MHA: Spray Life

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Rival

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The awakening of those who have the Spray Bottle quirk in the Shimizu family isn’t when their quirk gets stronger than the original one.

It's simply a term that the members call it. In actuality, the "awakening" is merely unlocking the cap that has been placed on the members since birth.

Those born with this quirk have the defining feature of owning a spray bottle for a head, yet this isn’t the most important feature.

This ‘Spray Bottle’ is fully functional considering that it meets a condition. To protect their body, the Nozzle automatically "locks" itself so that the baby can’t accidentally hurt themselves. 

However, this causes a problem. After 4 years of locking, it's extremely difficult to get it unlocked, which is required to utilize this quirk. And forced pulling or pushing would have adverse effects on the reciprecent.

So Suijin just unlocked this hidden feature and broke the constraints that had been placed on him since birth.


*Two Days Later*

"A now to the popular appearance of Japan's number one hero, All Might! As you may be aware, two days ago, a sludge-like entity appeared and captured a middle school student. 

The student, Katsuki Bakugo, was the top-ranked student from Aldera Junior High and is currently on his way to apply to U.A.

All Might appeared out of nowhere and used his famous Detroit Smash to blow the villains to pieces, saving not only the top ranking student but another reckless boy who also attends Aldera Junior High who ran into the villain,  wasting Knuckle Dusters and other heroes' time.

The feisty student had some words to say when we interviewed him. "I wasn’t trapped, rather I was caught off guard and was testing that villain's capacity. Since I’m going to be going to U.A. such ability and intellect are to be expected. "

After getting such a pompous remark, we asked him about his fellow students from his school.

"That stupid Deku, he’s weak, idiotic, and a quirkless nobody. Rather than him dreaming of being equal to All Might, I’ll SUPAS-"

"And that was unfortunately all the time we had with this precious youth who will surely become the leader of the next generation of heroes. Rather, let's review the punch that decimated the unfortunate villain. "

The TV rewinded to a few seconds before All Might arrived. The villain had just opened his eyes after being assaulted by a yellow book bag. The owner was a green-haired boy who looked way in over his head and held a frightened look on his face.

A dark green tendril was stretched out towards the boy from the sludge monster, and it seemed that another hostage would be taken imminently.

However, suddenly the sludge monster closed his eyes. He held them as if they were burning and thrashed around momentarily, letting go of Katsuki Bakugo. All might descended from the sky, and so everyone who had some droplets appear on them assumed it was his sweat.

And the yellow was caused by his hair or quirk. This was the general consensus, yet that wasn’t the case.  

Micturition, commonly referred to as urination, is what is occurring here. Droplets of urine in the eye would normally cause mild irritation and rubbing, but that's about it.

However, with the quirk spray bottle, a separate space to store certain liquids was created. As a defense mechanism, the quirk has the ability to isolate food and store certain liquids in that special area.

Due to the lack of water in the main area that would be used for spraying, that special area was used as a substitute.

Urine with high pH levels was what was spayed across the building from where Suijin was to the crime scene. For those below who felt some tiny droplets, luckily none got into any eyes and they were unharmed.

The sludge villain, on the other hand, was hit head on with the urine with high pH levels and was screaming and scrambling around to get rid of the pain. 

It scrubbed its eyes, not realizing that this would only cause more pain and, ultimately, not heal. It may even cause blindness.

Suijin quickly left the scene for fear of being found, yet his movements couldn’t escape the eyes of a yellow bunny eared man.

Suijin looked up at his mother, who was hugging his neck tightly, She was squeezing his neck while rubbing her face over his ‘head’. 

This would normally kill someone because they wouldn't be able to breathe with her strength wrapped around their neck, but that was just another benefit of the odd quirk spray bottle. Because liquids are how they get their nutrients, they can temporarily use the oxygen from water to substitute for breathing.


Enkai, who was sitting on the couch watching the news, got up and opened the door.

Suijin turned his gaze away from the TV and looked to see both Akrai and Aiya, who were Shoji’s parents. Looking around, Shoji wasn’t there and he was about to speak up about it,

"Hey Suijin, you really took after your old man, eh? I remember when he was in the bathroom and blew off the stall’s door with his quirk. "

"Eh, Akrai, how many times have you gone to jail for sexual harassment?"

"You bastard Enkai, I’m innocent It's not my fault that the trains are packed during rush hour.

"Yea,h Yeah, tell that to me when your unbanned from every train in the country permanently. Hahahaaha, hell how did you get reported by Mr. Johnson, an 80 year old man to the police."

Akrai shook, visibly fuming from what looked like anger but could also be considered embarrassment. Both Erena and Aiya ignored them and continued chatting.

"I saw the news, Suijin can now use his quirk? Ah how they grow up so fast, I remember the other day when his bladder went the wrong way. "

"Or that day he went to the pool and got too excited and released.-"

Suijin, at this point, was also "red". Whether that was possible or not, nobody would know since while the adults were immersed in their own world, he escaped into his own room.

Photos of Gang Orca, Pro Hero: Wash, and other non-famous heroes who have mutant quirks were lined up on his wall.

Near the desk that was facing the rightmost wall, crumpled up stacks of paper were laying around. Each held plans he wanted to enact in the future as Shoji’s political and media supervisor. 

Of course, Shoji had no knowledge of their existence since the last time Suijin showed him ideas for his future as Shoji’s advisor, he crushed the entire notebook into a ball and threw it farther than the eye could see.

Suijin walked over to his coffee table, which was in the middle of the room, and sat down. He stared at the paper, which had been sitting there for 3 weeks.

The paper reads, ‘Future Plans:’ 

‘This was something so simple.’ Suijin thought.

