MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia

Chapter 31: A Little Problem

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Chapter 31 A little problem

Months ago.

After the Endeavor fiasco and coming under public scrutiny, the Hero Public Safety Commission momentarily halted any suspicious and immoral activity within their facility. However, this did not stop some of the board members from secretly funding illegal animal research.

In a small illegal laboratory located inside an abandoned warehouse.

"The tests carried out on experiment 626 show that the specimen is stronger than we thought." A scientist hisses, his face covered in recent scars as he stands in front of a screen communicating with the Hero Commission trying to get more funding for his twisted experiments.

“Without clear and concise results we will not be able to continue financing your research, therefore we will have to look for another person who meets the expectations.” A member of the board of directors of the Hero Commission says seriously crossing his arms on the other side of the screen.

This of course infuriates the scientist. “I have invested a lot of time, effort, and blood in this investigation!” The scientist exclaims angrily pointing at the scars on his face before calming down and huffing.

A few days ago, experiment 626 attempted to escape causing several scars on the scientist's face, however, the experiment was quickly contained due to the failsafe implemented by the scientist.

"Experiment 626 is the only specimen that has managed to successfully adapt to the tests, not to mention the ability to regenerate cells in the quirk factor, so it is possible that the experiment will develop new abilities in the future." He hisses with a crooked smile spreading across his face.

“With sufficient funding, the potential will be limitless!” He exclaims with a manic glint in his eye and spreads his arms out dramatically. “A weapon of mass destruction capable of dealing with all the enemies of the Hero Commission or even the genetic structure data from the experiment could be instrumental in achieving… Immortality!” The scientist hisses, licking his lips.

This elicits a look of interest from the executive. “We will reconsider increasing the funding and…” This is all the executive says before someone else quickly approaches him and whispers a few things in his ear causing the executive's eyes to narrow. “I have just been informed that a few minutes ago there was an intrusion into our system…”

*Connection lost*

At that moment, the power in the laboratory is interrupted causing the emergency lights to come on. “A general power failure? It's impossible, this can only mean one thing… Prepare for combat and establish contact with the Hero Commission again! We are under attack!” The scientist exclaims pointing at his subordinates before an explosion blows up the main door of the laboratory.

"Dammit, the Hero Commission was supposed to keep heroes away from this area." The scientist hissed introducing his hand into his mouth and pulling out a small switch that was kept inside him thanks to his quirk that gives him some reptilian qualities.

Immediately afterward, the screams of his subordinates do not wait as he begins to approach a small cell where experiment 626 is contained quickly...

Inside the cell stands a small, emaciated puppy with three sets of eyes quivering in fear in a corner with a powerful electric collar around his neck.

"I have a task for you, monster."

POV Isamu

Moments before.

I am on top of an abandoned building in the industrial zone of the city under the moonlight while carrying out a very important telephone conversation.

"Mom, it's just a pajama party, you have nothing to worry about, your cute and obedient son won't cause any trouble." I chuckled holding my phone as a variety of weapons unfolded from my backpack. "And it should be noted that Izuku texts me every two hours to check if I'm okay." I whisper quickly before snorting.

“You know that we always care a lot about you.” Inko whispers with her motherly tone causing my little heart to clench. She and Izuku really care about me and that's why I always have people protecting them in the shadows when I'm not with them.

I won't make the foolish mistake of leaving my family unprotected!

"Have fun honey and remember not to eat so many sweets... God only knows why you never get cavities." She laughs slightly.

“I love you, mom… Bye~Bye.” I say ending the call and putting my phone away while a goofy smile spreads across my face which doesn't go unnoticed by the only person accompanying me on this adventure.

"Do you want me to give you a hug? You can close your eyes and imagine that I am your mother.” Dabi says with his hands in his pockets taunting me as a shitty grin spreads across his face before a robotic tentacle shoots out of my backpack and slams into his stomach.

This causes him to fall to the ground clutching his stomach before starting to laugh out loud. "Baka." I whisper, looking away as I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

Despite being a genius, despite being considered an S-Rank villain and being the leader of an evil organization… My cognitive process is mostly influenced by the brain of a child. Although that's not so bad.

"It was just a joke, kid." Dabi says standing up and shaking his clothes a bit before turning his gaze to a seemingly abandoned warehouse in the distance. "And good? What's the plan?" He asks seriously taking out a pair of white gloves from his pocket with the Hydra symbol on them before putting them on.

These gloves are an upgraded version of his previous gloves, therefore they are even more destructive and deadly.

"I can set the whole place on fire with a snap of my fingers and get this over with quickly... Then I can be back in time for dinner with my little brothers." Dabi snorts. Ever since Dabi was reunited with his family, he has been trying hard to make up for lost time and catch up with his brothers.

“Sorry to make you come abruptly.” I say holding up a finger. “However, Toga and Twice are in their mandatory night music classes and besides you were the closest person I could find in this short amount of time.” I say nodding my head like it's the most logical choice.

“A few minutes ago, I hacked into the Hero Commission database out of boredom and discovered that illegal tests on animals that possess some kind of quirk are being carried out in this apparently abandoned warehouse.” I say seriously causing Dabi to narrow his eyes in the direction of the warehouse.

Animals that possess a Quirk are very rare in today's society, therefore many of these animals end up on the black market or in some unfortunate cases in the hands of mad scientists. It should be noted that Nezu was the result of the latter.

