Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 69: CH 69

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Chapter 69: Restraining Desire

In the middle of the night, Yue Wuhuan sat in the Zixuan Hall, looking through the information sent by Night Rain Pavilion. The more he read, the more interested he became. He couldn’t help the corners of his lips from turning up into a smile. 

In recent years, the Medicine King’s Valley has become a partner-client of Night Rain Pavilion. He often purchased a great deal of information and materials from them. Yue Wuhuan was good at analyzing hidden clues in unimportant things and gaining great benefits from them. Night Rain Pavilion found that he his judgment was very accurate and cooperated with him several times, gaining quite handsome profits. Since then, he’s been listed as a top customer. Whether it was collecting materials or inquiring about intelligence, the completion of his requests were given top priority. In passing, he was also given a complimentary service, actively being informed of interesting things that have happened in the immortal realm.

If the information was too trivial, Qing Luan would initially check the contents, classify and file it, before submitting.

There was a lot of information about the Way of the Heartless in the materials sent by the Night Rain Pavilion this time.

Qing Luan was a bit baffled, and pondered it for a long time. Yue Wuhuan was far from when he would need to consider a Dao. Given his character, he wouldn’t care about what other people’s Dao Heart was… If he wanted to kill any Nascent Soul cultivator practicing the Way of the Heartless, he would collect a lot of specific and targeted personal information in advance. This time there was a lot of information, but it wasn’t focused on any particular cultivator. This didn’t feel like he was out to kill someone. It felt more like he was concerned. 

The only Nascent Soul cultivator that Yue Wuhuan cared about was the Master…

Was it true that the Master was practicing the Way of the Heartless?

Qing Luan was shocked by her conjecture. She thought about Song Qingshi’s character, and felt that she might be over-thinking this. She tried to confirm it. “Wuhuan Ge, this…isn’t the Master’s Dao Heart, is it? He doesn’t seem like it. The Master has very good character and is very nice to everyone.”

Yue Wuhuan glanced at her and said with a smile, “It’s his Dao Heart.”

Qing Luan was stunned. No matter how ignorant she was about cultivation, even she understood that those who practiced the Way of the Heartless could not have any lustful thoughts. The Master obviously seemed to like Wuhuan Ge very much, and the two have a very good relationship. If the Master practices the Way of the Heartless, then…what should be done about this? Can it be saved?

She looked at Yue Wuhuan’s relaxed appearance, and smiled with difficulty, “Has Wuhuan Ge found a solution?”

“No, this a record of how, over the years, cultivators who cultivated the Way of the Heartless have dealt with affection,” Yue Wuhuan picked up the documents and read, “3,200 years ago, He Nian Zhenren killed his wife to prove his Way. Because the two were once famous sweethearts in the immortal realm, it caused quite a sensation. 1,800 years ago, Madam Yue killed her husband and son in order to cultivate the Way of Heartless, successfully breaking through to Fen Shen. It was very controversial. 1,400 years ago, the sword cultivator Xue Feng attempted to kill his wife to prove his Way. She escaped and betting her life, fought against him. In the end, they both died in Guiling Lake…”

Yue Wuhuan recounted one by one the deeds done by and endings faced by these cultivators who practiced the Way of the Heartless. 

On the road of cultivation, brutal fights were everywhere, and love was something you could give up at any time.

The cultivation world generally believed that in order to pass through the tribulations and ascend, it was necessary to cut off the red dust of the mortal world. Therefore, cultivating the Way of the Heartless made it easier to successfully cultivate the Dharmakaya than using other Ways. Even if it was necessary to sever all ties of love, suffer all sorts of misery, there were still many cultivators who thought themselves as geniuses, who was willing to try cultivating this Way.

According to the statistics provided by the Night Rain Pavilion, 40% of the Heartless Dao cultivators had never felt moved, and 60% had a lover before cultivating it, or had met one after. All of them chose to kill their wives or husbands to prove their Way. Among them, 20% were unsuccessful, either being killed by their lover or by their lover’s sect out of revenge. 

Ktfgf kjr cba j rlcuif bcf bo atfw ktb wfa j ubbv fcv.

Qing Luan was already aware of Yue Wuhuan’s crazy feelings since a long time ago. She could also feel how Song Qingshi treated Yue Wuhuan differently from everyone else. She thought that there were some hidden psychological problem between the two, and that they would need to develop the relationship slowly, but that it would only be a matter of time; where water flowers, a canal would form. Now that she knew that the Master cultivated the Way of the Heartless, and looking at the fate befallen by the lovers of those cultivators practicing the Way of the Heartless, she could hardly imagine the outcome of these two.

