Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 123: Our Little Secret

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"You tend my wounds...true. But did you forget you are the one who hurt me in the first place?" Donovan lifted his eyebrows.

He could guess that she didn't remember anything that happened that day from the way she was acting so calm.

And as expected his words made her face twitch in worry.

"I hurt you?" She mumbled softly.

"Don't you remember anything?" He asked.

He let her face go and helped her seat comfortably leaning on his chest.

Silja shook her head. She didn't object when he draw her closer. Unknowingly she has started to become comfortable around him and at his pace.

"Hmmm," he hummed at her confirmation.

"What happened that day?" Silja asked worriedly. Her heart started to sink remembering the severe wounds on his body.

Was she capable of doing that? 

"So many things happen. Don't you remember anything?" Donovan asked, holding her tightly in his arms.

There was beautiful scenery in front of them as he looked ahead.

Colourful birds and butterflies were flying around. There were even small animals like squirrels and rabbits. Soft and fluffy.

He felt happy and content in the joyous atmosphere with her in his arms. 

The atmosphere was peaceful but Silja was in no mood to look at it.

Silja shook her head. She tried to think but her memories were blurry and after that, she stopped thinking about it. She was alone for a long time and she didn't want to scare herself anymore. There were other things to worry about so she didn't pay any attention to what happened that day.

"I remember you said something about controlling living beings...but everything after that is blurry," Silja replied.

"And….you said you know something about my powers, what it was?" Silja asked.

She turned around to look at him.

"Tell me.." when she saw Donovan staring at her without saying anything she held his shoulder and urged him.

"You are special," Donovan replied, cupping her face with both of his hands.

"Special…? Don't try to sugar coat your words, Donovan. I'm not special...if I know anything is that I'm destructive," Silja replied.

Her voice cracked at the end of the sentence.

"You are not," Donovan shook his head. He wanted to tell her the truth but he was thinking about the right way to make her understand.

"If I'm not destructive, why did I hurt you? Why do I always end up breaking everything?" She asked, frustrated.

"You are not destructive. You just don't know how to use your power. When you will learn how to control it you will be able to use them for good," Donovan said with patience. He has the sense that Silja always started to freak out whenever something related to her powers came up.

"But why do I have powers in the first place? I'm human and have you ever heard of any human having such powers?" 

Silja asked.

"Who said that humans can't have power? Just accept what you are, without doubt why you are that way," Donovan said.

"No. I have to find out the reason," Silja said stubbornly.

Donovan knew the reason behind her having such unique powers but he decided to hold that information for now. It was something that she won't be able to process in one go. Plus it wasn't something that he wasn't supposed to reveal.

"How do you know about my powers?" Silja then asked.

"My father told me about it for the first time and then you destroyed your room. You even used them on me when I was trying to...kiss you.." a wide grin spread on his lips as he said that.

Silja narrowed her eyes at his statement but then she shifted her focus on the other things.

"Then how are you sure that I have powers because I'm special. There can be other reasons too. And what made you so sure that these powers are a blessing and not a curse," Silja asked.

"So many questions. Aren't you afraid that you might be tiring me out?" Donovan tried to toll her questions and she frowned.

"Please Donovan Don't do this to me. I need to know what is going on. I'm… I'm so afraid," Silja's lips trembled at the last part of her sentence.

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"Remember this Silja. Never be afraid about what you are. Accept all you have. Be it darkness or brightness," he advised.

"Learn how to fight and sustain," 

Silja nodded.

"I don't know how many other powers you have but one of them is to control the living beings. As long as you want you can control everything around you," Donovan started to explain.

"Living beings you mean... animals and..." she asked, confused and amazed at the same time.

"Yes. Even me and any other person. But the condition is that they are weaker than you and also the number of them has to be smaller," Donovan explained.

"So I can make them do as I say? Something like that?" Silja asked.

Silja found it a bit funny; she has never heard of such a power before.

"Yes. But you still need to learn how to use them properly," Donovan said

"How should I learn? Who will teach me?" Silja asked, confused. No matter what it was actually a bit exciting to have some powers if she could control and use them to protect her family.

Then she might don't need to be afraid of these dragons too. And about the origin of her powers, she could try to find it slowly. Silja made up her mind.

If Donovan knew what she was thinking he might just go on a rampage there and then.

"I will help you find someone who can teach you how to cultivate these powers," Donovan promised and Silja accepted it without much thought.

"It is a deal then," Silja said, extending her hand. In excitement, she even forgot that she was making a deal with the devil. And also about her previous fight with him.

All she remembered was she could get rid of these dragons and go home. But she didn't realise that the man with whom she was making a deal was also a dragon and the most dangerous at that.

Donovan smiled seeing how easy to convince she was.

After she thought it through Silja pointed out a new problem that was in front of them.

"It has been two days we have been here. We should leave now," Silja said. She didn't know if anyone knew about their location and would come to take them or not. She was lost till now and couldn't find a solution, but now that Donovan had woken up she was relaxed.

"Do you want me to fly in this condition?" Donovan asked her pitifully.

"No no... I mean since you come here you must know the way to go out right," Silja replied. "Didn't your squire know about this place?" She added.

"Unfortunately he doesn't. And nor does anyone else," Donovan shook his head.

"Why didn't you tell anyone about this place? Now, how will we go out? You can't even walk because of the condition you are in," Silja asked worriedly.

"No, I didn't tell anyone about this place and nor am I intended to tell anyone," Donovan said.

Silja raised her eyebrows in question. "Why?"

"Look around and tell me what you think about this place," Donovan said. Silja turned around and again the mesmerizing beauty of the place entered her vision. Instantly a smile spread on her lips.

"Paradise," she said the one word that came to mind.

"Exactly. And think of me as greedy if you want but I don't want to share this place with anyone," Donovan said. "Does that mean that no one else knows about this place?" Silja furrowed her brows.

Donovan shook his head.

"I just want it to stay secret. Our little secret," he said leaning dangerously close.

"Where we can spend time alone without any disturbance, just with each other," he spoke his fantasies out loud.

"Huh?" Silja turned towards him after hearing what he said. "I'm not coming with you here again. In Fact, I'm not going with you anywhere," 

"How can you be so sure? We don't know what the future holds," his signature smile came and rested on the corner of his lips.

"I don't know about your future but I'm sure about mine. I'm not coming with you anywhere once we go out of here and that is set," Silja declared and stood up.

She walked away from there and Donovan just kept staring at her from behind. As she was out of his sight Donovan closed his eyes exhausted but a smile still remained on his face.


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