Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 53: CH 53

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Chapter 53: Bedtime Reading

Yue Wuhuan found that his master has become quite clingy. He kept following him, wanting to try to strike up conversation, like about today’s weather, about the peonies in the garden, about the birds flying in the sky or about delicious food. Did it have something to do with the secret book on master-disciple interaction that he secretly hid from him and refused to let him see? 

He questioned Yan Yuan Xianjun closely.

Yan Yuan Xianjun didn’t dare provoke the lunatic and immediately said everything.

After Yue Wuhuan knew the whole story, he found it very amusing. He enthusiastically played the role of a good disciple and played games with his Master.

Song Qingshi was actually very bad at small talk. No matter what the topic, the conversation would die within three sentences. 

Yue Wuhuan loved seeing him digging through his thoughts, searching through his guts and belly, trying with all his might to find something to talk about with him. It was really too cute. Once in a while, when he saw that he really couldn’t continue, he would start a new topic for him so as to shorten the awkward silence.

Before going to bed, Yue Wuhuan found Song Qingshi once again climbing into his bed. He leaned on his pillow and holding the “The Legend of Kang Qu”, he said very seriously, “Let’s read a bedtime story.”

Yue Wuhuan lay on the pillow, listening to him start to read the fable of the big tiger and the little white rabbit. He was a little dazed. It felt like he was back to when he was a child and his mother would read next to his ear…

Song Qingshi read a few pages and concluded, “I seem to have taken the wrong book.”

He had simply taken the bedtime story that was the most popular among the disciples of the Red Dragon Sect. He was told it was perfect in virtue, wisdom and beauty and basing on the title, there seemed to be no problem. He didn’t expect to run into trouble so he came without reading the contents carefully. He wanted the two of them to read together to deepen their relationship. Unexpectedly, there was a serious problem with regards to the age group this bedtime story catered to. The Red Dragon Sect had many young disciples…

Children’s books were, at least, mentally healthy. He kind of wanted to know how the little white rabbit settled matters with the big tiger.

Song Qingshi had very good reading habits. He didn’t like to give up halfway, so he put on a brave face and insisted on finishing reading.

Yue Wuhuan buried his head in the quilt and tried his best to hold back a smile. 

“Tomorrow I will change the book.” Although Song Qingshi felt that he was a bit stupid, if he was able to amuse him and make him happy then it was still a good thing.

Yue Wuhuan laughed for a long time. He crawled back from under the quilt and curiously wanted to see what he was going to do next.

Seeing that he was not the least bit sleepy, Song Qingshi reluctantly suggested, “Since you can’t fall asleep yet, let’s do a few advanced math problems?”

“Okay,” Yue Wuhuan smile happily, “I like doing this kind of thing in bed with Master the most.” 

Seeing him happy, Song Qingshi was overjoyed. He took out pen and paper, wrote out more than twenty questions and talked a lot about mathematical formulas.

Yue Wuhuan immersed himself in the sea of ​​questions; he studied quite happily.

Finally, he found that Song Qingshi had unsuspectingly fallen asleep next to him.
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The Blood King Vines couldn’t help but slowly stretched out to all directions like a huge spider’s web. It paced back and forth everywhere, poking, wanting to capture. For a long while, he greedily admired the sleeping treasure. Finally, he packed away all his desire, leaving only a single vine gently wrapped around his ankle. 

Gbc’a yf tjras.


Ktf cfza vjs, Vbcu Hlcurtl qbcvfgfv obg j ibcu alwf jcv rbgafv bea jii atf yfvalwf rabglfr tf xcfk lc tlr wlcv. Lf ofia atja “Vcbk Qtlaf” bg “Ktf Fuis Gemxilcu” kbeivc’a yf jqqgbqgljaf obg Tef Qetejc. Ccrkfglcu qgbyifw defralbcr fnfgsvjs kjr fnfc ifrr bo j rbiealbc. Tef Qetejc’r hfji obg ifjgclcu kjr fnfc ugfjafg atjc tlr bkc. Ktf wbgf tf jcrkfgfv, atf wbgf fcfgufalm tf kjr. Lf kbeiv klcv eq ojiilcu jriffq ktlif atf batfg rajsfv eq.

He decided to rise to the challenge once again and find a book suitable for adults. 

Yue Wuhuan has already read “The Three Tiger-Fighting Brothers” and even made a very insightful summary.

He had to change to an interesting bedtime reading…

Song Qingshi pondered for a long time. Taking advantage of when Yue Wuhuan was off studying talismans with the Red Dragon Sect disciples, he went in search of books. However, the library of all sects were off-limits and those without permission weren’t allowed to enter. He was a rule-abiding person and wanted to ask Yan Yuan Xianjun for permission, he didn’t expect to run into Nian Nian on the way there.

