Missed Connections

Chapter 4: 4. Close Call

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Despite my plans I managed to sleep in again Wednesday morning and missed the buffet, and this time I didn't have any left-overs from the night before either.

In lieu of breakfast I got even more lazy, and it was nearly one in the afternoon before I finally emerged from the hotel. I had a little more shopping to do so it was back on the Tube to the next shop on my list.

On the way there I stopped at a well-known burger chain for a cheap simple lunch, but I didn't waste too much time at that.

My destination for the day was a make-up place that had good reviews, both for price and helpful staff. And considering my only experience with make-up in the past was some private experimentation when my dad wasn't around, I figured I could use some guidance.

I ended up talking with a pretty young woman named Kathy, who was really nice and helpful. She didn't bat an eye when I admitted I had no idea what I was doing. She already figured out my aesthetic from my outfit, I was wearing black leather ankle boots, black skinny-jeans, and a cute pink blouse. My big grey hoodie was back at the hotel, in favour of my new little black jacket.

My cheeks turned red but I couldn't help smiling when Kathy complimented my hair and gushed over that 'cool retro bracelet' on my wrist. Then she helped me pick out some lipstick, mascara, eye-shadow, and blush that all fit with my skin and hair and style and all that stuff. She kept it all in budget as well, then she showed me how to apply it.

Like they had some chairs and mirrors, and she quickly did some magic with my face that left me feeling strange things as I looked at my reflection. I'd spent the last two days knowing I was cute, now I was hot. And if that wasn't me in the mirror, I'd definitely be into the hot blonde smiling back at me.

With the make-up sorted, Kathy also suggested some accessories. The shop had some low-cost jewelry and stuff, and she picked out a couple necklaces for me to look at. They were all kind of chunky and vaguely pagan-looking, I figured she was going off the way the bracelet looked.

It put me over budget but I couldn't resist, I ended up picking one out that was supposedly a Tree of Life amulet. It was coloured to look like gold, but I was pretty sure there wasn't a speck of precious metal in the thing. It hung on a black cord that positioned it just at the top of my cleavage, and kind of caught the eye and pulled it down to my chest. Maybe not the best choice but I liked it.

Unfortunately that was pretty much all I had planned for the day, and after heading back to the hotel to put my new make-up away I actually found myself feeling kind of bored.

After only forty-eight hours of being Lexi, I'd run out of things to do.

I ended up slumped on my bed with the TV on while I surfed the net on my phone, but it wasn't enough to hold my interest.

By about six o'clock I was too bored and fidgety, and decided I had to go out. I checked myself in the mirror, hair make-up and outfit. I got one of the hair-ties and pulled my long blonde locks back into a loose lazy pony-tail, touched up my lipstick, then set out.

Without really thinking too hard where I was going, I kind of ended up at the pub around the block from Ian's flat. It was a bit of a seedy place, and the smell of spilled beer and stale pretzels seemed to permanently hang in the air.

The half dozen TVs were showing a couple different soccer games. Or football, as the locals called it. The place wasn't too crowded yet, it was about half-full but it was lively. My eyes swept across the room and I spotted my cousin, sitting alone at a table at the back.

On the table in front of him was a half-empty pint of beer and a plate of bones that had formerly been an order of chicken wings. He had what looked like a brand-new mobile phone in his hand. That leather jacket he was wearing looked new as well, now that I noticed it.

I figured he'd already pawned some of the jewelry from Sunday night. And he didn't look too shook up about his missing cousin. I wondered if he knew I was dead, or if he figured I was missing, or thought I got arrested. Or maybe he didn't care.

I hadn't consciously planned to go to that pub, I hadn't known for sure he'd even be there, but suddenly I felt the urge to confront him. To tell him off for dragging me into his bullshit, then ditching me and getting me killed.

But before I could take a step towards him I felt something. A presence, a new awareness in my mind. And before she even spoke I realized Eva was back.

"Don't do it Lexi," she said in a hushed but urgent tone. "Please. That boy is trouble, and talking to him will bring you nothing but trouble too."

I frowned, /He's my cousin. He was supposed to be looking after me. Instead he made me an accomplice to a crime, then he ditched me in a strange city. He could have got me arrested, instead he got me killed./

Eva sighed, "Your death was an accident Lexi. I'm not excusing your cousin's behaviour, but he did not kill you. And I'm asking you to please leave him alone."

/Fine,/ I grumped.

I'd been standing just inside the door long enough that a few people were starting to stare, but despite my desires I didn't approach Ian's table. I moved off to the side and stood by the bar instead. It was the same bartender I'd seen every time Ian brought me there, though needless to say he didn't recognize me. And the way he looked me up and down left me feeling like I'd be taking another shower as soon as I got back to the hotel.

I ended up with a half-pint of lager, and I stood alone sipping it as I gradually became more and more aware of all the other eyes on me. It didn't take long for me to go from wanting to confront my cousin to regretting being there at all. So far nobody had tried to come talk to me, but I could hear at least two different conversations where guys were commenting on my ass and my legs, or talking about what they'd do to me if they got me in bed.

By the time I got halfway through my drink I was about ready to leave, except I was worried about some of those guys following me. And it suddenly hit me, now that I was a small cute hot girl, I had to worry about a lot of new things that I didn't have to think about when I looked like a boring nondescript dude.

Those thoughts were still freshly playing out in my mind when something new happened that distracted me and just about everyone else in the pub.

