MHA: Stacked Cards

Chapter 7: Chapter seven: A new ability

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I was flanked by two more, only for a few others to come out of hiding; This was spectacular. Around 6 or 5 not including the mouse boy, had decided to attack me. 

"T-That's him! That's the one whos been fighting us for weeks!" All I really did was piss them off, aggravated them, they fought me technically. The gang was the same one that 'donated' their powers before, but this time, it seemed to be only the three.

"I see, that twerp huh, what did you say his quirk was?" An older gentleman with black hair spoke, now a few feet infront of Izuku. A new person who seemed more dangerous than the others.

He carried himself differently than the others, a professional look, one that spoke of a luxurious taste in watches and jewelry. Far too casual for a thug, and too lean for a boxer, he had several tats all across his hands aswell. Most likely combat trained. Supervisor maybe?

There were 6 enemies in total here, 3 from the previous gang, 3 new. Of the three behind me, "Double Punch" and "Light Field" aswell as another stood waiting.

Infront was blondie, oldie, and Mouse boy.

Blondie looked like a ruffian who actual boxer, was incredibly bulky. Not to an extreme amount, just all in all muscular. He had a military haircut, which made him look an underground fighter. 10 bucks says I'm right.

Mouse boy stood off, not even fighting.


They got these guys to fight me. Meaning they must have a surprise waiting for me.

"Shape shifting! I saw it myself, the kid- h-he just turned into a mass of moving flesh!" I did it once, one time only.

I had already taken "Light Field" and "Double Punch" From the fools, yet they kept scaring away my prey by trying to fight me. I had to deal with them...

.. Maybe 'prey' isn't the best word to use. It does sound a tad bit evil...

But does it matter right now? Semantics can wait until after the fight.

"H-he's a fucking monster I tell you. A monste-" The mouse boy says as he looks at me.

The one to my side interrupted.

"Alright Alright! Shut it. Hey kid, you understand what you've done?" The tattooed blondie on the side now turned to me; "Do you even realize what your going to suffer through?" I could only grin at the fool, though he didn't move a centimeter.

He was probably one of the peddlers, drug smugglers, those bastards.

"Fine kid. Your decision" and in an instant, I see it. The instantaneous punch to my face, the quick step to me, a right handed jab with the force of a professional boxer. I can't help be smile. He moved instantly! 

I spit out blood in realization of what his quirk is, immediate acceleration. I've hit the jackpot!

I hold my face as I laugh silently. 

This truly is a wonderful day, so much food!

"See kid- this is what-" Oldie started, but was quickly silenced by the sound of laughter.

My laughter.

"hhahahahahaa. I really can't be happier right now. Do you understand how it feels?" I say, maddened by joy. I hadn't given more than a chuckle in months.

My laugh felt genuine.

My face slowly pushed back into it's original form as the punch leaves no mark. His however, shocked at the outcome.

Maybe I activated it, the "Terrify Enemy" quirk, maybe it was unconscious.

But the instant I did, they all felt it; fear, primal, animalistic terror.

The fear had to be there prior for the quirk to work, but it was. And they felt the amplification of it. 

"How it feels to have so much prey come to me?" I can't help laughing, grinning as the slime quirk allowed no physical trauma to affect me.

Mouse boy had started shaking while the others prepared themselves, I noticed of the ones I fought prior, they were nervous.

My head recontoured back into its shape, unaffected by the affects of blondie's attack.

My smile was never wider, not for a long time at least.

I felt so happy at the result.

My hard work bore something!


In a moment of fear, a terrified thug behind me tries to hit me with a bat, aiming for my ribs; I grab the bat as my spine twists unnaturally to face him, I can tell his ability from a seconds notice, energy coating.

His bat I covered in a radiation like shell.

Making it sting more when using it, a neat trick!

I grab his wrists, no, I break them, shatter them, in an instant.


And throw him to the wall. 

Before he can scream, his body flied.

And then slammed itself with a thud.

Blood flows from my grin as I cough some out; I still smiled, because I was happy! In such a long time, this felt exciting.

The others contemplated fleeing, for a brief moment, but I tell them "Wow, what did you say you were going to do?" without an ounce of emotion in my voice.

The small amount of pride in the older man must have made him more responsive to the my words, he got angrier; "The fuck did you say?"

The others attack immediately. All at once.

The closest one, the one boss called from before, struck the kid using his brass knuckles; his quirk wasn't revealed, maybe he needed to hit something!

