Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 55: CH 55

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Chapter 55: Clear-headed and Muddled

Song Qingshi stood in front of the wine shop, listening to the owner’s enthusiastic sales pitch. 

“How can anyone come to the Flower Festival without drinking flower wine? Don’t get me wrong, dear customer, I’m not talking about those messy flower wines.” The liquor shop owner thought he had cracked a joke that any man would understand. When he found that the other’s expression remained serious and that he didn’t laugh at all, seeming not to understand, he changed his tune. “Our Nanhai city is rich in flowers. This is a wine brewed using eight kinds of flowers. It is called Intoxicated Beauty. It tastes sweet and has a distinct flavor. It’s only sold during the Flower Festival. It’s a limited quantity item and once it sells out, there’s no way to get any more.”

It’s sweet wine? And it’s limited edition?

A man’s resistance tended to decrease in the face of limited edition items.

Song Qingshi immediately took out spirit stones and bought a jar. 

Finding that shameless painter was Song Qingshi’s main business for going out. Now that he had finished his business, he wanted to go back to the inn as soon as possible and look for Yue Wuhuan. But the buildings in Nanhai City were all very similar and there were flowers everywhere. While he walked, he thought about many things and he got turned around. He was careless and now found himself in the night market.

Business was booming for the Flower Festival’s night market. On the left was opera singing; on the right was a monkey show. There were so many things that he hadn’t seen before.

Has Nanhai City’s night life always been like this?

Song Qingshi couldn’t restrain his curiosity. He thought that this time, once he returns to the Medicine King’s Valley, he might not get to see such a scene again. He couldn’t help looking around a bit more. As a result, he suffered defeat at many a sales pitch and bought an awful mess of things. There were beautiful gems, lovely red fabrics, a novel about Sword Master Mo Yuan’s legend as well as a beautiful little phoenix figurine made by the Niemianren maker.

For some reason, most of the tourists in the night market were in pairs and couples. They held hands, laughing and having a good time. They were all very close.

After Song Qingshi finished buying the wine, he couldn’t help asking the owner.

The shop ower was amused by him. “Don’t you know that the night of Nanhai City’s Flower Festival is also called the Lover’s Festival?”

Song Qingshi shook his head. This information wasn’t in the guidebook information he had compiled. 

The Night Rain Pavilion had been very irresponsible with regards to this matter. He was going to have to lecture Ye Lin Xianjun on his professionalism when he returns.

“This is an old tradition of the Flower Festival. The Festival during the day is for everyone’s merriment and the Night Market is for the romance of lovers. Ours is a city that never sleeps. If you don’t have company, you can go and find one. Your looks aren’t bad, it would be easy for you. Would you like me to introduce you to someone?” The liquor store owner enthusiastically suggested, “If you find a beauty to drink the Intoxicated Beauty with, it will taste even sweeter, down to the bones.”

When Song Qingshi heard ‘beauty’, for some reason, he thought of Yue Wuhuan’s face.

He was a little panicked, and quickly refused, “No, I have a companion. A very beautiful one, no…not the kind of companion you mentioned.” 
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
When he got confused, his speech turned all messy.

Ktf rtbq bkcfg yfmjwf wbgf wevvifv jr tf ilrafcfv ab tlw. Lf mbeivc’a tfiq ufaalcu mibrfg ab ilrafc mjgfoeiis. “Qtja xlcv bo qjgacfg? C wjif qjgacfg? C ofwjif qjgacfg?”

Lf tjv tjgvis olclrtfv rqfjxlcu ktfc rfnfgji yibbv-gfv nlcfr vgbqqfv ogbw atf gbbo, ktlqqlcu mgjmxr bc atf ugbecv, olgwis rfqjgjalcu atf akb.

Yue Wuhuan stood on the roof, his long black hair blown into disarray by the night wind. His sash wasn’t fastened properly, the collar of his inner robe was turned upside down and there were several creases on the lower hem of his red brocade robe. It shattered his usual ‘discreet in word and deed’ appearance. The phoenix eyes under the golden wing mask had traces of the madness that he couldn’t hold back. His voluptuous lips were pressed tightly and pulled upward slightly, as though he wanted to come out with his usual gentle smile but simply couldn’t manage to. 

