MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia

Chapter 8: Problem Child

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Chapter 8 Problem Child

POV Shota Aizawa

I activate my capture weapon and start running in the direction of the self-styled Child Emperor while my companions proceed to make some attacks to distract him. Present Mic's sonic wave will be powerful enough to stun him and then Midnight and I will be able to capture him without doing too much damage to the kid.

None of us wants to hurt a little kid, but we have to do our job as professional heroes.

"Showtime!" Exclaims Child Emperor activating an umbrella in front of him protecting himself with a hexagonal barrier from Present Mic's sonic attack which makes his attack deflect in different directions. How many gadgets does this kid have? Did he manufacture them? If so… such an ability is terrifying for someone his age.

That was quite impressive for a child, however, I must not consider him a child… I must consider him a villain.

“You're being a bad boy! Very bad!" Midnight exclaims as her whip smashes into Child Emperor's shield over and over again. “It's time to discipline you! Whip of love!” She exclaims as a thick purple mist unfurls from her whip covering Child Emperor's surroundings.

The fog will have no effect on the boy due to his gas mask, however, it will be thick enough to affect his visibility. Given this, I cover my nose and mouth with my bandages so as not to be affected by the gas and quickly proceed to position myself behind the boy, sending my capture weapon against him.

At that moment, the automated weapons suspended above the boy spring to life and lunge at me blocking my capture weapon as a giant boxing glove hits the ground inches from me creating a small crater. I perform some evasive maneuvers nimbly backing away from a giant drill and chainsaw.

He is dangerous, very dangerous.

“Do they plan to attack me from all directions? That's so cool!" Child Emperor exclaims as he blocks another sonic wave with his shield causing all the gas around him to be dissipated by the wind.

We cannot get close enough to make an effective attack without causing severe damage to the child. This is complicated.

"You guys are holding back, it's very considerate of you, however, at this rate you'll end up defeated or worse." He says swaying back and forth with a smile behind his mask.

"It's my turn to attack, get ready!" Exclaims Child Emperor extending his hands in Midnight's direction as large robotic tentacle-like limbs quickly unfurl from his backpack and lunge at Midnight taking her by surprise.

"What the hell?" Midnight exclaims performing some acrobatic jumps backward nimbly dodging some of the tentacles while she uses her whip to hit one of the tentacles causing it to break in half and fall to the ground with some sparks.

Midnight isn't the only person under attack. Present Mic uses his quirk to deflect a huge blade that was headed in his direction of him.

As for me, I'm using my capture weapon to protect myself from a huge chainsaw trying to cut me in half. My capture weapon is made of a special metal alloy which makes it extremely durable, however, sparks begin to rain down on me.

Then Child Emperor starts laughing out loud as one of the mechanical tentacles wraps around Midnight's leg and begins to rapidly travel all over her body immobilizing her and suspending her in midair.

“Let go of me this instant!” Midnight exclaims unable to move any limbs.

“You are trapped at the mercy of my mechanical tentacles. Aren't you excited? I'm about to fulfill your darkest fantasy." Child Emperor says cheekily as Midnight's eyes widen in horror.

This is bad, very bad… I must stop this as soon as possible.

"It's a joke!" Exclaims Child Emperor raising both hands in the air theatrically. "Don't worry, I'm not a pervert." He says, snapping his fingers causing an electrical current to start covering his mechanical tentacles which causes Midnight to start receiving a strong electric shock.

At that, my capture weapon quickly wrapped around heavy rock and sent it in Child Emperor's direction as I took a small stun grenade from my belt and threw it at the same time.

"Let's see how long you can hold out before you pass out." Child Emperor says with interest as a giant drill cuts the rock I threw into several pieces, however, hidden behind the rock was the stun grenade which explodes as a blinding light covers the entire center of the arena.

This causes Midnight to be thrown to the ground as the robotic tentacles quickly return to the center of the arena where the light from the stun grenade was fading.

On the ground is Midnight struggling to get back up through clenched teeth, however, her arms begin to shake and she collapses in on herself with a groan of pain.

A feeling of rage spreads throughout my body seeing one of my friends in such a state, I must capture this villain as quickly as possible so that he doesn't hurt anyone I care about again. "Resist Midnight." I whisper.

In the center of the arena is Child Emperor holding his stomach as his body begins to tremble. I didn't want to use a stun grenade on a child, however, the situation called for it.

“That hidden stun grenade attack…” Child Emperor says with his distorted childish voice holding his stomach as his body trembles. "It was amazing!" He exclaims starting to laugh out loud. “So much emotion, so much adrenaline, so much danger.” He says quickly throwing his hands up in the air. "This is fun... It's so much fun!" He exclaims.

Apparently, his gas mask is not just an ordinary gas mask. This is problematic, I'm sure Nezu would be delighted to meet this problematic child.

“Will they keep~ underestimating me?” Child Emperor hums as he points his weird umbrella at me which has now transformed into some kind of sniper rifle. "Game Over." He says as a strange energy begins to gather around his weapon.

“NOOO!!!!!” Present Mic shouts without holding back as a massive sonic wave heads towards Child Emperor destroying everything in its path. This causes him to lose interest in me as his weapon transforms into his shield and quickly the hexagonal barrier covers him. However, Present Mic continues screaming without stopping.

