Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 112: CH 112

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Chapter 112: Indistinct Feeling

Song Jincheng’s parents rushed to Heaven Martial Sect. Yue Xiansheng had informed them of the Medicine King Xianzun’s identity early on. When they saw Song Qingshi, they kowtowed three time and bowed six, offering him their deepest thanks for his life-saving grace. They then used a rod to drag this bear child, who still wanted to kick up a fuss, back home. 

Song Qingshi finally found out Yue Xiansheng’s identity. He was a little dumbfounded but what could he do even if he’d caught Yue Wuhuan? His own Daoist companion, a super god of learning, the person he must dote upon and place at the peak of his heart — no matter what he did, he could only choose to forgive him…

Most of Heaven Martial Sect’s wounded faced no great obstruction. The few who were severely injured were taken back by Song Jincheng’s parents to the Medicine King’s Valley for treatment. Yuwen Yu just couldn’t rest assured about his friend. He initially inteded to follow but was beaten by his father once again and sent to practice.

Song Qingshi reminded Lady Nian not to forget to give him the exercise sheets. Afterwards, he took his caged research babies and climbed aboard the ship with Yue Wuhuan to head to the Inextinguishable Peak.

He had wanted to go to the endless abyss to check on An Long’s situation, but after An Long’s fall into madness, his feelings for him were all replaced with murderous intent. He had lost all rationality and was incapbale of communicating. His appearance would probably just provoke An Long’s emotions and make the situation worse. 

Fortunately, Yue Wuhuan had done medical research with him for many years and he has developed very good habits when it came to experiments. He recorded the process of An Long’s demonization with picture arrays as well as written records. He kept them in the archives of the Inextinguishable Peak.

Song Qingshi was full of praise for his dependability.

By evening, the magic ship was approaching the Inextinguishable Peak. Under the Yue Wuhuan’s guidance, Song Qingshi sat by the window and looked out. What he saw were countless lights against the cliff. They connected with the sea of ​​stars in the sky, shining upon the palace made of gold and white jade as well as the flowers and trees inlaid with precious pearls and jade. It made up the most dazzling scenery, like the most fantastical dreamland.

For a long time, he delightedly exclaimed in admiration, feeling that he would never be short of research funds. Suddenly, he found that there was something wrong with these beautiful lights. Looking carefully, there was a tortured soul struggling in each lamp. Were these all soul lamps?

Song Qingshi asked in shock, “What are all these souls?”

“Don’t mind them. They are all unforgivavle trash. I put them there to be tortured day and night. It makes my mood a little better.” Yue Wuhuan embraced him from behind, and asked with a smile, “The soul lamps that you gave me back then, I put them there too. Isn’t it beautiful?”

Song Qing was silent for a long time. He whispered, “It’s been three thousand years, the soul lamps still haven’t gone out…”

He had once sent two soul lamps to Yue Wuhuan to help him vent the anger in his heart. They had made a promise, if Yue Wuhuan could let go of the pain and stop torturing himself, he would extinguish the soul lamp and completely destroy the sinful soul, letting everything start anew. 

Hundreds of thousands of soul lamps, each one represented the resentment in Yu Wuhuan’s heart,his hatred towards the world.

The more soul lamps, the more the resentment, and the deeper the hatred.

For so many years, he hasn’t put out a single lamp…

“How can those things be forgotten?” Yue Wuhuan smiled softly. “As long as I am still alive, the soul lamps will never go out and the hatred will never disappear.” 

Song Qingshi hesitantly asked, “Never?”

Yue Wuhuan replied with certainty, “Never.”
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Song Qingshi was silent again.

“Gbc’a kbggs,” Tef Qetejc rjk atja tf kjr cba lc j ubbv wbbv. Lf ibkfgfv tlr tfjv jcv xlrrfv tlr ilqr. Lf mbwobgafv, “Ktlr kbgiv lr abb vlgas. Ktfgf’r cbatlcu mifjc fzmfqa obg sbe. Ktfgf’r j obei rafcmt lc atf jlg jcv ujgyjuf lr fnfgsktfgf. Pa’r cba kbgat ifaalcu wf rajga jcfk.” 

Song Qingshi thought for a long time, and nodded agreeably.


The magic ship landed. All the cultivators in the Inextinguishable Peak had received the news. They all brought generous gifts, they wanted to pay their respects to the god’s Daoist companion. The biyiniao eagerly suggested that they hold a grand ceremony for their wedding, to declare shenjun’s favor towards the god queen.

Yue Wuhuan knew that Song Qingshi was scared of strangers watching him. He also didn’t like ceremonies. And so, he accepted the gifts on his behalf but overruled all other suggestions. He strictly warned, “The Medicine King Xianzun is a man. You must never call him a god queen.” 

