Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 101: CH 101

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Chapter 101: Communication Exchange

Although the shabby room was simple, it was complete with all the commonly used medicinal materials. There were also many well-made wound medicines. 

Tian Xiang Pavilion’s laobao, in order to preserve Wuhuan’s life and appearance to make her money later on, concentrated the whiplashes to his back and buttocks. The great majority of them were flesh wounds. The more troublesome part were the legs. Their fibulas had already been broken before, but the sham doctor failed to connect them properly, leaving many hidden troubles, resulting in Wuhuan being unable to walk normally.

There are many miracle drugs and secret techniques in the immortal realm. There were rich resources, far better what was available in modern society.

Song Qingshi’s strong suit was combining the medical science of both worlds. He has studied for many years and was the number one doctor of the immortal realm. There was no physical wound that he could not cure.

After confirming that Wuhuan’s physique was the recovery specialist wood-type spiritual root, he calmed down and chose the simplest method of treatment. Neat and quick, he cut off his clothes that had clung to his skin with blood. He rinsed the wounds with clean water and using a small knife, he cut off the infected and festering parts. He then sutured two wounds that were relatively deeper. He mashed together several wound medicines, blended them into powder and applied them. Finally, taking advantage of his unconscious state, he stuck golden needles on his legs, harmoniously meshed his spiritual power, providing a simple anesthesia. He quickly broke the bones and set it anew. 

Wuhuan woke up from the severe pain. Dazed, he realized that he was naked. He felt uncomfortable everywhere and his leg was broken. His heart was filled with despair and his eyes were red. He knew that he had left the wolf’s den only to enter a tiger’s. That beast was cruel and ruthless. Knowing that he planned to resist, he deliberately broke both his legs and imprisoned him deep in the mountains to be made into a plaything, making it so that he could never run away…

He wanted to take this beast to die with him!

Wuhuan fumbled around, trying to find a hard object to serve as a weapon. But he didn’t have any strength in his body.

Song Qingshi was so busy that his head was covered in sweat. Seeing that he was awake, he quickly stuck in two more needles to increase the anesthetic effect.

As night fell, he finally resolved all of Wuhuan’s injuries. He was tightly bandaged from head to toe. He found some clean old clothes for him to change into, and went out to snap off a relatively straight branch. He smoothened out all the edges that might prick his hand and made it into a blind man’s stick. He then set it against his bedside, ready for his use.

While Song Qingshi was idle, he began to study his own speaking problems. He checked several times and confirmed that his vocal cords and throat had no problems. Aside from malnutrition, his body wasn’t hiding any disease.  He thought about it for a long time…and came to the conclusion that this body’s speech problems were psychological.

He also had a similar problem when he was young, but it wasn’t this serious. After he grew up, he slowly got better. Now, he was still nervous when talking to strangers and sometimes he wouldn’t be able to express his meaning, but he had no problem communicating.

Song Qingshi tried producing sounds, but after a few ‘ah, ah, ah, ah’, he failed again. 

He became even more depressed, and felt that Sword Master Mo Yuan really had been too excessive when designing this formation. He completely ignored medical theory, disregarded scientific logic, and forcibly placed in the identity of a person with speech problems, giving him a mouth but disabling him from speaking, restricting his actions. Those times he had read books about Sword Master Mo Yuan’s deeds, building up a bit of admiration for him, all of that had been a waste.

Song Qingshi gave up competing with illogical things and treated them as additional questions on his exam. Although the difficulty was great, it was not insurmountable. He used to lie in a hospital bed for many years. He was not the type to blame the gods and accuse others. No matter how, now, he could run and move, he just couldn’t talk. It was much better than when he slowly being paralyzed.

Tomorrow, he will wait for Wuhuan to wake up and check his physical condition. If there were no problems, he would go to Tian Xiang Pavilion to rescue Qu Yurong as well. Qu Yurong used to be a rich, young master. He must surely know how to read. When the time comes, he will write on a sand plate what he wanted to say. He would then borrow Qu Yurong’s mouth to communicate with Wuhuan.

When Song Qingshi thought of this, he immediately became optimistic again. He lighted the pill furnace and happily made medicine for Wuhuan. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
The next day, Wuhuan woke up slowly in bed. He moved his body. There was pain everywhere and his feet were tied to something unknown. He wasn’t completely conscious and he couldn’t move. He did not know what cruel treatment he had suffered last night…

Lf tfjgv atf obbarafqr bo atf “yfjra” jqqgbjmtlcu jcv kjr rflhfv klat qjclm. Lf tegglfvis oewyifv jgbecv jcv ecfzqfmafvis mjwf lc mbcajma j ibcu ralmx.  Qlatbea atlcxlcu, tf iloafv la eq jcv rijwwfv la abkjgvr atf qijmf ktfgf atf rbecv kjr mbwlcu ogbw.

Vbcu Hlcurtl afcjmlberis uejgvfv atf tba vfmbmalbc lc tlr tjcv. Fcjyif ab vbvuf, tf fcvfv eq yflcu yfjafc klat atf ralmx. 

