MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia

Chapter 12: Villains! Assemble!

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Chapter 12 Villains! Assemble!

POV Dabi

A year ago, in an alley.

"Damn, I'm hungry." I say looking in the trash for something to eat, I recently ran out of money and nowhere to spend the night. I should have died a long time ago, yet my will to take revenge on Endeavor keeps me alive. I have no purpose in this life other than to see him destroyed.

“I will destroy him, I will destroy him!” I start repeating myself over and over again. In that, a burst of childish laughter behind me stops my actions and I turn in the direction where I hear the childish laughter.

In front of me, a few meters away is a little kid looking at me intently with a slight smile on his face. “I finally found you~ Dabi.” The kid hums happily.

At this, my eyes narrow in his direction as some flames begin to gather around my hands. "Who are you and what do you want?" I ask threateningly.

“Wow, how rude.” The boy whispers crossing his arms and pouting. "I thought you were hungry and I brought you food." He mutters, looking away from me.

What the hell is happening here? Wait a minute, he said food? At this, I fade my flames, however, I still keep my guard up. "How do you know me?" I ask.

“I have contacts.” That is all he says smiling innocently taking a bento box out of his backpack and tossing it in my direction, at which I quickly grab the bento box and start devouring the contents. How long has it been since I ate anything decent?

"Shouldn't you be at school?" I ask with cheeks full of food mercilessly devouring the food.

"Who says I'm not in school right now?" He answers cryptically with a shitty smile on his face. What a strange child.

“I need you to lend me your power.” Says the boy with his hands in his pockets as a smile begins to spread across his face. "In return, I will make sure to fulfill your most precious wish." He says spreading his arms theatrically. "The End of Endeavor!" He exclaims dramatically getting my attention completely.

"My name is Child Emperor and things will be so much fun for years to come, Dabi." He says as a predatory smile begins to spread across his face. "Or should I say…"

In actuality.

It was then that I realized that I made a deal with a demon in the guise of a small child, however, I would happily follow that child to the depths of hell if my wish comes true.

“Hell Spider!!!” I exclaim sending a powerful blast of blue fire from my fingertips creating a wave of destruction that destroys everything in its path in Endeavor's direction.

“Prominence Burn!!!” Exclaims Endeavor sending a powerful tide of fire towards my direction, before this, both attacks collide in the middle of the battlefield thus creating a powerful explosion that destroys everything in its path.

Soon after, Endeavor comes out through the flames looking at me with hate in his eyes. "Trying to imitate my movements?" He asks as his body remains covered in flames "Pathetic." He growls as flames begin to rise around him.

"Let's dance together in hell!" I exclaim activating my gloves while a powerful ball of blue fire begins to concentrate between my hands, getting bigger and bigger.

Child Emperor lend me your strength!

POV Isamu

"What fun!" I exclaim using a giant drill to get out of the rubble as the ground shakes from the powerful explosions happening around me.

My reflective barrier protected me from the debris, however, I have some small bruises from the heavy impact. Fortunately, I deactivated my lightsaber before the impact, or else I would have ended up severely injured.

At that moment, a powerful burst of fire rises through the air in a magnificent combination of red and blue flames that illuminate the entire city for a few seconds. My eyes light up after witnessing such a magnificent sight in the front row. "Amazing." I whisper with a crooked smile on my face.

“Looks like Dabi is taking out all his frustrations on Endeavor.” I say to myself as my laptop unfolds from my backpack and I start typing at a terrifying speed while with my other hand I start texting rapidly.

“Endeavor's will is unbreakable, however, let's see if his will is that strong after this. Hah!” I say with a wicked grin on my face and hit the send button.

At this, I tap my shoes lightly against each other which causes my three-dimensional rocket shoes to light up again after being at rest. "Cool!" I exclaim, propelling quickly in the direction of the battle as the weapons in my backpack that are still working are deployed.

Fortunately, the entire area was evacuated including the reporters while news helicopters dare not approach due to recurrent explosions.

I must finish this quickly, otherwise, the heroes will surround me and the situation will become very complicated. Toga will buy me some time by delaying the heroes' reinforcements, however, she won't last long.

As I find myself propelling myself a few feet off the ground I see a huge wall of red and blue fire coming between Endeavor and Dabi.

"Full power." I whisper causing a small shockwave behind me greatly increasing my speed as I sneak up on Endeavor from the side.

The beads of sweat on Endeavor's face quickly evaporate due to the high temperatures his body is generating as he breathes heavily. It seems that Endeavor is nearing its limit.

It's my opportunity!

In that, my suspended weapons lunge at him taking him by surprise. At this, his terrifying reflexes are activated as he dodges a gigantic drill that hits the ground a few inches from him causing a huge crater. However, I calculated the chance that he would dodge my first attack.

Then Endeavor quickly crosses his arms protectively in front of him as a giant boxing glove smashes into his arms causing him to crash into a building in the distance.

“Hah! That felt really good!” I exclaim happily bumping my fists as I rise into the air and using my holographic visor to quickly scan the building which was evacuated minutes ago.

