Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 8: CH 8

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Chapter 8: Psychotherapy

Yue Wuhuan had a history of attempted suicide. His mental state was simply terrible. When he has a flare up, his actions go beyond his control and so his promises could not be trusted. 

The Acacia Seal could be used to prevent suicide but it could only be used by imposing a thought on the spirit bead. This could worsen Yue Wuhuan’s mental state and cause him to lose all trust in the treatment. It was the worst method to prevent suicide.

Song Qingshi removed the option of using the Acacia Seal without the slightest hesitation. Other methods with similar effects were used to torture one’s enemies. They were not much different from the Acacia Seal. Song Qingshi also considered other methods of treating psychological pain, such as hypnosis or entering the sea of ​​consciousness to erase those unbearable memories. However, hypnosis was easy to snap out of and the pain might be even more serious once that happens. And erasing the memories might damage Yue Wuhuan’s spirit and mental ability. Xie Que had admitted Yue Wuhuan into his sect at age 8. There were too many memories that need to be erased. If he erased too much, chances were he would be reduced to a fool…

Excluding all unsuitable options, the only answer was modern psychology.

Song Qingshi’s worst subject was psychology. It’s not that he got poor results on paper but that psychology focuses on communicating with patients and analyzing their thoughts. He couldn’t even deal with his own social anxiety. He was awkward in his speech and couldn’t look at someone to their face. And so he only managed to gather superficial knowledge. How was he going to solve this super difficult question like Yue Wuhuan? 

Scholar-Tyrant Song once again tasted the fear of being dominated by a difficult problem. He even began to have nightmares about failing this course.

He quickly took away all the things in Yue Wuhuan’s bedroom that could be used to commit suicide. He used his mental probe to scan Yue Wuhuan’s vital signs many times every day, lest he make some sort of mistake and cause Yue Wuhuan to just be gone. Until one day he found Yue Wuhuan staring blankly at the koi pond, his thoughts completely unknown. Song Qingshi then decided to give medicine to a dead horse and put even ducks up for sale.

As a result, Psychologist ‘To go beyond what is proper’ Song was forced to open business…

Song Qingshi meticulously arranged the treatment plan. He added a calming medicine to the decoction that Yue Wuhuan took and used Peaceful Soul Fragrance to help him sleep every night. This greatly reduced the frequency of Yue Wuhuan waking up from nightmares. Then, in the aspect of psychotherapy, at which he was not well-versed, he eliminated the inappropriate and impossible methods and finally decided to try some rational emotive therapy.

Rational emotive therapy is a cognitive therapy created by Dr. Ellis in the 1950s.  It emphasizes the role of a person’s will and reason. The treatment needed the doctor to establish a good working relationship with the patient to help the patient build up self-confidence. Afterwards, the doctor will help the patient to deny all his mistaken beliefs about oneself and finally, encourage him to build the correct knowledge and return to a normal life.

The theory seemed quite simple but putting it into practice was as difficult as ascending to the heavens.

Song Qingshi was an expert at destressing by studying and solving problems. He racked his brains for a long time, and finally found inspiration from an instance when a girl had struck up conversation with him in the library— He could pick a difficult book, pretend that he couldn’t understand it, and look for Yue Wuhuan to explain. Once Yue Wuhuan admits to not knowing the answer either, he can then naturally invite him to accompany him to the library to look for the answer. Then, he can guide him to feel the joy of knowledge during their process of searching, building self-confidence in the holy room of wisdom and going together to the paradise that is the sea of knowledge.

There used to be a girl who was persistent in striking up a conversation with Song Qingshi. He encouraged her to study hard every day and to answer practice questions. The girl’s grades improved significantly and finally she was admitted to a key university for graduate studies. At the graduation ceremony, she was moved to tears. She said that Song Qingshi had cured her of her starry-eyed infatuation. 
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Infatuation was also a kind of mental illness, right?

Vbcu Hlcurtl atbeuta jybea atlr mjrf bo jmmlvfcaji megf jcv revvfcis ujlcfv j ilaaif wbgf mbcolvfcmf.


Ktf bglulcji ybvs kjr jirb j ybbxkbgw. Ktfgf kfgf afcr bo atberjcvr bo ybbxr lc atf ilygjgs bo atf Zfvlmlcf Blcu’r Njiifs, wbra bo ktlmt kfgf gfijafv ab wfvlmlcf jcv qblrbc. 

Vbcu Hlcurtl kjr jogjlv bo yflcu obecv bea atja tf kjr vfilyfgjafis wjxlcu atlcur vloolmeia jcv vlvc’a vjgf ab ajxf jcs bo atf qgbofrrlbcji ybbxr. Vb, tf qlmxfv jcv mtbrf obg wbra bo atf vjs jcv olcjiis obecv j ybbx mjiifv “Mibjalcu Olof lc atf Ajvf Kfggjmf”, j agjnfi ibu ogbw jwbcu atf wlrmfiijcfber ybbxr ujatfglcu vera lc atf mbgcfg.

