Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 63: CH 63

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Chapter 63: A Lucky Chance

Yue Wuhuan was very confused. He didn’t understand what his Master was distressed about. It was probably because the Phoenix kite had fallen that he had a nightmare? The Master in his heart was very staid and steady most of the time. But he did tend to keep away from people, and was quite ignorant of the ways of the world. He would thus, occasionally shows a childish side. Unexpectedly, he could even cry from nightmares? 

Song Qingshi clutched the lapels of his robe tightly, absolutely unwilling to let go. He even had his head buried against his chest, desperately rubbing away his tears.

Yue Wuhuan wanted both to comfort and laugh. He didn’t know what to say. He pondered for a moment, and took out the black bamboo flute. He pressed his lips against it and blew out a few cheerful tunes.

The pleasant sound drew back Song Qingshi’s attention. He raised his head and looked at the long flute in Yue Wuhuan’s hand. He slowly let go, and after some thinking, he lay down on his lap and listened to the music.

Perhaps, it was a trick of the light, Yue Wuhuan unexpectedly found that Song Qingshi’s eyes, usually so clear that you could see all the way to the bottom, contained a strangely painful emotion, as though thick shadows had been cast on beautiful crystals in the dark. This feeling made him a little uneasy. 

Song Qingshi turned sideways and closed his eyes lightly. He smiled and said, “I want to listen to a happy song.”

Yue Wuhuan put aside his doubts for the time being, and played a very gentle exotic song. He didn’t know the name or where it came from. This was a piece of music his mother had taught when he was young. It is said that it depicts a blessed home and happy memories. He liked this song very much. For him, it brought to mind the beautiful scenery of melting snow and the blossoming of spring flowers.

The music washed away all the distress. It washed away all the sadness.

The sound of the flute stopped…

Song Qingshi slowly opened his eyes. The gloom in his eyes had disappeared, returning to its previous appearance.

Yue Wuhuan thought that he must have seen wrong.

“I’ve never had a nightmare. I’ve embarrassed myself,” Song Qingshi tried to reclaim his dignity and explained, all in a mess, “I dreamt that something I really really liked had gone missing, and no matter how much I looked, I couldn’t find it. This feeling was continuously failing white mice experiments. Failing over and over and over again, and not being able to find out the reason. It’s very saddening…”

Yue Wuhuan didn’t know what the white mice experiments had to do with that something that he liked, but he knew that his thinking was different from ordinary people’s, and he was a medical fanatic. For him, the failure of an experiment was a considerably heavy blow. Every time he finished sorting out the records of his failure, he would lie down dejectedly on the table. He would spend the better part of two hours that way and he wouldn’t want to eat anything, not even dessert. 

“It is truly a sad thing to repeatedly fail mice experiments,” Yue Wuhuan tried to understand his feelings and comforted him, “If I were to encounter such a thing, I would cry my eyes out too.”

Song Qingshi got up, and rubbed his red eyes. He said, embarrassed, “Nonsense. And anyway, you can’t cry…”

Yue Wuhuan joked, “If Master wishes to see me cry, should I go find some medicine to smoke my eyes, and maybe have tears came out?”

Song Qingshi was amused by him. “I don’t want to see you shedding tears.” 

Yue Wuhuan asked, “Then, what would you like to see?”

Song Qingshi suddenly drew in close, and looked at his face for a long while. He said softly, “I want to see you at your most beautiful.”
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Yue Wuhuan was stunned. He touched his face, puzzlement in his eyes.

“Yc atf gbjv bo Pwwbgaji meialnjalbc, atf ybvs klii yfmbwf wbgf jcv wbgf qfgofma klat fjmt meialnjalbc ifnfi,” Vbcu Hlcurtl atbeuta obg j wbwfca jcv fzqijlcfv, “Qetejc lr pera ja Mbecvjalbc Delivlcu cbk. P ibbx obgkjgv ab sbeg Jbgf Mbgwjalbc, Rjrmfca Vbei… jcv fnfc tlutfg meialnjalbc ifnfir. Tbe klii vfolclafis yf atf wbra yfjealoei qfgrbc ab kjix atlr fjgat.” 

The Master has unexpectedly learned to tell jokes. It was a pity his words were too bad, his exaggeration simply over the top.

