Miracle Healer Of the Interstellar World [BL]

Chapter 27: Chapter-26

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The signal control center was surprised when they received a distress emergency signal from the J-6, a desert planet. The J-6 is a planet filled with Sandstrom and mid and low-level zergs and only mercenary teams go there to carry out the elimination missions. And they are usually a powerful team that does not need help. Nonetheless, they did not ignore the distress signal and sent the distress signal notification messages to the nearby forces around the J-6. You can imagine their surprise when the first force to respond was the sixth army force.

"Sir, we received a distress signal from the J-6 planet." The subordinate reported to the superiors and received an order to go there. They drove at a fast speed and it took them 17 hours to arrive near the J-6. The first thing they did was to send the drones and collect the data from them.

Cold blue eyes scan the data and the video received from the drones and immediately spot the abnormality on it. Large amounts of zergs are gathered at a point and other zergs around the planet are moving toward that point. The live data from the drones show that there are some mercenaries trapped there, surrounded by the herds of the zergs.

"Team A, rescue the trapped people, Team B, cover Team A and attack the zergs surrounding the team, Team C, search for the abnormality." Connor gave the order immediately and the special forces of the sixth army acted immediately on the order.

The final result was that there was a general( level of the commander) zerg hiding among the zergs pretending to be a low-level zerg. It was fortunate that they discovered a commander-level zerg hiding on this planet. If they did not discover the zerg earlier, it may grow stronger in the near future by devouring more and more.

"Call the mercenary team involved to the meeting room," Connor said to Assistant Chen.

"All, sir?" Usually, at times like this, only the leader would be called but the general said the 'team' so it might be that the general wanted the whole team to come to the meeting room. So, the assistant Chen asked to confirm it. When the other said nothing but looked at him with the 'Why are you still here and not carrying out the order and wasting time' look in general eyes that he was familiar with was all he needed to know to get the answer. He nodded and tapped on his light brain. Not long after, the AI informed them that the team had already arrived at the door and the door was opened at the command of the general.

In fact, the sixth army forces did not patrol these areas. Connor was on patrol this time because Aries had been acting strangely happy and running around in the spiritual sea. Connor has not seen Aries this happy for months since the accident. Both Aries and his instincts were unknowingly pushing him to go out to patrol today. Connor trusted Aries and his instinct, they saved his life in many situations.

And he did indeed encounter a general zerg on this desert planet. But what puzzled him was that Aries has been jumping and acting like a pup instead of how mighty and cool he is. Connor notices that Aries' reaction is intense after the mercenary team arrives on the starship. In order to confirm his suspicion that Aries's reaction has something to do with the mercenary team, Connor orders the mercenary team to be taken to the meeting room where he can meet them personally.

So, that is what led to this situation. The door opened and the mercenary team stepped into the room. The first thing Connor noticed was not the team captain standing at the front but the young man standing behind. Their eyes locked with each other and for a millisecond Connor felt a strange feeling like this was the moment he was living for but dismissed it quickly. His eyes turn to the man at the front, according to the data, this man is the Captain of the 'Dawn', one of the best mercenary teams from the 'Traratin' guild.

Assistant Chen showed them the seats and told them politely to sit down. Chen Xin has a nice and friendly smile on his face but Connor knew very well how scummy and wicked his assistant is. Well, it is his scummy yet royal personality that made him Connor's assistant and trusted man since childhood.

Connor lets his Quantum beast out of the spiritual sea and sees what Aries does. Aries run straight to the young man sitting at the furthest place from him and pounced on the young man with the half-face mask. The young man shows no sign of recognizing the Quantum Beast on his body. Connor ignored it and pretended like his quantum beast hasn't been acting like a puppy looking for the owner's attention.

"Things like getting attacked by herds of zergs tend to happen, so how did you notice the abnormality?"Connor questions the captain.

"We also thought it was a normal herd as well until around two hours of fighting our youngest member noticed something wrong and informed us." The Captain's reply and assistant Chen have to give the sentinel credit for acting calm in front of the general even if his nervousness can be seen through with the sharp eyes. The others in the team nodded as well.

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Their head turns toward the masked young man who is apparently the youngest member of the team. Connor turns to the young man, ignoring Aries who was cuddling the young man and licking his nape. Connor really did not know whose Quantum Beast it is. Definitely not his mighty and powerful Aries. The young man understood the question in Connor's eyes and answered.

"I noticed that the zergs were attacking in coordinated patterns and finally noticed the abnormality after observing for a while."

"You notice the attack patterns?"

"I have studied the attack pattern of the zergs since they help me have the upper hand in the battle. I realized that the patterns the zergs were using were different from the usual pattern." After the young man answered, Connor, did not say anything but stared at him with his piercing eyes.

After a while, Connor asked again but the question was something nobody, even assistant Chen thought his boss would ask and it was. " What is your gender?"

The young man froze for a second but Connor can't see the young man's facial reaction because of his mask.

"Do I need to answer it, sir? I think It has nothing to do with it." The young man asked again but he saw the eyes of the man in front of him, he sighed and answered the question.

"It is the norm( normal)." The young man replied calmly and Connor stared at his eyes to see whatever he was lying about and found out that the young man wasn't lying. Connor nodded and continued with the questioning. After he was satisfied he sent the others back and the mercenary team returned to their guild with their ship.

On the way to returning to his base, Connor had the information about the 'Dawn' team, especially about the young man in his hand. The data shows that the young man apparently 'Fox' joined the 'Traratin' early in the year and rose in the ranks very quickly. The young man is a water ability user with high mecha driving skills.

Even though water ability is usually passive, few of the water ability users can manipulate the ability very well and use it for the attack as well. So, this 'Fox' is one of the rare water ability users and his mecha ability is also very good from what Connor has seen in the live data from the drones.

There is also the fact that the young man is a swordsman. In this kind of age where everyone uses cannon guns, nobody uses the sword anymore unless it is in a rare ancient traditional festival. There is also the fact that he kind of feels familiar with the young man's back like he had seen it before but can't place where it is.

"Investigate the 'Dawn' team member, Fox. His identity, background, history, everything about him." Connor orders Chen Xin. Chen Xin was surprised that his boss wanted to investigate a mercenary background. After a few seconds, Chen Xin got the work and sent the photo and data of Fox to the detective and spy team of the sixth army.

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