Miracle Healer Of the Interstellar World [BL]

Chapter 15: Chapter-15

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A room surrounded by the metal wall and strange pressure from the vents in the room. Shen Li sat in a meditation position in the center of the room, concentrating on his mental ability. This room is a special training room for those who want to train their spiritual power. He came here to see if this training would be effective for him. Shen Li rented a training room for nine hours and had been meditating the whole time. 


"I can't feel any change in my ability. It looks like I will need more time to feel the change if this training room is effective." Shen Li sighed at his situation.  


He did not have much hope for this ability of his. Though he would not give up easily without trying his best. So, he would train for a month and see if there is a change. After meditating for nine hours, Shen Li decided to go to the Mecha Planet. He had been interested in Mechas since he learned about them. These Mechas would be really powerful weapons if they can fight against the highest level zergs.   


Entering the Mecha Planet, he was met with many players running in the street. Curious, he asked one of the young men that passed by. 


"Brother, what is the urgent here? Where are they running to?" The young man Shen Li asked was a tall young man in black and white clothing that seemed like an academy uniform.  


“Ah, this young brother must be new here. We got the news that ‘Big Square’ and ‘Big Round’ would be having a competition in the 12 training ground. Everyone is rushing there to see it. I will show you the way.” 


 After speaking the young man took the hand of Shen Li and ran toward where he assumed to be the 12 training ground. Dragging Shen Li with him, who didn’t understand anything. But he can conclude that ‘Big Square’ and ‘Big Round’ are famous here and they were on the way to see the fight between them.  


"Those were kind of weird names and I thought my naming sense was bad. At least some people have a worse naming sense than me." Shen Li mumbled to himself while making sure to not trip and keep up with the speed the young man was running. Soon they arrived at what appeared to be the gate. When you are in the range of the gate a window appears in front of you, asking them to choose which kind of room they want.  


"Here, you will have to choose which kind of room you want. I am choosing the paid room. You?" The young man asks with hopeful eyes that he tried to hide. Shen Li could not pick out why the young man had hopeful eyes like that. 


They can join a free public room, where there would be a lot of people, or a paid room, where the number of people is limited and with seats. The higher class the room is, the more expensive it is. 


“I would choose the paid room as well.” Shen Li did not have any problem with money with his two jobs.  


Hearing the answer from Shen Li, the young man showed him a blinding smile. "Let's go into the same room." 


“Om, let’s go.”  


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Shen Li did not know anything about Mecha fighting and he had a feeling that if he went with this young man, it would benefit him a lot. Both choose the same room and in flash, they appear in the room with 2 seats in it. The room is spacious and the front wall of the room changes into a screen, where you can see the fight going on the stage. 


“Take a seat. The fight would last 20 minutes at least normally.” The young man said to Shen Li, gesturing toward the seat beside his. 


 The screen in front of them shows the battle between the red Mecha and gold Mecha of different shapes. The red Mecha had a [Big Square] at its top and the gold Mecha had a [Big Round] at its top. Like their names, the red Mecha is a big robot shaped with a square body and the gold Mecha is around an animal shaped like a bear. 


"Their Mechas are always like their names. Big Square always used robot-shaped square types and Big Round always used round animals. Both are the top students in the Ninth Ring Military academy and these two are close friends in real life." The young man had a kind of envy in his eyes when he mentioned this. Shen Li is not sure if he was envious of their Mecha driving skills or their friendship.  


Looking at the way these Mecha were fighting, Shen Li could not take his eyes away from the screen. The way they moved, their firepower of them, and their elongation of them, made him suddenly very interested in the Mecha. Listening to the young man next to him made him realize that he still lacks a lot of knowledge about this world. The match took 38 minutes with Big Square winning in the end with a hair beat away. 


“Looks like this time the winning one is the Big Square.” The young man beside him said with emotions. 


“Do they have frequent matches like this?” Shen Li asked the young man. Only remembering it now that he still has not asked for the other name. 


“Yes, they have a match every month. It was known to everyone here. Are you new here? I can show you around. Do you want to add me as a friend?” The young man asked Shen Li. 


“Ah, sorry about that. Could it be possible to be added as an outer friend?” Shen Li asks the young man, who kind of looks self-disproving at his rejection, to be added as an inner friend. The young man kind of seemed like a good person and his instincts were not screaming at him the whole time he was in this room. 


"It is not that I did not want you as a friend but I would like to remain anonymous. You can call me Xin, 19 years old" He explained quickly to the young man who looked like a kicked puppy.  


The young man immediately perks up at this. "I am Free Soul, and 17 years old." He replied immediately and Shen Li was surprised that the young man who looked alike was actually 2 years younger than him. It took a second to remember that in this V.R world, the look can be deceiving. Shen Li sent the outer friend request to the Free Soul and it was approved in a few seconds. 


The reason Shen Li asked for the outer friend request instead of the inner friend was that if you are an outer friend of someone, they can contact and message each other at any time. But their profile would remain hidden. They can use the nickname, for contacting those who want to remain anonymous. Most people use the player names here, so adding as an inner friend was not trouble. But for Shen Li, who had to hide that he is the 'Wanderer', he can't let anyone know his identity even if it is just the player's name. 


After adding him as an outer friend, Free Soul took him around the famous place in the Mecha Planet. Shen Li made sure to memorize their specific names and functions for when he would come here again without Free Soul. After a 2-hour long tour, Free Soul had something to do and went offline first. While Shen Li went in a direction, that he had memorized especially. He arrived in front of a Mecha Training Center for Beginners. Ready to make sure he had the understanding of the Mecha for these might be very useful for him in the future and could be his hidden card. 

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