Yue Wuhuan didn’t discourage his enthusiasm for telling jokes. To match up with him, he laughed a little.

Song Qingshi laughed along with him. Suddenly, he got up and kissed his lips. He’s learned to place a lingering kiss and went a little deeper, touching the tip of his tongue. He then backed away.

Yue Wuhuan was stunned stupid by the kiss. 

“You said that as long as I like it, we can kiss every day,” Song Qingshi licked his lips and said boldly and assuredly. “Promises must be kept! Only puppies are shameless!”

Yue Wuhuan tried to refuse. “Master, this isn’t good. Didn’t you say you wouldn’t do confused things anymore?”

Song Qingshi tilted his head. He gave it some thought, and retorted, with ample grounds and reason, “I’m not drinking any alcohol right now. I’m completely sober, so it’s not a confused thing.”

Yue Wuhuan was helpless, “Why do you want to do this?” 

Song Qing pressed on every step of the way, and asked in return, “I like it very much; don’t you like it?”

Yue Wuhuan was rendered speechless by his rebuttal. He couldn’t lie and answer that he disliked it, because he did. He liked that feeling, so much so that he simply couldn’t stop himself and wished he could have it forever, never to let it go.

He wanted to step back.

But Song Qingshi kissed him again. The moist breath gently pried open the lock around his heart, allowing the faint fragrance of medicine to flow in between his lips, as if it could wash away all the filth. His inexperienced and clumsy movements easily made him throw away everything and rush into a headlong flight. He never had any way to refuse this sort of ultimate happiness. He swiftly sunk into this taboo world. 

“You like it.” Song Qingshi pulled back a little from his lips and then kissed it again. Gasping for breath, he said, “I know you like it too.”

Yue Wuhuan said in confusion, “Qingshi, I can’t.”

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Song Qingshi asked, “You said this is a game, why would you be nervous?”

How could a foot that had already crossed the boundary be so easy to retrieve? 

Yue Wuhuan stared at his pale pink lips, feeling his sanity was constantly being challenged, pushing it almost to the point of collapse. He thought of getting up and leaving, but he found that the net that was the Medicine King’s Valley that trapped Song Qingshi, also trapped himself. He had nowhere to escape. He could only be forced to the edge of the cliff step by step. He was placed in imminent danger, but was unable to retreat.

No matter how good he was at calculating others, he couldn’t calculate his own heart.

Master didn’t seem to know anything other than kisses. He also didn’t understand those messy bedroom matters…

The Heart of his Way of the Heartless had no peculiarity. 

If it’s just a simple kiss, could he…

The kiss made Yue Wuhuan so dizzy, his thoughts were going a little out of control. He asked tentatively, “Master, can we just keep to kissing?”

Song Qingshi smiled happily, “If Wuhuan likes it, there’s no problem!”

Yue Wuhuan breathed a sigh of relief. He lowered his head and began to taste the flavor he’d been longing for day and night. The soft hair was all messed up, wrapped around his fingertips, unwilling to leave. The white robes were somewhat thrown into disarray. The neckline was lain open, revealing a beautiful swan-like neck, the lovely Adam’s apple trembled slightly along with his breathing. He was very fortunate that he had taken some medicines to restrain his desire in advance to prepare for sleep. This way, despite this sort of extreme happiness, he would not display a shameful performance. Maybe such drugs would need to become his standard on-hand supplies. 

It was late at night. They were ear to ear and temple to temple. Their breaths twined together for who know how long but they, finally, stopped.

Yue Wuhuan found that Song Qingshi had been holding his hand tightly, without any intention of letting go. He thought for a moment, and then lay down by the side of the bed. He stretched out the Blood King Vine, poked the other’s foot lightly, and then wrapped around it. He asked with a smile, “Master, do you have a bedtime story for me today?”

“I forgot,” Song Qingshi discovered this big problem, and he thought about it for a long time. “Let’s chat.”

Yue Wuhuan asked curiously, “What do you want to talk about?” 

Song Qingshi pointed to the Blood King Vine on his foot. “I want to know how you got this.”

He had asked several times, but each time he did, Yue Wuhuan would look to the left and right while talking about something else. The only thing he has said about it was that he had gotten it by accident. He refused to talk about the difficulties he’s experienced during it. He was embarrassed to force an answer out for it, so he just let it go. But today he didn’t intend to compromise, he was going to pester Yue Wuhuan into telling him the actual situation.

