks, it's time to activate my psychological protocol.

It's time to manipulate Hawks!

“Are you really a hero? I thought that heroes save people?" I exclaimed quickly, narrowly avoiding crashing into a building.

"Of course, I'm a hero!" Hawks growls, quickly swooping in my direction with a straight face.

“If you are a hero, then save me!” I exclaim dramatically.

This false exclamation of course had the desired effect, Hawks stopping abruptly in midair with his eyes wide as he tries to comprehend the whole situation. "I don't want to go back to the laboratory!" I exclaim again dramatically causing Hawks' body to tense and his eyes to blur. It seems that he is having a flashback to his childhood!

In this world, most of the characters have forced and dramatic backstories, I will use my knowledge in my favor.

At that, Hawks extends his hand towards me as if reaching for me while trying to shout something, however, the missiles explode around Hawks covering him in a ball of fire that lights up the entire city as a victorious smile spreads across my face. Nothing better than making a hero doubt.

So my rocket shoes start failing due to overheating.

POV Hawks

I must admit that at first, I underestimated the kid because of his tender age, however, I regretted it shortly after, and now I am confused, very confused.

Does the boy want me to save him? Is someone forcing him to do all of this? A laboratory? At that, the repressed memories of my childhood assail me.

Memories of a training room where I wrestled mannequins until my body collapsed from exhaustion under the watchful eyes of numerous people from the Heroes Public Safety Commission sizing me up as if I were a mere product. Forcing me to become a hero.

I snap back to reality breathing heavily as my vision blurs a bit. Watching the child in front of me I can only see myself as a small child with a blindfold shooting my feathers where the adults said. In that, I extend my hand towards him trying to reach him and tell him that everything will be fine, that I will save him.

Then the explosions engulfed my entire body.

Instinctively my wings wrapped around my body protecting me from most of the explosions, however, my wings were badly damaged losing most of my feathers so I began to collapse while my clothes are in tatters with multiple wounds on my body.

As my body falls and the wind hits my body I reflect on the things I could have done to help the boy, then my body hits the roof of a vehicle producing a loud crash along with the screams of the civilians around. I'm sorry.

POV Isamu

I watch in fascination as Hawks' body hits the roof of a car as I find myself descending in his direction using a small parachute deployed from my backpack. This is because the three-dimensional rocket shoes ran out of power due to overheating.

While I am descending I can also see all the chaos that has been generated throughout the city, in the distance I can see some fires and people running from one side to the other. I can also see some villains taking advantage of the confusion and chaos to commit crimes like robbing stores and even banks.

At this, I land right on top of Hawks' stomach which elicits a grunt of pain from him as I brush some of the dust off my clothes.

"Even though I never fired on the city and our entire battle was in the skies, it's quite funny to see how adults self-destruct." I say shaking my head slightly. "Fools." I whisper.

“I…definitely.” Hawks says coughing up some blood from his mouth and slowly extending his trembling hand in my direction. “I will definitely save you.” He says before losing consciousness.

"How dramatic." I whisper.

News helicopters fly over the area while in the distance I catch a glimpse of some reporters on top of a building broadcasting live. The few remaining bystanders in the area are staring at me with wide eyes as Hawks lies unconscious under my shoes.

Now everyone is looking at me, well this was going to happen sooner or later. My debut!

“Voice modulator to the maximum.” I whisper which activates one of my gas mask's functions to massively amplify my voice, it's not that powerful but it will be noticeable.

"Listen to me world, listen to me well!" I exclaim causing the people close to me to cover their ears.

“Prepare for trouble and you had better be afraid.” I exclaim striking a dramatic pose and placing my hands on my waist with a shitty grin behind my mask. "Why?" I exclaim puffing out my chest proudly.

“Because this world will become my playground! Hah!” I exclaimed, throwing my arms theatrically into the air as small fireworks are shot from my backpack lighting up the night sky over the city as a joyous smile perched behind my gas mask. Finally, the time has come!

“I AM CHILD EMPEROR!” I exclaimed showing a peace sign with my fingers in the direction of the camera.


At that moment, the world held its breath.





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