MHA: Stacked Cards

Chapter 9: Chapter nine: Recoil

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Nezu was angry.

An understatement, to say the least, he was furious; He unknowingly let the main perpetrator of Izuku's suffering in to his own school; he underestimated the cruelty of these children, and what they did to the boy during his stay at Aldera Junior high.

He only realized this now, as the investigations prior did not seek to trample on the students more than the teachers responsible. But that wasn't what pissed him off.

No; Nezu allowed Bakugo Katsuki to enter UA, unaware of the further damage done to Izuku's psyche.

If it were any other student, Aizawa would have just expelled them for even trying to do attack their classmates, but considering Izuku's mental health, Nezu had intervened.

Midoriya seemed unaffected by the appearance of Katsuki, but that didn't help in the slightest to brighten the mood for the Principle.

It took 3 months of constant work to get Izuku out of a paranoid state, and they had only barely managed it. If this redid all the trauma for the boy, then he may even slip back into suicidal attempts; Nezu made sure to have the boy distracted for the rest of the week.

'Helping' Aizawa with paperwork, interacting with class 1-B, anything.

Aslong as he couldn't think about his previous school. Aslong as Katsuki didn't remind him.

Now the bully sat in Nezu's office, Katsuki Bakugo was infront of him as the Principle was wondering what to do.

No matter the trauma he caused, Bakugo was still a kid; it would set a bad example for him to remove or keep him in UA, then to find out weeks later that he turned to villainy. This was often a hard decisions for educators, as any choice would affect their students lives, sometimes hurting them even more...

This would have been avoided if he wasn't even entered in.

If they kept Katsuki in UA, then Izuku would only be reminded every waking second of what happened to him. Of what he did. Of why he did it; it wouldn't do well for his social self, possibly traumatizing Izuku all over again...

'Aizawa said that Izuku seemed unaffected, but I should do the boy a favor.'

But Nezu didn't even give him the moment of a glance, as he continued checking the kids papers; It was so damned apparent, how the hell did he even overlook the possible problems that would arise from Katsuki being added into Class 1-A.

No. This could be useful, If Katsuki were to reconcile.. Nope, wouldn't be enough.

Izuku 'died', you can't apologize for that. You can't even try to be sorry when you've done something that pushed another person that far.

Thankfully, Izuku Midoriya's 'arrogance', his refusal to hide his abilities showed some mental growth. Enough that Bakugo could be kept in UA for a while longer. But Nezu needed to make sure he didn't do any more damage. He needed to put terror in the boy.

"Katsuki Bakugo" Nezu started to speak, the boy suddenly had nausea; "When was the first time you met Izuku Midoriya?"

Nezu couldn't help but ask, he already knew from the files he retrieved hours before, but information on paper didn't give him enough details to help make a decision; he wanted Katsuki to say it.

Katsuki sat infront of Nezu, fiddling his thumbs, sweating heavily. Nervous. Practically restless, terrified. You couldn't look at the boy, who was only 15, and say he was a monster; even though his actions could say otherwise. He was terrified.

"I- Uh- We were childhood friends. Our first meeting was around in kindergarten." the kid stopped before he continued. "We- we met there and our parents, my mother and his, formed a bond, and we had met up regularly after." He stuttered. 

Nezu only clicked his pen, 4 times before continuing.

*Click, click, click, click.

Then silence.

".. Why did you attack him??" Nezu asked with little expression on his face.

Katsuki's words were stuck in his lungs, as he had almost stopped breathing. Then the breaths became heavy.

Bakugo, stopped moving in his seat.

".. I was upset at him for not telling me he had a quirk. I- I didn't mean to hurt him, I'm really sorry."

The kid bowed almost 90 degrees, tears welling up in his eyes. He didn't want to loose his chance at being a hero.


*Click click, drop.

".. Let me ask a better question. Do you know why Izuku Midoriya works at UA?"

Nezu started to speak in a more aggressive tone, as he took out a file.

One in his locked desk.

".. Is it because of his quirk?" Bakugo spat out.

Clenching his fists. Funny. It was because he had a better quirk? Is that why Bakugo attacked him?

Nezu laughed, chuckled, giggled, stopped laughing.

Bakugo froze.

"No. There are many students at UA who have quirks stronger than some teachers; that's not why." He said as he looked at the file in his hands.