"Now, Dabi!" I exclaim unfolding the turret from my backpack and firing the few missiles I had left at the huge building as powerful blue flames begin to engulf the entire building.

My missiles strategically impact the building causing it to start collapsing as the blue flames shatter everything in its path creating a massive smoke screen burying Endeavor under the rubble. "That's gotta hurt." I whisper.

"Burn in hell, Endeavor." Dabi snorts with a vicious smile on his face breathing hard looking at the gloves he is wearing which I made with a special material to amplify his flames and prevent him from hurting himself when using his quirk.

However, the gloves are just a prototype, after all, I wasn't planning on facing Endeavor tonight. This whole situation is going to generate a great butterfly effect!

“Dabi, we have to…” That is all I manage to say before my eyes narrow in the direction of where the building collapsed. In that, a red flash begins to light up more and more which causes a powerful explosion of fire towards my direction while all the smoke dissipates motivated by the powerful shock wave.

How troublesome.

I instantly activate my shield protecting myself from the powerful blaze, however, my eyes widen as I realize that Endeavor was hiding inside the blaze propelling himself into the air thanks to his powerful flames. "Pretty smart of you, as expected of hero number two!" I exclaim.

Then Endeavor holds on tight to my shield propelling himself higher and higher. What? I didn't expect that, if I deactivate my shield right now to attack him, the flames will consume me. I'm trapped in my own shield!

“How exciting and terrifying!” I exclaim with excitement as my little heart is about to burst.

"I thank pain for keeping me conscious." Endeavor growls with numerous wounds on his body which begin to close and get scars stopping the bleeding of his wounds due to the flames. "You're too dangerous, I won't be able to take you alive." He says right in front of me on the other side of my hexagonal shield.

"Let go!" Dabi screams desperately sending powerful blasts of blue fire towards Endeavor, at this, he receives the powerful blasts from Dabi while he continues to propel himself with clenched teeth with determination plastered on his face. “Endeavour!!!” Dabi yells.

Coming from a building, several laser shots are directed in Endeavor's direction causing one of the shots to go through his arm causing a painful wound. However, he keeps his hands steady on my barrier rising higher and higher, out of range of Dabi's flames and Toga's laser shots.

"You were right, overcoming hell near death is the key to becoming stronger." Endeavor growls as huge wings made of fire spread from his back thus increasing the speed with which we rise. "Now, burn in purgatory." He growls with bloodshot eyes.

"What's going on Child Emperor?!" Toga quickly exclaims in panic through her comlink.

"It was... fun." It's all I can answer with my eyes wide open while the sweat runs down my face.

There were so many things I wanted to do, many unfinished inventions, I met amazing people in this world, Inko, Izuku, the idiot from Bakugo, Dabi, Toga, and many more people. It was a good time and I don't regret anything. It was fun!








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POV Toga

My life was a mess before Isamu found me and gave me a purpose, my family abandoned me to my fate, and everyone turned their back on me, however, he extended his hand to me and gave me his blood. The sweetest blood I've ever tasted.

From that moment I got something, I didn't know I wanted so much... Someone who understood me.

If something happens to Isamu... this world can go to hell!

“Haaaah!” A hero exclaims as my needle pierces through his arm and begins to suck his blood at terrifying speed as a powerful kick from me sends him against the edge of the building I'm standing on, causing him to fall into the void. However, a robot saves the hero before crashing to the ground.

"Huh, I wanted to see all his blood out of his body." I say blushing with excitement.

At that moment, I do an acrobatic jump backward as a robot crashes where I was a few moments ago. “Target located.” Says the robot as several robots land behind him. “Target located.” The other robots say in unison as they lunge at me.

"They will not interfere." I say with a crooked smile behind my mask lifting my shirt and revealing numerous modified knives strapped to my waist and abdomen, I then started to pick up the knives and throw them in the direction of my attackers. Thus causing my knives to embed themselves in different parts of their robotic bodies.

In that, the eyes of one of the robots change color. "You should give up, you have no chance of escaping." Says the Robot with a cheerful voice. Someone is controlling it remotely, I'm sure it must be Nezu who Isamu talks about so much when he's excited about building things. "Obviously knives can't stop a robot." Nezu says cheerfully.

“Who says they were normal knives? They are a gift from Child Emperor.” I say with a smile spreading across my face as I spread both hands in the air happily.

"Katsu!" I exclaim causing the knives to detonate causing all the robots to explode into many pieces. I don't know what that word means, but Isamu likes it.

"Fascinating..." is all the robot controlled by Nezu says as the robot's head rolls a few inches away from me and the robot's eyes go blank.

Then the door that separates the stairs from the roof explodes and Gunhead makes his appearance with both hands on his waist.

"Rock Lock was injured by a girl...a high school girl." Gunhead says chuckling lightly. "I guess it's lucky one of the U.A. robots took him to the hospital, he'd die of embarrassment if he was here." He says shaking his head before starting to walk in my direction.

Another hero? How annoying.

