MHA: The Warping Hero

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – U.A. High School

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“The hell happened to you?”

“The zero-pointer happened.” I grumbled as I met up with Shinso near the school gate after the exams were finished.

“Wait, don’t tell me you actually fought that thing.” Shinso looked at me with shock evident in his eyes. “I thought between the two of us, you were supposed to be the more reasonable one.”

I shrugged at his words. “It’s not like I wanted to fight it. Just didn’t have a choice.“

“Right…” Shinso stretched out. “Oh well, doesn’t really matter as long as you didn’t screw up your villain points.” Shinso glanced at me. “How many did you get by the way?”

“Forty-five, I think. I stopped getting any when the zero-pointer showed up. What about you?”

“Twenty-three.” Shinso said with a sigh. “Definitely not ideal, and it was the same with me. Everything was so chaotic the moment that huge robot appeared that getting more points just wasn’t possible. Still though, I’m worried. I don’t think 23 is going to cut it.”

“Hey relax, this is U.A remember. I doubt they score these things with only our villain points. There’s probably another aspect to this exam that we don’t know about.” I tried reassuring him.

“I hope you’re right.” Shinso said with a shake of his head.

— The Warping Hero —

“We sure got a crazy batch this year.”

Aizawa Shota hummed in agreement with Vlad King’s statement. They, along with the rest of the pro hero teachers, were reviewing the physical portion of the entrance exams. They have screens replaying some of the more interesting applicants all throughout the examination sites.

Both him and Vlad King in particular were watching the screens with rapt attention. The two of them will be the homeroom teachers of U.A.’s hero course for this year’s batch of freshman intake.

Their focus of attention is currently on 2 examinees in particular. These were the two who managed to destroy the zero pointer. A green haired boy who has absolutely no control over his own quirk and a red haired boy who, objectively speaking, did very well on his exams.

“Izuku Midoriya and Akio Kazuya. These two betrayed all expectations we had for this year's entrance exams by managing to destroy the zero pointers in their respective examination sites. Very impressive. However, one of them did bring major concerns about his state of body once he finished.” Midnight, the +18 Heroine, started the discussion.

“Kid definitely has power, but do we really want someone with such a destructive quirk and yet no control over it to be attending the hero course?” Snipe added his own thoughts.

“What he did may seem reckless, but he did it to save another applicant. We should reward him with a few rescue points for that at least.”

“And the other, Akio Kazuya. Not only has he shown exemplary control and mastery of his own quirk, he also helped out other applicants, when he had obvious chances to get more points. By that alone, he has proven he has the heart of a hero!” Came the loud boisterous voice of the number one hero himself.

“Agreed, he’s definitely one of the ones to watch out for in the future.” Agreed Cementoss.

They continued to discuss the results of the exams and point out the few people of interest. The list would continue to grow until they reached 40 students and divided them into 2 classes.

The meeting soon ended with every teacher shuffling out of the room.

Aizawa quickly made his way to his office to take a long deserved nap. He knows he’s gonna need much of it to face the new batch of students that’s coming in a week. Even now he could already foresee the headaches he’s gonna get when he meets those problem children.

Aizawa sighed.

‘Why did I decide to become a teacher again?’

— The Warping Hero —

It was a week later that we had the results of U.A Exams sent to our doorstep. After thanking the mailman, I quickly took the envelope containing the results and opened it in my room.

Only to be surprised when a disk-like object fell on the table with a clatter.

The disk-like object then lights up as a hologram appeared in his room.

“Hello Kazuya Akio, I’m Nezu the principal of U.A. High School.” Nezu introduced himself. “I’m happy to inform you that you have passed the U.A. entrance exams with flying colors! With you scoring a respectable 92% on your written exams; as for your practical exams, please take a look.”

The hologram quickly changed to an electronic board that held the names and scores of the top 10 examinees.

Name   Villain Points  Rescue Points  Rank

Kazuya Akio   45   35   1st

Katsuki Bakugou  77   0   2nd

Eijiro Kirishima  35   39   3rd

Ochako Uraraka  28   45   4th

Ibara Shiozaki   36   32   5th

Itsuka Kendo    25   40   6th

Tenya Iida    52   9   7th

Izuku Midoriya   0   60   8th

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu   49   10   9th

Fumikage Tokoyami    47   10   10th

“As you can see, you have performed very well, managing to get first place!” Nezu congratulated with a smile on his face. “I’m pleased to welcome you to the hero course of U.A. High School, Kazuya-san! This is your hero academia.”