This travel log was written by a revered immortal of the Scholar Sect from thousands of years ago. It depicted a certain paradise with gorgeous rhetoric and obscure allusions. Song Qingshi has always emphasized rationality and neglected the literary. He was severely lacking in romantic cells. He has never studied song nor poetry and  understood even less the literary works of this world. Therefore he was completely mystified by this work and thought they were stylish depictions of flowers, trees and other scenery.

Yue Wuhuan’s five medicated bath treatments had ended and the residual drugs in his body had now disappeared. He was currently recuperating and waiting for the future Six Meridians Rejuvenation Decoction.

After he was sure that Song Qingshi had no designs towards his body, Yue Wuhuan packed away its glamor. He tied all of his hair with a light green jade crown. It was neat and tidy, not even a strand out of place. He was only willing to wear the simplest blue robe with the tallest of necklines fastened against his throat. Not even half a scene of springtime was shown. He appeared just like a cultivator who scrupulously abided by the rules. He said only what was needed and not a word more. He refused to err even half a step. No emotional stirrings could be seen in his eyes. His face was frosty and he exuded an aura keeping people a thousand miles away. 

Although Song Qingshi had rejected his referring to himself as “this slave” on the grounds that he was not used to it, he just kept his head lowered and replied respectfully with “Yes.” “Very well.” etc…

Song Qingshi hugged the book and quietly hid in the corner, observing him for a long time. He was afraid of Yue Wuhuan’s feigned wantonness and he was also afraid of his real cold indifference. He was even more afraid of being rejected. He had to make a lot of mental preparations before he dared to walk up and speak.

Yue Wuhuan sat in the corner of the corridor, lost in thought. He was aware of the prying gaze and couldn’t help but look up.

Song Qingshi showed an awkward smile and walked over, moving both hands and feet. He took a deep breath and tried to hypnotize himself that he was in a library, coincidentally running into Senior Yue Wuhuan. He then mustered up his courage.  He opened the book, handed it over and said, “I don’t understand this writing, can you interpret it for me?” 

Yue Wuhuan looked at his actions thoughtfully. He always felt that he understood this person less and less.

Song Qingshi twisted his fingers and said nervously, “Of course, if you don’t understand, w-we should…”

“Let me see.” Yue Wuhuan took the book and scanned a few lines. His expression was slightly stunned. He then threw Song Qingshi a weird look. He explained to him word per word, “The Jade Terrace refers to the paradise of the Jade Terrace. Legend says that the Jade Terrace’s Immortal emperor is the most supreme beauty and he would often reincarnate and descend into the realm of immortals to invite beautiful cultivators to share in the pleasures of sexual intimacy. This literary work is a fantasy of the Scholar Sect’s Hong Wen Xianzun’s amorous encounter with the Jade Terrace’s Immortal emperor. He uses sceneries to describe incidences and things to pertain to people. Among these “a soft jade flower hanging down” means…”

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Song Qingshi grew more dumbfounded as he listened. He has never read any dis-harmonious books in his entire life. How was it that he overturns a car as soon as he picks one up at random? By the time he came back to his senses, Yue Wuhuan was already explaining the part about producing clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another. He quickly took the book back, hid it behind him, and burned it to ashes. He scattered it to the wind and pretended that nothing had happened. 

The two stared at each other silently for no less than half an hour.

He had wanted to perform psychotherapy but he had taken an unharmonious reading material to show to a patient who had a psychological shadow on this very aspect. It was simply a major blow.

Song Qingshi was upset and embarrassed. His ears were hot. He couldn’t speak. He wanted to cry but couldn’t…

Yue Wuhuan reacted first. He looked at his expression and realized that it was a misunderstanding. He said comfortingly, “Hong Wen Xianzun’s writing style is relatively…Well, most of his works describe the landscape during his travels. This is just an exception. If Master likes this style, you might wish to read his “Records of Haizhu Pagoda”, “The Secret Realm of a Thousand Mountains” or perhaps, “The Endless Sea”.  They are slightly better…” 

Song Qingshi nodded aggrievedly, indicating that he had noted it down.

The two continued to look at each other for a long moment. The atmosphere was truly embarrassing.

Song Qingshi felt that he couldn’t remain silent like this. He tried to find a bright spot amidst his current difficulty and made embarrassed small talk, “What is “Records of Haizhu Pagoda” about? I haven’t heard of it. It seems very interesting. Can you tell me?”

Yue Wuhuan was silent for a moment. He didn’t know how to describe it and so he simply recited the entire work to him. 