Present Mic is using too much power in his attack, he will end up seriously hurting the kid or something much worse. In that, I use my quirk in Present Mic to prevent him from doing something he'll regret for the rest of his life. "Hizashi, it's already over." I whisper walking in his direction as the entire arena is destroyed.

Present Mic seems to have regained some sense as he falls to his knees looking at the destruction around him, as Midnight stumbles a bit closer to us while placing a hand on Hizashi's shoulder. Then as if on cue Hizashi starts shedding some tears. "I thought I was going to kill you with that weapon, Shota... I don't want to lose another one of my companions." He says clenching his fists before his eyes go wide.

"We have to help the boy, Shota, I overdid it with my quirk." Says Present Mic rising quickly to his feet with a look of horror plastered on his face as his breathing begins to quicken.

"Do you think the child?" Midnight asks me with a hint of uncertainty in her pained voice as she stares at the plume of smoke in front of us.

I just sigh as I clench my fists tightly watching the destruction caused by Present Mic as various pro heroes start arriving in the area due to all the commotion.

"Stupid problem child." I whisper through clenched teeth.

POV Third Person

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“Eraser Head! Midnight! Present Mic!” Ingenium exclaims using his quirk to quickly propel himself to where the three heroes are. "They are fine? I heard a loud explosion coming from this place.” Says Ingenium quickly with his face full of sweat from having fought against some villains on his way.

At the same time, one of the doors that gives access to the arena collapses and Snipe makes his entrance along with Ectoplasm.

Outside the compound numerous police officers and low-level pro heroes are cordoning off the area to prevent the remaining villains from escaping, by now most of the villains have already been captured.

"The situation is complicated." That is all that Eraser Head says with a strange look toward the column of smoke that spreads throughout the arena.

"You don't have to worry, the reinforcements are already here." Says Ingenium smiling behind his hero mask, however, a strange sound makes all nearby heroes tense up.

The sound belongs to a distorted child laugh coming from the center of the arena which is full of smoke and debris.

"What's that?" Ingenium asks with a bit of nervousness in his voice.

"The complicated situation." Eraser Head replies sharing a sigh of relief with Present Mic and Midnight realizing that Child Emperor is not dead.

Snipe quickly draws his gun and points in the direction of the sound as Ectoplasm begins to make several clones that begin to surround the arena.

"What are we dealing with, Eraser Head?" asks one of the Ectoplasm clones.

"An A-rank villain." Says Eraser Head seriously making nearby heroes take the threat seriously. “There is only one drawback.” He says sighing.

In that, a small silhouette begins to become visible in the center of the smokescreen while a small glow becomes larger and larger.

“He is a problem child.” Eraser Head says squinting at the silhouette as a large blast of energy shoots in his direction causing all the smoke to be immediately dissipated by the shockwave.

A large explosion occurs against one of the walls behind the heroes who dodged the attack as they quickly prepare to counterattack only to stop when they see who they would have to fight.

In the center of the arena stands Child Emperor suspended in the air above the height of a normal adult thanks to his robotic tentacles. He holds a smoking sniper umbrella in his hands with an array of weapons deployed from his backpack suspended protectively above him.

The newly arrived heroes' eyes widen in shock, unable to believe their eyes.

“A little kid? My god, he's smaller than my brother." Ingenium whispers with mixed feelings.

"Child! You find yourself surrounded by professional heroes! You can't escape, don't make this harder!" Snipe exclaims, pointing his gun at the kid with doubt plastered all over his face.

"Please kid, enough is enough." Says Present Mic weakly.

"You have a whole future ahead of you, darling, don't ruin it." Midnight says with a pleading look in her eyes, despite being electrocuted by the child, she still believes that the child can be corrected. After all, he is just a little kid.

"Kid, whatever it is, we heroes can help you, you don't have to keep doing this, you'll end up killing yourself." Eraser Head says seriously clenching his fists.

"Even if you manage to evade us, the police and more heroes are outside surrounding the entire place." Says one of the Ectoplasm clones.

"Huh, you're right." Child Emperor says with a sigh as his robotic tentacles along with his weapons retract into his backpack. "Time flies when you're having fun." He yawns as he stretches out his arms with a smile spreading behind his gas mask.

"Will you give up?" Present Mic asks with hope plastered on his face.

"Give me up? That would be boring.” Child Emperor says crossing his arms. “I'm going home, I already have the data I needed and I don't want to push my luck.” That is all he says as a laptop unfolds from his backpack and hovers in front of him.

"What part of being completely surrounded didn't you understand, kid?" Snipe growls.

"How does it feel to point your gun at a little kid?" Child Emperor asks as Snipe's gun begins to shake slightly before he tucks it into his belt with a sigh.

"What are you planning to do?" Snipe asks through clenched teeth as the rest of the heroes begin to slowly approach.

“Collect data.” Child Emperor says waving his hand dismissively as he quickly types on his laptop with his remaining hand.

This, of course, confuses the heroes present, however, before someone could lunge at Child Emperor to immobilize him one of the walls exploded creating a huge hole and drawing the attention of all the heroes.

“Field test starts.” Says Child Emperor finishing typing on his laptop.

"What do you mean by field test?" Midnight asks, narrowing her eyes at the hole in the wall.

"If you stare into the abyss, the abyss will stare back at you." Child Emperor whispers cryptically with a smile behind his gas mask.




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