The Blood King Vine crawled on the ground. Each vine divided into countless branches. There were more and more branches and leaves, growing thicker and denser. The people of Nanhai City had seen this terrible thing on their wall city before and fear still lingered in their hearts.

The owner of the wine shop was so scared that he fell to the ground on his butt. Rolling and crawling, he wanted to crawl away from this place.

The customers also realized that the situation was turning bad and they fled one after another.

Song Qingshi hugged the wine jar and tried to comfort everyone, “It’s fine.” 

His comfort had no effect and in an instant, everyone had already run away.

The Blood King Vine rose from the ground, quickly climbed up his limbs and body, crisscrossing, twining, confining him in overlapping layers, like countless angry spider silks grabbing the prey that had fallen into its web; wrapping round and round, lest it escape.

Song Qingshi subconsciously wanted to raise the alchemical fire to break his binds but he suddenly remembered that the Blood King Vine was connected to the soul. Breaking it could hurt or injure Yue Wuhuan. He quickly put the fire away, still letting himself be lifted into the air by the Blood King Vine. He was dragged like a sacrificial offering in front of Yue Wuhuan, sending him into his arms.

“Master,” Yue Wuhuan lowered his head, using his lips to savor the taste from his neck. He then slowly climbed up, licking his sensitive earlobe with the tip of his tongue, as though sampling the flavor. His voice, though, was extremely aggrieved, “I was so worried when I woke up and couldn’t find you.” 

Song Qingshi earnestly explained, “I just came out to do something and bought some things along the way.”

The Blood King Vine wound tighter and tighter around his body, as if he wanted to isolate him from the air of the outside world.

Yue Wuhuan’s voice became even more aggrieved. “Master, at night, everywhere here is so dirty. Don’t go running all over the place. Don’t leave my side, okay?”

Over the years, the more he walked the outside world, the more he felt that the whole world was dirty. If it weren’t for fear of An Long, for having to deal with this trifling matter, he wouldn’t let Master set one foot outside the Medicine King’s Valley. That way they could avoid any accidents, avoid any possibility of getting hurt by those impudent scoundrels or falling in the mud. 

Song Qingshi wanted to pat him comfortingly on the shoulder but he couldn’t move. He could only nod his head slightly and said, “Okay.”

The night breeze blew. Yue Wuhuan gradually calmed down and he regulated his breathing. He realized he had done something wrong.

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The Blood King Vines loosened one by one, letting him out…

Yue Wuhuan’s face was a little pale and his body was trembling slightly. He apologized, voice small, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.” 

Qing Luan had once advised that his love was too crazy, his feelings were too extreme. They were already far beyond the range of normal people’s. It could easily arouse uneasiness. She advised him to exercise restraint; to not hurt others or himself.

He had expressed his agreement to Qing Luan and then learned to pretend so as to avoid being hated by the Master.

Now, his feelings were revealing flaws…

Yue Wuhuan was terrified. 

“It’s okay,” Song Qingshi pushed the wine jar into Yue Wuhuan’s arms and said in a relaxed tone of voice, “It’s my fault. I went out without telling you and you couldn’t find me when you woke up. It’s only normal to worry… Don’t be sad. I was in the wrong. It’s my fault.”

When he had woken up, he found that Yue Wuhuan no longer had any tendency to commit suicide. His words and deeds were the same as ordinary people’s and he was even gentler and more caring than before. He thought that when he had undone the Acacia seal, after Yue Wuhuan had once again embarked on the path of immortality, once he had tempered and cultivated his body and mind, that his condition had improved. At the time, his body was experiencing unexpected paralysis. He grew panicked and couldn’t think about other matters.

Then Yue Wuhuan had given him one happiness after the other. He was immersed in joy, and his ability to judge was once again blunted. Immediately after An Long’s arrival, the fight and injuries of the two mired him in nervousness. He subconsciously believed that the violent An Long was a dangerous factor. Moreover, Yue Wuhuan was behaving quietly. Under the contrast, him feeling at ease and overlooking this matter was nothing but a normal person’s reaction. Yue Wuhuan was just using an indirect method to achieve his goal.

