Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 101: Dirty Dragon

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"Ahh…" she walked further away from the crowd and sighed loudly. Her legs were a little stiff but she and Mira were in better condition than anyone else. 

All other three ladies were talking to each other but Silja decided to stay away from them as much as possible.

"Milady wait here I'll go fetch fresh water for you from there," Mira saw a small stream nearby.

Silja nodded her head and Mira left.

The place they have to choose had a small shade around and there were many trees to rest for a while in shadows. Due to the nearby water stream, the air was also cool and the water was clean.

Some small domestic animals were also moving around near the stream and the atmosphere was lovely.

Silja found a large tree and sat down near its trunk. Last night she had very few hours of sleep. What happened yesterday morning was weighing on her mind and since she had to go on a hunt with the man she hated the most, Silja couldn't help but feel anxious.

After spending the whole night contemplating what to do Silja decided to stay indifferent about his presence.

Why should she torment herself, she will not play the victim. So he was able to fool her once she won't let this happen again. But instead this time she will play and he will PAY.

Silja sat down beside the large tree trunk and closed her eyes as she leaned on it.

She was exhausted from lack of sleep and the journey so it didn't take long for Silja to fall asleep.

She was never a heavy sleeper but the calming atmosphere made her forget every worry and soon after Silja was in deep sleep.

She even dreamed of something pleasant.

In her dream, she was flying in the sky in between the clouds and rainbows. There were small fairies around her and unicorns too. They were playing and flying around as fairies teased her and Silja also rode unicorns of different colours. There was even a rainbow unicorn which was very attractive.

But suddenly a large shadow fell on them and all the colours disappeared suddenly.

Silja looked up and saw a large dark dragon looming on them with his two large wings open and covering the whole sky. all the fairies and unicorns got scared by just the mere sight of him and all of them disappeared out of fear.

"Hey….wait where are you going…." Silja ran behind her fairies and unicorns but just like that they disappeared in the vast sky and with them also disappeared the magic of flying. Silja felt her body lose control and she started to fall down because of the gravity.

"Ahhh…." With a loud yell she started to swing her hand in the air but alas they were hand and not wing. Silja could see the ground coming closer and closer and she was sure that if she fell, not even a single flesh of her body would remain intact.

The air was so harsh against her body and Silja's slim body couldn't withstand the pressure. In fear, Silja closed her eyes.

Bur suddenly just as she was about to crash on the land she felt herself lifted by someone and she took the flight again upward.

In shock, Silja opened her eyes and found herself on the back of a giant black dragon.

She was riding on her back and his gigantic wings were swinging at a steady pace.

Silja's eyes widened when the dragon she was riding turned his head and looked at her. His red eyes looked at her when his lips arched in a smile. 

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He was the one…. He was the one who scared her fairies away….

Silja's lips instantly puffed up like a little girl whose sweet was stolen.

"Let me down…" she yelled. When the dragon shook his gigantic head Silja glared at him.

Silja got angry as she tried to climb down from him but they were on such a height and Silja lost her balance and in the fight, Silja fell down from his back on the ground with a loud thud.

Fortunately, the distance was not much and she was not hurt much.

Laying on the ground with her eyes closed and wincing in pain. Suddenly she felt her ear being tickled by something wet and slicked.

And when she opened her eyes she found a huge blackhead giving her a bright smile of death.

The sharp and dirty teeth in his mouth were on full display that was as big as Silja's own head.

Not to forget the foul smell and his long dirty tongue.

"Dirty dragon go away ….." 

Silja yelled in her sleep and with that, her dream ended and she opened her eyes.

Instantly she saw a sullen face man sending a death glare at her.

"Ahh…" Silja yelped in surprise as she hadn't expected Donovan to be presented in front of her as soon as she opened her eyes. On top of that, his face was as black as a pot.

"What did you say just now?"

Before Silja could recover from her initial shock Donovan held her hand and asked.

Well, she has definitely forgotten what she saw and said while dreaming but the look on his face was evident enough that she didn't say anything good.

Donovan was sitting in front as he leaned dangerously towards her and pinned her to the tree trunk. While with his other free hand he pinched her chin and forced her to look up.

Silja gasped at the pressure he put on his grip and made her jaw almost break.

"I...i..don't know, ahhh..." Silja tried to wriggle free from his grip but she stopped struggling soon since she knew from her past experience that it was futile to waste her efforts.

"Uhh, you forget.." Donovan lifted his eyebrows and his eyes narrowed down on her dangerously.

After settling all the people Donovan started to look up to Silja. He wanted to clear the misunderstanding with her. When he saw her sleeping peacefully in a totally strange face Donovan sighed. 


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