Listening to Nezu, I just had a grin on my face. This was the first step in me reaching my dream. And getting first place? To be honest I didn’t expect that at all. I was confident in passing since 45 villain points is a decent amount, but rescue points?

‘Looks like I was right. We weren’t only judged by our villain scores.’

I looked back towards the hologram that was showing the scores again.

‘Top 10 huh? Seems like Shinso didn’t make the cut.’ Although it was concerning, I didn’t put more thought into it since I’m sure Shinso made it through. We didn’t work our butts off the past few years only to stop in the entrance exams.

“You will find the details of next school year in a letter inside the envelope.” Nezu continued. “Please make sure to send the requested information next by Sunday at the latest.”

I look into the letter in question and see the things i’m going to have to prepare and- huh, would you look at that. The class I got assigned to is U.A. Also known as the class that’s going to be the center of all the shitstorm that happens in canon. Makes me wonder which student from canon I’m going to replace. Not that it matters much since I barely remember any of them.

Oh well, whatever happens I’ll deal with it when the time comes. Here’s to an exciting school year.

—The Warping Hero—

Good news, Shinso also made it to U.A. Also good news, he’s also assigned to class 1A.

Which means instead of one, we’re replacing two people from the original batch of students in this class. Since I’m (somewhat) sure that Shinso wasn’t part of the main cast in canon. Who knows, I could be wrong though. Nevertheless this at least makes sure that I won’t spend my high school days alone.

I am looking forward to meeting the rest of the class. Why wouldn’t I since these people are going to be my peers and rivals in my road to the top. Just judging from the entrance exams, that the people who made it to U.A are the cream of the crop. Those who, just like me, have dreams and aspirations and have worked hard for it.

I can’t afford to slow down one bit. This right here is the time for me to prove that all that time spent on my training wasn’t wasted. Time to prove I can be a hero.

Shinso and I are currently making our way to our new class. We both decided to get here early for the first day so we could get the good seats. And by that, we mean the ones in the corner at the back of the class. Shinso, knowing himself to be the main character (self proclaimed), immediately claimed the one next to the window. Saying so that he could gaze out the window whenever he likes while the sun shines brightly on the clear blue sky.

Delusional, that one.

I took the seat right next to him, while a boy with red and white hair that’s perfectly split in half took the seat in front of him. I tried to make conversation but he just glared at me and proceeded to ignore me.

‘Oh well, not everyone is sociable’ I realized.

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Shinso and I were talking amongst ourselves when we heard a scream.


A blonde spiky haired boy just screamed at a blue-haired guy with glasses. Through their conversation, I realized that the loudmouth’s name was the one and only Bakugo Katsuki.

“Like I care what you think. What middle school are you from, extra?”

Looks like their argument won’t end soon, much to the chagrin of all our eardrums.

“Get a load of this guy..” Shinso snorted as he looked at Bakugo’s direction.

“Definitely won’t be looking forward to the noise because of this.” I replied. I mean seriously, can't he hear himself? The entire class is now watching him scream left and right.

“Hey Kazuya, is that you?” Came the voice of Hanta Sero as he approached my table.

“Hmm? Hey there, Sero. I’m glad to see you made it here.” I returned his greeting. Although we only met each other at the entrance exams, we quickly hit it off once we got to talking with each other once the exams finished. I found him to be a chill dude who I wouldn't mind hanging out with.

“Me too! I mean I was pretty sure you got in since you know, destroying the zero pointer and all, but still. It’s great that we’re also in the same class.”

“Definitely.” I said with a grin. “I look forward to working with you.”

“So you’re Sero huh? Heard you saved this idiot after he did something stupid. I’m Hitoshi Shinso by the way” Shinso drawled with a blank look on his face.

Sero could only sweatdrop at his tone. “Uh yeah.. I guess?”

“Ignore him. He’s just jealous since he couldn’t make any friends on his exams. Antisocial bastard.”

“You do know I’m your only friend right?” said Shinso. “You’re just as antisocial as I am.”

“Not anymore asshole. I got Sero now, so don’t just assume we’re the same.”

Sero could only laugh awkwardly at our banter. Our back and forth was cut short when a voice with the same energy as a dead horse could be heard from outside the classroom door.