Tef Qetejc’r afmtcldefr jcv qblrbc rxliir kfgf jii ajeuta ys Vbcu Hlcurtl.

Qlat Vbcu Hlcurtl’r qtsrldef, atfgf kjr cb qblrbc atja tf ofjgfv. Lf mifjgis xcfk atf kfjxcfrrfr bo atf Ublrbc Ueqqfar. Ktf Fcvfgkbgiv Mlgf mbeiv gfragjlc atf Dibbv Blcu Nlcf… 

If he wanted to kill Yue Wuhuan, it would be all too easy.

Qing Luan became more worried the more she thought about it. She asked anxiously, “Wuhuan Ge, what if the Master kills you?”

“Ha, if he kills me that would mean his heart was moved. I wonder if he would cut my heart with a scalpel? Use poison to melt me ​​completely? Or burn me clean with the Underworld Ghost Fire?” Yue Wuhuan thought about these stimulating scenarios. Suddenly, his entire being grew excited, and he said longingly, “This is the release I’ve been dreaming of, the world’s ultimate bliss…”

He would possess love and possess death. He would be freed from the sea of ​​desire, never to suffer anymore. 

Not only that, but he could also use his life to help the person he liked to prove the truth of his Way, making his Dao Heart stronger.

It turns out, there’s actually such a good thing in this world?

Qing Luan looked at his happy expression in disbelief. She took two steps back and stumbled out of Zixuan Hall.

“Mad, he’s completely mad!” 


Yue Wuhuan had a highly-retentive memory, so he simply burned all the materials regarding the Way of the Heartless after reading then. He had trained Qing Luan very well and she would never talk carelessly about things that shouldn’t be said. Song Qingshi was wholly concentrated on research, basically ignoring all other trivial matters. Recently, he’s been obsessively refining pills, making a lot of low-level pills. He was so busy, his feet hardly touched the floor. He shouldn’t have time to pay attention to other messy matters.

Recently, he has been sleeping with the Master every day.

After the Master discovered the secret that he actually slept quite disorderly and hugged others in his sleep, also that Yue Wuhuan didn’t resist, he became even clingier, saying that Yue Wuhuan was like a space heater. Every night, Yue Wuhuan needed take suppressive drugs in advance to control his desires, to avoid any potentially embarrassing situations. He felt that he couldn’t go on like this and that he should refuse. But every morning, he would see the person in his arms get up in a daze and give him a good morning kiss. It was like newly-wedded bliss. His mind would go blank and he would find himself reluctant to say anything. 

The rate at which he consumed the drugs was getting faster. His body was getting used to the effects of medicines and he would need to increase the dosage.

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The side effects of Heaven’s Will Bamboo will slowly accumulate and eventually cause serious damage.

But Yue Wuhuan had no choice, and he didn’t care about the consequences. He walked into the ingredients storehouse once again, ready to take the Heaven’s Will Bamboo and readjust the proportions, make a new medicine. However, he found that all the Heaven’s Will Bamboo in the drawer had disappeared. Knowing that this was a medicinal ingredient that was extremely difficult to acquire, he felt a little anxious, and hurriedly returned to Fuling Palace.

Song Qingshi had finished washing up long ago. He was lying on the bed, reading, waiting for him to come back to sleep. 

Yue Wuhuan asked with a smile, “Master, I found that some uncommon ingredients in the storehouse have gone missing.”

Song Qingshi raised his head and replied, “I’ve recently refined a lot of Spirit Guiding Pills and Vein Expanding Powder. I’ve also refined Spirit Gathering Pills and Soul Stabilizing Pills for you… Then I also refined the Wang Chen Pill that Elder Cui of the Mo Shan Sect ordered. I’ve been putting off that matter for too long already. Please send it to him tomorrow.”

One of the main ingredients of Wang Chen Pill was Heaven’s Will Bamboo.

Elder Cui had a violent personality and a heart set on slaughter. He was worried that he would face a tribulation of heart demons once he breaks through to Fen Shen. He wanted the Wang Chen Pill to prevent any accidents. The Wang Chen Pill was the best medicine to restrain the heart demons. If Elder Cui can’t survive the tribulation of the heart demons, his body would perish. If he passed the tribulation successfully, a Fen Shen cultivator could easily resolve the side effects. 

Song Qingshi liked to perform research. He was known to sell the products of his research, but he rarely accepts special custom pill orders. Sometimes someone would be willing to pay a big price or offer lots of strange flowers and herbs. They would find the Night Rain Pavilion to act as an intermediary and asks the Medicine King Xianzun to make the medicine. Acceptance of the order mainly depended upon his mood.

