MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia

Chapter 15: Little Manipulator

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Chapter 15 Little Manipulator

3 months later.

POV Izuku

What is a hero? Ever since the day the new S-rank villain Child Emperor appeared, I've asked myself the same question over and over again.

Endeavor was a professional hero, he was one of the pillars of society, the villains were afraid of him and his mere presence of him demanded respect. Now? The name Endeavor fell out of favor after his actions destroyed a part of the city and his dark past came to light.

All caused by a villain who should be the same age as my little brother, at this, a chill runs through my entire body.

Why is he doing all this? Where are their parents? What kind of twisted family would allow something like that? Does he even have a family?

I shake my head quickly, he's a villain… Child Emperor is a villain. Due to his actions, the press has also blamed All Might for not arriving in time to prevent the disaster. All Might was not to blame!

And yet he was forced to apologize in front of the television cameras, since that day, All Might's characteristic smile disappeared.

What is really a hero? What kind of hero do I want to be? I already decided! I want to be a hero who saves everyone with an unwavering smile on my face. At this, I clench my fists with determination.

When I become a hero, I'll catch Child Emperor no matter where he hides and I'll do it with a smile on my face!

At that moment a small hand grabs the back of my shirt causing me to stop moments before a truck speeds past in front of me. I got distracted in my thoughts again, dammit!

"You should be more careful when crossing the street, you don't know when Truck-Kun may attack." My little brother says giggling with a lollipop in his mouth holding the back of my shirt with his small hand while his gaze is focused on his cell phone which he holds with his other hand.

My little brother's instincts are impressive, I'm sure Isamu will be a great pro hero in the future.

At this, my face turns red with embarrassment for being so pathetic. "Thank you, Isamu-chan." I stutter as I lean in front of him at a 90-degree angle. "I'm so sorry, I'm supposed to be the one to protect you and yet it's you who protects me." I stutter quickly. "I'm really pathetic." I whisper helplessly maintaining my bowed position.

Then Isamu taps my forehead lightly with his index finger. "My silly older brother." He says looking carefully at me. "You're not pathetic." He says with a slight shake of his head.

At that, I averted my gaze as my lip started to tremble. "Don't be so dramatic and please don't cry... just don't cry." Says my little brother quickly.

"You always know how to cheer me up." I sigh shakily as a huge smile begins to spread across my face. "Thanks." I whisper.

My little brother simply waves his hand dismissively as we both start to cross the street. "Come on, you promised me that you would take me to the park that I wanted after school." He says leading the way as his gaze returns to his phone.

Without a doubt, I have the best little brother in the world.

Shortly after, we arrived at one of the city parks, I don't understand why Isamu insisted so much on coming to this specific park.

“Why do you look at your phone so much? Is it some kind of game?" I ask with interest.

"Huh, something like that." Is all he says as his eyes scan the surroundings as if he's searching for something. "Can you buy me an ice cream?" Says my little brother pointing to an ice cream stand in the distance.

"Mom said no ice cream." I respond quickly. At this, my little brother uses his secret weapon…puppy dog eyes. He knows I can't resist that. “Okay, okay, but not a word to mom. Wait for me here." I sigh while he smiles brightly.

Sometimes I feel like my little brother manipulates me.

So I headed to the ice cream stand and after a few minutes of standing in a short queue, I went back to where I left my little brother waiting, only to find that he was nowhere to be found.

At that moment my heart starts beating rapidly in panic.

I've lost my little brother!

"Somebody save me!" I hear the scream of my little brother and without thinking twice my feet moved alone in the direction of the scream.

POV Isamu

Due to my intervention in this world, I have completely ruined the plot, so I must take special measures before it is too late.

So while Izuku goes for some ice cream I start one of the biggest fraud operations in modern history.

"Start!" I exclaim through my undetectable comm as a predatory grin spreads across my face.

In that, my view is focused on my phone which is transmitting the real-time location of the target, which is not very far from me. This will be interesting.

Shortly after I find myself approaching a subject who is sitting on a bench in the public park while he watches people with a melancholy and desperate look. It seems like this person hasn't slept in days as he snorts audibly.

It's time to secure the One For All!

Due to the butterfly effect, it is impossible for Izuku to get One For All so there is a 98% chance that the next One For All successor will be Mirio Togata and that is unacceptable to me.

Well, I could get the One For All for myself, however, that would be very troublesome for many reasons and it would be very selfish of me towards Izuku.

So I will manipulate the events so that Izuku gets the One For All.

