Mirror Changed

Mirror Changed



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Mirror Changed

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Once. A long time ago. Ages past, so far past that there is no longer a history for it the agents of Gaia and the agents of Civilization did battle. In the first great cities of the world did the peoples of Humanity seek refuge as peoples of godlike power walked among them. Hoping against hope that they would survive the cataclysms.

They did... sort of. Only by abandoning all that came before. It was into this world that modern man came to be. Still linked in many ways to the akashic fields that had given power to those prior, in many ways no longer aware of their heritage. Time passed, centuries... millennia. Eventually Civilization rose once again. Great cities larger if less advanced than prior stood upon the Earth. This was like an incessant itch upon the realm of Gaia. It turned its attention towards ridding itself of the parasites that caused it such mental pain, only to find that it had its own avatars to protect itself with. The two did battle, first in quiet later in the open. Giants walked open for a time. Until almost nothing was left in the second epoch.

Both entities brought low, nigh on destroyed. They then invested a piece of their own awareness on something to help keep oblivion at bay. This was the birth of Balance.

Time passed again. Time enough for humanity to completely forget everything that came prior.

Now it is the third epoch. It is the time that Civilizations excesses cause grief to Gaia and Gaia's conservative nature grates upon all of Civilization causing them to feel penned in and hated.

Will Balance be able to maintain, or will it be too much for it to handle.

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