He was just a Qi-refining cultivator. His body was not much stronger than that of a mortal’s. He had no body protection provided by spiritual power and his head got several bumps beaten onto it. He nearly cried from the pain. A small tongue of Underworld Fire appeared beside him, representing that it had perceived an intent to kill. He looked vigilantly towards the outside of the house, and then inside the house, at Wuhuan, whose eyes were flushed with anger. After thinking for a while, he finally understood that the other seemed to want to kill him. He quickly retreated away with the medicine, hiding in the corner, not daring to approach this vicious beauty.

Wuhuan and Feng Jun looked alike, they sounded alike, but their personalities were a bit different…

Feng Jun has never beaten him…

Song Qingshi felt a little wronged, but he still felt Wuhuan had something to do with Feng Jun, and he was reluctant to get angry. 

He sat obediently in the corner, waiting for Wuhuan to dispel his anger.

Wuhuan waved his stick in the air several times to confirm that his footsteps had gone far away. Finally, he heaved a sigh of relief.

After a long time, he calmed down slowly and found that his body was full of strong medicinal fragrance. He was wrapped tightly in layers and layers of cloth.  He was also wearing clean clothes. There was no pain from that part of his back. It seemed that he had not been violated. He has had no actual experience doing this kind of thing, but he heard a lot of things from the older brothers in Tian Xiang Pavilion. A man was not a woman, and he wouldn’t bleed from having a hymen rupture. The fact that it doesn’t hurt could be because this beast was short and slight so even his thing was small too?! Or maybe its erectile dysfunction?!

Because Wuhuan couldn’t see, his mind was also more sensitive than ordinary people’s. He has never met a good person in his life. Bastards who pretend to be good people to deceive him of his body, those he has met several times. It was hard to believe that someone would treat him well for nothing. It was even less believable that a cultivator who visited Tian Xiang Pavilion would be anyone good! 

He checked his body carefully, trying to find any trace of him having been played with. However, there was nothing on his body except traces of herbs and treatments. What was strapped to his legs were four, long wooden boards, which seemed to be used to fix the position of his bones. He hesitated for a long time, and couldn’t help asking, “What is this?”

He felt a little regretful as soon as he asked. How could he expect the mute to speak?

Wuhuan lowered his head and fell into contemplation.

Song Qingshi stuck out his head and looked around. He observed him for a long time, and when he saw that he didn’t seem like he was going to beat him anymore, he cautiously approached, holding the decoction. He scooped a bit of the decoction with a spoon, blew on it, and then sent it to his lips, indicating for him to take it. 

“I don’t like taking medicine, it’s too bitter.” Wuhuan smelled the scent of the decoction, and hurriedly turned his head to avoid it but his heart became panicked again. The laobao often gave stubborn newcomers some medicine to ‘liven things up’. He had heard of it many times. After being tricked into taking the medicine, young men and women who would rather die than obey, would lose the strength in their bodies. They would become sensitive and become wanton beneath the guests’ bodies. From then on, their dignities completely destroyed, they would obediently serve the guests.

Therefore, he had a deep fear of medicine and even if he hurts really badly, he would not take it.

Wuhuan backed away, constantly refusing the decoction being pressed to his lips.

Song Qingshi refused to let him off, chasing after him with the spoon. He babbled as he tried to put the spoon into his mouth, to let him have a taste and understand that honey had been added to the medicine and it wasn’t bitter. 

Wuhuan grew anxious at his insistence and carelessly pushed it away. The medicine bowl was turned over, and the medicine was spilled on the person in front of him and onto the bed as well. The bowl fell to the ground and smashed into pieces.

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Song Qingshi held on to the spoon and was stunned.

Wuhuan felt the person in front of him become depressed and suddenly he became a bit soft-hearted. He kept feeling that something was wrong and wanted to investigate again, but he had already revealed his malicious true face. He had even beaten and kicked him. How was going to lie and deceive him now? He gripped the stick tightly. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end, he couldn’t say anything…

Song Qingshi seized the chance and quickly stuffed the medicine on the spoon in his hand into his mouth. 

Wuhuan didn’t have time to react and he swallowed a mouthful of decoction. A sweet taste with a bit of sourness covered his tongue. It was not unpalatable. Then, he felt himself being gently pressed down on the bed. The quilt that had gotten wet with the decoction was taken away. After a while, the other brought a new quilt with the smell of sunshine and very carefully placed it over his body.

After a while, he heard the sound of fragments being picked up.

Wuhuan couldn’t help asking, “Are you angry? If yes, just knock on something once. If no, then knock twice.”

Song Qingshi immediately knocked on the bed board twice. Although the patient was misbehaving terribly and would not cooperate with the treatment, he also knew that blind patients were very sensitive. Long-term abuse has left him with no sense of security. Being easily angered and overthinking matters was only normal. He has no way to explain either, so he couldn’t blame the other party for getting angry. 

Wuhuan thought about it for a long time, then asked, “I have no sensation in my legs. Was that your doing?”