"Give up villain!" Gunhead exclaims getting ready for combat and pointing his hands at me. However, out of nowhere, a purple portal appears right behind him causing his eyes to widen as a hand reaches through the portal and lands on Gunhead's head causing the hero to turn to dust.

My eyes widen as I ready my knives for combat against this potential enemy.

"With this goes seven." Says a young man using a severed hand as a mask while lightly dusting his hand. "Are you with Child Emperor?" He asks looking at me carefully before taking a phone out of his pocket and holding it up using only 4 fingers.

"I have no idea how he got my number but he invited me to join the raid against the second hardest boss." He says as a crooked smile begins to spread across his face.

"Child Emperor's friends are my friends!" I exclaim happily with both hands in the air. As always Isamu seems to be ready for anything.

"I am Tomura Shigaraki." He says introducing himself as he points to a figure made of purple smoke wearing a bartender outfit behind him. "He is Kurogiri." He says narrowing his eyes into the distance. "And it looks like we're late." He clicks his tongue.

Then a sinking feeling begins to course through my body as my gaze focuses on the distance and I watch with wide eyes as Endeavor keeps Isamu trapped within his protective barrier as they rise into the air.

Isamu is in danger! At this, I quickly grab my laser sniper from the ground which I had dropped earlier as a result of the annoying heroes.

I point my gun in Endeavor's direction as I start firing until my gun is out of range.

“No…” I whisper.

"What's going on Child Emperor?!" I quickly exclaim in panic through my comlink. This can't be happening, Isamu has contingency plans for his own contingency plans.

"It was... fun." I hear Isamu say through his comlink. A dark look filled with murderous intent falls over my entire face. Endeavor!

“KUROGIRI!” Tomura exclaims.

Then the gates of hell opened over the sky of the city.


POV Isamu

“PLUS ULTRA PROMINENCE BURN!” Endeavor exclaims unleashing his strongest attack against my protective barrier which begins to crack.

Then the purple darkness consumed me…and then spit me in Dabi's direction making me roll on the ground at high speed while my robotic tentacles unfurl from my pack and dig into the ground stopping me shortly after.

I find myself on the ground face up breathing rapidly watching in fascination as the sky turns into a representation of hell. Then I started laughing out loud.

"HAHAHA!" I hold my stomach as I laugh out loud. I knew that Tomura was close, however, the chances of him supporting me were close to 20%. That was close damn it.

"It's good to see you're still breathing." Dabi says extending his hand in my direction. "You scared me for a moment." He whispered, looking away from me.

"You worry about me?" I ask feigning surprise with a shitty grin on my face. I guess he sees me as a kind of surrogate little brother. "Dabi, I think I need a Band-Aid." I smiled cheekily taking his hand and standing up as I brushed off my dusty clothes.

Luckily my clothes are made of a very resistant fiber in addition to the fact that my body has very good durability. Otherwise, I would have several broken bones right now.

“Endeavor has reached his limit.” Says Dabi watching as a fireball descends from the sky and in the center of the fireball is Endeavor who crashes to the ground not far from us causing a powerful shock wave that sends nearby vehicles flying.

"Do you think we can defeat him before the heroes arrive?" Dabi asks me watching as Endeavor walks through the flames and starts walking towards us with heavy breaths as he keeps his body covered in flames.

Just then, behind us, a purple portal appears and Tomura Shigaraki makes an appearance of it with his hands in his pockets as he walks through the portal followed by a cheerful Toga and attentive Kurogiri.

"Hello and welcome to the raid, you're just in time for the boss fight." I salute cheekily with a peace sign in Tomura's direction.

Toga tries to jump towards me but is stopped by Dabi who grabs her by the back of her shirt and scolds her.

“Child Emperor.” Tomura responds with a nod. “Once the second hardest boss drops nothing will stand between the main boss, All Might.” Tomura says with a sadistic smile on his face. Well, I'll use that to my advantage.

"If we work together, All Might will fall, I guarantee it." I say happily giving a thumbs up in his direction as Tomura's eyes light up. I already have you Tomura Shigaraki!

“Child Emperor!” Endeavor exclaims furiously into the distance as he bumps his fists causing huge blasts of fire to spread throughout his surroundings. "I will show you what it means to be the strongest." That is all he says before starting to propel himself using his flames which lift him a few inches off the ground as he rushes toward us with a battle cry.

It's time for the final battle.

"Villains!" I exclaimed standing at the front of the group lighting my red lightsaber again and raising it into the air with a determined look on my face.

Toga unsheaths her knives and twirls them in her hands nimbly as a predatory look settles on her face. At that, Dabi ignites powerful blue flames around his gloves causing him to rise a few inches into the air as a deranged grin spreads across his face.

Tomura creaks his neck and spreads his hands in combat readiness as a vicious grin spreads behind his mask.

Meanwhile, Kurogiri extends his cloudy hands into the air creating a huge portal in front of us while smaller portals spawn around Endeavor.

"Assemble!" I exclaimed pointing my lightsaber in Endeavor's direction and starting to run through the portal with a smile spreading across my face.


Soon after, we began to appear around Endeavor through the portals around him with our battle cries thus beginning a battle that would change the fate of the world.




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