Although Song Qingshi’s poetic talent was rotten but he was not a fool. After listening, he understood that Hong Wen Xianzun wasn’t a literary master at all. He was nothing but a pedantic. He liked filling his works with all kinds of flowery words and incomprehensible allusions, pretending to be clever when it was actually empty and boring junk reading.

Yue Wuhuan asked respectfully, “Does Master wish to listen to his other works?”

Song Qingshi suddenly realized that something was strange. He prided himself on being smart and having a highly-retentive memory but this was limited only to good writings. They couldn’t be too long and he had to earnestly store it in his mind while reading it. Who would bother to memorize such rubbish literary works? And remember them without missing a single word? And understand all these cryptic allusions? He suddenly thought of something he didn’t dare believe. He asked Yue Wuhuan carefully, “Have you read a lot of books? Where did you read them?”

“When I was young, I received instruction from a tutor and I also managed to read a few at Xie Que’s.” Yue Wuhuan thought he was examining his past and did not dare to conceal anything. He answered honestly, “I read most of them at Golden Phoenix Manor. I… Every time the Manor Lord was satisfied with my service, I begged him to allow me to read books in the library. Please rest assured, Master. Wuhuan knows that his status is low and he is fitting only to read miscellaneous books. I would not dare to read the books pertaining to immortal cultivation.” 

The Golden Phoenix Manor has a huge collection of books. Carrying with him a glimmer of hope, he had wanted to find a means of escape in the books. Unfortunately, rules in the Manor were extremely strict. Non-disciples were not allowed to borrow books related to the Immortal Sect’s special skills. He could only read various trivial books. He had also used his body to bribe the disciples who took care of the library and exchanged two low-level immortal books. Unfortunately, most of his cultivation had already been destroyed at that point. The Acacia Seal’s suppression of his mind and spirit was too strong. He researched for a long time but couldn’t come up with any results.

The original body had seen the library at Golden Phoenix Manor. It was many times larger than the one at the Medicine King’s Valley. Even just the miscellaneous books, there were tens of thousands of books.

Song Qingshi asked anxiously, “Do you remember all those books? Can you recite them?”

Yue Wuhuan hesitated and said, “I only remember the books that I have read, probably more than 10,000. If Master needs it, I can recite them for you…” 

Song Qingshi took in a sharp breath. His throat tightened. He threw all thoughts of treatments to the back of his head. He quickly found pens, inks and rulers. He wrote and drew, copying down the entire set of IQ test questions he had done before. He then gave them for Yue Wuhuan to answer.

Yue Wuhuan was completely at a loss when he first saw these odd graphics-based questions. After Song Qingshi taught him how to answer a few of the questions, he gradually managed to pick it up. He answered them effortlessly without stopping and he quickly handed in the paper.

Song Qingshi calculated the score and almost choked. He was fortunate enough to join the World Intelligence Network but he only barely managed to exceed the club’s passing line. He knew that he was no genius and so he relied on diligent study to make up for his shortcomings. However, Yue Wuhuan’s IQ test reached 162 points. It was as high as the historical record. He has stepped into the field of super geniuses and he had a different worldview and different educational background. He was not familiar with this type of questions. If he were, he might get an even higher score…

What he felt for Yue Wuhuan’s experience before for was pity and a sense of the intolerable. Now they had touched Song Qingshi’s inverted scales, causing him to crumble in indignation and anger. Those beasts actually ruined and laid waste to a genius who could likely enter into the holy hall of science and change the course of history! What was the difference between this and giving Einstein to a wild man to eat as meat? 

What a reckless waste of the products of nature! Cows chewing peonies! Cooking a crane for food and burning a lute for fuel!

Song Qingshi was so angry that tears came streaming down. He couldn’t think of a curse strong enough. He murmured again and again, “It’s too much, too much, too much…”

Yue Wuhuan was at a loss as he looked at the tears in the corners of his eyes. He was completely ignorant as for why he could be crying.

Song Qingshi quickly wiped away the embarrassing tears and told him with extreme earnestness, “Wuhuan, you are very smart.” 

“Master, this is meaningless.” Yue Wuhuan calmed down and recovered his tranquility. He lowered his gaze slightly and thought amusedly, no one cared whether he was smart or not. They only cared how many tricks he could play in bed. No one cared whether he read books or not, only whether could be ordered about to suit their liking…

The corners of his mouth couldn’t help curling up into a sneer. Immeasurable malice appeared in his eyes that were hidden in the dark. Such intelligence would only make him more sober than others as he endure more pain. “This is the realm of immortals, the world of beasts where the weak are prey to the strong.”

The author has something to say:
Song Qingshi: Back then, I was super responsible! I urged that girl to write out five papers every day and this cured her infatuation disease! It was not easy! Please praise me!

PS: Will Yue Wuhuan need to do ten papers every day to get better? ! 

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