Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 143: Celebration Amidst Of Chaos

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And as years passed the cold glacier of his heart finally melted and then their love flourished and she gave birth to his three more children, completing the family of six.

And now she was the only one, the true queen of his heart and this land.

While both of them were lost in each other's eyes someone else's malic filled eyes were looking at them.

Evillene has her face all Harden with suppressed fury as she kept looking at them. There was a visible crack in her gentle face.

Looking at them she felt like the time hasn't passed at all and she was still 

standing at the same spot she did almost three decades ago. The only change was the woman in his arms. As the memories of the past started to merge with the reality in front of her Evillene let out a cold laugh. She has thought she has walked past that time and nothing can affect her but looks like she was wrong.

Evillene smiled bitterly.

"What's wrong, mother?"  Kruel asked from the side.

"Nothing just recalled some memories," Evillene replied and Kruel didn't ask any further.

Soon the magical moment between Abrielle and Zachary ended and they both walked back to their seats.

"We will start the feast now," Zivan announced soon after. But as soon as he said that, a commotion broke in the ground. At first, they couldn't make out what the people were saying but soon the chanting became clear.

"Prince Donovan…" 

"Prince... Donovan," whole place has started to fill with only one name.

How could they just move towards the big feast without announcing the results of the bride choosing the ceremony?

When the ceremony was announced king Zachary promised that he would announce the name of the bride on the first day of the big feast and soon after prince Donovan would marry.

Donovan was undoubtedly the favourite prince of the North and his marriage was a big affair. The marriage of the crown prince can't be a small affair after all.

"Looks like you forgot something prince Zivan. Today is the day of announcement of who will become the wife of the prince Donovan," the one who spoke was one of the members of the extended royal family.  And he was also the oldest among the family so his word held some kind of power.

And with him taking the lead some of the other people also started to raise their voices.

Zivan gritted his teeth looking at the old man who looked like he was in his late seventies but the old man was beyond older than that. 

"Well during the last days my brother found that it was tough for him to choose between so many talented noble ladies so he decided that he will take a few more days before announcing his decision," Zivan smiled and replied.

"Take more days to decide?" The old man who has a white long beard walked forward.

"Well, I don't understand why he needs to choose anyway? Given his reputation, he could handle them all. So why not have them all," the man spoke without any filter.

"That's...not what my brother wants, lord Augustine," Zivan replied with a frown. What this is something that they should discuss in public, can't this old bag restrain himself a bit to drag them down.

"Kid, don't spout nonsense and ask that brother of yours to come in front of me. He has dragged his marriage for so long but not anymore," but the old guy was persistent.

"And how could he not be here in the celebration?" He added.

Zivan looked at his father silently asking for help. Zachary nodded and was about to speak but someone else bit him.

"Yes, I was also thinking about why my old friend is not present at an auspicious occasion like this. I specifically came here to meet prince Donovan," Kruel replied.

At this critical moment, even Benjamin also showed up from nowhere. For the whole time, he was waiting for the news from Brandon but there was nothing. So he came here to confront king Zachary about his sister but the scene here was unexpected to him.

"Not just prince Donovan but also my sister, princess of Atlanea hasn't returned yet. What is going on king Zachary?"  Benjamin walked over.

Lord Joshua was busy searching for his sister so thankfully he didn't show up.

"Where is prince Donovan, your highness?" Soon the question started to pop up. In the entire kingdom of the dragon, only Donovan was who can fight with Kruel and he was absent at this critical moment.

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"I heard that prince Donovan never returned from the dragon creek forest," someone yelled from the down audience.

"Did the rouges capture our prince?" Another one voiced out the possibility.

"If that's the case then there is a possibility that we won't see our prince alive," someone made a blind statement and again the uproar started.

Zachary could help but grit his teeth, ' how could these people say something like that without thinking?' his face turned red from anger.

Kruel's lips arched in an amused smile while Evillene furrowed her brows.

She turned towards Abrielle and put her hand on Abrielle's, "Are they saying the truth, sister Abrielle? Did the rogues kill the eldest prince?" She blinked her eyes and showed dramatic expressions.

"Of course not. How can you believe such a bluff?" Abrielle glared at Evillene.

"I was..just…" Evillene closed her mouth and smiled internally.

While the whole place was in uproar Silja and Donovan were on their way to the capital.

Donovan was flying at a very slow speed because of Silja. He didn't want her to fall while dozing off.

But they didn't know that someone was following them.

A male dragon who was flying around to find their traces suddenly heard a familiar roar. He turned his head and started to fly in the direction from where the voice came. His reptile eyes narrowed as he saw who was flying away and then he narrowed down his vision on the woman riding the dragon. And unspeakable emotions appeared in his eyes.

Even though Silja was wearing men's clothes the other dragon could still recognise her.

Donovan, who was oblivious to someone's presence, flew away.

The other dragon took the other route and flew at higher speed and reached the capital before them.

Back in Northcrest, everyone was questioning the royal family about Donovan's whereabouts and what was going on. The family members of the ladies who had taken part in the bridal ceremony also came forward to inquiry.

Their daughters have lost so of course, they will try to flame off their jealousy and anger while adding the fuel to the fire right now.

Zivan and Zachary looked at each other. Was there any way out of this situation?

"Well, everything can be discussed as long as prince Donovan is here, why don't you call the prince, king Zachary?" Kruel who spoke.

"Prince Donovan can not come here at the moment," it was Samuel who spoke.

Everyone looked at him with questions in their eyes.

"What do you mean he can't be here? Today is the day of results and prince Donovan is responsible to answer all the ladies present here," it was the old dragon who spoke.

"My brother has already rejected most of them in the last round of competition, so they have nothing to do with whom my brother will marry," Zivan replied.

"What about my daughter, King Zachary?" The speaker was the father of the fourth lady. Lord Gracia restrained himself to speak but he looked at Zachary with questions.

"Yes, you are also responsible for my sister too. And thinking about it, why my sister isn't back yet? How am I supposed to know that she is alright?" Benjamin spoke. His man hasn't returned yet and there was still no news about Silja.

"Yes, we also have heard the rumour that even Lord Joshua's sister is missing. He has moved all his men to find his sister but there is no clue about her at all," more and more speculation started to come out and things became disordered.

"Even though you are hiding the whereabouts of prince Donovan, you still have to tell us about the Nobel ladies who are missing. One of them is the sister of the lord and the other is the princess of the Atlanea the human kingdom," 

"Yes...the human king must have put so much trust in us before sending his daughter to the north. This step was supposed to be the pull between both humans and dragons. But what if something happens to the human princess now?" 

"Will humans also become our enemies now? In this situation, the dragons will lose even our potential allies,"


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