He had never completely recovered from the illness in his heart. After losing treatment, the madness grew once again, turning into a giant behemoth; finally growing fangs and claws, attacking the entire world. 

How big was this behemoth?

Song Qingshi suddenly remembered the Thousand Beads Snow Lotus that he had encountered in the snow-capped mountains. The huge and terrifying root system was all tangled up, covering the entire mountain range. It reached thousands of miles. But what caught his eyes was that pitiful and beautiful little flower blooming on the crystal clear white snow.


It was all wrong… 

If you make a mistake then conclude it. If you make a mistake, then start over…

“Don’t be afraid, I’m here,” Song Qingshi pulled the trembling Yue Wuhuan into his arms, gently stroking his long hair, telling him the answer over and over again, “Don’t be afraid, I will never give up… ”

Don’t be afraid……

Regardless whether it was the taste of the fruit, the way we do things or being imprisoned by your side, it will all be done according to your wishes. 

The butterfly saw the spider web and was perfectly happy to fly in.


Song Qingshi comforted him for a long time. Finally, he managed to get Yue Wuhuan’s breathing to calm down, allowing him to restore his calm.

He accompanied Yue Wuhuan and hid in a dark corner of the roof, sitting there in a daze. The owner of the wine shop thought that the bad guys had gone and quietly came back to clean up the mess. He once again called in guests. Perhaps couples liked to have a couple of drinks on days like this, it didn’t take long before the shop was once again filled with the sound of flirtatious banter. 

This Lover’s Festival truly created a foul atmosphere. It could stain the Master’s eyes.

Yue Wuhuan regretted acting so well-behaved at the time and not persuading Song Qingshi to change the destination for this trip. He also hadn’t expected that Song Qingshi, who normally camped out in his room to read with him at night, would suddenly sneak out. Now it was too late to conceal the fact that there was a Lover’s Festival. He had to find an excuse…

He thought for a while and then, showing a relaxed expression, he pointed to the secluded nine-storied pagoda. He asked expectantly, “Master, I feel like sitting somewhere high up. The lights of this world under the moonlight is certain to look beautiful from up there.”

“Okay,” Song Qingshi looked at him with a smile, “I also think it’s too noisy here.” 

He pulled along Yue Wuhuan, passing over the bustling market, towards the nine-storied pagoda. The nine-storied pagoda was one of the most beautiful sceneries of Nanhai City. The legend had it that it enshrined the portrait of a shenjun. However, because the gates of the pagoda have always remained locked, no one knew what it looked like. The nine-storied pagoda was surrounded by a sea of ​​bamboo. It created an elegant scenery but during the Flower Festival, it couldn’t compete with the flowers and it was deserted.

Within the dense bamboo forest, there was a young couple hiding within. They whispered sweet nothings to each other and kissed as though unwilling to ever part.  One said that the other’s lips were sweet and the other said that the other’s lips were soft. Their breathy words could almost kill people with their cloying sweetness.

Song Qingshi couldn’t help taking a peek.

Yue Wuhuan turned his head back. The Blood King Vine snuck past and with a terrifying aura, directly scared away the pair of wild mandarin ducks. He then raised his sword and brought Song Qingshi to the top of the nine-storied pagoda. After cleaning it several times, he released his mental probe. Confirming that the surroundings were quiet, he finally felt relieved. 

The moonlight tonight was really beautiful. It enveloped the nine-storied pagoda and without need for candlelight, they could see the surroundings very clearly. Sitting on top of the tower was like sitting in a place detached from the world, watching the bustle of the world below. The night market converged into a long winding river of lights. All of them were houses filled with either muddled or perhaps clear-headed people.

Song Qingshi didn’t want to be clear-headed, but he couldn’t not be clear-headed…

He took out all the things he bought from the mustard seed bag and handed them all to Yue Wuhuan. He found that under the bewitching talk of the glib-tongued vendors, he had foolishly bought a lot of things. No matter. As long as the kindly feelings behind it weren’t foolish, it was fine.

Yue Wuhuan saw a toy bird flute made of wood and couldn’t help laughing. He placed his lips on it and blew it a few times. 

The little bird flute let out a sweet and melodious sound of hundreds of birds singing together.

Song Qingshi’s heart was slightly moved…

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