Miracle Healer Of the Interstellar World [BL]

Chapter 24: Chapter-23

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The price of the 'Magma Crystal' arrived at 500 million in no time and fewer people were bidding on it.

"510 million".
"530 million."
"550 million."
"580 million."
"590 million."...

"780 million." The price stopped at this.

"780 million, is there someone bidding higher than this? If not the 'Magma Crystal would–"

"800 million." Another bidder appears at this time.

"Oh! We still have bidders. 800 million."

"810 million." The first bidder added 10 million to 800.

"820 million." The second bidder raised 10 million as well.

"890 million." The first bidder bids and everyone was waiting to see if the second bidder would raise again. The second bidder was silent. At that time_

"940 million." A new bidder appeared and the price was higher than everyone.

"950 million." The first bidder raised the price after a while. Looks like they were at the limit and hesitated.

"960 million." The mysterious bidder bids again and this time no one counter binds.

"960 million. Is there someone bidding higher than this?" The announcer asked the guests in this auction. When there was no one else bid anymore_

"960 million once, 960 million twice, and 960 million thrice. Sold!"

"Dear honorary guests, the auction has come to an end successfully. This one hopes that everyone enjoys it. The house has prepared the banquet to enjoy after the auction, so dear guests can go to the second floor to enjoy."

People from the big family keep an eye on the people in the banquet and the ones who went out without attending it. They search for a while but can not guess who bought the "Magma Crystal' and the big families present also deny that they bought it. While everyone was searching for the buyer intensely among the big families, there was one inconspicuous person at the corner of the banquet hall.

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He stands there for an hour and when some small families leave, he disappears among the crowds and takes his hover car. He gets out of the hover car and walks into the alley not far away from the hotel silently and in his hand is the 'Magma Crystal' that seems to appear from the thin air. Yes, that person is none other than Shen Li who took out the 'Magma Crystal' he bought from his space. Shen Li put the 'Magma Crystal' he bought into his space, so no one or any CCTV caught sight of him with the hand-carry which the crystal was in with.

"It is more powerful than I expected." Shen Li said to himself while checking the Crystal. He can feel the energy radiation from the Crystal in his hand. Just when he was about to get out of the alleyway- 'Thud' came from the deep of the alley. Amm? That sounds like something is being dropped.

"Should I check it or not?" Shen Li stood there and pondered for a while before deciding to walk deeper into the alley with silent footsteps cautiously. As he came nearer to the sound Shen Li heard something like shifting and whimpering? sound. When he arrived at the corner just before where the sounds were coming from, Shen Li stayed behind the wall and slowly poked out his head a little to see what was happening.

The thing he saw at the end of the alley made his eyes go wide. The is a huge creature of some sort but Shen Li can't see it clearly due to it appearing to be in some sort of censors. The creature which is at least 7 feet shifts and turns toward him? That is what it appears to be, at least to Shen Li. When it shifts, Shen Li gets a glimpse of the human the creature was hiding behind its huge body.

Shen Li heard the vague sound like that of the wolf."Wait, the blur creature and a human it was protecting? It can't be the Quantum Beast of the human behind, is it?" Shen Li finally remembered the accident of his 'Fake smoothing agents Live broadcast' that made his potion become popular. In that video, he was able to see the outline of the lady soldier's Quantum Beast. It seems that the human is the Sentinel and the huge creature protecting it might be the Quantum Beast of that man and the man was probably in some kind of danger.

Shen Li gets out of the corner and takes a cautious step toward the big wolf? and the sentinel. The wolf seems to shift more and Shen Li can face to face? No eyes to eyes with the wolf. The beautiful golden eyes that stare vigilantly at him and Shen Li froze. These golden eyes seem to look into the deepest secrets of his heart and it makes him shiver with cills.

But it was only for a second and Shen Li pretended that he did not see the creature and walked toward the man. His instinct told him that it is best to pretend he can't see the quantum beasts. Shen Li did not know why his conscience decided that it would be dangerous? Bring problems to him? If this other man inside the alley discovers that he can see the quantum beast.

When Shen Li was near enough he was able to see the man more clearly. The handsome man seems tall with how long his legs are and the body structure and posture screams 'Soldier' to him. The man seems to be sweating and clutching his hands tight enough that you can see the veins bulging on his hands. Shen Li can somehow feel the agonizing pain radiation from the man and he seems to be nearly at death's door.

Shen Li did not know where this thought came from but he has to say that it seems to be correct. The sentinel has already fainted and Shen Li can't ask what is happening to him so he has to search for answers himself.

"Damn, the day was going quite well. It seems that the universe thought that my life was boring and decided to give the problem as a gift. Anyway, the most important thing now is to know what is happening to this man." When Shen Li was pondering whether to call for hospital or not since the man seemed like he would not survive until then. He was suddenly startled out of his thoughts when he felt the wet sensation on his neck.

'Did the quantum beast just lick me on the neck? Wait, that's it! The quantum beasts are not allowed in the public and they would not come out unless the spiritual sea of the owner is unstable. ' The sweating, the pain, and the quantum beast released in the public, it seems like falling into the mental manic.' Shen Li's hand went toward the face of the sentinel and before he touched the eyelids of the man, a hand shot out and caught the wrist of Shen Li.
"Ah! That startled me." It seems like the man is still unconscious and it was the body's reflex acting on its own. Shen Li can't seem to get the hand to release his wrist with how hard the man is gripping it so he has to work with it. He gently opened the eyelids of the man and as he thought the eyes of the sentinel were red. He took out the second-grade smoothing potion from his space, thankful for his readiness. He poured the potion down the man's throat and thankfully the man swallowed it.

The painful aura around the man subdued and Shen Li tried to get up, forgetting the hand gripping his wrist and the big wolf that was behind him. He was pulled back and almost fell on the man but he balanced himself before falling face first. "Damn, what did this man actually eat? Why is he this strong?"Shen Li tries to open the steel-like fingers around his wrist that tightened when the man started to wake up but fails. Seeing the man's eyes slowly opening, and the footsteps that seemed to be coming here, Shen Li had no other choice left.

"Hey, don't blame me when you wake up. It is your fault that you did not let go." Shen Li pulls out the anesthetic spray from his space and sprays it on the man's face. The man persisted for a while but eventually, the effect of the spray won and the hand around his wrist loosen enough that Shen Li was able to pull out his hand. Then, he turned around before the wolf had enough time to react and run toward the way he came before since the footsteps were coming from the other side.

Just when he was far enough, he heard a man's voice calling the General. "Oof, it seems that I have saved a person of high ranking. I should better change clothes before returning to the hotel just in case." Shen Li sighed and walked to the hotel while avoiding the CCTVS after changing his clothes.

Right now to Shen Li, the man was just one of the people he saved and nothing special. There would be no other contact and soon he would forget the man. True to his words, Shen Li soon did indeed forget about the man he saved in the alley but unfortunately for him the other man did not.

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