Micchi Versus the New World

Chapter 26: 25 – Taking out the Trash pt. 2

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I toss the unconscious beastling to the ground. His head drips with black ink, but he's lucky to be breathing. Rohan and I took turns dunking the guy in the barrel of ink to paint a swath of graffiti along this side of the wall.

Among the many expletives and drawings are: 'ugly,' 'go fuck yourself,' 'I eat your kind for breakfast,' and the coup de grace, 'your mom stinks so much, the king tried her for treason against public order.'

"What did you draw?" I ask, going over to his side of the canvas. "Wait, it's all drawings of animal faces."

 I can make out a cat, dog, pig, one of them looks like a horse. I think?

Rohan shrugs.

Oh, well.

It's like the good old classic writing-on-the-desk bullying move. Vandalizing someone's property is the ultimate 'screw off' message. 

We come back over the next few days, and each time we encounter more thugs. But since they're no match for me, I'm able to beat them down without Rohan ever lifting a finger. Beating them up only gives us more options of paint brushes to choose from.

Finally, after we've coated the entire length of the wall in ink, the gang of miscreants come out in full force. Their leader, a muscular orc emerges from his hideout.

"You brats, what do you think you're doing?" the orc shouts.

"Whaddya mean? We're just out here picking daisies." I answer.

He brandishes the axe in his hands. "Think you're funny, huh. Do you know how mentally taxing it is to see 'go fuck yourself' written on our barricade?!"

"I thought orcs were supposed to be thick-skinned. Who'd your dad marry? A mole rat?"

Veins bulge on his forehead and arms. "My mother is a respectable and lovely woman! Alright, that's it. Pulverise them and take what they have."

The group of three dozen thugs charge all at once. A single swing of my bat craters the ground before them, causing the weaker ones to trip over face first. Rohan stomps the ground and charges to meet them head on, throwing them over his shoulder and bulldozing his way towards the leader.

A mage from inside one of the buildings fires magic missiles at Rohan, blasting him to the ground. Then he directs his spells at me. I wind Sacchan up for a swing and launch the volley back into the building which explodes within.

The orc leaps into the air and slams his axe down. Sacchan blocks the blow with ease. He tries to put more weight on the weapon, but no matter how much he pushes, I don't budge an inch. Rohan sneaks up behind and grabs the orc from the back.

"If you like being green, stop screwing with the shipment. Otherwise, I'm slapping you silly and dunking you in this fucking ink barrel."

He's too weak to break free from Rohan's grapple. "Who do you think I am—"

I bitch slap him across the face so hard it knocks a tooth out of him.

"Grrr… you're asking for it now—"

Another slap.

"Stop slapping me—!"

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And another.

The orc begins to cry. A stark contrast to the tough guy act he was giving me earlier.

"I give up! Please, no more—"

I continue to slap him until his green face is red on both sides. Rohan lets him go, and the orc drops to the ground sobbing.

"You punks weren't around here before. Why are there so many of you now?" I ask, pulling his face up to meet my eyes.

"O-Oaks was gone… so we thought the city was open season… we're sorry, alright? Don't hurt me anymore!" he whimpers.

"Ahh… so you're one of those, huh." Tired of looking at his ugly mug, I shove him away and take a seat cross-legged on the ground. The other thugs are picking themselves and the orc leader up, licking their wounds gathering the unconscious. "Listen up, you worthless, tossed out pieces of trash that didn't even make it to the recycling bin. When the top dog gets collared, you follow the one who put a leash on 'em. Oaks didn't disappear, he works for me now. Up jump shits shouldn't go around claiming my territory."

The orc and his gang back away slowly. "Y-Y-Y-You were the one who beat Oaks…?"

"Yeah— huh, wait. You lot didn't know? Guess word travels a lot slower when you don't have phones and the internet…" 

Wait a minute…

Usually when you take down the big kahuna, a bunch of small fries pop out trying to take control. I took out Oaks without finding out who his underlings were, and now they're all over the fucking city swooping up territory.


"C-Can we… go now?" the orc asks.

"Haahh?! No, you don't get to go. You work for me now." I give the barrel a good shake so they can hear how much ink is left. "Shoulda surrendered when I gave you the chance. First order of business— get in the fucking ink barrel."


One district has been dealt with. As long as I check in from time to time, they won't have the balls to disobey me. Only the rest of the city left to go to fix the mess I left behind from dethroning Oaks.

I'll have to ask him to give me some names later.

When Rohan and I get back to Lars' shop, the dwarf has a surprise waiting for me.

He reveals a pair of steel knuckle dusters painted in gold. Just as I specified, the receiving end of each knuckle spells out 'LIGHTS' and 'OUT'. They're a perfect fit and slip onto my fingers snug as a glove.

"How's it?" he asks.

"Heh. You just keep outdoing yourself, Lars."

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