He threw the file to the boy, who had caught it in a fright.

His sweaty hands only smudged the outer envelope slightly, but didn't damage the inner paper. Out of fear, he wouldn't even let that happen. He wiped his hands on his pants, as his shirt was soaked, then looked at the file.

It was the day his School year ended.

Prior to UA, it was the last day of that mockery of a educational center.

"Tell me, what do you see in that document? Describe everything."

Bakugo didn't even guess the intent of Nezu, just opening the file.

First thing was a basic summary of the time and events, a basic overview of when and where 'it' occurred.

It was his middle school, it was after school, near the rooftop; his heart beat went faster, faster like he was doing a high cardio run.

He knew, inside, what this was.

The next page was a basic overview of Izuku Midoriya, who he is, and his tendencies.

"Describe it." Nezu said in a no nonsense tone.

".. Izuku Midoriya. Age 14, entered UA's medical facilities due to extreme blunt force trauma across the skull." Bakugo's eyes widened.

"Don't you dare get surprised. Read the file." Nezu said again.

"..Blunt Force trauma across the skull. Further damage includes scarring around the frontal cortex and several bone fractures, including the spine, ribcage, sternum, and frontal bone across the right temporal bone of the skull. What the hell is this?!" Katsuki couldn't help but blurt out. 

"That. Is the reason Izuku Midoriya is at UA, medical help, more than his entrance into class 1-A. You see Bakugo, an investigation launched into your middle school demonstrated the bias against quirkless students. Izuku Midoriya wasn't the only one bullied, but he was the only one that attempted suicide. We found him 20 minutes after, dead." Nezu started.

Bakugo stopped breathing. No. He did. For several seconds before his adrenaline spiked. His heart beat decided to run itself at over 180 beats per min.

Nezu stood up, looking at the boy. "Izuku's stay in not educational; not truly. You see, over the course of the last few months, we've being trying to get Izuku out of a psychological loop; first, he enters a depressive state, then enters self harming activities, then somehow finds the motivation to rectify all his actions after a brief calm. This was how he acted for 3 months. See? Page 12, paragraph 14, line 3."

Katsuki moved his finger across the pages. Slowly but surely turning the page, right on the line:

'Izuku Midoriya has since entered a state of self harm. Constant inhuman training regimes which by all means should be killing him, there after disappearing every night outside UA's perimeters;

His actions align with the usual paranoia and sudden reminders of his trauma caused by his PTSD from the incident. During the day, he is observed to occasionally interrupt any activity he is doing with almost minutes of stillness. Afterwards, he would attempt to increase his training regime time and time again; this results in him overworking his body and psychological state.

His recent assassination attempt only served to make the condition more severe. As any reminder or threat performed to Izuku leads to him sustaining symptoms of insomnia, hysteria, and self harm.

Due to this fear damaging his psyche, it is important that Izuku Midoriya is not left unattended for more than 3 hours at a time, with only slight exceptions such as sleep or in classroom work. It is also important that Izuku is not left without social interaction, from either teachers or students.'

Nezu started again, after Katsuki's eyes dilated in anxiousness.

"Izuku's stay is entirely medical at its nature; yes, his quirk is strong, but he had only actually received it on what we assume was seconds prior his 'death'. It's only because of that quirk. That he some how survived, his body restructuring and repairing his injuries; Do you understand why your here Bakugo?"

Nezu spoke, more empathetic to the boy's despaired look, as if Bakugo was falling apart infront of his eyes; The kid's legs finally gave in as he fell into the seat, in utter disbelief.

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"how- whe- did I do this?" Katsuki began crying. Truly just a stupid child.

.. Nezu made his decision. What he warranted as an effective punishment.

"I won't expel you Katsuki. Not this time; this time I will give you the same thing everyone in your life has, an excuse. You were just a kid. You couldn't have known better, you couldn't have possibly considered the result of your actions. No. Just a kid." He said as Katsuki listened in silence.

"Your punishment will be given out by the end of the day. Go back to your classes. Utter not a single word of what you've heard in this room, nor what you've read. Especially not to Izuku." Nezu said as Katsuki sunk into the lofty couch, now utterly defeated, his pride in shambles; This was not how a hero acted, never the less how a decent fucking person would.

He. He was worse than a villain.

The boy stood up, bowed, and left in a hurry.

