Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 114: CH 114

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Chapter 114: Energy Conservation

It has been many consecutive days of strong winds and heavy rains, without even a little trace of sunlight. The very air was damp and humid. 

Huang A’Bao was of a peasant household in Huang Family Village in the Black Pine Mountain. Their village was full of mortals who made a living through farming and hunting. Their days were poor and needy.

Half a month ago, his mother fell ill. At first, several shallow black streak-like spots appeared on her arms. Then the spots gradually darkened and spread, until it finally spread all over her body.

The immortal realm was rich in spiritual energy, mortals rarely got sick, and most minor diseases would simply heal over by themselves. His mother thought that she had just eaten something bad and she was reluctant to spend money. After she was persuaded by her son and daughter-in-law, she asked the village doctor to come. She ate a couple of cheap folk remedies but she still didn’t get better. The night before yesterday, his mother got up to get something to drink. She fell in front of the table and didn’t get up again. The faint black spots have appeared on his wife and daughter’s hands. Huang A’Bao finally realized that things weren’t looking good.

The village doctor said that he couldn’t treat this illness and he gave him directions to the Medicine King’s Medical Center in Copper Poplar City. 

The Medicine King’s Medical Center were hospitals opened by the Medicine King’s Valley in various places. Their medical skills were excellent, their fees were fair; sometimes, they would even treat the poor for free.

His wife A’Cai took off the silver bracelet around her wrist. She stayed behind to look after his mother who had fallen into a coma.  She asked Huang A’Bao to carry their daughter on his back and take all that their family had to Copper Popular City to seek medical treatment.

It was three hundred li from the Black Pine Mountain to Copper Poplar City. Huang A’Bao walked without stopping to sleep or rest for three days and three nights. Layer upon layer of bloody blisters covered the soles of his feet. They had grown so swollen they could hardly fit in his shoes. Finally, before he lost all strength, he made it to the Medicine King’s Medical Center. Holding his daughter, whose condition had increasingly worsened, he knelt before the young doctor.

The young doctor was surnamed Cheng. He had just graduated from the Medicine King’s Valley and was full of ambition.

He immediately took in this pitiful patient. After a preliminary diagnosis, he believed that she must have been infected by something dirty. He tried various treatments such as Qu Hui Dan and Vanishing Miasma Powder, but none of them proved effective. The spots on the girl’s arms were getting darker and darker. He simply could not figure out the source of the disease. So, he decided to take a spirit horse and take father and daughter back to Huang Family Village to take a look at the situation.

It was high noon, silence reigned over the Huang Family Village. Even the chickens and dogs that normally made a fuss were gone without a trace.

Blood stains and corpses littered the entire village…

Dr. Cheng had an ominous feeling. “Are there bandits around here?” 

After he said it, he himself felt that it couldn’t be right. Huang Family village was too poor and had no riches worthy of looting.

Huang A’Bao was already panicked. He gave his daughter to Dr. Cheng to look after. He then hurried back to his house and opened the door… What he saw was the corpse of his mother, with scissors in hand, hacked to death by a messy knife. He was distraught and looked everywhere for his wife. He saw that their chickens and pigs were also dead. His ever amiable wife, was hiding in a dark corner, shivering, with a blood-stained kitchen knife in her hand.

His wife’s whole body was covered with black spots, and her eyes were a little red.

Huang A’Bao asked quickly, “A’Cai, what happened?” 

“Mother, she suddenly went crazy. She wanted to kill me,” His wife’s voice trembled in the darkness, as if she was restraining something, “She wanted to kill me, kill me, so…”

The Huang family’s mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had a very good relationship. The two usually talked and laughed and they rarely ever quarreled. Huang A’Bao walked over in disbelief. He wanted to pull his wife out of the darkness and ask her more closely.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. His wife, with a strange smile, ferociously slashed the kitchen knife at him.
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“C’Jjl?” Lejcu C’Djb jcv tlr klof kfgf mtlivtbbv rkffatfjgar. Lf tjv cfnfg rffc tfg ilxf atlr. Lf mbeivc’a jaafcv ab atf qjlc jr tf cffvfv ab yibmx atf xclof atja mbcalcefv ab rijrt ja tlw. “Ljnf sbe ubcf mgjhs?” 

