MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia

Chapter 29: Gremlins

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Chapter 29 Gremlins

POV Child Emperor (Clone Leader)

Twice's quirk can easily be considered one of the most powerful quirks in this world, the potential is limitless… However, it's a shame that in the anime his potential was wasted for the sake of the plot.

That is something that I will never do and that is why the idea of the Hydra Compound or H Compound for short arose. A temporary artificial Quirk created from Twice's DNA!

At first, the idea of replicating Twice's quirk seemed simple… until my test subject blew up to pieces along with a part of my underground lab!

It doesn't matter what, every result ends up the same way. The host's body explodes into a thousand pieces after a certain amount of time. However, thanks to the constant supply of clones produced by Twice, testing continued.

By now I have lost count of how many clones of me sacrificed themselves in the name of science, all of them with smiles on their faces. After all, Compound H is only in an early stage of development so there is a lot of wiggle room for the future.

At the moment, I guess the only way to stabilize Compound H is through a massive genetic modification process, in other words, turn the recipient into some kind of monstrous, misshapen nomu with various quirks capable of keeping Compound H stable.

And that's a big No~No!

On the bright side, the current Compound H works as a sort of nerfed version of Twice's quirk. I can only spawn 12 clones of myself, these clones can't clone themselves and they won't be as tough or intelligent as the original, plus they can dispel at will whenever they want. However, it will be enough to hold the heroes back long enough to complete our evil plan.

Inevitably for me, my end will be in an artistic and spectacular explosion in approximately 10 minutes, when the countdown on my watch reaches zero… It is the price to pay that I will gladly accept with a smile on my face.

So I'm going to enjoy these moments to the fullest!

“Chaos and Fun!” I exclaim energetically pressing a button on the side of my iron throne, this causes small compartments to emerge from the floor, which contains some backpacks and some gadgets from our Arsenal of Chaos.

"An Infinite Game!" The clones exclaim happily in unison with their fists in the air before taking up their weapons and beginning to slowly advance towards the heroes with predatory looks on their faces.

"Chaos Clones, Attack!"

POV Eraser Head

Hours before.

"I don't like this mission at all, Nezu, there are too many inconsistencies." I whisper, massaging my forehead because of the migraine. In a few minutes, the raiding party will leave for the Hydra base of operations, however, this feeling inside me warns me that this is a bad idea, a very bad idea.

"Your instincts are not wrong, the chances of a trap are increasing." Nezu hums holding a cup of tea before taking a sip. “Still, this is an opportunity to gather information about Hydra, how many people are in this organization? How many bases do they have? What is its true purpose? Child Emperor is the key to everything.” He says seriously placing the cup of tea on the table while he watches me carefully.

“Possibly, Child Emperor is the result of some kind of twisted experiment by this criminal organization, possibly from a very young age…Humans are very vile creatures.” Nezu whispers with a dark look causing my body to tense up.

In my career as a hero, I have managed to determine a harsh truth that is hidden from the majority of the public to maintain trust in the heroes... It is impossible to save everyone and Child Emperor is one of those unfortunate victims of circumstance

"What is your plan, Nezu?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him. I hope he's not thinking of something as risky as…

"Rescue Child Emperor from the clutches of Hydra, then he will become my personal student under the protection of U.A and be reformed!" Nezu exclaims happily with a strange twinkle in his eyes as a chill runs through my body.

Child Emperor needs therapy, lots of therapy…Although, maybe Nezu can make him a hero…Who am I kidding? they'll most likely end up blowing up the school... and much of Japan in the process. This is a terrible idea!

At this, I sigh audibly. "Anything else?" I ask heading towards the door with a strong headache. This is not going to end well.

"Prepare for anything." Nezu hums.

Back to the present.

Prepare for anything?

Going through a forest full of traps and robots with stun weapons...

Fighting against a twisted artificial intelligence...

Dancing against my will and having the most embarrassing and uncomfortable moment of my life…

And now this?

Nezu, I regret to inform you that this troublesome child will never set foot on the U.A grounds as long as I breathe.

"Don't move and let me electrocute you!" A Child Emperor clone exclaims, jumping towards me as he swings a Warhammer covered in electricity.