"I'm sure they managed to detect my presence in their database, so they will soon delete all evidence including this facility." I hum as a crooked smile begins to spread across my face before I grab my gas mask from inside my backpack. "I think it's time to adopt a pet." I say putting on the gas mask and thus hiding my creepy smile.

"You have no choice." Dabi snorts scratching his head with a small smile on his face as I start to run toward the edge of the building.

"Keep an eye on the outside and don't intervene unless it's a life or death situation!" I exclaim happily jumping off the roof of the building before starting to propel myself with the help of my rocket shoes towards the front door of the warehouse.

You are reading story MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia at

At that moment, I press a small switch on my watch causing a total power failure in the entire area as well as blocking communications.

Then a couple of missiles are fired from my backpack and hit the front door of the warehouse, causing a huge hole. "Good... Night!" I exclaim brazenly entering through the hole while all the eyes of those present are fixed on me.

Most of these people are petty criminals, so there are no commission members or heroes here. They do this so they don't get involved in case some hero or the police discover this place and connect the dots. Well played.

At this, I quickly draw from my belt two small spheres in the form of Pokeballs which I call Hydraballs and throw them in the direction of the crowd. “Underdog Man! I choose you!" I exclaim with a smile behind my gas mask.

“Huh? He's just a kid with stupid toys playing hero." One of the villains taunts holding a bat before a robotic fist slam into his face and I send him flying into a wall startling the rest of the crowd.

"Underdog Man!" Two humanoid dog-like robots exclaim in unison with their robotic voices having emerged from the Hydraballs thanks to my compression technology.

“I recognize that gas mask… He is Child Emperor!” Another unfortunate villain exclaims in panic, taking a few steps back before a powerful robotic kick hits him and smashes him to the ground, knocking him out instantly.

Then my ferocious robotic dogs began mercilessly kicking butt and breaking bones all over the place while I calmly walked past various unconscious bodies. These minions don't pose a threat to me, so my main goal is to find out what kind of twisted experiments are going on in this place, steal the data, and possibly adopt a cute little dog with superpowers.

However, since I entered these facilities I have not seen a single animal... Shit.

The evil of the human being knows no limits. Stupid heroes! Stupid villains! Stupid adults! When I get my hands on the scientist responsible for this...

"Die you fucking brat! My armor is indestructible!” One of the idiots exclaims from a distance covering his entire muscular body with metal and starting to run in my direction. "Your mommy is not here to save you!" He exclaims with a crooked smile on his face as he rushes over to me.

"I'm really not in the mood right now." I grunt as a huge boxing glove unfurls from my pack and hovers protectively over me causing electricity to swirl around it.

I don't plan to hold back with these monsters.

“Nothing will…” is all he says before my huge boxing glove hits him at full power, breaking many of his bones and smashing him to the ground causing a crater.

"I guess being an adult doesn't mean you're strong." I huff my hands in my pockets away from the unconscious monster inside the crater and start toward a still-running laptop. In that, a small robotic tentacle unfolds from my backpack and connects to the USB port of the computer, thus extracting all the classified information.

At that moment, some images play through the visors of my gas mask as well as the final notes from the scientist in charge causing a disgusted look on my face.

*Experiment 626 Successful and awaiting further funding for additional testing.*

In that, a movement in the distance catches my attention. "So you are the intruder~ And from what I see you are behind my investigation." A voice hisses from the darkness before a silhouette begins to slowly walk towards me and becomes visible moments later.

In front of me is the scientist responsible for these cruel experiments! However, he is not alone.

"It is impolite to enter a scientist's laboratory without an invitation." He hisses cruelly holding some kind of switch in his hands as a small, quivering pup with a strange collar around his neck stands in front of the scientist protectively.

"As a reward or rather as a punishment, I will let you taste firsthand the fruit of my research." He hisses with a manic glint in his eye before immediately pressing the switch between his hands. This causes a strong electrical current to begin swirling around the pup, who staggers and whimpers in pain before beginning to growl.

"Stop! You're hurting him! Bastard!" I exclaim in fury as my robotic tentacles unfurl from my backpack along with other bladed weapons and prepare to attack the scientist mercilessly. I will cut him into thousands of pieces!

However, an explosion of smoke spreads around the pup, completely covering it as the scientist smiles cruelly. "The best medicines always have a bitter taste." He hisses, licking his lips with his long tongue before the smoke covers him completely.

Inside the smoke screen, I can watch wide-eyed as the silhouette of a dog begins to grow larger and larger before a huge tail slam into my small body and I am sent flying into a nearby wall.

*Critical damage to the protective barrier*

*Critical damage in gas mask*

"Ouch." I grunt in pain pulling myself up off the ground as my breathing becomes erratic from shortness of breath caused by a failure in my gas mask upon impact. So with no other options, I took off the gas mask and threw it to the ground, exposing my face before spitting some blood on the ground.

Luckily my protective barrier activated in time otherwise I would have ended up seriously injured or even worse. My face is now completely uncovered, however, there are no cameras in the warehouse for obvious reasons and most of the scientist's subordinates are unconscious so I have nothing to worry about except the scientist.

At that moment a loud roar is heard throughout the place causing all the smoke to be dissipated immediately. "Hey brat, do you need help in there?" Dabi's voice echoes through my watch.

“Don't worry, it's just…” I whisper with a defiant smile spreading across my face as I wipe some blood from my mouth and gaze in fascination at a huge titan dog in front of me.

"…A little problem..."




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