The door opened and two uniformed police walked in, followed by a third guy in plainclothes. Even without a uniform it was obvious he was a cop. And all three of them went straight to my cousin's table in the corner.

I turned around to stare, along with everybody else in the place. There wasn't any shouting, it was all fairly quiet and civilized. I couldn't even hear what the cops said, they just talked quietly for a few moments. Then Ian sighed and got to his feet. The two guys in uniform escorted him out, while the plainclothes cop followed.

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/Holy shit,/ I thought to Eva. /Ian just got arrested! If I hadn't listened to you I would have been there with him, I probably would have got busted too!/

My angel sighed, "He wasn't arrested Lexi. Not yet at least. They told him they wanted to talk to him about you. I'm afraid your cousin believes you've been arrested, but in a little while they're going to tell him you're dead. They'll likely arrest him later, after they've verified his participation in the theft."

"Wait what?" I asked, then blushed as I realized I said that out loud. /How do you know all that? Can you see the future?/

I could tell she was smiling as she replied "I cannot see the future, but I can read minds. And on that note, this is not a safe place for you Lexi. Finish your drink, then head back to the hotel please. If anything happens along the way, try not to panic. I will protect you."

Her words didn't fill me with a lot of confidence or joy, and I just nodded quietly.

After another sip of my beer I asked, /Before we go to the hotel maybe we could stop by Ian's place and grab my passport? Unless the cops are already there.../

"Good idea," she agreed. "I believe we have a little while before they arrive to search his domicile. Best not to waste time though."

I had one last gulp of my drink then left the rest as I turned and headed out. I felt better once I was back outside, and hadn't forgotten the way some of those guys were talking about me. I trusted Eva though, she said she'd look out for me and she'd done all right so far.

As I walked to Ian's flat I asked, /How will we get in? I don't have a key or anything./

"Leave that to me," she responded in a confident-sounding voice. "When you get there just walk right in as if it's unlocked. I'll take care of the rest."

Sure enough it worked. I actually felt the lock release as soon as my hand touched the door. And once inside I didn't waste time, I went straight to my duffel bag on the floor next to the sofa where I'd been sleeping during my stay.

"You know Eva," I commented softly as I unzipped the side pocket. "I really can't thank you enough for everything. Like ontop of saving my life and giving me this awesome body, you even got me an upgrade on my accommodations. That hotel room might be small, but it's cleaner and a lot more comfortable than this dump."

"You're quite welcome Lexi," she replied. "And if you've got everything you need, I suggest we leave at once. We can talk again back at the hotel."

I nodded quietly. I had my old passport, keys to dad's house, and my bank card from back home that turned out not to work over here. That was part of the reason me and Ian were broke, part of the reason I let him talk me into trying to rob that apartment.

All that stuff went into my purse, then I took a moment to look through the rest of my duffel. There really wasn't anything else in there I needed or wanted. None of the clothes would fit, and nothing else in there had any sort of value, sentimental or otherwise.

So I closed up the duffel bag then put it down next to the sofa, and finally made my way out of Ian's flat. Soon enough I was on the subway again, heading back to the hotel.

On my way from the station to the hotel I stopped at a nearby cafe to grab a quick dinner, then finally made my way up to my room.

When I got in I slumped onto my bed and sighed, "Sorry I didn't listen to you Eva. I don't know what got into me, I guess I just wanted to tell Ian off for abandoning me? Like... I don't know. He knew I didn't know my way around here, he knew I wasn't comfortable doing that crap, but he talked me into it then he ditched me. If I didn't get killed I'd have got arrested for sure."

She sounded sympathetic as she responded, "I understand Lexi. Believe me, I know what it's like to be betrayed and hurt by someone close. Nonetheless, it really isn't safe for you to contact friends or family. And it's even more dangerous to tell then who you once were. Worse still to mention my name. I know it hurts, but the best thing now is to leave the past behind and focus on the future."

"I get it," I sighed. "And honestly, it's not like I have any family I want to see. I think I'm done with Ian now. And my only other close relative was dad, but he pretty much burned that relationship last month. He definitely wouldn't accept me as Lexi anyways."

After a moment I added, "I don't really have any friends either. I knew a couple people in high-school, but after graduation last year they all moved on. I took a year off, and I guess I got left behind..."

My voice trailed off for a few moments as I suddenly felt really sad and lonely. I put on a brave front though and stated, "So anyways, don't worry about that stuff. My family's gone and done. Let's focus on your family instead ok? What do we have to do to find them?"

Eva was quiet for a few moments, and when she finally spoke up she sounded a little emotional. I wasn't sure if that was out of sympathy for me, or because thinking about her family made her sad too.

Either way she sounded a little down as she replied, "For now there's a few things I'll do on my own to try and find them. I have a good idea where to look, I know where they live. Or where they used to live, it's been a very long time."

She added, "If you're not in a hurry to return to your homeland, perhaps we could do some travelling together? There's an island in the Aegean I'd very much like to visit. And there's a place on the mainland, a little settlement on the shore of the Mediterranean that I would also like to see."

I couldn't help feeling surprised, it sounded like she wanted to do a tour of Europe or something. But if she could come up with the money or the magic to make it happen, I wasn't going to complain. Not like I had anything spectacular waiting for me back home.

"Ok Eva," I said with a grin. "I'm down for some travelling. I always wanted to see the world, you know?"

There was a smile in her voice as well when she responded, "Very good Lexi. I'm going to rest again for now. I think tomorrow you and I will have a more in-depth conversation. Then we'll start making long-term plans."

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