Song Qingshi knocked once on the bed board, but felt that it wasn’t quite right. He grabbed his leg and pierced it with two more needles, relieving part of the anesthesia, so that he could slowly feel the pain in his leg. Song Qingshi then took a small wooden stick and placed it in his hands. He broke it and reconnected it several times. The two gesticulated for a long time and did many multiple-choice questions of “yes” and “no”. Finally, he managed to get Wuhuan to understand what his leg injuries were about.

Wuhuan asked cautiously, “So, you’re treating my injuries and you’re not doing anything indecent to me?”

Song Qingshi nodded frantically and knocked hand on the bed board, indicating that what he said was right. He then brought a bowl of medicine over once again. He put it aside and pulled over his hand. He kept writing the word “medicine” on his palm, trying to let him learn simple words to achieve communication. 

Wuhuan had never come into contact with writing before. He thought for a long time before he understood the other party’s intention from repeating the same strokes. He guessed the meaning of each word. After dozens of failures, he finally guessed, “Medicine?”

Song Qingshi was overjoyed and immediately knocked on the bed board.

Wuhuan tried stretching out his fingers and tracing the word in the air. There was indescribable joy in his heart. He often asked others to read to him. Sometimes it was a lively and interesting novel; sometimes, it was beautiful poetry and lyrics. He wanted so much to know what the words in the books looked like. He wanted to read.

However, everyone laughed at him, this blind man, for his wishful thinking. 

“Medicine.” He tried writing it again and again, “It turns out a word is like this.” After a long time, feeling somewhat disappointed, he set down his hand and smiled bitterly, “Even if I know the word, so what? I still can’t read books.”

Song Qingshi thought for a while. He then took a wooden board and carved the word “medicine” on it with a small knife. He then put it in his hand and pulled his fingers across the bumps and holes of each stroke, indicating for him to read.

Until he could make the Xuantian Taiming Pill, he could teach Wuhuan to recognize characters by finger writing. Later, he’ll ask a carpenter to carve books on wood boards. Although Braille was not in general use in the immortal realm, Wuhuan looked to be very smart. He should be able to learn normal writing and in the future, when he recovers his sight, he won’t be illiterate.

Song Qingshi was extremely proud of himself. He thought his idea was a particularly good one. 

Wuhuan delightedly touched the text on the wooden board for a long time. He then looked up at the blurry light and shadow in front of him. He suddenly wondered what this person looked like. He thought for a long time, and finally gently stretched out his hand and touched Song Qingshi. Seeing that the other party didn’t resist, he boldly put his hands on his face, and then on his the body, slowly touching and carefully feeling his way through.

Prejudice and fear had clouded his heart, making him unable to judge the truth of the matter.

Now, he finally discovered that the man in front of him was just a thin boy, at most only twelve or thirteen years old. His body hadn’t matured yet and he could not have any other motives towards him…

Wuhuan pulled back his hands in horror. He simply couldn’t face his stupidity. 

This young man plucked up his courage and rescued him from hell, giving him tenderness.

But what did he do?

He schemed, insulted, beat, thought ill of, and even wanted to kill his benefactor…

“I-I’m sorry,” Wuhuan shuddered slightly, remorseful down to his bones. He had made a serious mistake, so serious that he didn’t know how to express his apology, “It’s me who was at fault, I…” He didn’t know what he could do to make up for such a fault, “You can have me do anything you want.” 

Song Qingshi immediately picked up the medicine bowl and placed the spoon against his lips, expressing his insistence that the other take his medicine.

Wuhuan hesitated for a moment, and finally opened his mouth, giving a try at accepting this kindness…


Towards the evening, Song Qingshi hurriedly ran towards Tian Xiang Pavilion. 

After he finished feeding him the medicine this morning, he couldn’t help teaching Wuhuan a few more words. But Wuhuan was smart and eager to learn. No matter what the word was, he could remember it after having it written once or twice on his palm. One was serious about teaching and the other was serious about learning. He was such an enthusiastic teacher that he even used a fasting pill to resolve his hunger and he forgot about the important thing.

He needed to quickly rescue Qu Yurong, otherwise the mission would fail.

Song Qingshi returned to Tian Xiang Pavilion and found chaos inside. They seemed to be looking for someone. He thought they were looking for Wuhuan, but after listening carefully, it seemed that wasn’t the case…

The laobao was out of breath from weeping, “My Yurong! That bastard deserves to die a horrible death, he abducted my cash cow!” 

The pimps and courtesans were by her side, incessantly trying to console her. It seemed that monster named Fu Donglai in the original story had taken advantage of the fire and turmoil, and abducted Qu Yurong this morning. In the original work, Fu Donglai was a rouge cultivator and was one of Qu Yurong’s men. He was a master thief and usually came and went without a trace. Now he has carried off Qu Yurong to who knows where, having a merry old time.

This wasn’t how the story was originally written…

Song Qingshi lay on top of the wall, dumbfounded. He had lost the mission target. What was he going to do for the exam?

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