Nian Nian was a child and had a rather cheeky personality. Moreover, she had some familiarity with him. 

Although Yan Yuan Xianjun repeatedly explained to his disciples that the Medicine King Xianzun had an eccentric personality and that they should not provoke him into anger, Nian Nian didn’t believe it very much. She felt that the cultivator who had saved her had a good temper, and interacting with cultivator Wuhuan, didn’t seem much like the ruthless cultivator that he was rumored to be. He was very gentle.

She liked this kind of gege very much.

Nian Nian took the initiative to greet Song Qingshi and asked him curiously what he was looking for.

Song Qingshi spoke much more at ease in front of this bright and cheerful little girl. He asked Nian Nian, “Do you know any bedtime books suitable for adults? The kind of books your elder brothers and sisters love to read before bed. Can help me borrow some books?” 

“I know,” Nian Nian immediately understood, “Lan Shijie has a lot of them somewhere. She reads them every night and the other senior sisters always ask to borrow them. Lan Shijie is very generous and lets everyone take them whenever they want. She’s been kind of weird these past couple of days though. Maybe she’s afraid of being scolded by Shifu for not being diligent enough? She’s hidden her books…but I know where she hid them. Wait for me to get some of them for you.”

Song Qingshi was overjoyed. He repeatedly thanked her and went back to the room to make a pot of spirit tea, planning to carefully choose a book.

Before long, Nian Nian ran over with more than a dozen books. She eagerly handed then to Song Qingshi and then hurried away.

Song Qingshi drank a sip of spirit tea and opened the first book, “The Record of Prisoner Huan”. He then found that the protagonist’s occupation and name were a bit similar to his own. His name was Qingshi. He was also a Nascent Soul master cultivating skills in both medicine and poison. He caught and brought back a mortal beauty named Yue Huan. The opening scene was that of a very sentimental kiss. Qingshi pressed Yue Huan against the rock wall and then kissed his voluptuous lips. Their breaths intertwined and they tasted sweetness, experiencing the world’s greatest bliss… 

He held the spirit tea and sipped it slowly. He kept feeling that there was something wrong. After thinking about it for a long time, a bright flash of light appeared in his mind. He was completely stunned.

Was this book obliquely pointing to him and Yue Wuhuan?

When has he ever done such shameless things to Yue Wuhuan?

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Song Qingshi quickly ruffled through a few pages of the book and found that it was a super disharmonious book, depicting him forcing onto the beauty all sorts of things that should harmonized by the publishing company. The scale was enormous and it was unsuitable for children. Reading it made people blush. He was given such a fright that he threw the book to the ground. He then picked up the other books and looked through them. In the second one, the beauty took the initiative to seduce him and the two sought pleasure and made merry. In the third one, he tied up the beauty and then proceeded to engage in all sorts of sadomasochistic play in all kinds of wondrous places… 

Although the protagonists’ names has been changed in each book, it was obvious that they were referring to him and Yue Wuhuan.

Song Qingshi was completely stunned. He had no idea that he was such a beast in the eyes of the world…

The door opened. Yue Wuhuan walked in and frowned slightly when he saw the books on the table.

Song Qingshi wanted to burn the books but it was too late. 

He was on the verge of tears. Stuttering, he said, “Wu-Wuhuan, let me explain. I didn’t know anything. I didn’t do anything…”

“I know these,” Yue Wuhuan casually picked up a book. He looked at the cover and turned a few pages. He sighed, “Everyone in the world seeks out novelty. It’s because my reputation is too widespread. It has even tarnished Master’s good name.” He looked at Song Qingshi’s muddled expression. Knowing that he didn’t understand, he explained with a wry smile, “My past… is extremely unsavory. Everyone thinks that I relied on my body to get the Master’s favor and so they wrote up lots of these sort of amorous encounters. In actuality, everyone knows that it’s all nonsense. There are all sorts of things written about the famous people in the immortal realm. Master does not need to take it too much to heart.”

He had burned the picture books of a lot of bookstore and cleaned up many bookstore owners.

Bookstores in the immortal realm weren’t businesses that made a lot of profits. The owners has no powerful backers and they didn’t dare offend the lunatic. 

Nowadays, the towns near the Medicine King’s Valley didn’t dare to blatantly sell his unsavory picture albums. But these kinds of novels written under pseudonyms were very common. They were all written by small-time authors and they merely borrowed the reflection of real characters or real incidents. Moreover, they always indicated that these stories were purely fictitious. The bigshots of the immortal realm found all this quite funny and never took them personally. They also didn’t investigate into this matter. Some even found it interesting and specially bought them to have a look.

