Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 36: CH 36

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Chapter 36: Qing Luan’s Wish

Song Qingshi checked everyone’s classwork and determined their level and ability. 

Yue Wuhuan did indeed choose very good seedlings. Moreover, their subject were distributed according to each of their expertise. Everyone’s grades were very good. There was no need to mention the two top students, Qing Luan and Ming Hong but even the lazy-looking Rong Ye, had his own distinctive quality; only that his interest lay not in medicine but in the creation of devices.

Yue Wuhuan smiled and said, “Qing Luan is very smart and capable. When Master was in closed door cultivation, she handled many troublesome matters for me.”

Song Qingshi understood his explicit hint and signaled Qing Luan to come over. He focused on checking her cultivation base and found that this girl had already reached Foundation Building. She had dual wood and water-based spiritual roots. Her aptitude was not bad. He nodded with satisfaction and decided to assign her by his side later on and take a more careful look. If everything was fine, she will be accepted as an ordinary disciple and handed over to Yue Wuhuan as his assistant.

Qing Luan prostrated herself on the ground and bowed to show her respect. 

Song Qingshi thought of the Acacia seal on her body and turned around and asked Yue Wuhuan, “The Quintessence of All Soul is just a medium. After being branded with the array, it can be used to remove the same seal, right? Why haven’t you removed this thing yet?”

Yue Wuhuan explained, “They are Master’s people and it is up to Master to decide whether to release the Acacia Seal or not.”

Song Qingshi smiled and said, “What’s there to decide about this broken thing? Bring the spirit bead and I will remove it for her.”

Qing Luan raised her head quietly. She glanced at Yue Wuhuan and didn’t dare answer.

Yue Wuhuan said gently, “She probably doesn’t have it on her. This matter is not urgent. Master has just finished his closed door cultivation. Let us wait to deal with it tomorrow.”

Song Qingshi readily agreed and took Yue Wuhuan to see his white mice and laboratory. On they way, he asked, “You have done so many things in the past ten years. It must have been hard on you, right?”

Yue Wuhuan brushed it off. “It’s nothing. Master need not concern himself about it.”

Song Qingshi asked, “I remember that Blood Silkworm Grass is needed for refining the Blood Flower Powder. This ingredient has long since disappeared. How did you get it?” 

Yue Wuhuan said, tone very relaxed, “By a mere stroke of luck.”

Song Qingshi didn’t doubt him and sighed, “You’re so lucky. I’ve searched for many years but never found it.”

Yue Wuhuan laughed and said, “Since I met Master, I’ve always been lucky.”

Upon hearing this, all sorts of feelings welled up in Qing Luan’s heart. Her eyes couldn’t help but redden. She felt very conflicted if she should say something. 

Yue Wuhuan noticed her unusual change and glanced back at her warningly.

Qing Luan immediately hid her tears and swallowed down all the words that were threatening to spill out.

Song Qingshi had her undying gratitude for saving her life but the most important one in her heart was still Yue Wuhuan.

She still remember the first time she saw him when she was six… 

It was late autumn, in a forest, atop a branch of a golden phoenix tree was a green-clothed boy with a white jade flute in his hand, playing the song “Feng Qiu Huang“.

The music from the flute sounded lonely. It wound around the golden red autumn scenery, as though struggling to find something.

The youth’s phoenix eyes were soft and gentle, enough to daunt the beauty of the world. The wind blew and the golden phoenix tree leaves and the fiery red maple leaves, seemed to turn into his clothes. He was like the most noble phoenix on heaven and earth, with splendid vermilion rays, matchlessly resplendent; using the most beautiful music to attract the birds one after another to come and worship, hoping to win his favor.

Skylarks, orioles, cuckoos, kingfishers… 

More and more birds fell perched on the tree, perched next to him, listening to the world’s most moving music.

Qing Luan too couldn’t help but draw near. She stopped beside him along with the birds until she lost herself.

According to legend, the Qing Luan was one of the Phoenix’s subjects. It was born to follow and surrender to the Phoenix’s light…

This feeling was indescribable, as if it was a memory carved into her very bones and infused in her blood, it made her understand that this was the person she should be loyal to. 
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She hoped that he could find the happiness that was missing in his music.