After all, if things get out of control in the future, Izuku will have to make the most important decision of his life… Be on my side or fight against his little brother.

At this, I walk over to a haggard Toshinori Yagi and sit next to him as he stares at me in surprise. "Can I help you with something, boy?" He questions.

"You look very sad." I say taking out a chocolate from my pocket which I extend in his direction. "Have one of my chocolates, it will make you feel better." I say innocently with a charming smile on my face.

“So low have I fallen that a little kid feels sorry for me.” He whispers before shaking his head and taking the candy bar with a slight but tight smile. "Thanks, kid." He says as he starts eating the chocolate bar.

However, it is not an ordinary chocolate bar…

"Why are you sad?" I asked tilting my head innocently.

He snorts as he finishes eating the dosed chocolate bar. "I'm a fraud, I couldn't save you all and now my old enemy is back." He says slowly as his eyes dilated a bit. "I am pathetic." He says clenching his fists.

 “And what will you do about it? From what I see before me, you are not doing well at all.” I say pointing at him subtly.

"You said it." He sighs.

“My older brother Izuku doesn't have a quirk and yet his dream has always been to be a hero like All Might and save people with a smile on his face. He makes up for his weaknesses with knowledge." I say with a smile as my words catch Toshinori's interest.

"My brother likes to analyze quirks, strengths, and weaknesses, he has many books full of all kinds of information." I say raising my hands in the air to make my point.

"My brother does not give up even though no one believes in his dream and that is why my brother will be an excellent hero." I say with a proud smile on my face.

"What…? What are you trying to tell me, kid?" He asks with a strange look of conflict on his face.

"I'm going to assume that by now you've learned that the world isn't fair and sometimes you get the worst and it's all you get." I say seriously as Toshinori's eyes start to widen little by little with every word I say.

"And if you don't personally do something to fix it, you'll stay like this... forever." Is all I say as Toshinori's breath quickens with his eyes wide open as if he has received divine revelation.

It should be noted that the chocolate I gave him is affecting his logical thought process, which benefits me.

“Live your life, look for what you want! What else could matter!” I exclaim jumping to my feet and spreading my arms theatrically with a joyous smile on my face.

“Kid… “What is your name?” He asks as he clenches his fists in determination.

"I am Isamu Midoriya the little brother of the next symbol of peace, believe it!" I exclaim with a sly smile on my face

"Maybe... just maybe." He whispers looking at me intently, however, we are interrupted when a figure wearing a costume jumps out of a tree and lands right behind me in a superhero landing.

“Super Quick Capture Move!” The subject exclaims carrying me on his shoulders before comically starting to run. "Do not scream! Scream all you want!" Exclaims my nice kidnapper.

You are reading story MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia at

Toshinori's eyes widen in shock trying to understand what just happened as the steam begins to come out of his entire body, however, he cannot transform into All Might at this time.

After all, lately, when All Might runs out of energy he comes to this park to sit on a bench for hours watching people with a depressed look on his face due to the guilt he feels.

I have taken many precautions for this moment.

"Somebody save me!" I exclaim dramatically fighting the urge to laugh out loud watching as All Might in his emaciated form starts running after me alongside a panicked Izuku.

"Release my little brother!" Izuku exclaims running after Twice as he tries to call the police, however to no avail due to the entire area being without coverage along with all the security cameras being disabled due to scheduled maintenance.

Next to Izuku is All Might in his emaciated form breathing heavily as he tries to reach Twice who is running at full speed while carrying me on his shoulders.

“They will never catch me! They're going to catch me!" He exclaims Twice stopping under a bridge on the outskirts of the park away from civilians and prying eyes as Izuku and Toshinori surround him.

I guess I have to do my part. "I'm scared!" I exclaim dramatically hitting Twice's back lightly with my little hands.

It's your time to shine Izuku I have prepared everything for you!

“Don't be scared! Why?! Because I am here!” Izuku exclaims with a smile on his face as he takes a determined step forward and throws his heavy backpack in the direction of Twice's face under Toshinori's stunned gaze.

At this, the backpack hits Twice's face. "Ouch!" He exclaims before falling to the ground clutching his head as Izuku's books end up around him. In that, I nimbly free myself from his grip and start running towards Izuku.

"Izuku!" I exclaim bumping into Izuku's chest hiding my huge evil smile while Izuku hugs me and tells me that everything will be fine.

"I didn't want it to come to this but they leave me no choice." Twice says ominously standing up. "My most powerful move." He says pulling a tape measure from his belt.