Ktfgf kjr cb fwbalbc lc tlr klof’r fsfr. Lfg wbnfwfcar kfgf nfgs glulv, ilxf j mbcagbiifv qeqqfa.

She was such a thin and small woman but her strength had become unusually terrifying, Huang A’Bao was unable to push down the kitchen knife in her hand.

Suddenly, a blazing fire struck. It was Dr. Cheng who had burned A’Cai with a fire talisman. And yet, as before, she still didn’t recognize the pain and she frantically attacked, wanting to hack to death her beloved husband. Dr. Cheng was left with no choice. He drew out his sword and cut off A’Cai’s hand holding that was holding onto the knife. He then threw the sword, nailing her to the wall.

Huang A’Bao sat on the ground in a daze. 

At this moment, Dr. Cheng saw that Huang A’Bao’s arms too were now covered with black spots. He was beginning to have a blank look in his eyes…

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his shoulder. The little girl on his back had bitten him, tearing off a piece of flesh. Dr. Cheng bore the pain and cast aside the girl. But the girl crawled over to him, her movements strange. She wanted to continue biting.

Dr. Cheng had a bad feeling. He wanted to take out a talisman to defend against the enemy, but he was horrified to find that a faint black spot had appeared on his own hand…


After examining the bodies in the Huang Family village, Dr. Cheng locked himself in an empty room and sealed himself with a formation. Every day, He observed the changes in his condition and took down medical records. This was an unknown, contagious disease. At first, the symptoms were mild and the patient wouldn’t feel anything. It was easily overlooked. In the later stages, it spread very quickly. Black streaks would appear first on the patient. The patient would then lose consciousness after the spots have spread all over their body. Once the patient woke up, they would become a cruel and bloodthirsty puppet. They wouldn’t spare even those close to them and they killed all living creatures. They would then die after three to five days. The patient’s symptoms upon death were…

Before he lost consciousness, he used a sound transmission bird to send the information as well as his hopes to the Medicine King’s Valley.

The benevolent doctor hoped that his fellow doctors could find the cause of this disease and help the common people.

He’d been a fledgling doctor, full of aspirations that he would now be unable to realize. 

This was his last research as well as his last words before his death.

Because, he already had no way to escape…


Evening at the Inextinguishable Peak. 

The god promised to give a great reward. He gave Heaven Craft Pavilion permission to use any precious material regardless of the cost. The Pavilion Master was also very interested in research projects with lavish funding. He took his disciples and worked through nights until their hair turned white. At last, they were finally able to come out with the Medicine King Xianjun’s artifact — It was a fully enclosed cage made of ghost whale bones. A small observation window made of meteorite crystal was placed on the door of the cage. It was just enough to observe the situation inside.

After inspecting it, Song Qingshi was very satisfied. He racked his brain for words of praise, lavishing them onto the Heaven Craft Pavilion’s Pavilion Master.

Afterwards, he put in the Foul Demon they had prepared and injected the poison.

The Foul Demon died without a hitch. 

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Song Qingshi with the doctors from the Medicine King’s Valley, made their beds on the floor outside the cage. Day and night, they watched for changes in the corpse. He waited for about fifteen days, the body of the Foul Demon slowly turned into black energy and disappeared. Afterwards, it re-converged in a corner of the cage, becoming a new Foul Demon, hitting the cage, baring its fangs and brandishing its claws.

The doctors were all shocked. They all furiously wielded their brushes, discussing this inconceivable change.

Song Qingshi thought for a long time, and carefully put forward a theory. “It’s the law of conservation of energy.”

Energy can not arise out of nothing, nor can it disappear into nothing. It will only transform from one form to another, or from one substance to another. All the while, the total amount of energy remains the same. 

The Foul Demons were composed of demonic energy and demonic energy was a kind of energy.

Therefore, after a Foul Demon was eliminated, its energy would be reborn somewhere else to form a new Foul Demon. This was the reason why they couldn’t be completely eradicated.

This was something he had suspected for a long time, and now he finally has proof.

But where did the first Foul Demon come from? 

Song Qingshi, with Yue Wuhuan’s help, checked the history of the dark period and the process of how the Foul Demons came about.

Yue Wuhuan asked, “After the Inextinguishable Peak set off the war, the Foul Demons appeared. Is it resentment?”