Yue Wuhuan was forced into having no other choice. Thinking that the matter was something already long past, he finally told the truth, “I got it on the Inextinguishable Peak.”

“The Inextinguishable Peak?” Song Qingshi recalled the things he’d read from ancient materials, and quickly understood, “Is it the East Continent’s Mountain of Flames? I remember it’s an isolated place of extreme fire, a place where not even a blade of grass could grow, where birds have vanished. You couldn’t even see any spiritual veins. …The fire there is very dangerous. It’s said that it can burn even your very soul. Why did you go…for the Fire Lingzhi” 

The only good thing in this isolate place of extreme flames was the Fire Lingzhi.

The Fire Lingzhi was the main medicinal ingredient for refining the Burning Heart Pill. It grew slowly and was very rare. It was extremely beneficial to cultivators with Fire-type or Metal-type spiritual roots. It was a treasure of heaven and earth. As long as it appears, it would cause all parties to attempt to seize it.

Yue Wuhuan should have received news of the Fire Lingzhi and wanted it to refine the Burning Heart Pill to strengthen his heart.

“I failed.” Yue Wuhuan was a little frustrated. He was just a Foundation Building Cultivator. Even if he relied on his sword skills, Poison Puppets, talismans and formations, vying for treasure against those Core Formation and even Nascent Soul cultivators, the probability of failure was still relatively high. “At that time, I disguised my true identity and hid among the ranks of those hunting for the treasure. I made traps in advance to provoke them into killing each other. After successfully obtaining the Fire Lingzhi, I ran into new treasure hunters…demon cultivators from the Juejing Sect. It was too late to retreat, they had blocked every possible route for retreat. They tried to persuade me to surrender the Fire Lingzhi, saying that they would give me a way out if I did.” 

Song Qingshi frowned slightly, and asked, “All the demon cultivators of the Juejing Sect are cruel and merciless, how could they possibly be so good-natured?”

“I knew they were deceiving me. Once I handed over the Fire Lingzhi, they would take my life. Since I was about to die regardless, it didn’t matter how I died,” Yue Wuhuan couldn’t help laughing, “So, taking advantage of them not knowing my true identity, I toyed with those fools, and then I threw the Fire Lingzhi into the sea of ​​fire on the top of the Inextinguishable Peak. I mocked and ridiculed them. Master, the way they looked, so hopping mad, was really funny…”

The priceless Fire Lingzhi was swallowed up instantly by the raging inferno and was completely destroyed.

The demon cultivators hadn’t expected that a Foundation Building cultivator would dare to toy with them like this. They were so furious, they wanted to extract Yue Wuhuan’s soul and torture it. 

Yue Wuhuan laughed and said, “Seeing that the situation wasn’t good, I also jumped into the Inextinguishable Peak.”

His unexpected action disrupted everyone’s rhythm.

The demon cultivator grew furious all over again, and yet they hadn’t dared get close to the Inextinguishable Peak, this terrifying zone where both body and soul could be burned out of existence.

“There is a strange air current, like a whirlwind, in the Inextinguishable Peak. It can draw everything flying into it.  I couldn’t use any defensive sword skills. I was fortunate to be swept up by the air current and blown into a gap in the rock face,” Yue Wuhuan thought of the situation at the time, and said with a wry smile, “There was no way out from the crevice. The fire-resistant robe and all my fire prevention talismans had taken as much damage as they could. I should have been waiting to die, but I accidentally found the Blood King Vine’s soul seedling. With nothing left to lose, I fused with the Blood King Vine, and then used it to crawl up the rock face and climb out.” 

After listening, Song Qingshi said, looking pensive, “A stroke of good luck?”

“Perhaps,” Yue Wuhuan considered for a moment, “Since I got the Blood King Vine, my luck has become a lot more normal. The feeling of being constantly overwhelmed by fate is gone now.” It was only when he tried to kill An Long that the law of Heaven intervened once again. Maybe An Long wasn’t destined to die yet?

Song Qingshi smiled, “This lucky chance is really dangerous.”

Yue Wuhuan laughed and said, “It’s all in the past.” 

Song Qingshi grabbed the Blood King Vine and played with it in the palm of his hand.

Was it really a stroke of good luck?

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