He had had a rough idea of how his life would end up since he was 6, the year he got an in-depth explanation of his quirk from his father. 

He was devastated that he couldn’t become a hero. His father said that he may awaken the quirk, but to the child in him, that may as well have been the door to hero-hood being shut.

He had wallowed in sadness for weeks, this change in him didn’t stop the people who bullied him, but rather, without his usual peppiness, it got harsher since this meant that they could do more without him saying anything against it.

It was only when Shoji, who had just moved in next door, saw this and beat up his bullies, that Suijin decided to live out the dream of being a hero throughout Shoji.

With that in mind, he should have an easy time filling this paper out. He’s had weeks to do so and turn it in, yet he waited this long. 

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And with the events that occurred two days ago, he was even more confused about his future.

‘Become Shoji’s advisor, since I'm sure I can eventually convince him to accept. Or something more...'


*Suijin Pov*

"Here I thought that you would be happy about saving someone.*


Whipping my head around, I spot my window open and Shoji standing in front of it. Being to fatigued mentally to give him a quip, so I just stared at him.

Of course, Shoji knew what I wanted to communicate and stepped off the window sill and sat on my bed.

From where we were, if you walked into the room, you’d see my desk on the right, my sitting at the coffee table with my back to the door, and Shoji on my bed facing be with his back to the window.

"You still haven’t filled out that sheet, It's due at the end of the week. That's not very true mutant of you. "

*Dry Laughter*

Shoji looked at me and his face went from joking to serious. Although I was confused as to my future Being there for my best friend was imminent.


*Deep Breath*

"Shoji, it’s not like you to hesitate, that's not very true mutant like you are either."

Although my joke was lame, the slight shifting of Shoji’s turquoise mask showed that he at least cracked a smile.

"Ever since I was young, before I moved here, I was isolated because of my arms and mouth. When we moved, I promised myself to stand up for myself and not disgrace my dad. 

Then I saw you being bullied, so I used my strength, which I had been hesitant about using for good, and helped you. And instead of running away like others, you not only thanked me but then stuck around me. Not for protection, or out of fear that I may hurt you if you left, but as a friend. "

‘It was for protection in the beginning though.’ Naturally, I wouldn’t say this.

"You are outgoing, upbeat, and a cool guy to hang around with. The opposite of me. Others regard me as scary and dark, so being friends with you is something I cherish. Although you may not notice, there have been some people over the years that were drawn to your aura and admired you. "

Shoji looked lost in thought before coming back.

"You always said that you’d be my assistant once I made it big when I became a hero, and although I brushed you off every time, it felt good that someone believed in me. Over the years, I myself envision the future of you giving me instructions from my headquarters once I become a hero. "

I stifled a chuckle as both his and my thoughts coincided. 

‘If that's the case, then I guess my future is settled. Disappointing my friends isn't something I do.’ I reach my hand out for the pencil to start writing on the paper.

"So when I saw what you did two days ago, I needed to think. You did something that I didn't even think I could do, and that made me reevaluate my entire thinking. "

I pause when my hand is near the pencil as I hear what Shoji has to say. 

"T-that was a one-time thing. Don’t stifle yourself short, I sure you could achieve the same results as me if you were there.’ 

‘That's a Lie.’ A voice in my head tells me. 

Deep down, I remember the scene as clearly as if I was still there. Death Arms, Power Loader, and other heroes were useless on the scene.  I believe in shoji. However, I’m a rational guy and even I could understand that he wouldn't be much help on the scene. But a part of me doesn't want to admit it.

Shoji shook his head at my weak attempts to fling my effort off.

 "That's what I’m talking about. You say you're weak, and yet I see someone who’s more humble than anyone I’ve ever met. Someone who, despite being so-called weak, flung themselves into danger to save someone else.

I came to the realization that I was being arrogant. The thoughts that you wouldn’t become a hero were planted inside of me, and so when you fired that shot out of your nozzle, I became a bit scared. "

‘Shoji Scared?’

"I know, but the thought of you becoming a hero, and achieving heights far greater than I ever could and that you would leave me behind frightened me. Before you say that's not possible, The first time you used your quirk, you shot a high-pressured beam of water over 100 meters. "


Shoji put his hand up to stop me from saying anything, and his face went from melancholy to determined.

"Don't worry, I’ve realized that such thoughts are useless. You will never surpass me. "

Ah, so he came to the same conclusion as I.’ This was the conclusion I had come to for years, something that I already knew. And yet the shaking of my hand couldn't be stopped. However, his next words left me in bafflement for the second time today.

"Because every time you achieve something nobody thought was possible, I’ll strive to achieve more. Every time you do the impossible, I will work just as hard to achieve it. "


"I came here to tell you this."

Shoji stood up, and so did I. His height dwarfed mine, and so when he bends his neck down to talk to me, I get the feeling that I’m looking up at him both literally and figuratively. But now that feeling is gone, the look in his eyes has changed, and a fire of determination burns brightly.

"Suijin, You are my rival, I’m going to attend the U.A entrance exam, pass it, and eventually become the #1 hero. It is up to you if you become an obstacle in my path."

Shoji after leaving that bombshell just left. I was even more confused than when he came here.

 ‘Rival, #1, what?’

My brain couldn’t understand, but the real craziness wasn’t over yet.


A/N: This chapter, again, took a lot of words, so I'm sorry for the delayed posting. Although I'm happy that the next chapter should clear up the sentimental stuff. After that, were off on new adventures, so hold your hands, buckle your seat belts and prepare for another arc.

As always, if you like the book, comment, leave a review, add it to your collection, and overall enjoy.

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