He had retrieved the memories of his previous life in the Mo Yuan’s formation. He knew that Song Qingshi was especially mindful of his masculinity. He felt that the two of them were same-sex couples, and that one’s position in the bed had no symbolic meaning.

Once, a thoughtless fool had called Song Qingshi the sword master’s wife. He couldn’t speak but he was so aggrieved that he hadn’t eaten for three days. He had kept pondering what about his face looked like a ‘wife’?

In short, god queen, wife, bride, etc. — all these were forbidden words.

Under no circumstance were they to use these words in Song Qingshi’s presence. 

Yue Wuhuan carefully listed 56 new prohibitions and distributed them to the Inextinguishable Peak’s subordinates. These included: not to disturb Song Qingshi’s research, not to touch the experimental equipment, not to spectate at Song Qingshi, not to talk to Song Qingshi for no reason, not to give him any messy names, etc…

The Luminous Dragon couldn’t make any sense of it so he simply, brainlessly supported it. “What mommy says is right!”

Everyone else though were a little dazed…

The Inextinguishable Peak had already prepared the laboratory. The Medicine King’s Valley has also already dispatched excellent assistants. Song Qingshi plunged headlong into it and did not reemerge. 

He used the instrument to analyze the Foul Demon’s structure and researched all kinds of toxins useful to it. He dissected several corpses and observed their disappearance. Afterwards, he entrusted the design and creation of a completely sealed and transparent space to Yue Wuhuan and the Heaven Craft Pavilion.  He placed a Foul Demon firmly tied up by the Blood King Vine in it and then injected lethal toxins into the space. He waited for the Foul Demon to die and then observed what the body would decompose into and where it would disappear to……

The average time it took for the corpse of a Foul Demon to disappear was twelve hours to twenty-four hours.

The corpse of the Foul Demon in the sealed space lasted for seventy-two hours before it disappeared. The speed was slowed down significantly.

Song Qingshi found it very interesting. He decided to create more comprehensive features in the sealed space. He would add a formation to block off aura, spiritual power, energy, scent, magnetic field and all factors that could interfere. 

Whether it was a sealed space or an isolation formation, both were high-end magical artifact design. The two needed to be superimposed to create a large-scale transparent magical artifact. It must also be strong enough to prevent the Foul Demons from escaping. The difficulty factor increases exponentially. The master of Heaven Craft Pavilion brainstormed with his apprentices every day, constantly discussing and researching. Their submitted plans were sent back several times by the god and the Pavilion Master’s hair was turning white from worry.

Song Qingshi buried himself in the pile of books while waiting for the successful production of the magical artifact.

He had been missing from this world for three thousand years. There were so many new and interesting things in the world, and new developments in the medical field. There were new medicinal ingredients and research programs for some of the problems that he could not solve before. He was so immersed in his books that he forgot to eat and sleep. His mind was filled with studying and research. 

Song Qingshi sighed, “If the effects of the Happiness and Longevity Powder were discovered earlier, we wouldn’t have had to work so hard to find the Ten Thousand-year-old Tortoise.” 

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When Yue Wuhuan had been refreshing his memory for him, he had mentioned that the three of them had once entered the bottom of Yue Yan Lake and were attacked by the water monster. They triggered the Nightmare Heart-Eater formation and it was after breaking the formation that they found the traces left by Sword Master Mo Yuan and the Phoenix blood.

Song Qingshi thought this matter over and felt there was something wrong. When he and Yue Wuhuan had gone to Yue Yan Lake to kill the Ten Thousand Year Tortoise, they hadn’t yet received the Phoenix Blood yet, his swordsmanship at the time too wasn’t that superior…

Could it be that after his death, Yue Wuhuan had gone to the Nightmare Heart-Eater Formation?

Song Qingshi raised this question. 

“Yes,” Yue Wuhuan also felt rather uncomfortable about the memories from his previous life. “I was a little deranged at that time. After you left, I missed you so much, so I returned to the Nightmare Heart-Eater formation… Although the formation made me relive my nightmare of losing you time and time again, at least I could see you in my dreams and enjoy a short period of happiness.”

Song Qingshi didn’t know what to say. He held Yu Wuhuan’s hand tightly, indicating that he was still alive.

“This is a bit ridiculous,” Yue Wuhuan said, mocking himself. “I wouldn’t come out of the Nightmare Heart-eater formation and my mind, too, hadn’t been so clear. I gradually got used to it. After the formation grew unable to weave a nightmare that could torment me, it kicked me out of it. I couldn’t get back in. My fury took over me. I slashed at the formation to vent my hatred. I was dazed and I somehow lost the Phoenix Blood and the note you wrote.”

Song Qingshi wondered, “Note?” 

Yue Wuhuan thought for a while: “After your demonization began, you seemed to realize your own destiny… You wrote ‘no solution’ on a paper. At the last moment… you put the note into my hand and had me take it. I kept searching for answers, and finally, before I died, I saw the mystery known only to Heaven. I found the tiger brace’s ‘unsolvable’.”