Vtf tbqfv atja tf mbeiv rbjg tjqqlis lc atf rxs obgfnfg.


Ojafg, Hlcu Oejc ygbxf ogff ogbw tfg rtjmxifr. Vtf kjr ilxf j tjqqs ylgv jcv rtf ygbeuta atf mtlivgfc ab atf Zfvlmlcf Blcu’r Njiifs. Vtf kjr yegralcu klat atlcur rtf kjcafv ab afii Tef Qetejc, atlcur ilxf tbk atja qfgrbc jrxfv tfg defralbcr jybea tlw, tbk tf ibbxfv ilxf ktfc tf uba atf ybz. 

However, the first time she saw Yue Wuhuan once again, she realized that this person had already changed.

Yue Wuhuan had wounds on his body and he was so exhausted that he could hardly suppress the madness and restless anxiety in his eyes. He recognized her but showed no interest at all, there was even faint loathing. He forcibly braced himself and patiently took them in but only because this was the order of the Medicine King Xianzun.

His eyes were no longer gentle nor kind. Although he patiently made the proper arrangement for the children, Qing Luan found that every command he gave was cold and every arrangement was made with indifference. Afterwards, he disappeared, days went by without anyone seeing him.

Qing Luan was astutely aware that something bad must have happened to the Medicine King’s Valley. 

She immediately persuaded most of the children who were still harboring fantasies about taking the path of cultivation to return to the mortal realm. As for the remaining few children who had nowhere to go, she took the responsibility of taking care and teaching them herself.

For a long period afterwards, the Medicine King Xianzun went into closed door cultivation and Yue Wuhuan became very busy. He stayed cooped up in the study and laboratory for days on end, barely making any appearance. Qing Luan took the initiative to become a valley servant, taking charge of sweeping around the gate of the Medicine King’s Valley during the day and taking the children to read their medical textbooks at night.

The next time she saw Yue Wuhuan, Yue Wuhuan’s face was ruined, stained with multicolor splotches, ugly to the extreme.

Qing Luan was so scared that she almost screamed. 

However, Yue Wuhuan smiled at her and left Medicine King Valley, wearing that kind of face.

Everyone’s tongues wagged in gossip. Now that he’s lost his beautiful face, they felt he would fall out of favor once the Master comes out of closed door cultivation.

Qing Luan thought about the gentle Xianzun. She shook her head. In her heart, she had her own guess.

Yue Wuhuan began to come back with injuries — major injuries, minor injuries, stabs and slashes; all kinds of injuries. He didn’t allow anyone to touch his wounds and every time, he would go to the treatment room and deal with them himself. While recovering, he would read books and study frantically. Once he recovers, he would leave the Medicine King Valley again, off to places unknown. 

He maintained the calm of the Medicine King’s Valley and no one noticed the hidden crisis inside.

Qing Luan realized that she had to do something…

For Yue Wuhuan, for Song Qingshi, for the Medicine King’s Valley, for the children behind her.

No matter how weak her wings were, she needed to protect everyone from the wind and rain. 

That day, Yue Wuhuan once again came back injured. Armed with determination, Qing Luan broke the prohibition and snuck into the treatment room. She was met with a sight that was hard to believe.

In the treatment room, Yue Wuhuan was sewing the wound on his abdomen. In order to stay clear-headed, he did not use anesthetics. He bit down on a cork strip in his mouth and then repeatedly pierced his skin with the needle, making layer by layer of stiches. The severe pain made cold sweat break out all over his body and yet he made no sound save for a few muffled groans.

Yue Wuhuan noticed her prying eyes and quickly closed his robe. He asked, voice hoarse, “Who’s there?”

Feeling pained, Qing Luan closed her eyes and then slowly walked out of the dark. 

Yue Wuhuan drew his sword and looked warily at the intruder.

Qing Luan immediately knelt down. From her bosom, she took out the spirit bead she had prepared beforehand. She respectfully offered it to him with both hands.

Yue Wuhuan looked at this familiar red bead and immediately understood her intentions. His expression turned unreadable, dark and gloomy.

