Miracle Healer Of the Interstellar World [BL]

Chapter 22: Chapter-21

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The aroma of the coffee drifted in the air faintly, making the residents in the shop relax and be at ease. A man with handsome features and a sharp face wearing a formal suit is sitting at the table waiting for the guest to arrive. He arrived 15 minutes earlier than the set time, one to observe the surroundings and the second was because this is the important job his superiors had for him and it was best to arrive early and wait than arrive late and appear rude.

Eight minutes before the appointment time, a handsome young man with dark hair and dark eyes enters the shop. The youth searched around the shop and landed on him. The man got up, it appears that he recognized the youth as well.

"Hi, I am Yukiyo, the second lieutenant from the sixth army. It is nice to see you." The man introduced himself and put his hand in front for the handshake.

"Hi. I am Shen Li here. Nice to meet you as well. Sorry for the late." The handsome youth replied.
Shen Li sat down and order the ice coffee ☕.

"It's ok to go straight to contract terms?" Yukiyo asked the youth in front of him who might be twenty at most and the youth nodded. Yukiyo opened the privacy function around the table and put the small metal cube on the table. The holographic screen appears from the cube, showing the terms of the contract. It offered Shen Li 1.6 billion and a token that would allow him to call for help from them in an emergency once.

The contract terms were better than the original terms requested from Shen Li. "It's ok." Shen Li replied with a smile. While internally he is smiling like a manic that if the other person sees it they would think that Shen Li is a lunatic. It seems that Shen Li should make more original potions in the future. It is a lot easier to make money and get connections. They sign the contract there and the money also comes into his account immediately.

He should really thank the principal and the director of the school. The supposed cooperation makes them work almost all for Shen Li whether connecting the clients or going through the emails. It also helps that they have more connections than others so it makes it easier for them to distinguish who is a fraud and who is real.
After negotiating with others, the principal showed the most suitable three clients to him which were the sixth army, the second army, and the Mu family. Shen Li read the terms they offered and chose the sixth army since its conditions are the best. As stated in their cooperation, the school profits as well.

Shen Li arrived in the capital three days ago with the reason being that he came here for a visit and the contract. In fact, he is here because of the auction of the 'Magam' Crystal tonight at the 'Full Bloom' auction house. Participants at this auction can wear a mask if they want to remain anonymous. Shen Li prepared the mask and hair dye because there are not many people with dark hair color in this area and it would be easy to track.

After exiting the shop, Shen Li walked around and finally walked into the marker which was buzzing with people. He looked out from the small space between the shelves of the shop he was in. Sure enough, he saw three people searching around like they lost something among the crowds which would be him. Ever since he was in the store he was feeling that there were eyes on him so he intentionally led them here.

Shen Li went inside the bathroom of the shop and he was sure there was no surveillance and the shopkeeper was busy to see who came in. Inside the bathroom, Shen Li took out the clothes from the space and changed his hair color to red by taking a dye pill. He takes an aircraft ( like a taxi but automatic) to the most popular mall in the capital.

The reason is that at this mall aside from the latest techs, you can buy the high-quality mechas as long as you have money. It is one of the malls of the 'Silver Wing' family. Shen Li went straight to the Mecha floor and as soon as he entered, the first thing to come into view was the various mechas models. The sales associate girl with brown hair came to him immediately with a smile.

"Hello customer, what kind of mecha are you looking for?" The girl asked respectfully even if the male in front of her did not look like a rich person. One of the sales associate's girls snorted at her and looked at Shen Li with disgust. Shen Li ignored her and talked to the girl in front of him.

"I want to see the OD twin type." Shen Li asks the girl and she shows him the way. Along the way, Shen Li heard the rude girl mumbling that the poor people were coming here to cause trouble which Shen Li was able to hear thanks to his enhanced hearing and he was sure that the girl was aiming at him. He looks back and glares at the girl who looks frightened at this.

"Is there a problem sir?" The brown hair girl asks when the customer has stopped walking.

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"Nothing." was the reply she received but she could guess that the other girl might have said something rude to make the customer angry.

She led him to the place where the model of the OD twin-type mechas is lined up. OD twin types are the most expensive among the mecha since it has the functions of both Offense and Defense type Mecha and is also the hardest to control. Most people who can drive them are high-ranking soldiers who have fought on the battlefield for years and are talented. The young man like the customer might not be able to afford it since even the rich young masters could not afford it.

The customers' clothes are not of the famous brands and this type of mecha is the most expensive so the sales associates thought that he was just a poor student who came here to look at the model. But she really needs this job for the tuition fees and even the lowest level of mecha selling or high satisfaction level of the customer would get her the points.

She saw that the customer looked around and finally stopped in front of the T9-209. It was invented around 2 years ago but only about 10 were sold. It is not because this mecha is bad but because it is very high tech making it the hardest type of mecha to control and expensive as well. Among the 10 mechas that were sold only 4-6 mechas were used in real life while others were for showing their wealth and strength.

"This one, I will take it." The customer said and the girl's eyes went wide. The price of this mecha is 630 million which the girl thinks that the customer might not know.

"Sir this is the T9-209 type and its price is 630 million and it has to be paid immediately. What about I show you the others?" The girl said in a round-bound way in order to not embarrass the customer.

Shen Li smiles at this. He really likes this girl and she is even his type. " I will pay immediately and what colors are left?"

"Aa- There are many designs. Red, Black, White, Gray, and Blue color. You can set the color to one color or two colors mix." The girl replied with a shatter after Shen Li waves a hand in front of her eyes since she was staring.

"After the customer paid, the customer can immediately set the colors and the mecha would be ready in half an hour." She added to which Shen Li nodded and made a hand gesture which means 'show the way' to the girl.

"Ye-Yes, sir. This way please." The girl looked like she would explode from the excitement she was feeling. If she managed to sell this mecha, and not say anything about points she might even be promoted to the gold sale member from the bronze member. Even if she still feels insecure that this customer would have enough money to buy this.

They arrived at the huge contract table in the center of the floor where the contracts are signed. The girl stood on the other side of the table and tapped on the table. The surface of the table changes into the screen and a holographic screen appears at the end near where Shen Li stood. The contract and the warranty terms as well as the gifts for the buyers are shown on the screen.

The rude girl from before saw Shen Li at the contract table and thought that the poor one bought some low-level mecha. She thought it was her loss but not much since selling low-level mecha did not get many points and she got a rich customer as well. After Shen Li went to see the mecha, another customer came and this one looked like a rich young master so the rude girl was sure that she would get high points if she sold mid or high-level mecha to him.

The rich young master had already a mid-level in mind when he came here so he immediately went to the contract table. The rich young master and Shen Li were standing side by side so the rude girl was able to see the contract of the high-level mecha in front of Shen Li. And her eyes go wide at the mecha type T9-209. Even more when she saw that Shen Li paid the amount in one full swipe.

As a buyer who bought above 500 million, Shen Li was escorted to the VIP room. The rude girl can't help but stare at his back and her face gets worse when the rich young master who she thought was big meat chose to pay divided instead. She can not help crying internally that she missed such a good opportunity.

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