Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 139: The Beginning Of The Summer Festival

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As the sun rose high in the sky the whole castle started to bustle with activities.

The meat that large feasts were being prepared in the large kitchen of the castle.

A celebration was organized on the large grounds of the Northcrest.

Women and men from all around the kingdom have started to arrive. The whole place was decorated with flowers of different colours.

Everything was so warm and colourful. There were even different rituals of love too. The young and unmarried men weave the special garlands for the one they love and propose to them. If the woman accepts the garland then they become a couple.

While the husbands prepare flower ornaments for their wives and women weave clothes for their husbands.

All the young children have worn the new clothes and flowers grown in their own yards and farms.

The summer festival in the north was the biggest festival for dragons. After enduring the cold nights of winter finally, the summer starts. The sun melts the frozen land and also frozen hearts.

The corps started to bloom, throw out the kingdom and love in the heart of the people.

Sun also represents fire, which is the main element of dragons.

For the dragon sun is also a symbol of warmth, hope, wealth, fertility and light.

Festivals symbolize hope in life and thus they play a very significant role in life. That's why throughout the years no matter how grave the situation was king Zachary has never stopped celebrating the summer festival.

The bigger the problem, the more vigorous they become on the festival days.

The whole place was bustling with people. After seeing the smiling face and shining eyes of his people Zachary for a second forgets to worry about his own son.

He was standing at the entrance looking at the huge crowd who had started to make way for him.

Abrielle walked ahead and stood beside him, she wrapped one of her hands around his and pressed it gently.

Zachary looked at her and smiled. They were about to enter but suddenly Zivan came running in their direction.

"Father... wait," Zivan stopped them in the middle.

"What is it, Zivan?" Zachary and Abrielle frowned.

The festival was about to start and they had to be on the stage on time.

"I have something urgent to tell you," Zivan said. His face had an anxious look and his forehead was dripping with perspiration.

Abrielle's heart dropped, imagine the worst, so does Zachary's.

Can there be any bad news from Donovan's side? They looked at each other in horror and then nodded quickly before leaving the area.

"What's the matter Zivan, speak already," Abrielle urged her son as soon as they entered the quiet room which was far away from any unwanted attention.

"Don't worry mother it's not about brother Donovan," Zivan cleared.

Abrielle took a shaky breath of relief.

Zachary also gulped nervously.

"But it isn't any less important, the news is bad father," Zivan announced.

Zachary pursed his lips. As long as his children were safe nothing could be more troublesome.

"Speak," Zachary ordered. Abrielle also looked up.

"I have just confirmed the news, Kruel has entered the north and he is currently on his way to here," the words came out of his mouth and it took Zachary and Abrielle a few seconds to process them.

"Kruel? You mean Azazel from the South?" Zachary couldn't help but ask again for confirmation.

"Yes, he has already entered the north with his people and mother," Zivan confirmed.

"Why wasn't he stopped at the border?" Zachary demanded angrily.

"They used unknown means to enter father, I only found out now," Zivan lowered his head. He was a master of information, it was his responsibility to keep eye on everything that happens around their kingdom. But today after so many years he failed, not just once but two times.

Zivan was truly ashamed and was feeling helpless.

"Stop them now, no matter where they are. Order our shadow guards to prepare for the fight," Zachary ordered.

"I have already commanded the people under my and Samuel's name. But I'm afraid without my brother's people we won't be able to hold for long," Zivan remarked.

Zachary felt like he was going crazy. How could everything go wrong in such a way? Donovan's whereabouts were still unknown and their biggest enemy has already entered their home.

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"Take my shadow guards with you, put some people to take care that the news doesn't spread. There is no need to panic yet, I doubt the face to face battle will be his intention if he has taken a risk of bringing his mother," Abrielle explained.

"But we still have to prepare for every possibility," Zachary added.

Zivan took their instructions and led a few of his people to stop the enemy.

Zachary and Abrielle moved towards the main ground. The whole place started to echo with their name and place.

"Hail to King Zachary,"

"Hail to queen Abrielle," 

The cheers and praise for both king and queen kept chanting for a long time until Zachary raised his hand and asked them to calm down.

Both husband and wife put a gentle smile on their lips while facing their subjects.

"Im, Zachary Leon Regalhelm, King of The North welcoming you all for this auspicious occasion. I'm glad that you all came to join this celebration with us. We all are one family and I wish that we could celebrate all coming years with my subjects just like this year '' Zachary's loud and clear voice rang through the whole ground. There was no other word coming from the audience as he welcomed them.

"I also welcome all of the lords, dukes and ministers who are just like my eyes and ears and help me manage this vast land smoothly. Thank you all for coming here and showing respect to my invitation," Zachary thanked the row of ministers and other novels sitting on his left.

"I can see the enthusiasm and eagerness to start the celebration in your eyes and thus I won't take more of your time," 

Zachary swept his eyes around.

"We shall begin the celebration," king Zachary raised his hand and made an announcement.

Soon the ground filled with cheers and loud hootings.

Zachary looked back and took his seat.

"Long live my king," but there was no time for him to dwell on the issue since he has to meet many people.

The first one to approach him was the lord of Astraxia and Jade's father.

"Lord Gracia," Zachary nodded his head at the man standing in front of him with a smile

The man has a great built and his black shoulder-length hair was resting loosely on his shoulders.

He shared the same eyes like his daughter, witty and clear, but too deep to give away his emotions.

The man has a soft practical smile on his lips and body bent in a bow.

"You don't have to bow down to me my lord, our relationship is beyond of a king and his lord," Zachary stood up and held the man from his shoulder before pulling him for a hug.

"Well, no matter what but as you are my king, I have to pay my respect to my king," Lord Gracia smiled and hugged Zachary tightly.

A bitter smile and regret spread on Zachary's lips. Well, they were friends from ever since Zachary could remember. He had fought so many wars and came out victorious from all the tricks of their enemies together. But it was a pity that this friendship won't be able to stay as it was.

Thinking about that Zachary's mouth filled with bitterness.

"Where is your eldest son, my king. I didn't see him around," lord Gracia said and looked around.

Actually, none of the princes was present and it was rather strange.

"Well, what can I say? The children have grown up and now they like to celebrate according to their own rules," Zachary replied and at the end of the sentence, she laughed.

Lord Gracia also let out a dry laugh. But his sharp eyes didn't miss the crease on the forehead of Zachary.

Well as Zachary has said before they were friends. And thus just as Zachary know lord Gracia, lord Gracia also read the expression of his friend.

And thus he did find something missing actually.

Soon other people started to come to talk to the king and Gracia took the chance to leave his side.

Well he has to find his daughter to find out 

What was going on in the capital?

"Jade…" lord Gracia found his daughter in one of the corners alone.

Her eyes were downcast and she looked like she has some worries.


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