Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 121: Healing Wounds

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Donovan's body was also burning and Silja didn't know if it was normal for a dragon to have that high temperature or if he was actually suffering from fever. She has tried to cover him using the large leaves but that wasn't much of help she supposed.

Her stomach also started to growl loudly because of hunger. 

After waiting for a long time Silja stood up to hunt something for herself.

She again descended from the mountain to the river and entered the river which was not very deep. She then took out a small dagger which was on her and tried to get a few fish. Many fishes were swimming around and it was easy to get them. After all, she was a daughter of the ocean and had grown up near the vast ocean of Atlanea.

One after another she caught many fishes and threw them on the shore before bringing them up again. She has caught many fishes taking into consideration Donovan's large body. He must need to eat a lot to keep up that body.

She lit a fire by using rocks and dried leaves and branches. She cooked the fishes in the fire before bringing them to Donovan.

An again futile attempt to wake him up and feed him but she failed. In the end, she ate herself and put away all other food security as she waited for him to wake up.

She has never seen a dragon before this close, well if you don't count the encounter when she first entered the Northcrest.

Silja tried to keep herself busy as she observed his body. The skin was as hard as a rock and it was scaly and some tentacles were sharp enough to tear the skin if not careful. He was huge. Very huge and powerful.

The black horns in his head also looked mighty. While most dragons were weak, Donovan didn't have any weakness as far as she knew. She wondered what was the reason that the curse didn't affect him.

Was it because of his royal blood or there was something more to the story?

But she didn't know whether his brothers and sisters were strong or not, so it might be possible that the royal family found a way to save their offspring from curses.

As she tried to keep her occupied the time passed slowly.

Soon the sun started to set and still, there was no sign of any help. Silja has started to get afraid. Donovan hasn't shown any sign of waking up. Silja was getting worried because of his injuries, he needed to be checked by a healer soon. Silja knew some basic things about taking care of wounds and she had tried to use them but she didn't know if they would work on a dragon or not.

The night was approaching fast and Silja decided to do something, she just couldn't stay there and wait for help without doing anything.

She decided to light a big fire that can produce enough light and smoke to catch someone's attention.

But that wasn't an easy task. All the leaves and branches around were mostly green because of the infinite amount of water around. Few that were available were hardly dry. She has also used many for cooking fish. Silja stood up and started to collect everything she had. Plus even if not for the signal they needed fire to survive the night. It has already started to get cold even before dusk.

"Crack….ahh.." Silja was climbing over a tree but her foot slipped and she fell.

"Thud…" she hit her head on the stone and got bruised legs and arms.

"Ahh…" she sobbed a little but didn't stop and kept collecting the dried leaves and branches.

She gathered them in the open area and prepared to burn them. She created a big fire and waited for someone to notice it.

But the whole night passed but there was still no sign of anyone coming to their aid.

Nor Donovan shoved any sign of waking up. It has been two nights and one day since they were stuck there and the more time passed Silja started to lose her patience.  She was more worried about Donovan. If he doesn't wake up, his life will be in danger. As the sun rose Silja again started to clean the wound and remove the previous medicine so she could apply a new one. Her hands gently worked on his as she climbed his body to reach all the wounds.

"Ahh....." She didn't pay any attention as she was climbing over his body and grazed her wounds on his hard skin. 

The blood-stained to oozing out of the large cut that she has received from the fall last night.

Her blood trickled on Donovan's body, but Silja didn't pay much attention; her whole attention was on treating his wound.

Some of his wounds had started to become infected and there was also white liquid oozing out of some wounds.

But as she was busy worrying about him, her blood that had fallen on Donovan's wounds trickled to his other wound.

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The skin where Silja's blood had fallen started to soften and the hard scaly scene absorbed all the blood inside without any traces. The skin on those parts started to dry up soon after and then the wounds started to heal on their own.

As Silja cleaned all over his body her blood smeared on Donovan at many places.

Only when she was done cleaning his wound did Silja realise about her wounds that had opened up.

Silja shook her head as she sat down beside Donovan tired. Cleaning a gigantic body of Donovan was not an easy task after all.

Silja closed her eyes and sighed, she hadn't slept the whole night and had guarded the fire and Donovan. She was tired mentally as well as physically.

As she closed her eyes all the fatigue made her doze out.

Soon after Silja slipped into a deep sleep and started to snore lightly.

She dreams about being in paradise. Everything was beautiful and mesmerizing around her.

She was dancing and laughing around. 

"Silja…." Suddenly she heard her name being called and as she concentrated on the call the beautiful dream started to disappear. 

Silja slowly opened her eyes as she felt a wet sensation on her cheeks.

"Ahhh.." as soon as her eyes opened she saw Donovan's gigantic dragon head in front of her.

Silja was sleeping leaning on his body and Donovan has turned his back to look at her. When he woke up he immediately got alerted but soon he could feel her presence around him. He turned his head and found the girl snoring softly leaning on him. Donovan realised that he was still in dragon form. Donovan took some time to remember and process what happened before he took her here. He wasn't sure if she was okay or not but she was sleeping quite peacefully which was a relief. He wanted to wake her up and check her, he also needed to change in his human form.

He didn't want to startle her like last time he did so he used a different method to wake her up.

He slowly started to lick her face, he could have used his grunting but that might scare her so he didn't use that.

But still, he did startle Silja a bit, in fright, Silja crawled backwards.

After the initial shock faded Silja finally realised that he was awake. 

"Don….you are awake," she got on her four limbs as she moved towards his head.

Donovan nodded his Jambo head. "I was worried, you were sleeping for such a long time," Silja said and then stood up with a sigh of relief. Finally, he was awake. Even though Donovan was sitting Silja could hardly reach his head if he didn't bow his head.

Donovan grunted softly and then he shook his head. Silja took a few steps back as Donovan moved and stood up.

His energy has still not fully recovered and Donovan found it hard to even stand up. After then he realised that a few of his wounds had already healed but some were still intact. He narrowed his eyes looking at Silja. There were different types of patches on his wounds as he turned around to lick his wounds.

The bitter taste made him frown and his nostrils flared up in distaste.

"I... applied them so the wound doesn't get worse," Silja explained.

Donovan kept linking his wound and grunted in answer. But suddenly his eyes became darker as the smell of blood entered his nose. He peeked out his tongue and linked a particular part of his leg.

It was blood.


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