I send a punch to his lower stomach and feel a force of pain encompass myself, the pain stimulation was redirected back to me!


I grab his shirt as I activate "trigger fingers" and "Double punch" along with my "Superhuman Strength". He is knocked unconscious instantly as the rubber bullet hits his head point blank; The pain meant little to me, as was it's affect on my combat.

Blondie decided to attack even faster than before, I matched it using his own ability aswell as "Superhuman Strength", sending a blow to his throat. He won't die.

But he won't try to fight again after.

My grin, smile of utter derangement creeps on my expression of joy.

I grab the useless one, the puncher, and throw him into the wall.

"Light field" tries to stab me with a knife he's made, right into my ribs. He runs screaming at me of all things, like an upset child.

I break his arm in a single swing and heal him, knocking him unconscious.

Mouse boy is the last one, he stares at me, in terror. He's a runner. We can't have that can we?

I can't let my information source just scurry off.

So in moment, I raise my right had towards the boy.

And pulled.


(Mouse boy POV)

Monster! M-Monster!!

'Somebody help! Anyone!'

If I just let it go, this wouldn't have happened. Donny, our boss, didn't even want to face him, but I had to go to the higher ups. Damn it.

I feel a force tug on my spine suddenly, my running is stopped in it's tracks.

'Aggh- My neck! Why can't I run?!'

No, get me away from him. Why am I moving towards him?



Morning, UA's guest room.

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'Fuck. May have been too violent last night' Izuku couldn't help but reprimand himself. The obvious answer he had to his attitude changing was his quirk, but honestly, the feeling of suddenly switching personalities was potentially the oddest one.

One second your numbed, insatiate, the next you've never felt as alive; Izuku still kept himself in check though. He couldn't let himself fall into a tempting feeling so easily, he wouldn't give up his chance of being a hero so easily.

He didn't kill a single person, just placed some fear into them.

Izuku had always used "Heal" when fighting enemies. Usually afterwards.

Making sure no one could say anything about what he did, no injuries, no proof...

Not like cameras could capture him anyway, He never appeared in electronics while hunting, making sure to disable that ability when needed.

Still, if someone trailed him, he would use "Sonar sense" to find them. His hunt couldn't be interrupted so easily, worst case, Izuku would just take their quirk and leave them unconscious.

Not that his hunt didn't bare rewards; He got the quirks "Instant acceleration", "Pain redirection" and "Mouse". Each of which were useful, in some way.

Now he could go to his maximum speed instantly, which meant any form of movement he sought out could be instant and at extreme speeds. His punch could break through concrete, now it had instant acceleration. His jumps could lift him over 40 meters, now instant, it would be lethal if used offensively.

 Pain redirection was great should he ever be tortured, ensuring no one else could extract information the old fashioned way. Best case, he would use it to take pain from others.

It made him angry at the idea anyone would target him or his family, but he had to prepare regardless.

Mouse's quirk could be used with smelling quirks, or hearing quirks, otherwise, it offered little.

'This was a great reward for the nights I spent fighting hoodlums.' Izuku couldn't help but be happy by his progress. He never targeted anyone who didn't do something unlawful, usually drug smuggling or robbery. He got a lot of information from Rat boy aswell.

Though it wasn't a pleasant thing to hear.


(Izuku POV)

The information I got from the Rat boy, it was a list. A combination of places, names, and quirks; the peddling scheme seemed to extend far beyond the city, and from what I've got, these guys are tied into the Yakuza.

Heroin Smuggling and a new drug brought from abroad called 'Venom' was funneled through distributing gangs. Lower leveled gangs took the selling and smuggling, while higher ups handled the cashflow. All leading to the country wide network of drug syndicates, who had international connections.  At least that's what I've gathered with some late night research, America is especially cracking down on the drug with extreme efficiency.

Not to say Japan isn't affected, but the effects of the drug spread have only started to show here. Looks like I have a lot of work on my hands.

The Yakuza, especially, will have to be dealt with.. If I can find out which ones I'm targeting. There are a multitude of families present in the criminal underworld.


'Well, regardless, I got stronger, which is good. All I need now is that quirk. "Permeation". It will change my defensive capabilities, allowing me to fight offensive against stronger quirks. While my regenerative capabilities are strong, if my enemy hadn't lowered her guard that night, I would have died. I have to get it.'