Song Qingshi shook his head.  “Resentment is an emotion. It does not fall within the scope of the conservation of energy. There are also monsters made of resentment in the immortal realm, such as Yuan Nu or perhaps a Remnant Soul. After being eliminated, they will not regenerate. It’s not a Foul Demon.”

Yue Wuhuan hesistantly said, “Are Foul Demons humans?” 

Song Qingshi was silent…

This was the answer they weren’t quite willing to face. But it was the closest to the truth.

“During Mo Yuan’s era, during the war to subdue the demons, we have seen many humans turn into monsters. At that time…everyone thought that they had within them demon blood.” Yue Wuhuan analyzed with difficulty. “Maybe, there is no end to the battle to subdue the demons. The demons still exist. They are lurking, hiding in the bodies of humans, arousing their most malicious desires. As a result, the immortal realm is filled with callous, cruel, shameless… trash.”

The Inextinguishable Peak slaughtered many of the refuse. The demonic energy lost their carriers and they turned into this inexhaustible and uncleanable Foul Demons. 

Wasn’t An Long possessed by demonic energy because of his strong desires? Constantly transforming, sinking deeper and deeper, until he couldn’t get out?

Yue Wuhuan asked softly, “Is it my fault?”

Song Qingshi said with certainty, “No.”

The torrential rain drifted in. Yue Wuhuan felt depressed. He walked over to close the window. As he did so, he saw countless lamp lights appear in the dense dark clouds. Thunder boomed in the distance, and thousands of soul lamps swayed in the torrential rain, making a chaotic din. It made him feel irritable for no reason. He couldn’t help saying, “I hate this filthy world. Better to just destroy it all…” 

Song Qingshi said comfortingly, “Don’t give up. Maybe it will change for the better.”

Yue Wuhuan sneered, “I don’t care.”

Song Qingshi hesitated and said, “You are the god of the Inextinguishable Peak, maybe… you can save this world.”

“It doesn’t deserve to be saved.” Yue Wuhuan said without hesitation, “This world has never shown any mercy to me. It has only defiled me, humiliated me, given me pain and hatred. Why should I show it mercy? If I find the hidden hand controlling destiny, I would hack it to pieces and torture it forever.” 

Song Qingshi thought for a long time, and asked carefully, “Why is it that it abuses you instead of killing you outright?”

Yue Wuhuan closed his eyes in pain. He didn’t want to answer.

Song Qingshi whispered, “Actually, you guessed it a long time ago, right? Although I don’t know what exactly what it is that is manipulating things behind the scenes and I’m not sure why it has to be you… But what it wants is your hatred. Hate makes you unable to escape, unable to ascend… …”

Yue Wuhuan smiled bitterly. “So what if I know?” 

Time and time again, he was defiled. Time and time again, he was tortured.  Time and time again, he lost his love. Time and time again, he fell into madness. Time and time again, he died in pain. …Thousands of reincarnations, they’ve never ended well.

Even if he had guessed the purpose of the hidden hand, he couldn’t control his heart.

This kind of bitter experience, who wouldn’t hate it?

His hatred drilled into his heart and entrenched into his bones, so much so that he couldn’t sleep at night… 


Suddenly, countless strikes of lightning frantically struck the same spot. The earth dragon turned over, and the mountain peaks shook.

The formations on the rock face of the Endless Abyss fell off in the quake, and the lightning, against all reason, repeatedly struck the same place. Finally, the magic formation was cut open, and the chains that trapped the monster was cut loose… He opened bright red vertical pupils and stretched out his sharp claws. He used all his might to struggle, wanting to break out of this cage that has imprisoned him.

Yue Wuhuan realized that the situation was bad. He sent his avatar to repair the barrier once again. At the same time, his real body rushed to the Endless Abyss. 

But, it was too late…

The shaking of the earth became more violent. The thunder and lightning became more frenzied. Rocks fell down one after another.  The chain’s restraining power became weaker and it was forcibly snapped apart by the monster. With his bright red eyes open, devoid of any reason, he rushed towards Yue Wuhuan’s incarnation…

The avatar was smashed broken. It turned into countless red spots of light spots and disappeared.

The monster finally smashed open his cage and flew into the pitch-black sky. Only one word was left in his mind filled with thoughts of slaughter: 


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