Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 79: CH 79

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Chapter 79: Transmigration Once More

Song Qingshi transmigrated amidst the explosion. 

During the explosion, he received a strange system mission: to destroy the most evil villain in immortal realm, the Inextinguishable Peak’s 口口口,口口口口口口口口.

What was the text in the garbled code? He was a science student, and his reading comprehension wasn't very good. He couldn’t understand…

Song Qingshi lay on the ground covered in blood, stunned for a long time.

He vaguely remembered that it was his own mistake in operating the system that caused it to explode. Although he didn’t remember what he had done, high-dimensional things were much too fragile, right? Were all systems so prone to exploding? 

In short, being able to revive was a good thing, and as for matters he couldn’t do, he’ll save them for later.

Song Qingshi managed to move his fingers with much difficulty. His whole body was in pain. His ribs seemed to be broken, and his abdomen was injured. In addition, there were many injuries caused by the explosion. His head was aching badly, and it was filled with messy memory fragments. One moment, he felt like Song Qingshi, a medical student suffering from Lou Gehrig’s disease. In another moment, he felt like Song Qingshi, a doctor in the immortal realm. After yet another moment, he felt like a bigshot who had founded his own sect?

There was also an indistinct red shadow in the corner of his memory. Whenever he thoughts about it, there was a sweetness in his heart, he also felt a bit like crying. What was that? 

Could it be the Chixia Buddha Fruit?

This fruit randomly appeared among the human world’s foodstuff. Sometimes it was cloyingly sweet, and sometimes it was so astringent it could reduce you to tears.

Song Qingshi thought about it seriously, and felt it wasn’t much like a thing, but more like a person or some matter. He calmly analyzed his present situation, and once again put this matter that felt very important, but he could do nothing about, to the back of his mind. The matter currently at hand was — how was he going to survive.

He searched and sorted out all kinds of useful data in his memory, but all the healing pills in his mustard seed bag were gone. He was too badly injured to perform any fine movements, his dantian was damaged, and his spiritual power was not running smoothly. A lot of treatments were unavailable to him.

Suddenly, rain began to fall from the sky. It hit his body, making it cold and uncomfortable. 

Song Qingshi was in so much pain he wanted to cry, but he resisted it and struggled to crawl to the side. But all the bones in his body were injured. He crawled desperately for a long time, but he didn’t get far. In the end, he lost too much blood and his consciousness gradually began to blur…

He was in a daze and after an unknown length of time, a blue umbrella appeared above his head. Someone was poking him in the face with a branch.

“Hello? Hello? Are you dead?”

Song Qingshi wanted to ask for help but couldn’t speak. He could only let out a weak cry. “Wuu…” 

The man sighed. He put down the umbrella he was holding, and stuffed an unknown medicine into his mouth.

Song Qingshi felt the whole world was spinning and afterwards, he lost all consciousness. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
The next time Song Qingshi woke up, he found himself lying on a comfortable bed, covered with a soft quilt. The wounds on his body were given simple treatment. Wave after wave of a medicinal fragrance wafted from the earthen jar on the small red clay stove next to him. Judging from the smell, it seemed to be Deer Bone Flower, Moon Vine, Red Birdsong Sand and Trumpet Creeper Grass? They were all medicinal materials for healing the spirit, enriching blood and helping wounds to recover. 

Lf rjcx lcab vffq mbcafwqijalbc.

Ktf vbbg bqfcfv, jcv j sbecu wjc lc ugffc mibatfr mjwf lc mjggslcu j mgjcf-yliifv qba. Vfflcu tlw jkjxf, tf kjr j ilaaif regqglrfv, “P jmaejiis wjcjufv ab rjnf sbe? Pa’r j wlgjmif!”

“Your wound sewing technique is wrong. The way you knot your stitches is also wrong. The wound on my leg… your stitching is all crooked and that’s where the joint moves. You should have used a strong thread, otherwise it will break,” Song Qingshi looked at the mess of medical mistakes. He then look at the crane-billed pot used to pour medicine in his hand. Fearing that he would forcibly feed him the medicine, he hurriedly said, “Moon Vine is used by women after childbirth, during the one month post-parturition to help their endocrine system recuperate and to promote blood production. It’s not very suitable for men to take. Red Birdsong Powder is very hot and dry. It can’t be used on severely injured patients because it may cause massive bleeding…”

The reason he hasn’t died was because this jar of medicine hadn’t been poured into his mouth yet. 

“This is my first time treating an injured patient so I have no experience. You’ve lost so much blood, it’s no different from a one month post-parturition. I wanted to get it to replenish your blood.” His words caused the young man to blush. He hurriedly put the crane-billed pot down and patted his sleeves, pretended like nothing had happened. He then thought for a while, and then chided, “What are you afraid of? Even if something goes wrong in the treatment process, I still saved you with my brilliant medical skills!”