“I know that something has happened to Master and I dare not pry. I also know that Wuhuan Ge has misgivings and I dare not ask for trust. But the Medicine King’s Valley is the only place of safety for Qing Luan and the only refuge for these pitiful children.” Qing Luan’s voice was very soft but very firm, “So, please accept Qing Luan’s life. As long as the bead is marked with spiritual consciousness, I can never hurt my master and I will never be able to go against your will. Please make use of me. I am willing to do anything…” 

“Anything?” Yue Wuhuan couldn’t help laughing after hearing such naïve words. “Even if I am no longer the person you remember me to be? Even if your clean hands will be covered with blood? Even if you lose your life? Even if you will fall into eternal damnation?”

Qing Luan raised her head. “Yes!”

The Luan was always willing to serve at the Phoenix’s feet, all its life, following after the Pheonix’s shadow as it soared in the sky.

Although her strength was small, she was willing to give all that she had. 

Yue Wuhuan watched her for a long time and thought for a long time. Finally, he took her spirit bead and accepted her allegiance.

Since that day, Qing Luan has become Yue Wuhuan’s most loyal subordinate. She has handled many public and secret matters in the Medicine King’s Valley. She has seen Yue Wuhuan’s cruelest side. Countless times, she has cleaned up the terrifying pieces of flesh in the torture chamber and washed the blood off on the ground. From the very beginning, when she was so afraid that she would vomit to now that she could handle everything with nary a change in her expression; she has helped Yue Wuhuan madly transform the Medicine King’s Valley, turning it into a giant spider web, controlling everything and trapping everyone. She tried to maintain Yue Wuhuan’s perfect image, pretending that nothing ever happened, preventing the children from discovering the truth and preventing the Master from realizing that something was wrong once he woke up.

However, these things were far from enough…

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Yue Wuhuan pushed himself to the extreme every day. His body was so covered with scars, they were strung together like beads and he hardly even had time to sleep. He frantically studied killing techniques, frantically researched poison and formations, frantically fused all knowledge into his own bones and blood. He overcame countless obstacles. He calculated people’s hearts, calculated everything. 

The most precious medicines were in the most dangerous places and every step was fraught with peril. Obtaining them required a huge price.

Sometimes he succeeded and sometimes he failed. After every failure, he would start over again.

However, no matter the hardships, no matter the difficulties, he never stopped moving forward.

Qing Luan was responsible only for the internal affairs of the Medicine King’s Valley, most of the time she didn’t know where he went or what he did. 

The only thing she knew was that five years ago, Yue Wuhuan was brought back personally by the master of Night Rain Pavilion himself. 60% of his bones were broken and no part of his body remained intact. All that was keeping him alive were his wood-type spiritual root and the medicine pills. He had something clutched tightly in his hand, unwilling to let go.

Qing Luan could no longer remain silent and she asked Ye Lin for the reason.

After hearing this, Ye Lin Xianjun couldn’t help cursing. “This Foundation Building cultivator dared to go onto the Life and Death Stage. He is really a death-seeking lunatic.”

The Life and Death stage was a dark gambling game in the immortal realm. They gambled on rare and exotic treasures and on the lives of cultivators. 

There were so many wealthy cultivators in the immortal realm. They were tired of betting on cockfights and dogfights. And so now, they were finally betting on people.

On the Life and Death Stage, fights were to the death. The cultivator who wins in the end can take away the treasure of the gambling match.

Although Yue Wuhuan had barely had any breath left, he was alive and he was the winner of Life and Death Stage.

He obtained the Blood Silkworm Grass that has long been extinct in the immortal realm. 

Ye Lin Xianjun was a man of his word. He handed Yue Wuhaun and the Blood Silkworm Grass to Qing Luan. Recounting the tragedy on the Life and Death Stage, he slapped the table in anger and cursed, “Hmph, even if Xuany Yu Xianzun was a waste who ascended by piling his body with pills, a Nascent Soul cultivator has a spiritual power suppressive effect on a Foundation Building cultivator. What’s more, he had cultivated a Diamond Body. Ordinary cultivators couldn’t even break through his skill, let alone attack. They just wanted Xuan Yu Xianzun to torture Wuhuan Gongzi to death for their amusement. How can someone as smart as Yue Wuhuan fail to understand what those people were thinking? He was willing to court death for the Blood Silkworm Grass. For the sake of our partnership over the Yurong Ointment, I already prepared the coffin for him! Tell me, just how long is Song Qingshi planning to stay in closed door cutlivation? He’s actually willing to let his treasure he spent two hundred thousand spirit stones to save do something like this!?”