Now, all of Night Rain Pavilion’s orders went through Yue Wuhuan.

He didn’t remember having seen any order for Wang Chen Pills.

When Song Qingshi was faced with this question, he said confidently, “It’s something I accepted 200 years ago. He never followed up so I forgot about it.” 

Elder Cui met someone within his sect who made false charges against him. It broke his family. His cultivation base plummeted, and he found himself in truly dire straits. He knew that he would be unable to fulfill the reward he had promised Song Qingshi back then, so he no longer dared to ask for the medicine. Song Qingshi, though, kept it in mind. He originally planned to wait for him to return to the Great Perfection of the Nascent Soul before refining the pill. However, he just happened to need to find an excuse to use up all the Heaven’s Will Bamboo, so he simply made it in advance. He felt embarrassed using other people as an excuse so he also gave him two bottles of Spirit Gathering Pills.

In any case, he’s already used up all the Heaven’s Will Bamboo! There’s none left!

Song Qingshi tentatively asked, “Which ingredients are you missing?”

“Nothing,” Yue Wuhuan couldn’t tell the reason why he wanted to use the Heaven’s Will Bamboo, and could only vaguely say, “I just saw that the drawer holding the Heaven’s Will Bamboo was empty, and I was a little puzzled. Since the Master used it…Later, I’ll ask the Night Rain Pavilion to replenish our stocks.” 

Song Qingshi had been asleep for so many years, and he had changed a lot of things in the medicinal ingredients storehouse. So, he really shouldn’t care about this little thing.

Yue Wuhuan thought about the next coming days. It will be exceedingly tortuous…

Song Qingshi took advantage of his hesitation, and dragged him directly onto the bed. He gave him a well-practiced goodnight kiss, and slid down slowly, sniffing the very faint smell of medicine on his neck. He’d been living with medicine for nearly a thousand years. No one in the immortal realm came close to his familiarity with medicine.

From the amount of missing Heaven’s Will Bamboo, he roughly calculated the amount Yue Wuhuan needed to refine this pill, and then deduced how many pills he must have made. 

If Yue Wuhuan took it every day, he must not have much left.

Song Qingshi felt that Yue Wuhuan must have a strange heart demon, and he didn’t want to let others know. He didn’t know any other way to restrain the heart demon, so he chose this pill that would cause no end of trouble. Heart demon flare ups were gradual and it wouldn’t immediately reach its peak. He wanted to observe the situation first so that he could prescribe the right medicine.

He happily rolled into Yue Wuhuan’s arms…

Hold the things you like tighter so that you won’t lose them. 

Yue Wuhuan felt that his whole body was dry and hot. The Emotion Locking Gu could restrain his love and wild emotions, but it couldn’t control the instinctive reactions of his body. There wasn’t enough Heaven’s Will Bamboo and the effect of the medicine was weakening. The bliss brought by the information regarding the Way of the Heartless continued to challenge the shackles in his heart. As soon as he thinks of that beautiful scene that he might be killed later on, the beasts in his body begin to clamor, urging him to enjoy the madness and happiness of the body regardless of anything.

I can’t…

The Master may be hurt.

Yue Wuhuan gently lifted the fine black hair beside him. He raised it to his lips and kissed it. He restrained the tremor caused by extreme excitement. He kept convincing himself to give up this terrible thought. His body’s reaction gradually grew bigger; his breathing became heavier. But Song Qingshi was still as unguarded as ever, obediently burrowing deeper into his embrace. 

He had long discovered that Song Qingshi’s skin felt very good, just like a flawless, warm and beautiful jade. The body of those with water-type spiritual root was softer and more sensitive; very suitable to bear these things. It was said that it could bring the greatest happiness to a man. Qingshi once said that he cried easily when he was excited. He didn’t know if…

Yue Wuhuan bit on the back of his hand. He bit so hard that a bloody mark began to appear. He tried to use the pain to restrain the wild thoughts brought by his desire.

It’s too disgusting, too obscene, too disrespectful!

How could he have such nasty thoughts about the person he liked? ! 

“What’s the matter?” Song Qingshi smelled the scent of blood, and immediately woke up. He found that something was wrong. He turned over in a daze, crawling on top of Yue Wuhuan, trying to see where the injury was. His abdomen, though, brushed against something hard. He thought for a while, and then looked at the embarrassed expression of Yue Wuhuan’s face. He completely woke up, and quickly understood what was going on.

They were both men; he understood.

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