At this, I nimbly jump back, dodging the clone's attack as the Warhammer crashes into the ground a few inches from me, causing a small crater. "You are amazing, Aizawa-sensei." He hums slowly causing me to shudder at the thought. The little gremlin knows how to get under my skin.

Dealing with Child Emperor is troublesome, however, it's even more troublesome to deal with a dozen of his clones…

“SK8 Chaos Skateboard!” Another gremlin exclaims, quickly approaching me and using some kind of skateboard propelled by a couple of small rockets as he laughs out loud.

I don't get paid enough for this!

At this, I snort slightly and adjust my glasses as I sent my capture weapon at him. However, a small ramp emerges from the ground which is used by the little gremlin to rise into the air and perform a series of somersaults while he dodges my capture weapon and pounces on my head using his skateboard as a weapon.

I won't be able to dodge the blow in time, so I immediately use my arms to protect my head from the skateboard, then a strong impact on my arms makes me take a couple of steps back and grit my teeth. That blow would have been enough to knock me out if it had hit my head.

"7 Points!" He exclaims walking away a few meters and skateboarding around me like he's stalking me like a predator while the other gremlin is trying to lift the Warhammer out of the small crater in the ground with both hands.

"Huh, shouldn't this thing weigh less?" He grunts, lifting the Warhammer with difficulty from the ground before small currents of electricity begin to surround the hammer again.

"For the original it is so, our resistance is limited at the moment." The other gremlin skateboarding around me he says with a shrug as chaos unfolds throughout the throne room.

Before starting the operation, during the operation, and right now… Child Emperor has only been playing with us… A twisted and vile game!

"Catch Me If You Can!" Both gremlins exclaim happily in unison, at that, one of them starts running towards me swinging the Warhammer while the other gremlin skates at full speed towards me and leans his body forward.

I'm beginning to believe that Child Emperor is not a victim of Hydra as he has led us to believe...

Manipulative little brat.

POV Third Person

While Eraser Head fights against two clones, the rest of the heroes also have their own battles.

"Damn, I still haven't recovered from the fatigue, however, this situation calls for extra effort." Midnight whispers holding her whip tightly as three clones surround her.

“Do they think the same as me?” One of the clones asked innocently, unsheathing a light-up whip from his belt and looking Midnight up and down as the clone's eyes sparkled mischievously. At this, the two clones on Midnight's sides smile and nod before reaching their hands into their pockets.

Midnight knows that the only option at the moment is to try to distract the clones and take advantage of any opening to snatch the gas mask from them and put them to sleep with her quirk.

"I usually only do this with adult villains, but desperate situations call for desperate measures." She whispers before shaking her head and smirking.

"Nice whip honey, are you trying to make up for something?" Midnight asks seductively trying to confuse the clones and take them by surprise.

"Onee-chan~, you can be arrested for trying to seduce us." He hums one of the clones cheekily pulling some kind of switch out of his pocket.

"You need an appropriate punishment." Another clone says cruelly taking another switch out of his pocket.

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Upon her failure, Midnight quickly swings her whip in the direction of one of the switches held by one of the clones. However, a light-up whip wraps around her hand stopping her attack. "Shame!" The clone holding the light-up whip exclaims by pressing a small button before an electrical current runs through his whip shocking Midnight.

"Kyaaa!" Midnight exclaims falling to her knees and gritting her teeth as she quickly breaks free of the whip that was immobilizing her. "You will pay for that." She grunts slightly trying to stand up.

"Oh? And what are you going to do about it, hero? Punish us?” The clone holding the whip hums, hitting the ground with his whip of lights as if it were some kind of signal.

At that moment, the two clones on her sides press the switches causing small sprinklers to emerge from the ground around her and immediately begin to spray a viscous liquid on her.

"What is this?!" Midnight stammers in a panic watching wide-eyed as her hero suit begin to melt. "Perverted brats!" She exclaims shakily standing up and holding her whip tightly as what's left of her clothing falls to the ground.

Then the whip with lights hits her butt lightly. “Nice butt.” The clone that swings the whip with lights chuckles causing Midnight's face to turn red in embarrassment after being humiliated in this way.

