Miracle Healer Of the Interstellar World [BL]

Chapter 30: Chapter-29

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Soon, the team'S.R.W' finished round 3 and on that day, Shen Li received a message from Xiao Xin to meet at their regular place. When He arrived there, Xiao Xin was sitting quickly near the fountain silently like a person detached from the world. It did not sit well with Shen Li how an energetic young man has quieted down.

"Hey kid, do tell me why you are acting like an old man." Shen Li asked Xiao Xin and he got a quiet reply.

"Just thinking about the meaning of life." Ok, it seems that the situation is bad. Shen Li did not say anything but sat down beside the boy in silence. It was not a suffocating silence but a quiet and peaceful silence that gave a warm hug to the damaged and sad soul. Xiao Xin appreciated that.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Shen Li asks after sitting in comfortable silence for a while, his voice soft and low.

"I don't have much time left. My body would only last a year at most." After a while Xiao Xin replied, voice quiet and slow like speaking of this topic pained him.

"Ever since I had that accident, I knew that I wouldn't live long. I knew that I wouldn't be able to become something great but I will spend my whole life in a room filled with medical equipment. The only way I felt like a normal person was when I was in the V.R world, where I could move without feeling like my body is gonna fall apart. Breath without the crushing pain in my chest and lungs"

"Now, everything is going to be over. Doctors said that soon my body would become weak enough that I won't be able to enter the V.R world anymore. I know that I have no hope left even if my parents keep trying to tell me otherwise." Shen Li sat beside the boy and let him pour his heart out. Keeping a grip on the boy's shoulder that is neither strong enough to hurt nor weak enough that the boy can't register the hand on his shoulder.

"Brother, you know what is even more frustrating? It is that relatives keep acting as if they care about me in front of my parents and me while inside they are wishing for me to die faster so that they can give my position to their children. My cousins act like we are very close in front but I have heard what they call me behind mine and my parents' back. "Useless waste of the Sentinel" that's what they call me." Xiao Xian's voice carried self-loathing and Shen Li tightened his hold on the boy's shoulder.

"And, they are not wrong. I really am a useless waste. You know, I admire you a lot right, brother? Brother, you are my first friend who did not befriend me for your benefit as well. You are a norm(normal) but you are very strong. A rare attack type water ability user and also a skilled mecha pilot. I really wanted to be like you." Xiao Xin had tears streaming down his face at this moment and his voice was cracking when he spoke.

He continues talking and Shen Li continues to listen to him in silence but the hand on the boy's shoulder never wavers even for a second. Well, Shen Li would not tell anyone that the boy reminded Shen Li of himself.

There was a time when he felt like he had lost everything in his life, holding the body of that person which was gradually turning cold. Shen Li had no will left to live but he fought his demons and survived only because of the words left by that person.

"Live. Live well, A-Yue. Even if you feel like dying, live. Hold onto the memories and live until you can let the past go and can continue on the road without hesitating."These words have saved his life and given him enough strength to continue living even if it's hurt.

"Kid, Do you know what my profession is?" Shen Li asked Xiao Xin after he had finished talking. The boy looked at him with a confused face at the change of the topics but nonetheless, he tried to guess the answer.

"A soldier? But you are still young, so an intern soldier? Mecha and ability user dual students in the Military academy?" Xiao Xin was quite sure of his answer since this is the most logical thing for someone as good as the 'Wanderer'.

"Wrong." Shen Li saw the 'I get it right' face of the boy and was amused.

"Wrong. No way!"Xiao Xin thought that 'Wanderer' was cheating him.

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"Then what is your profession?" Xiao Xin asked, determined that the other would not be able to answer it. Shen Li can see the thoughts of the boy clearly on his face and he had to control his argument to laugh. It would not be nice to laugh now since it would break the atmosphere.

"Have you ever heard of 'Healer' on the Star Net?" Shen Li asks instead of answering the question.

"I have heard of 'Healer'. Since my body is weak, I am prone to my spiritual sea becoming unstable. I have been using Healer's potions for quite a while since the mother was informed of it by her friend." After answering Shen Li, Xiao Xin looked at him with a face saying don't try to change the subject.

But when Shen Li continued smiling and did not say anything, a strange guess that 'Wanderer' is the 'Healer' entered his mind. That can't be possible, right? Everyone knows that pharmacists are weak in strength since they did not have time for anything aside from making potions and medicines.

'Wanderer' is a strong ability user and skilled mecha pilot, he should be a soldier or a mercenary. It would be impossible for him to be a pharmacist, right?

"Brother, you are not saying that you are the 'Healer', right?" He asks just in case even though he feels it is impossible.

"Yes, I am." Shen Li said and he could not contain his laughter anymore seeing the disbelieving face the boy was making.

"Ever since I heard that you were affected with 'D type NC', I have been researching the drug, trying to make the cure." Shen Li said the truth. Xiao Xin's heart suddenly contains a glimpse of hope but he immediately stops himself. He knew better than anyone that even though scientists have been trying to create a cure, they have not succeeded till now.
"Thank you, Brother. But I don't think I would last long enough for that. Though it would really be great if the cure for the 'D type NC' was created since it would save many people's lives.

"Ah! I was about to say that I have created a cure for 'D type NC'." Shen Li explained to the boy who was trying his best to hide the hope in his eyes. He has managed to create a cure for the 'D type NC'. After many failed experiments, Shen Li finally found what was wrong with the experiment.

He has been trying to find a cure that will cure the disease in one potion. Even if he managed to make a cure like that it would not do anything since the body of these disease patients are weak and can not handle the potion. So, instead, he divided the cure into three sections.

The first section has five doses, which you would need to take once a week. These potions did not cure the disease but they stopped the spread of the 'D type NC'. It would enhance the natural defense system of the body and stop the spread of the disease slowly so the body can adjust. With each dose, the potions would become stronger and after the fifth dose, the disease would completely stop spreading.

The second section contains six doses, with each dose rebuilding the body's strength and defense system. You would need to take two doses every week and you also need to start exercising your body.

The third section is the most critical and the most painful one. It contains 40 doses which you would need to take each day. These doses would clean the 'D type NC' in your body. But it would be very painful and you can not miss even one day. Since once you start taking these doses, the disease that has been dormant would want to spread once again. You would be left exhausted and tired at the end of the day.

Shen Li explained how the cure works to Xiao Xin and asked if he wanted it. He also explained that the cure has not been used on anyone else before and that he would be the first one. He wanted the boy to decide on his own.

"Would it really cure me?" Xiao Xin's voice was trembling when he asked that question. Shen Li gave a firm nod at this and Xiao Xin exhaled loudly. After being in a daze for a while, the boy's eyes shine with determination.

"Yes, Brother. I want to try it."

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