Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 126: Chaos In The Castle -2

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Chap 126

"I'm not sitting hand in hand, I'm just saying to lay low for now. We will do whatever has to be done but without alerting anyone," Zachary didn't want the news to spread around.

"Squire Garrett, lead my few best man to the place where you saw them last time and start the investigation again," Zachary turned towards Garrett.

"Yes, your highness," Garrett nodded.

"We also need to make sure that the news doesn't spread. Walk with me, we have to discuss a few more details," Zachary added and Garrett left with quick steps.

"I'm afraid Zach," as soon as Garrett left Abrielle broke down.

Zivan and Samuel had also got the news and both of them also entered the room.

"I have already activated my source to find out about them," Zivan said reassuringly.

"Mother please don't cry. I'm sure my eldest brother will be alright," Samuel walked towards his mother and held her in his arms.

"Don't worry Abrielle. He will be back soon. Have some faith in our son," Zachary reassured Abrielle.

"Yes mother there is no way that brother can go missing like this. Until and unless he wants to," Zivan added. 

Abrielle nodded her head. Zivan was right, there was no need to panic. Zivan decided some matters with his father and little brother and left to release people to find Donovan and Silja.

They were just not worried about Donovan but Silja and Olivia were also the main reason for their worries. No matter what, both of them were guests in their home and it was their responsibility to make sure that both the women returned back safely.

Zachary has sent his man with Garrett and another day has passed but there was no news. Even Zivan's source couldn't find any clue after one point of time. The worst thing was that Drystan has increased the security around the forest and any of the soldiers who tried to enter were straight falling in the death trap of Drystan. There was no way they could search for Donovan inside. Zachary tried everything in his hand to keep the news from going out, but no matter how much Zachary tried there were some ears that could even penetrate the high wall of the castle.

"I have news about princess, my lord," far away from the main courtyard of royal castle Benjamin was standing in front of the window of the high tower. His slightly brown hair was fluttering in the air as his eyes looked straight ahead at the vast sky in the air. With his left hand he was twisting the ring on his left hand and only people who were close to Benjamin only knew that he did that when he was in worry or anxious.

"What is it, Jeff?" He turned around in swift motion as soon as he heard that.

It was his fourth day in the Northcrest and Silja wasn't back yet. More the time passed, the more he was feeling anxious. On the other hand king Zachary has refused to let him go out of his sight. His people were constantly keeping an eye on Benjamin.

"News is not pleasant," the man standing lowered his head and Benji's expression became garve.

"Tell me," Benjamin said, his voice still steady.

"Nothing is confirmed but there is news going on that Prince Donovan has gone missing. The troop that he had led for the hunt returned yesterday morning but the prince and our lady weren't with them," The man was one of the best soldiers that had come with Benjamin and each of them were best in their work.

If his man said that Silja had not returned with troops, there was no doubt in that.

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"Anything else," even though his anger was crossing boundaries Donovan tried to keep his composure.

"There are also words in the air that the prince is missing and has sent his best men to find them but till now nothing good has been heard," the man named Jeff replied.

Benjamin's forehead creased and the layers of sweat formed on his forehead.

His sister was missing and also with the prince of North. He has a bad promision about it.

"We will leave to find them now," Benjamin didn't think even twice before he declared.

He went ahead and took out his sword before leaving the room.

"I understand what you are thinking my lord, but is it not advisable to go and find them like this," Jeff ran behind his lord. 

"The forest is synonym of death and we are not familiar with this land," 

"So what are you trying to say? We should sit around without doing anything?" Benjamin snapped his head towards his man. Jeff instantly shut his mouth. 

"No. What I mean is that we should try to be more effective. We don't know how, but King Zachary does…." But before Jeff can even complete the whole sentence Benjamin glared at him.

"Have you lost your mind? King Zachary has kept us here as captive. He will never let us do anything in this matter," Benjamin fumed.

"And I'm even doubting that there might be his hand behind Silja going missing. I don't trust these people even slightest," Benjamin said and climbed down the stairs in speed.

But before he could leave the tower he was stopped by the maid who was coming with their meal.

"The meal is ready milord," she stood in their way and said in a straight voice.

"I'm not hungry. Come back later," Benjamin ordered.

"I'm sorry but the king has a special order for me to take care of your every meal and make sure that you eat on time," the woman didn't even move a single step from her place.

"I said I'm not in the mood to eat right now. Move aside," Benjamin fumed.

But the woman was not even slightest afraid.

Both of them stare at each other. The look in Donovan's eyes was so deadly that even the woman who was a dragon felt scared.


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