Song Qingshi thought for a while. “What was that medicine you gave me?”

The young man said, “The Eight Treasure Heart Protection Pill.”

Song Qingshi continued to look at him with an utterly speechless expression. 

The teenager surrendered, “Okay, okay. I admit that my medical skills are no good, and I’ve failed every exam. It was this medicine that saved you.”

The Eight Treasure Heart Protection Pill protected his heart and repaired his veins and arteries. Having rested in bed for a long time, he felt that he had recovered some of his strength. So, he asked the young man for a couple of painkillers and anesthetics. He forced himself to sit up, sewing up the wounds once again. He then had the young man remove the Moon Vine and the Red Birdsong Sand from the prescription, and had it changed to Moon Aromatic Herb. Afterwards, he boiled it over a low fire.

The young man’s name was Song Jincheng, with sword-like brows and starlit eyes.  He was bright and sunny and by Song Qingshi’s estimate, about sixteen or seventeen years old. He looked very simple-minded and a bit of a chatterer. Without even waiting for Song Qingshi to ask, he had already chattered on about his origins. “Looks like you know a bit about medicine? Do you know the Medicine King’s Valley? It’s the largest medical school in the immortal realm. Lots of amazing doctors came from there, like Pu Yixian, Luo Yixian…”

Song Qingshi thought for a long time. He was at a loss. “Isn’t the Medicine King’s Valley very small?” 

There seemed to be a Medicine King’s Valley in his memory, but it was poor, small and worn-out; completely different from what Song Jincheng described. He also didn’t know any Pu Yixian or Luo Yixian… Maybe they were industry bigshots who had medical skills much better than his own? If so, he’ll have to prostrate himself before them if he gets that chance to meet them.

“Are you from the countryside?” Song Jincheng was surprised, “The Medicine King’s Valley is super big! Because there are no restrictions on qualifications, age or gender; only intelligence, many mortals and mortal-immortal mixed-bloods go and take the exam. Hundreds of thousands of people vie for the few hundred apprenticeship spots. Those who are admitted are all super smart geniuses.

Song Qingshi was stunned.

This was the top medical school in the immortal realm? The legendary paradise of student-tyrants? He didn’t want to do the mission anymore. He wanted to go to school! 

He took great delight in thinking about it for a while but suddenly, he found a suspicious point. “Are you also a doctor of the Medicine King’s Valley?”

If the students taught by the medical school were all this level, it felt like reality didn’t live up to its name…

“I was born there. My parents were both doctors of the Medicine King’s Valley, so I’ve been in there since I was a child…” Song Jincheng’s face flushed once again. He tried to divert the topic and flaunted, “My great-grandmother is amazing. You know Lady Qing Luan? The immortal realm’s legendary pharmacist! She spread the art of healing to the entire world. She made great contributions to mortals and recruited many disciples. Then, step by step, she built the Medicine King’s Valley into what it is now. She was a remarkable woman whose name will resound through the ages.” And so, he was a third-generation legacy who got in through the back door and didn’t have to take an exam to get in.

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Song Qingshi praised, “That’s really amazing.” 

He kept having this feeling that Qing Luan wasn’t some old grandmother, but a little girl who was soft on the outside but strong on the inside?

Song Jincheng chattered on, “My great-grandfather was Song Ming Hong, a Core Formation cultivator of mortal origins… I heard that he had a very powerful master whose surname was Song, so my great-grandfather took his surname. They say that Master Song has closed his death gate for thousands of years already. Maybe he’s gone… Anyway, it’s not allowed to discuss this matter within the valley.”

Song Qingshi’s memory became more chaotic as he listened. He was having a splitting headache.

Song Jincheng saw that he felt unwell. He asked, concerned, “What’s the matter?” 

Song Qingshi said gravely, “I seem to have amnesia.”

For a long moment, Song Jincheng looked at him like he was an idiot. He then and asked vigilantly, “You’re not thinking of running out on your treatment fee, right?”

Song Qingshi was at a loss, “The treatment fee?”

“You have to pay when you see a doctor!” Song Jincheng jumped three feet high. When he saw this guy who had fallen on the ground wearing very expensive robes, he took him to be a pampered son of some wealthy or influential family; someone who wouldn’t go so far as to renege on a payment. And so, he gritted his teeth and used that expensive Eight Treasure Heart Protection Pill. It was a birthday gift from his mother. It was said to have been made with a precious formula handed down by Master Song. The materials were also very valuable. There weren’t that many of it in the entire Medicine King’s Valley. He quickly tried to settle accounts, “That medicine was very expensive. You have to give me 800 high-grade spirit stones.” 

Song Qingshi expressed that he understood. He went to find the spirit stones from the mustard seed bag. After searching for a long while, he found around twenty or so spirit stones.

Song Jincheng stared at him intently.