Song Qingshi felt that there was somewhat of a discrepancy between Mo Yuan’s real memories and what they experienced in the formation. He wanted to know the difference between the two.

“The actual events and what we experienced in the formation were about the same but the details are slightly different.” Yue Wuhuan thought about it carefully. “The you at that time, not only couldn’t speak, but was also a bit stupid when handling matters. Far less clever than you are now. When we first met, you gave me medicine, and I beat you to over the head with a stick until you were covered with bumps and bruises. You stood there stupidly, crying in pain, but you didn’t know to avoid it…”

At that time, Song Qingshi was like a piece of stone. He didn’t understand they ways of people. He didn’t understand happines, anger, grief or joy. He also didn’t know to open his mouth and speak. He just stubbornly accompanied Wuhuan, stubbornly taught him to read, and stubbornly helped his with his wounds and illnesses. 

Yue Wuhuan said, “During our journey, I taught you a lot of ways to live among people. You studied hard and you managed to work a little more nimbly. Your temperament too gradually changed to how you are now. I remember that the you back then had never even tasted good food. You were so pitiful. The first time I made you ice cream, you wrote a lot of words on my palm, saying it was the best food in the world. Every time you talked to a patient, I would change the words for you. I was afraid that you’d be beaten by family members by being too frank and blunt. You didn’t understand and thought that I misspoke. You kept frantically pulling at my clothes…”

There were painful memories in their past life but there were many interesting and happy ones too, so many that he wouldn’t be able to finish telling them all.

Song Qingshi leaned against Yue Wuhuan’s shoulder. He was entralled by his words.  Suddenly, there was a hazy feeling in his heart.


“What is it?”

“I suspect that you’re the one who transformed me into how I am today.”

“Don’t say such silly things.”

“Maybe, I was born for you?” 

“In that case, don’t mind if I help myself.”


Early the next morning, Song Qingshi got up with a sore waist and a sore back. Last night, Wuhuan made a fuss of helping himself and marked him with his personal mark. As a result, he was tossed about all night. Now, his entire body was covered with marks and his voice was a bit hoarse. He made up his mind to train his body well. Otherwise, he was in for a difficult future…

Yue Wuhuan, full of energy, ran to deal with official duties, letting him stay in bed to rest a bit more. 

Song Qingshi lay in bed and read a book for a while. But he felt like keeping busy and he wanted to go to the research room.

While he was walking through the garden, he suddenly heard crying by the side of the pool…

Song Qingshi walked over and took a look. He found that it was a very beautiful girl. Her hair was all messed up and her clothes were disheveled. She also had no shoes on. She looked as though she had just gotten up from bed. Sitting by the pool with an embroidered kerchief in her hand, she faced her reflection in the water and wept. Her beauty was very moving.

There were scratches on her slightly exposed collarbone, and there were some bruises on her arms as well. 

Song Qingshi’s mind was filled with his research babies and so he walked past her without thinking. He hadn’t gotten far, when he suddenly felt that something was wrong. He quickly walked back and looked at the scars on the girl’s body and arms. He found that all these were bruises and scratches from some very violent play in bed. There was even a deep bite marks on her neck!

He and Yue Wuhuan were two grown men but no matter how wildly they played, they wouldn’t get these kind of injuries.

What sort of violence has happened to this girl? She was looking so intently at her reflection in the water. She couldn’t be planning on throwing herself into the water to commit suicide, right?

Song Qingshi was a little panicked. He was formulating a rescue plan as he approached her quietly. 

The girl discovered his presence. She turned her head, looked up with red eyes, and asked, “Who are you? What are you doing?!”

“I’m new here,” Song Qingshi asked carefully, “Why are you crying here?”

“I upset Zihao Gege,” the girl cried more pitifully when reminded of her heartbreak. Her words were a little chaotic, “Last night was Zihao Gege’s birthday. I made a new set of clothes for him. Everything was in accordance with his wishes, following him, finally, he slept with me… This morning, for some reason, he got angry and kicked me out again, saying that he wanted to break up.”

Song Qingshi was incredulous. How could such a beautiful and virtuous girl be abandoned? 

The girl cried so hard, she was left gasping for breath. “I made a mistake. Zihao Gege can beat or scold me but I don’t want to break up…”

Song Qingshi was even more dumbfounded, “He even beat you?”

The girl nodded aggrievedly. “En, he beat me up because I’m no good. It’s only right that Zihao Gege be angry…”

Song Qingshi was furious. This was typical emotional manipulation, alright? 

There was actually a scumbag who was capable of domestic violence in the Inextinguishable Peak? !

He must quickly tell Yue Wuhuan and immediately tidy up this sect!

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