“If you are here to socialize, then pack your stuff up and leave. This is the hero course for god’s sake.”

A voice started from what’s seemingly a giant yellow caterpillar. Said caterpillar was loudly slurping on a juicebox as it slithered its way to the podium on the front of the class.

“It took you all 13 seconds to quiet down. That’s too long, you kids aren’t rational enough.”

‘The hell is up with this guy?’ came the thoughts of every student in the class.

“I’m your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota.” The whole class blinked at that information. “Right, let’s get to it then. Put these on and head outside. He pulled out a gym uniform and showed it to the class.

‘Huh?’ was the collective thought of the class.

A few minutes later, all 20 students found themselves in a practice field.

“A quirk assessment test?” questioned a blonde haired student with a black streak going through his hair.

The teacher quickly explained how, as future pros, we have no time for pointless ceremonies. That teachers are free to teach their classes however they saw fit.

“The test will help me determine your capabilities while also rank all 20 students to see where you stand in comparison to your classmates.” Aizawa continued while keeping a leveled eye on all the students. “Do remember to give it your all. Now then.. Kazuya, you scored the highest in the practical exams. What was your best throw on the softball pitch in Junior High?”

“So that’s him? The guy who got first place in the entrance exams?”

Murmurs started among the students as they heard the teacher call me by the name. Huh, i guess the score for the entrance exams was publicized. Either that or they all got that info from their letters.

Bakugo just seethed after hearing what Aizawa said while the red-and-white haired boy narrowed his eyes.

“Sixty nine meters, sir.” I replied after getting through the initial shock of my name being called.

“Right, now try doing it with your quirk.” He threw me a metallic ball and pointed to a circle on the ground. “Anything goes as long as you stay in the circle.”

“Alright.” I contemplated on how I wanna do this for a second, until I remembered that I left a marker back at home. I smirked as I got in the circle and rolled my shoulders. I didn’t even take a stance as I just held the ball up in my right hand and it disappeared in a red flash.

Aizawa immediately looked at a device in his hands.  “2246 meters. Not bad.”

The rest of the students, who were eagerly waiting to see what I was gonna do, couldn’t hide their shock when the ball suddenly disappeared. They grew even more shocked when they heard the number our sensei said.

“Over two thousand meters? That’s insane!” A boy with bright spiky red hair exclaimed.

“What the hell did he do? The ball just disappeared!” Said a pink skinned girl with horns on her head.

The rest of the students, barring Shinso and a few others, just gaped at me.

“Show off.” Shinso said when I approached him. I just shrugged with a grin. Neither confirming nor denying his claim.

“Knowing one’s limits is essential.” Aizawa started as he turned to face the class as a whole. “It’s the most rational way to figure out your potential as a Pro Hero.”

“So we could freely use our quirks?” A large boy, with a face mask questioned.

“That sounds like so much fun! I can’t wait for my turn!” The pink girl said with excitement.

It was obvious that what the student was wrong, as the teacher suddenly halted with extreme irritation clear on his face. He then muttered just loud enough for everyone to hear. “Fun you say? So you think all three years you spend here at U.A., you think it’s all gonna be fun and games?” Seeing none of the students replying, Aizawa continued. “Very well then, today you will be doing eight physical tests to gauge your potential; Whoever comes in last will be expelled. As he or she will be deemed to have none.”

The students gasped.

‘Is this guy serious? ain’t no way the school will just allow a teacher to expel a student on the first day.’ Shinso thought with furred eyebrows.

“Like I said, each teacher decides how the classes are run. If a student is deemed to have zero potential, then the teacher has the authority to expel them.” Aizawa mentioned, as if reading their minds.

“Now then,,,” he stated as most of the students gulped.

He stared at each student menacingly while pushing his long hair out of his eyes.

“Let the games begin.”


Hey guys!

Sorry for the late chapter, here’s an extra long one in compensation.

We finally made it to U.A.! After long consideration, I decided to put both Shinso and Kazuya in class 1A. Partly because I want them both to appear and make an impact during USJ.

Still though, I’m intrigued at the OC in 1B plotline. Now that I decided not to use it here, I’m definitely saving it for a future fic.

Make sure to comment and review any ideas, opinions, or criticism. Appreciate you all dearly.

That’s all from me.


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