“Super move of…” Is all Twice says before being interrupted by a powerful gust of wind produced by a muscular All Might causing Twice to be propelled into a nearby wall, knocking him into it and knocking him unconscious.

I wince as I look at the unconscious Twice. That must have hurt, I have to make it up to him later.

“I really… I really have rusted.” All Might says breathing heavily as steam covers his entire body and he quickly returns to his emaciated form, under Izuku's stunned gaze.

“Master, I found the one.” He whispers looking at Izuku.

Then a police car quickly arrived and a woman in a police hat and uniform got out of the car.

"Well, I hope he hasn't caused too much trouble." She says pointing at Twice. "I was supposed to watch him." She says clasping her fingers together nervously and then proceeds to handcuff Twice who conveniently regained consciousness.

"Oh no!" Twice says dramatically looking at the handcuffs on his hands.

“I'll take this delinquent…” She says as she stays silent for a few seconds before looking directly at me with a face flushed with embarrassment.

She forgot her line! Toga you only had one job!

"Thanks for your help, now, bye!" She quickly improvises by putting Twice in the police car before speeding away.

It's lucky that All Might isn't that smart other than the fact that he's under the influence of my special candy bar. Any other hero would have suspected Toga!

However, both Izuku and Toshinori ignored all of this as they continued to stare at each other. "You are All Might!" Izuku exclaims pointing at the haggard peace symbol.

"Oh!" I exclaim covering my mouth feigning surprise and avoiding bursting into laughter.

"I'll need you both to keep what I'm about to tell you a secret." Toshinori snorts before telling us about his injury, his feud with All For One, and how he's back now.

After a few minutes, Izuku finally asks the most important question. "Do you think I can become a hero despite not having any quirks?" He asks determinedly looking All Might straight in the eye.

At this, I take out a lollipop from my backpack and start eating it while enjoying the fruits of my planning.

“You have the determination and heart of a hero, I saw it with my own eyes… you.” Says All Might in his gaunt form pointing at Izuku as the wind blows in our direction making the situation even more dramatic.

"You can become a hero." He says seriously causing Izuku to clutch his chest tightly as tears of happiness start running down his face.

My silly big brother is such a crybaby.

“And that is why you will become my successor.” He says quickly transforming into his muscular form as his trademark smile for the first time in months spreads across his face.

After all, young Izuku, fate brought us together today!” All Might exclaims throwing his fist up in the air.

If only they knew.

POV Third Person

“The little boss is definitely scary! He is fantastic! " Twice exclaims with a hand on his chin looking down from the top of a building.

"Isamu-chan is a little manipulator." Toga hums with a smile on her face as she wears a police hat. "However, he really cares about his family." She whispers.

Then All Might begins to explain his quirk as Izuku listens intently and Isamu just continues to eat his lollipop with a calculating look on his face.

"You need to strengthen your muscles, otherwise your body won't…" is all All Might says before Isamu quickly cuts him off by lifting Izuku's shirt to their surprise.

"What are you doing?!" Izuku exclaims red-faced with embarrassment as his muscles are visible.

"Izuku has been training hard to be a hero." Isamu says cheekily pointing at Izuku's muscles as All Might nods his head. Isamu doesn't have the patience to wait for a silly clichéd training sequence.

“I was thinking of a multi-month training routine but your current physique will suffice.” All Might says pulling out a hair from his head and extending it in Izuku's direction. "Now, young Izuku, eat." All Might says turning back to his gaunt form as he coughs a bit.


At that moment, a victorious smile spread across Isamu's face as Izuku acquired the One For All.

1 month later

You gave a kid you barely know the One For All?!” Gran Torino whispers jumping up and hitting All Might on the head. "You're stupid?" Gran Torino asks raising an eyebrow at him as they both walk down a long hallway.

“He has the heart and determination of a hero.” All Might says proudly massaging the bump on his head. "And with his little brother supporting him, I'm sure young Izuku will go a long way with the right training." He says smiling and giving a thumbs up.

"You really are stupid, Toshinori." Gran Torino says shaking his head. "However, there are more important things to do right now than clean up your messes." He growls as the two reach the end of the hall and enter a large room filled with pro heroes and cops. They two are the last to arrive.

At this, All Might's eyes widen in surprise as he looks at the people who are leading the meeting.





"Welcome to the assault group."


You can find story with these keywords: MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia, Read MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia, MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia novel, MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia book, MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia story, MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia full, MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia Latest Chapter

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