Song Qingshi never read novels, let alone colorful ones.

Therefore, Yue Wuhuan never took these novels seriously.

After a long time of listening to the explanation, Song Qingshi finally understood. But he was still aggrieved. 

He has never been greedy for Yue Wuhuan’s body. Nor has he done anything unforgivable to Yue Wuhuan. Moreover, he has practiced the Way of the Heartless for many years, purifying his heart and reducing his desires. Regardless of whether it was matters between a man and a woman or between a man and a man, he has always been conscientious. He has never even hit a plane. Setting aside the fact they were writing about him having romantic affairs, why did they write him out to be such a beast?

What ‘entwined lips and tongue, sweet as honey’…

Was it really sweet and delicious?

Song Qingshi raised his head and glanced at Yue Wuhuan’s beautiful and gorgeous lips. For some reason, the sentences in the book and some strange thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind. He was so shocked by his beastly thoughts that he gave a start. He shook his head and quickly dispelled them. 

You mustn’t think about these kinds of things…

Yue Wuhuan packed up the mess of books and prepared to hand them over to Yan Yuan Xianjun to handle. He then thought for a while and sitting in front of Song Qingshi, he said sternly, “Master, the things written in these books are exaggerated. Everyone just imagines that these things between men are delightful but the real situation is not like this. This is a very disgusting matter.”

Song Qingshi felt like he’d been caught doing something wrong. He sat stiffly and properly, honestly accepting his lessons.

“Men and women have different bodies and they are not suitable for this kind of thing.” Yue Wuhuan lectured earnestly. “This kind of thing is more painful than you think and your dignity could be crushed inch by inch. It’s very difficult to bear. There used to be a slave…” 

He used a lot of medical terms and a lot of descriptions that were free of emotions or biases but because of his own experience, he was extremely persuasive and the scenes he described were terrible, almost no different from hellish torture.

Song Qingshi felt uncomfortable and his face turned pale.

What he thought was just a laceration was more terrifying and disgusting than he thought.

“Don’t be curious. Don’t try it.” Yue Wuhuan saw that he was terribly scared and was extremely satisfied. He reached out his hand and gently touched the messy hair on the top of his head. He embraced him into his arms and said with extreme gentleness, “Master should just stay the way he is. Don’t think about those things and don’t do those things either, okay? If you get hurt, I will be very distressed…” 

There were so many filthy things in this world, he couldn’t guard against them all. If he overlooks even the littlest thing, it would seize the chance to make its way in.

If it stirred the Master’s thoughts, what should he do?

It was so troublesome.


Song Qingshi looked at his relaxed and happy eyes. The sense of abnormality and uneasiness in his heart became clearer and even more definite. Yue Wuhuan has relevant painful experiences. His descriptions weren’t lies; so, at wounds that were torn open and dripping with blood, why did his expression have a contradictory reaction? It was as if a lot of things were suppressed in his emotions. They were topsy-turvy and confused, sorrow and joy were exchanged. He only presented the side he wanted people to see but he himself didn’t know it…

There were also strange things. For example, a few days ago, he found poison from the poison puppet on the deer carcass the farmer had picked up. And then, he found the poisonous residue stuck to blades of grass in a hidden spot at the foot of the mountain. Poison puppets were fierce and cruel. They were specially made for killing and for research. Normally, they were kept in mustard seed bags. Why would he take one out? There were also those scars on Yue Wuhuan’s wrist. He was a famous doctor. How could he not see the difference between self-harm and accidental scratching?

After discovering these abnormalities, he tried his best to follow after Yue Wuhuan, pestering him to talk, trying to figure out what was going on.

Now, he faintly saw the answer — Wuhuan’s mental illness had worsened. 

Song Qing thought dazedly for a long time…

Seeing his mind wandering, Yue Wuhuan smiled and asked, “Master, what’s the matter?”

Song Qingshi immediately came back to his senses and promised, “Okay, the things Wuhuan doesn’t like, I won’t think about and I won’t do.”

Yue Wuhuan was very satisfied, “Master is the best.” 

Song Qingshi asked softly, “What does Wuhuan want me to do?”

Yue Wuhuan said, “I want to raise little white mice together, do experiments together, study together, watch the clouds together.”

Song Qingshi nodded, “Okay.”

At night, he didn’t find an excuse to stay in Yue Wuhuan’s bed so he went back to his room. He thought for a long time and took a deep breath. He then looked at the Blood King Vine that was crawling over, took it and tied it to his ankle. 

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