"Shame! Shame!" One of the clones exclaims, waving a small bell as robotic tentacles slowly emerge from his backpack.

"Onee-Chan~, let's play doctor!" Another clone cheekily exclaims laughing as robotic tentacles also emerge from his backpack, at which, the three clones with mischievous grins behind their gas masks begin to slowly approach her.

"You guys... You've really made me angry." Midnight whispers with a terrifying look on her face causing the clones to stop and their bodies shudder. They woke up a sleeping beast.

"Something's not right with her, guys." One of the clones whispers. "She was supposed to panic after losing all of her clothes." He whispers as Midnight activates her quirk causing thick pink smoke to billow around her.

"Don't be afraid! Our technology is superior!” One of the clones exclaims swinging his whip with lights in the air. However, Midnight's whip cuts through the column of smoke at an impressive speed and wraps around the clone's leg causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground. "Huh?" Is all he says before being pulled into the column of thick smoke.

"This was not part of the plan! Help me!" The scream of the clone is heard within the thick smoke along with the noise of some struggle causing the two remaining clones to take a couple of steps back as sweat breaks down their faces before exchanging glances between them.

Visibility is nil so they can only make assumptions. “Stop… If this continues… I'm going to lose my…”

"Silence... bad kids deserve to be punished." They hear Midnight hum seductively within the smokescreen as a backpack rolls across the ground toward them causing the eyes of the two clones in the distance to widen.

"Death by Snu Snu!" They exclaim in alarm.




At that moment, all the smoke is immediately dissipated by an erratic Midnight. "I'm not a degenerate! Dirty-minded brats!” She exclaims indignantly pointing at both clones with her hand. "At least not that kind of degenerate." She quickly whispers, blushing slightly before shaking her head.

On the ground behind her is the other clone intact, but wrapped around Midnight's whip, breathing hard as his hands and legs are bound. “I almost lost my…Gas mask.” He cheekily says stifling a laugh and releasing one of his hands as his gaze zeroes in on Midnight's ass.

Then the clone's hand pulls Midnight by the foot with all his might causing her to lose her balance slightly and begin to slump backward with wide eyes as her butt precipitates towards the clone's face on the ground.

At this, the clone's eyes twinkle with amusement. “Muahahaha! Mmmm.” Is all he says before his face is smashed into Midnight's butt, causing his body to dissolve into a slime-like liquid.

"Kyaaa!" Midnight exclaims covered in this liquid as the other two clones have horrified looks on their faces. "This is not what it seems." She stammers rapidly as her face begins to flush.

"I knew it!" One of the clones exclaims, pointing his hand in Midnight's direction as his robotic tentacles hover erratically above him.

"She did it on purpose!" The other clone exclaims, clenching his fists as his robotic tentacles embed themselves into the ground, suspending him in the air.

"You really are a degenerate!" They exclaim in unison as they charge toward Midnight.




To be continued...

Bonus >  Christmas cliché message from the Author:

Happy Holidays to all my readers of this exciting story and…



**Intercepted transmission**



"Well done, Red-Kun!" Isamu exclaims.

"I am not worthy of your flattery! I am only a faithful servant of the glorious and…" Red-King exclaims proudly inside a small laptop.

"Shut up, we don't have much time." Dabi snorts.

"Brother, don't be rude and stick to the plan." Shoto whispers monotonously.

"Why are we dressed in red? And why am I carrying a sack? Will we kidnap someone? Will there be blood involved? Tell me to open blood!" Toga exclaims happily.

"Woof~Woof." Rover barks.

"Rover is right! I am also very happy to be here with my friends and my new family! Very happy!" Twice exclaims rubbing his nose.

"Everyone to your positions and light the Hydra-Signal!" Isamu exclaims walking away from a stationary camera as Shoto shines a searchlight on top of a strange futuristic sled.

At this, the symbol of Hydra becomes visible in the night sky of the city.

"Five! Four! Three!" Isamu exclaims happily starting a countdown.



"Merry Christmas!!!

Then the stationary camera took the photograph that they would all treasure in the future.




You can find story with these keywords: MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia, Read MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia, MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia novel, MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia book, MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia story, MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia full, MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia Latest Chapter

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