Qing Luan said sternly, “I ask Xianjun to please not speak like that.”

In the immortal realm, it was common for cultivators to go into closed door cultivation. Some had broken through their level and needed to consolidate their power. Some were finding it hard to breakthrough and so needed to devote themselves in study. Song Qingshi was exceptionally talented and focused on cultivation. A hundred years ago, he was close to having reached the Great Perfection of the Nascent Soul. He was a cultivator who had a good chance to break through to Fen Shen. Now that the opportunity was close at hand, everyone thought it only normal for him to go into closed door cultivation to strengthen himself.

Ye Lin sighed and wrung his hands. “I have never seen such a tragic Life and Death Stage. His hands and feet were broken, blood was everywhere. He was motionless on the floor. I was ready to have people carry in his coffin. I didn’t expect that at the last moment, he took advantage of when Xuan Yu Xianzun, feeling proud of himself, lowered his guard. He shot a poison needle from a mechanism in his mouth and into his opponent’s waist, the chink in Xuan Yu Xianzun’s armor.” 

Although the Diamond Body was impenetrable, there will always be chink in the armor that cannot be cultivated away and can only be hidden.

Ye Lin knew the ending and understood the process by working it out in reverse. He was certain that Yue Wuhuan was already well aware of Xuan Yu Xianzun’s thoughts and he knew that he would be tortured to death. He kept feeling him out and showing weaknesses, locating where the chink in his armor was. He deliberately waited until he was so injured that he couldn’t move, when his opponent relaxed his guard and made his final attack.

He had but one chance and it was a fleeting one.

Yue Wuhuan shot without the slightest hesitation and Xian Yu Xianzun was the one left dead. 

The Life and Death Stage was in an uproar. No one could believe their eyes. Ye Lin sold the coffin to Xuan Yu Xianzun’s disciple at a low price. He took Blood Silkworm Grass for Yue Wuhuan and stuffed him with medicine to preserve his life. He then found a stretcher to send him back to the Medicine King’s Valley and clearly explained the entire matter.

Before departing, he repeatedly urged Qing Luan. “Forget it. Don’t cry. If he dies, you can wait for the Medicine King Xianzun to come out of his closed door cultivation to settle the money Night Rain Pavilion advanced for his medicine and escort fees. Don’t let this affect the shipment of the Yurong Ointment.”

Qing Luan suppressed the turmoil in her heart and nodded.

How to treat wounds was part of her usual studies and she would occasionally treat the inconvenient wounds on Yue Wuhuan’s back. Before leaving this time, Yue Wuhuan also had a hunch that he would be seriously injured and he left various treatment plans and medicines in preparation. Qing Luan properly handled all the injuries according to the plan and according to what she had learned. She treated everything except for his hand, that was clenched tight and that she couldn’t pry open. She vaguely saw what seemed to be a white pebble in his hand. 

Yue Wuhuan was in a coma for three days and three nights.

After regaining consciousness, he gently sniffed the stone in his hand. He struggled to get out of the bed and pushed away the arm Qing Luan stretched out to support him. Step by step, he tried climb up to Fuling Palace, only to fall down once again. Their obscene gazes as he stepped onto the Life and Death Stage; Xuan Yu Xianzun’s vulgar words; they made him absolutely nauseous. Even the unavoidable physical touch as Qing Luan treated his wounds made him extremely uncomfortable.

The air was so dirty that he couldn’t breathe. His mind was in utter chaos. He had to quickly return to that person’s side so that be could rest and breathe easy.

Qing Luan knelt down and said firmly, “Wuhuan Ge, I know that something has happened to Master. Please let me help you to see him.” 

Yue Wuhuan slowly turned his head. Phoenix eyes narrowed, he turned to her with a dangerous look in his eyes.

Qing Luan persuaded with much difficulty, “You can’t keep the secret alone. If you didn’t make it through the Life and Death Stage, what would happen to Master?”

Yue Wuhuan fell into silence.

Qing Luan continued on, “If you die, who else can save Master?” 