Soon after, Nezu would. He had to deal with the recoil of his actions, as did Izuku and Katsuki. They too had their punishments.


Izuku Midoriya POV


I'm exhausted.

Most of my quirks use stamina, even the healing ones.

That's never a good sign.

Endurance quirks; those which could increase the effectiveness of my combat are needed. At this moment, I could only fight for 5 minutes without having to eat anything; add the fact that Momo's ability used fat, I'm in utter drowsiness, needing something to eat.

I'm in Lunch Rush's cafeteria, it seems he was preparing some dishes for the big serving in a few hours. He offered to make me some food. I obviously said yes.

I asked for high fat steaks, mostly however, I asked for the fattiest thing he had. He complied with several steak dishes. All featuring lethal amounts of cholesterol.

Thankfully, Mina's "Acid" Quirk gave me something interesting.

My body can combine "Acid" with "Poison Saliva" and "Slime" to increase my rate of digestion. Lunch rush is making several more ounces of stake to add to my already filled plate.

This is my second plate, I've eaten 7 steaks.

..Thanks Lunch Rush!

My class mates have both interacted with me more.. and less. Unsurprising, no one wants to have their power copied, even taken away from them; which case I suppose I should have thought my plan through more. Maybe revealing your ability like how I did scared them more than the ability itself.

Aizawa sent me to the cafeteria after his class, since I needed to restore my stamina urgently; Soon enough everyone will finish their remaining classes, ones I skipped, Japanese History class, Health Class, and World history; good thing Aizawa gave me permission to leave early.

Probably would have been boring to go through all of that.

I would feel ashamed of my actions, but my hunger overrides that sensation. I really am starved here, no matter how much food I eat, its not enough.

My abilities require too much energy as it is, I'm using several different quirks simultaneously, even when doing nothing. The amount calories I spend each minute is eight times more than regular people spend, even when I'm just sitting.

Not that I'm going to stop using my abilities, just means I have to find a few quirks to mitigate the issue.

Plus, I love showing off my abilities.

Who doesn't!?

I mean, I've never had one for my own, so this feels great! ..Even if the others are a tad bit afraid, its not that much of an issue, would they let me copy their power if I asked?

...Probably not.

Ehh. They'll warm up to the idea. They'll need to eventually. Considering the fact I'm training their classes. Using their abilities against them would be a great way for them to learn their weaknesses! Worst case, A tendon of flesh will pinch them in class, and they won't notice.

This food is good! Lunch rush is a great chef, wonder if his quirk is good too.

If it is, I should shake his hand. That would be a good meal.


Alright, lets cut the bullshit.

I'm too weak. That's a fact. My body lacks the capability needed to store an the amount of fat and energy I use. Not without some body mass percentage shifting.

That would mean I'd need a stamina quirk and a fat compression quirk.

None at UA from what I saw. A shame.

All I can do for the moment is eat up my food and head out tonight to get more information on the Yakuza.

..Maybe I should meet up with mom. I talk with her daily, almost; but I only see her twice a week. She moved out of UA one week after my check up, which means she must be working hard, probably lonely.

Let's see mom tomorrow. I have to keep my priorities in check.

I also need to go out tonight for the Yakuz-


That's the bell, several people should be running class to class. I only have three more to go through before my classmates join me.

Maybe I should crash the World history? Nah.

Too boring.

And I still need to get through a few thousand calories.

18 steaks should do it.



3 hours later.


Finally. The last bell. My classmates should be 

I ate 24 steaks.

A few upperclassmen came and went, which only gave me the opportunity to see their bodily functions and quirks.

"Anatomy" searched through their bodies, listing important notes that I could keep in mind. like how some generated pressure from their bodies via internal valves, or how others could layer a slippery substance across the floor; My ability gave a detailed overview on everything that made their bodies work the way they did.

One upper classman had the ability to run on walls, which was neat. I already memorized most of their abilities from the list; they didn't have anything I wanted though.

Lunch rush was really nice to me, which made me a bit glad; great food and further more, a nice attitude. Why couldn't people usually be this nice?

Anyway. It seems class 1-A and 1-B have entered the cafeteria; I wave to them, some avoided me, Mina and a few didn't opting to walk towards me.

Maybe I'll actually get some friends this year.

.. though, it won't really help me, it would help keep me busy.

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