I knew of a multitude of quirks, If I had access to "Danger Sense" and Togata's quirk, I would have the advantage against any sneak attacks.

Good thing he's coming to UA again. 


I guess I have to get up. 

..And take a shower.

I arrive to Nezu's Principle Office.

In an instant, his door opens and he walks out, walking in his usual carefree attitude.

I lower my body to him, and he climbs my back.

"Shall we get going?" He says in a smug tone; We head to where Nezu say's All Might and Togata will be.


UA's Administration Office - Afternoon

Mirio and All Might were discussing something, I could read Togata's lips, but All Might's figure wasn't facing me.

I'd rather not use my 'Sonar Senses' on campus for various reasons.

"- My summer has been filled with training! Though the other two also had a blast. Nejire-" The conversation discussing summer events continued.

Nothing particularly interesting. But All Might seemed queasy; His smile didn't falter even while nervous.

Mirio leaned set down the last stack of papers. By now, he'd notice me and principle Nezu walk towards him.

All Might's smile kept shining, though worry was evident on his face.

I walk to Mirio, setting the principle on the ground, allowing him to get off gently.

"Hello, My name is Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you" I say with a smile, hand extended to the boy.

"Oh, hello! My name is Mirio Togata!" The boy grins widely grabbing my hand before All Might could say a word. Nezu smiled aswell, seeing my grin and technique in full action.

It's a real pleasure. Togata.

"A pleasure-" Then the coughing. Never fun. Always gets people uppity.

"Are you okay?!" He asks, though All Might and Nezu just act calmly.

"I'm fine." I seem to repeat again and again. This venture gave me something truly amazing. "It's a side affect of my quir-"

"Hello Mirio. How was your summer break?" Nezu couldn't help but interrupt me, I suppose it worked to redirect Mirio's attention.

"-Oh, principle Nezu! It was great! But shouldn't we be concerned for Izuku's health?" To that, All Might just sighed out his emotions, now realizing the two were devils in disguise.

"Mirio, This is Izuku Midoriya. He'll be working as both a staff of UA and a student; He is responsible for Extra curricular training. He has only slight health issues, but nothing to worry about."

Wait a minute, what?

Nezu you schemer.

"He'll be working alongside you to train younger students, joining the big three with helping fresher hero candidates. Please mind his carefree attitude." The Mouse, Dog, Bear planned this all along! Damn it.

Guess I should have expected this, even my favors wouldn't stop his choice. Not when he could gain a worker for free.

He grins at me. Both Nezu and Mirio. They're smiles are scary for entirely separate reasons.

Mirio looks like a torture goat, one who enjoys the moment without even realizing he's killing you.

"Wonderful." I say sarcastically, only increasing the grin of our Principle's face. Sadist.

"It is a delight to be working with you, Izuku! I'm sure we'll make the best of friends!" Fuck.

Well, considering his ability, it's an affordable price. Nezu gave me access directly to the big three, saving a lot of time, but at the cot of school work. Not like it was the end of the world.

"I'm sure aswell" I smile back. All Might can only remark on Nezu's plots with a gulp.

A weeks time passes.

I trained using Mirio's "Permeation" which stripped me of my clothes. Thankfully, I had chosen "Silk Production" and "Hair Growth" prior in the exam.

I could easily use this to make silk extensions of my body. And with "Body Color Manipulation", I was able to make several different types of clothes.

They worked alongside permeation to ensure I wasn't naked when I used it; A good thing, since I'm trying to be a hero, not a stripper.

It would help for the time being. I could always make myself disappear mid fight, attack like phantom. Though, that wouldn't be practical except in single combat scenarios; Which was great.

"Instantaneous acceleration" and "Superhuman strength" worked well to turn me into the fastest fighters available. Further combined with "strong jump", I could run 20 meters in an instant.

Strong jump had built up strength in the legs for a brief second of time, allowing the user to build up muscle energy and release it depending on the duration of holding and quantity of muscle. But my muscles were stronger than ordinary human ones, and I could go much higher, up buildings. 50 meters in a single leap, 70 if I chose it.

Combine that with shapeshifting, accelerated nerves and even greater control over his abilities, I can eliminate an entire gang of criminals. Neat.

UA's classes started, I'm currently on my way to my classroom. 1A. Hopefully there won't be much of a ruckus when I arrive there.


Standing outside the door, I calm myself for a minute. I may get useful quirks if I pull this off; I must perform this strategy perfectly.




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