Military Academy: Special Forces System

Military Academy: Special Forces System

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Magical Realism



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Military Academy: Special Forces System

Review: 7.3/10 from 12 ratings

When Zhao Rui was reborn in a parallel universe, he was rewarded with a Special Forces System. He decided to join the military academy without any hesitation when he realized he had a unique system.The moment he joined, the border battlefield had welcomed the strongest recruit of all time.The recruit could climb mountains and run through minefields while carrying weapons that weighed more than 100kg in total.His shot never missed its target, even when he was a mile out.He could pilot anything that needed a pilot.He could command the military K9 to sweep for mines and could converse in 8 languages.He could write poems and perform traditional martial arts.He could hack into the network of an international group of terrorists.He could charge into battle at the frontline and would always return safely with merits.This is a story of a recruit that could do anything.

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