It was now Song Qingshi’s turn to blush. “It seems that I’m very poor and I’ve been provided for by others.”

Song Jincheng asked, “Who would be so kind as to do that?” 

“I can’t remember.” That red fuzzy shadow reappeared in Song Qingshi’s mind. He endured the headache and said, “I think it’s someone I like very much. He often gives me pocket money and buys a lot of good things for me.”

“I’ve got it,” Song Jincheng said, certain of his answer, “This person is your father!”

Song Qingshi was completely dumbfounded, “Is that so?”

“Of course,” Song Jincheng analyzed confidently, “Even if you’ve lost your memory, you’ve got to use your brains and think. Who in the world would treat you so nicely for no reason? Give you money for nothing? Only your father and your mother would do something like that!” 

Song Qingshi thought about his life before transmigrating, and felt that his analysis made a lot of sense!

Song Jincheng said generously, “You have a Phoenix Blood hung around your neck. That’s very valuable, and its even got a soul formation on it. I think it’s because you seem really stupid. Your father must have hung it around your neck because he was afraid you’d get lost. Forget it. Just stick with me and don’t go running around. After some days, your father will probably come looking for you. You can just get him to settle your account then.”

Song Qingshi nodded frantically.

Song Jincheng hurriedly fixed the medicine and brought it to him. Song Qingshi took a sip and discovered that there were a lot of mistakes in the ratio of the adjuvants in it. Fortunately, the effect was not significant. He felt that this young man hadn’t completed his studies and shouldn’t have the qualifications to complete his apprenticeship. He tentatively asked. Song Jincheng replied bashfully that he had failed five of his seven subjects. Afraid of being beaten, he had snuck out to make his own way in the world. He wanted to go to the Heaven Martial Sect to find his friend to go play. 

Song Qingshi almost choked to death on his medicine. Pity rose in his heart for Lady Qing Luan. How could her descendant be such an underachiever?

With a cold expression on his face, he took a good look at this smug truant slacker. He massaged his confused brain. He felt very uncomfortable. He wanted to drag this guy back to the Medicine King’s Valley, strengthen his power to study, and resolutely have him do thousands of problem exercises. He’ll get him to learn well that ‘Diligence cures Clumsiness’, ‘Clumsy birds have to start flying early’ and have him become an excellent doctor…

Is this kind of thinking too excessive?

Song Qingshi took a deep breath and tried to control his desire to supervise this underachiever’s studies. He made sure that the wounds were all treated and they were all on the road to recovery. Then, he remembered the strange system mission and decided to ask this young man who seemed to know a smattering of things. 

Song Jincheng panicked as soon as he heard the words, “Inextinguishable Peak”. He covered Song Qingshi’s mouth and watched vigilantly for anything unusual around him. Afterwards, he reprimanded this idiot. “Even if you have amnesia, you can’t speak so carelessly! Is that place something you can just mention? If you say that guy’s name, you’ll be killed…”

Song Qingshi struggled against his cover, “Wuwuwu, what name?”

“It’s the name of that person on that mountain that can’t be mentioned,” Song Jincheng confirmed that there was nothing wrong and let go of his hand. “When I was a child, my mother told me about the dark history of the immortal realm. Entire sects were slaughtered, schools were wiped out.  Blood flowed like rivers. Those were very terrifying times. Everyone who mentions it trembles in fear. Although there has been no movement in the past few hundred years…but you better not be curious about that place and don’t go getting any interest in it either or even several hundred lives won’t be enough to lose!”

Song Qingshi wanted to know what that name was, but he didn’t dare ask. 

Song Jincheng saw his dilemma and said with a smile, “Now, there’s no longer anyone who knows his name.”

Song Qingshi concluded, “He’s that great?”

Song Jincheng whispered, “They say he’s just missing one turning point away from ascending.”

Song Qingshi was dumbfounded. He calculated how large the gap was between a Foundation Building cultivator and a bigshot who was only one step away from ascending… It felt like the system was asking a kindergartener with a toy knife to take out a special forces solider who was armed to the teeth! He also calculated how many years it would take him to cultivate to Nascent Soul and then how many years on top of that to reach Fen Shen or Chu Qiao. He calculated the probability of completing the mission… 

Forget it, this mission was too difficult. I’ll put it aside for the next 10,000 years. Let’s talk again once I cultivate to Chu Qiao.

He wanted to go to school first; studying was a lot more enticing!


The Inextinguishable Peak, on the temple’s throne. 

Shenjun suddenly opened his eyes. He finally felt the Phoenix Blood’s aura.

The author has something to say: Song·Poor Scholar-Tyrant·Qingshi: Behaving while waiting for dad to bring money and ransom me.

Yue·Wealthy Dad·Wuhuan:? ? ? ? ? ?

Song Jincheng, a super underachiever who dragged the headmaster and the director of teaching affairs into the ditch by his own efforts. 

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