Miracle Healer Of the Interstellar World [BL]

Chapter 1: Chapter-1

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The morning light slipped through the gaps in the curtains and fell onto the handsome youth sleeping under the blanket. A beautiful sound of alarm sounded at the same time, a beautiful slender and well-structured hand came from under the blanket and pressed the lightened screen beside his bed, where the sound was coming.  


A handsome young man rose from the bed and walked across the room to reach the bathroom. After washing up, the youth pulled out his uniform from the closet, fitting black pants and a white top worn under the gray jacket with the school's stamp. After dressing up, he walked out of the door down the hallway and headed to the public transportation place. 


  After five minutes of fast walking, he arrived at his destination, where the vehicle meant to head for the Main school on this planet situated. He went on the aircraft and sat in a vacant seat. While waiting for it to take off, his eyes were on the aircraft, that was flying outside, defying the rules of gravity,  recalling back what happened two months ago and the circumstances he was in now.  


Two months ago, Shen Li was on a bus with his classmates, who were heading for a mountain for a campus trip. They pass the road that was built and connected with the hillsides. It was a dangerous road though there have not been any accidents since a decade ago. Governments build the fences since they will be building a resort nearby. 


 Everything was going well, students were talking and laughing on the bus when suddenly a boulder from the hill came collapsing down on the road. The driver avoided that but unfortunately, he did not see the trunk coming from another line, which also avoided the bolder but hit the bus instead. 


The bus was led astray from the road and collided with the fences with enough force that they were not able to withstand the force of the collision. The bus fell from the cliff alongside the panicked voice of the students. Before he fainted, he felt a powerful force pulling him, and a glowing circle in the deep water. 


A young man was on the ground, covered with long grass and weeds. He has dark hair that reaches his nape and fair skin. The hair and clothing on his body were stuck to his skin, and he looks like someone who has just gotten out of water. His face was grimacing like he was in pain. 


  Shen Li felt like a trunk had gone over his body with the pain in his body and dizziness in his head. Feeling like his skull was going to be split open into two. He tried to open his eyes and immediately shut them again when he felt like the world was spinning at high speed. He waited for a while and opened them again, and this time he succeeded. 


  Shen Li sat up slowly, carefully, just in case, his headache got worse again and took in his surroundings. He is in the middle of nowhere with tall grass blocking his view.  


"Where the hell is this place?" 


 He took out the phone from his pocket, trying to call for help, only to see that the phone was dead. He checked his space by sending his mental power into it and was relieved to see that precious herbs and energy stones were still there. 


"At least they are still here. I really can't bear to lose these. Also, it seems I still have my abilities."  


Shen Li tried to find out his location by spreading his mental power into the ground. The feeling he got from his power was different and confusing to decide where he was.  


Shen Li searched the grassland he was standing on and decided to look around. He decided to walk around and search for people and look for a way to contact them back home. Having no idea that the adventures and secrets on the road ahead will change his life forever. 


At another place, the guards patrolling the perimeter were gossiping about the news from Capital Star like ladies in a tea party.  


" I heard that the General Corner is returning from the frontline with victory." one of the guards said to his colleagues. 


"Yeah, I heard it too. It looks like after all these years of fighting zergs at the frontline, General Corner is coming back to the Capital Star." 


 " It is good that the General was able to bring back victory. If he fails, who knows what will happen to this planet, we might not be able to live until now."  


The planet, Alkelince, is one of the remote planets and situated in Section E stars. It was a beautiful and populated planet many hundred years ago, but now the population has decreased, and it was ranked as one of the lower planets in the Empire. This planet is near the outer perimeter, and if the frontline falls, they will be gone. 


While the guards were talking, they found a distant figure of someone walking toward them. The skeleton structure seems to be a little thin and small. The guards were on alert immediately. 


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" No 12, Can you see the figure in the forest, on the east side of the city ?" 


The petrol guard asks the guard whose duty is to observe this part of the city perimeter. There are many guards in the unit, and to make things easier for them, they were given code numbers for easier memorization.  


"Yes, I can see it. " The guards from the station replied immediately.  


The two guards who found the figure approaching them glanced at each other and then nodded, walking toward the figure with caution. Just when they were close enough and thought the figure was about to attack them, the figure fell forward suddenly.  


They hurriedly run toward the fallen figure, still with their guards up. When they arrived close enough, they saw that the figure was an injured young man with black hair who seemed to have fallen unconscious. "Quick, We have to take the kid to the hospital." The guards hurriedly took the youth to the hospital.  


Shen Li had been walking for a long time and felt exhausted. Just when he was about to give up and rest for the night, he finally saw lights coming from a distance. He walked toward the light with all strength left in his body. When he was close enough, he saw the skeleton of the two big men. 


With his hazy eyes and dizziness in his brain, he can't be sure though he thinks we saw them walking toward him. Just when he was about to call out to them, he felt that all the strength in his body had been exhausted and fell forward. He was unconscious before he hit the ground. 


Shen Li felt the pleasant feeling of floating when he first came into consciousness, he tried to open his eyes when he heard the voices of the people talking nearby. His eyelids feel like they were glued together and luring him into the world of dreams. Shen Li tried to strain his ears and heard some words, 


“.......his condition?” 

 " ……light brain."  

" call ….wake up."  


The words were unclear, and he didn't understand the meaning of some words. When he tried to hear some more, his consciousness began to fade away, allowing the darkness to welcome him once more. 


The second time Shen Li woke up, he panicked because it seemed he is immersed in green liquid. He held his breath, forcing himself to calm down and look around to get a clue about where he was. It took a while for him to realize that he was not drowning, and the pleasant feeling was coming from the liquid. He seemed to be laying in some kind of enclosed place with some light coming from the ceiling.  


Just then, the liquid inside starts draining, and the lid of which he later comes to know as a medical cabin opens. Shen Li got up from the cabin, eyeing the strange equipment around the room, which he thought should be a hospital room but did not seem like one either. The door of the room slid open and a handsome man in a doctor's white coat walked into it.  


"You are finally awake. How are you feeling? Any discomfort?" asked the man.  The man seems to emit a calm, collected aura.  


Although the language he was speaking was unknown to Shen Li, he understood him perfectly. 


"Fine. Where am I? Which year is it ?" Shen Li replied and asked back.  


The strange situation and equipment around made him recall many novels he had read before. He is not sure if he really wanted the answer to it thought. 


"You are in the hospital on planet Alkelince. The guards found you near the East side of the city with injuries on your head and body."  


"As for your second question, it is the 12609 year of the Interstellar Calendar."  


Shen Li was not sure what his emotions were supposed to be now that he had confirmed his guess that he had either time traveled or transmigrated.

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