MHA: the evolution hero

Chapter 2: ch: 2 the breaking point pt 2

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izuku was scared because he thought that this was a dream no it was a nightmare.

after the captain told gipo toke izuku to get a uniform for him. they had to make a special order to get him a uniform and after that, they started walking to the training field, or in izuku's case getting carried like a sack of potatoes.

izuku was then told to spare with gipo and izuku hesitated but then he learned why you don't hesitate. he was punched in the gut with a powerful right hook, then a knee to the stomach. then gipo stopped and told izuku that if he wanted to die he could leave. 

izuku did not want to die but he didn't want to fight either, but after 10 minutes of waiting gipo got fed up with this and started "sparing" with izuku again. 

after 5 minutes of getting beaten, he said " fine I will stay and work hard"

gipo stopped and had a grin on his face happy that he could get revenge against those bastards from Korea.

izuku was then picked up and taken to get food gipo did not bother taking him to get a medic to heal him because that might make the evolution not happen.

after izuku was fed he was put in a bed that was as hard as a rock and izuku could not sleep but there were so many scary people around him so he just pretended to sleep.

when the sun started to show everyone could be seen moving around and getting work done.

izuku was training in how to blend in with gipo he was known to be a sadist but also one of the best in teaching hand-to-hand and infiltration.

izuku was doing quite well in both but he was better at hand-to-hand because he was not one to sit still but if he could sit still he would be one of the best at hiding for a normal person. after this training, he was told to go to the captain to learn "how to behave" which is what gipo said but in reality, he was going to make it were izuku would not even think about betraying them.

when izuku got to the building the captain was at he met with the guards telling him to follow them. and when they reached the captain's office izuku was pushed in after they knocked and were allowed to go in.

"so you have brought the kid," the captain said 

" yes sir," the guards said in unison 

" now leave I have to teach the brat a lesson," the captain said with glee. the man was seen as a sick bastard to most but in reality that was just the tip of the ice-burg.

-1 hour later- 

you could see a beaten and bloody body of a child on the floor panting. and asking for help, but no help came to little izuku.

"are you going to listen to me now," the captain asked 

"yes sir" izuku panted out 

"Good, good now leave and get back to training," the captain said 

"yes, captain tilo" izuku said 

the now named tilo was smiling thinking about his revenge and how the boy would help him

- 1 year later- 

the now 6-year-old izuku was training with gipo. he was trained very well in the art of hand-to-hand and the art of infiltration but he was still quite weak for a child in the world of quirks and experimentation. izuku knows well that he is weak but he knows that if he had the same strength as his opponent he would win most of the time because he is very talented in the art of close-quarters combat.

but he was very weak yes his quirk help him evolve but the strength of the evolution is not all that strong. he was though able to fight people very well and most of the time win if he got the drop on them as his kill count suggests yes he has killed, and he did not like it but he would ask for forgiveness later. and he would repent for thoughts he has killed. and he had to kill or he would have died even though he thinks of others higher than him he does not want to die. 

 he was now on a mission to eliminate a group of mercenaries that the people his master/captain want dead have hired.

he did what had to be done and killed them all in their sleep, they were none the wiser but if they had been awake when he tried to kill them he would not have seceded or he would have died.

  -another year later-

the now 7-year-old was getting the now-usual beating from his master to show that he was nothing compared to him

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after the beating, you could see a well-toned body of a 7-year-old child with scars all over his body he was 4 f00t and 5 inches. he was taller than average for his age because of his quirk thinking he need to be taller to fight his enemies. he had green hair. bloodshot green eyes head bloodshot eyes because of the lack of sleep. he has not slept in 2 years the only reason he can still move is because of his quirk and his meditation. the meditation helped because he was in a sleep-like state but could still sense around him so he was still able to move but he suffered from the symptoms of sleep deprivation. he would be seen as handsome by most but to the camp that he called home he was just seen as a tool to be used and discarded when the need arises.

after some time he was on another mission for his master this was going to be one of the hardest because he was up against a group of highly skilled quirk users. and this was a solo mission to show that he was still worthy of staying alive. most of them had quirks that would be a horrible match for him. like some had quirks that enhanced their physical body or mental quirks like mind control and telekinesis.

he was now trying to find a way to win but he could not find a way to kill them. then he noticed he was spotted. so he gave up stealth and just went in and tried to kill as many as he could but he did not kill anyone before he was attacked and was badly injured, but then something unexpected happened his quirk had an awakening. so he had a higher healing factor not strong enough to heal the scares on his body but strong enough to save him from this situation and every time he got hit he became stronger but later he would find out that this was only happening because of his quirk, was in overdrive trying to save him. 

eventually, he won the fight but did not win without gaining some new scares all over.

now he was rushing to get back before nightfall because if he didn't make it by then he would be punished heavily. he did not think of running away because he has been beaten to not even having the idea of running away.

he made it before nightfall because of his new powers but his master said it was not satisfactory he almost died so he will get a punishment so he was told to go to the obstacle course and this was not an ordinary obstacle course it was made to challenge anyone and had different stages and every time they get harder and harder by a big margin.

after he trained on the obstacle course he found that he had better balance and was faster and stronger so he now had a new routine to make sure he could survive.

his new routine was 

"wake up" at 5 

eat breakfast and clean himself up, from 5:30 to 6:00 

at 6:oo go train with gipo for 2 hours

at 8:00 go to the obstacle course for 4 hours 

at 12 he would get the lesson from his master 

at 1:00 he would go clean himself up 

at 2:00 he would train in all types of weapons he did not have the best mastery in them all but could use them all effectively and not hurt himself while using them. but anyone with even a little mastery of one of these weapons could defeat him if they were on an even playing field.

at 4:00 he would go and learn about the world and how to defeat someone with minimum knowledge of the person and how to analyze someone's weakness and quirk.

at 5:00 he would eat and till 6 he would stretch for his spar with a group of elites. he has never won but it helps him evolve by a great margin compared to just normal training.

at 6:00 he starts fighting the elites until he is tired because they don't go full out because he would die then but they do hurt him a lot.

whenever he is done he acts like he is sleeping but he is really meditating.

and then he repeats 

-2 years later- 

the now 9-year-old izuku could be seen training on the obstacle course he now was about 5 foot 1 inch, and he still had many scares all over his body and bloodshot eyes and green hair but in addition, he now had a cat tail, and ears how did this happen.

-1 year ago- 

izuku has been training for 4 years and 1 year ago he got a quirk awakening after that he found that he could get mutations like now he could make wings come out of his back but they were not all that strong they could just carry him. how do these mutations happen you ask? he goes into a coma-like state for some time (the time varies for what is happening) and he can not control this, after that, he gets a mutation he does not control when it happens or where like once he got a mutation when he was training this mutation was quite weak most thought but it was really strong he now had a second storage of stamina but this one did not store half as much as his fist but this was the emergency stamina per-say so it made sense that it would not store too much, but this was just one of many.

the cat ear's and cat tail came at a weird time he was just walking and tripped for the tail he was then out cold for 3 days and when he woke up he was in agonizing pain and for his ear, he was training to hear more and he did this for year's but then suddenly he just blanked and woke up 5 day's later with his ear's on the top of his head and there were now fluffy and very sensitive. 

-back to the present- 

izuku was now known as the cat. and many mocked him for this. but he did not care because he had no friends and had only one reason to live to repent for his actions as much as his master has tried to break him of this, he all way's failed.

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