Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 119: The Search

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Far away from the deep forest, Donovan flew in the direction of a small mountain. His body had given up and he was on the verge of collapsing at any moment. The wounds on his body were bleeding, his wings were torn too from the icilies.

As Donovan reached the peak of the mountains he landed on the ground, more likely crashed on the ground. His back grazed because of the crash but he held Silja securely and gently in his claws. He slowly laid her on the ground and then tried to change in his normal form.

But before he could, he collapsed. His body has no energy left and not to forget the wounds on his body. Even though dragons are most smartest but when they are badly injured or sense fear around they only believe in their animal instincts.

And his instinct at the moment was telling him not to change in his human form. Because he was strongest when he was in his dragon form so his instinct will never allow him to turn.

Donovan used his whole willpower to stay awake to guard Silja but at last, he had to succumb to the darkness. Before he lost his consciousness he pulled Silja under his arm to save her from the harsh wind.

The time passed and the dusk turned into a dark night. The cold wind turned even harsh but that didn't affect Silja since she was in the warmth of Donovan.

Two souls were in deep slumber in each other's arms while the whole world outside was turning upside down in their worries.

It was around midnight and Garrett was pacing outside of the small cave in worry.

After taking orders from Donovan Garrett and Jade took everyone and flew away by using a secret way. They meet little hiccups in the way when some of the rogues catch up to them. But Garrett has a whole lot of trained dragons with him so they defeat them easily. And gathered here at this pre-decided place to wait for Donovan and lady Silja. 

It was a small cave located out of the dragon forest.

He has long noticed that Olivia and her maid were missing and there was a high probability that she was the one who had messed up things. He didn't know what happened but his worries were increasing in his heart as time passed. "Are you going to do something or not sir Garrett?" Jade who just came out and yelled in the direction of Garrett.

Garr opened his mouth to say something but jade raised her hand, stopping him.

"I don't want to hear the same excuse again. It has been more than ten hours since we left the dragon creek. If Donovan isn't out yet from that coursed forest that means he is in danger," Jade scolded. Her voice was high and she was releasing her dragon aura 

"I understand your worry but we don't know anything for sure. There is a possibility that the eldest prince is out already but maybe has shelter somewhere else," Garrett reasoned. He has faith in his lord. He has seen how Donovan operates in worse situations and comes out unscathed. So his gut feeling was telling him to wait a little longer.

"I don't care what you want to say anymore. I'm going to find them that's all,"

"No lady Jade, I won't let you enter the forest again," Garrett stood in her way.

Entering the forest was dangerous and even if he decided to go, there was a high possibility that they couldn't get out.

"Have you forgotten, sire Garrett, that I don't take orders from you and you are not in a position to stop me," Jade said in a threatening voice. Her eyes glared at Garrett, who instantly closed his mouth. She was right, Garrett was just a squire. Even though he worked under Donovan and enjoyed much power, his position was still lower than Jade, who was the daughter of the lord.

"Pardon for my offence, lady Jade. But I'm just following the order of the eldest prince. And I advise you to do the same," Garrett said with his head lowered.

"Because you know what happens when someone doesn't follow the prince's order," Garr didn't forget to mention. Jade pursued her lips after hearing that.

When she saw Donovan's behaviour with Silja, she got all her answers. She was angry and hurt. When she didn't know about them, there was still a chance of doubt but now that reality was in front of her eyes she couldn't deny it. When she left the forest she was angry and somewhat jealous. She wanted to cut all ties with Donovan. 

But as the time passed and when he didn't return her heart was filled with anxiety. It has become her second nature over the years to worry about him. No matter where they both live, Jade always kept her eyes on him. She has always thought about his well-being no matter how far they were.

Even if everything has ended between them she still can't help but worry about him.

"He can only get angry if he is alive," Jade said. She then ran in the open and jumped, turning in the dragon as she flew away in the direction of dragon creek. Her heart will only calm down when she can see him in person.

"Lady Jade…..no…" Garr yelled but the woman had long disappeared in between clouds.

"Thor…." Garr yelled, turning towards the cave. A man came out running from inside. 

"Take care of everyone. If I don't return or the prince doesn't come back before tomorrow night, fly back to the capital and inform the King," Garratt ordered.

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"But sire Garrett... Where are you going?" The man named Jaden yelled but Garrett didn't reply and flew away

Jade has straight gone to the place where they last saw Donovan and Silja. 

She kept flying around in circles to find Donovan but she couldn't locate him but during that time something caught her attention.

In the dark night, she saw a dark smoke emitting from far away. It was so big that she couldn't ignore it.

Garrett has already caught up to her by then.

They both looked at each other and flew in the direction of the smoke.

As they reached near they noticed that there was a large fire which was now extinguishing slowly.

The large area of that forest was dried up and thus the fire has spread thoroughly through that area.

It was a blessing that the other part of the forest was actually green and thus the fire didn't spread in that area much and the wildfire stopped.

Jade and Garrett landed on the barren land. Jade turned in her human form and Garrett followed. 

"What has happened here?" Jade exclaimed. Her eyes creased in worries.

"The fire must be ignited by the eldest prince," Garrett said.

The fire has burned down the whole part of the forest and there were bodies of the animals everywhere.

"Where could he go from here?" Jade asked.

"We should look around. The fire was extinguished some time ago, which means that the prince left a long time ago. We should check other places," Garrett said. His sharp eyes looked around for any clue or any danger.

They were in the heart of the forest after all.

Jade nodded and then both of them flew away in search of Donovan and Silja. They almost checked the whole forest but they couldn't find traces of Donovan. They meet a few rogue witches in a way and during that fight, Jade got hurt badly. 

"We should leave my lady," Garrett said as he sat down in a safe place. 

"But Donov…." Jade tried to speak but the pain shot from her leg and she couldn't complete her sentence.

It was almost the afternoon of another day and the sun was burning high in the sky.

"You're in no condition to move, how are you going to find him?" Garrett raised his voice. He has enough. In search of Donovan, she has almost lost her life. He didn't know what he said to King Zachary if anything happened to the lady too. He has enough problems but Jade wasn't listening to anything. 

At last resort, Garrett used his last trick.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have any other options," Garrett said and looked at Jade apologetically.

"What you….agrhhh," without giving her a chance to finish her sentence Garrett hit her behind her neck and Jade turned uncouncias.

He then took her in his arms and fled away in search of a safe place. He can start looking for Donovan once he finishes sending her to a safe place. So Garrett left the dragon Creek forest.


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