“There’s someone. Don’t worry.” Yue Wuhuan’s voice was tired and hoarse, “I placed a Last Testament Array on my life plate. If I die, it will send a message to him. He can easily find the Master’s location… But, I don’t want to hand Master over to that person, so no matter how difficult it is, I can’t die.”

Master’s injury was too serious and required a lot of prescriptions. They needed to be tested one by one. Not every kind of medicinal material could be bought and there was no time to slowly search for them. He had no one to rely on. He knew he was betting his life, but he couldn’t not bet.

If he lost this bet, then the Last Testament Array will tell An Long know about Song Qingshi’s situation. This was the last way out.

Song Qingshi has lost the ability to resist. The last of his remaining spiritual power was all used to suppress the poisonous fire in his body. Anyone could do whatever they wanted to him. Even with his eyes closed, Yue Wuhuan could guess what An Long, this vicious wolf would do. Thinking about that scene pained him to the point of wanting to vomit. 

He had lost too much blood on the Life and Death Stage. His consciousness was beginning to blur. He relied on the content of the Last Testament Array and the stone in his hand to push himself to keep breathing. He couldn’t die. If he died, he would have nothing. Among the Gu’s, there was a type that could erase memories. An Long would take what he wanted, by hook or by crook. He would surely eliminate him from Song Qingshi’s mind.

He even felt that what he had gone through in the Golden Phoenix Manor wouldn’t be the most painful experience of his life.

Being forgotten by Song Qingshi would be…

No matter how hard hell was, he must climb back. No-one was allowed to take his Master away. 


Yue Wuhuan finally accepted Qing Luan’s proposal. He did not absolutely trust her, but he realized, after going through the Life and Death Stage, that there was a danger of him being seriously injured and falling into a coma himself. If he was unconscious for several years, Song Qingshi might encounter a mishap because there was no one to take care of him.

Qing Luan finally helped him step into the secret room and saw Song Qingshi sleeping in the milky white medicinal liquid. She also saw the simple furniture beside the bath.

Qing Luan asked incredulously, “Wuhuan Ge, have you been sleeping here?” 

It was cold, damp and dark underground. If normal people stayed here for too long, even their bones would ache. How could someone injured stand it…?

“He likes me to be by his side. Otherwise, he’ll be lonely,” Yue Wuhuan lay down beside the bath, his tense body finally relaxing. The light in his eyes also softened. All his being was tied to the person in the pool; he didn’t leave even a trace for himself. He took Song Qingshi’s hand, smiled and lightly kissed the back of the wet hand.  He made his voice as melodious and moving as possible. “Qingshi, I got the Blood Silkworm Grass. We can try a new medication now.”

“Qingshi, I’m still alive and I didn’t get sick…”

“Qingshi, it’s spring now. May I plant some flowers and plants in your yard?” 

“Qingshi, they say that Jasper Tower has really delicious peach blossom cakes. Shall we go eat there later?”


He talked endlessly to someone who couldn’t hear.

He held that unfeeling hand that as though he was holding the whole world. 

Qing Luan quietly exited the secret room. There was no room for any outsiders here.

In her memory, the song atop the phoenix tree, “Feng Qiu Huang” finally lost its last color.


Qing Luan recalled the suffering of the past ten years like a nightmare. 

Now Song Qingshi woke up and she too woke up from the nightmare. The heavy burden on her shoulders disappeared and her heart relaxed.

She also understood Yue Wuhuan’s meaning. All this suffering was now in the past. There was no need to make the Master feel guilty and sad. They should look forward. Everyone’s life will be better and brighter in the future.

As for the relationship between the Master and Wuhuan Ge…

Qing Luan couldn’t help smiling. She was going to pray extra hard to the Moon god, praying for a good ending. 

The moonlight was dim, and there was a young man in red sitting in her courtyard earnestly practicing playing the tune, playing “Feng Qiu Huang”. Unfortunately, this young man didn’t have a talent for music. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t play well. His notes came intermittently and some seemed to have run away from home, off to places unknown.

The young man was a little embarrassed and quietly gave her a look.

Qing Luan couldn’t help but smile as she sat beside him, listening quietly.

She wished for everyone to be happy. 

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