Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 152: The Truth

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He would have fought a war but never let her go.

"I didn't want everyone to suffer just because of me," Silja wiped her tears away.

"So you decide to become brave and come running here to sacrifice yourself?" How naive can she be?

"I haven't sacrificed myself," Silja shook her head.

"Ohh right? Then what was everything that I just witnessed? Why didn't you object when Prince Donovan declared your name as his wife?" Benjamin fumed.

"I'm sure they forced you, right? Did they threaten you again by using our family or Atlanea? You don't have to worry, Silja. No matter what, we can handle everything, you don't have to give in to their demands," Benjamin was truly worried. Even though he has seen her awe filled face he still couldn't believe that she has just given in in a few weeks.

"Brother, calm down and listen to me first," Silja held his brother's hand, "I also agree that I never intended to come here, and joining hands with a dragon was never our plan. But in the past few days after looking at things with different perspectives I changed my mind," Silja tried to make him understand as calmly as possible.

"What different perspective do they show you?" Benjamin's tone was very sarcastic.

"Joining hands with dragons might not be that bad. Witch King is becoming powerful day by day and dwarves are also on their side, with the rate he is planning everything it won't long for him to defeat dragons and then us," Silja remembered what Donovan had said to her. She has also thought about it carefully after that.

"Thats…." just an assumption…' Benjamin wanted to refute her directly but he stopped when he realized that she was actually right.

In the past he didn't know much but in past few years he has started to pay more attention in foreign affairs. And then he came to know that Witches were actually trying to invade their borders.

Even though they were sneaky and nothing has been done openly it won't be hard for them to crush a small island like Atlanea if they decided. At most humans can give them a tough fight, but defeat them?....the chances were very low.

Even his father and a few ministers also believe that the Witches wanted to conquer all four lands. With kruel's reputation if he successfully did that then all the people living under his rule will surely suffer without any doubts.

"But...how will marrying Donovan change anything?" Benjamin asked.

No matter what his sister didn't have to get involved in this mess. 

"If we could form alie with dragons, we might be able to hold back Witche for a little more. It might not be much but something is better than nothing," Silja replied.

"If dragons want to form relationships with us that can be done by other means. We can join hands by tread or something else, there is no need for you to marry that prince of insects," no matter what Benjamin just despised the thought of marrying his sister to Donovan.

"What if I say I like him?" Suddenly Silja spoke up and Benjamin shut his mouth.

He looked at her in horror.

He had a bit of a feeling in his heart when he saw the look in her eyes but he ignored it but now that he heard what she said he couldn't help himself to get shocked.

"What did you say?" He snapped.

"He might be the man whom I can spend my life with," Silja spoke in a low voice.

"Do you even know what you are saying?" Benjamin couldn't help but raise his voice.

"I said listen to me first," he held him down and made him sit again.

"There are many things that have happened in the past when I was back in Atlanea and now that I'm here. I have hidden many things from you and our parents," Silja lowered her head.

"Hide? What is it?" Benjamin narrowed his eyes.

"I have found something about myself," Silja couldn't help but feel more and more guilty.

She shouldn't have hidden anything from her parents but she still did.

When Benjamin heard her he froze in his place. Found something about herself?

His heart suddenly stopped beating.

He remembered the word his father said to him when he left for Atlanea.

Did she find out?

"What....did you find out?" His voice trembled as he asked. 

'Silja is not your blood related sister,' his father's words rang in his head.

Silja opened her mouth a few times as she tried to form sentences. And the few seconds she took we're like a lifetime for Benjamin. He could feel his heart beating in his mouth. 

"I am special," Silja blurted out. And Benjamin looked at her with a dumbfounded expression.



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He was expecting to see something else but what he heard was very different.

"Special?" What did she mean by special?

Silja saw his animated expression and felt a bit awkward. Donovan has always called her special because of her powers and thus she blurted out that.

"I mean... I have some powers," Silja tried to make her voice stable.

"Powers?" Benjamin furrowed his brows?

"Yes," Silja spoke up.

"Back where i was in Atlanea some weird incident started to happen around me," 

"In the beginning it was small, very subtle, but then things started to become more intense," Silja found herself talking a bit freely now.

After Donovan had told and convinced her she was less feared.

There was not much pressure on her heart.

"What incident?" when Benjamin heard what she said he looked at her in puzzlment. 

"Tell me everything clearly," Benjamin sat down in front of her and took her hand in his.

"It all started a few months before my eighteen birthday. I started to have some weird dreams and as the time passed i noticed that my dreams were not just dreams. Whenever I lost control of my emotions I found things breaking around me. It was like I had become destructive all of a sudden," the more Silja spoke the more Benjamin became worried.

"I thought about telling you guys but i was so afraid that i couldn't bring myself to do so," Silja told him everything from start to finish about each and every incident that happened from the start.


While Silja and Donovan were having their own conversation in the other part of the castle , the whole Regalhelm family was sitting in Zachary's chamber.

Genevieve, who has also joined them, was sitting there a bit angry.

She wears beautiful clothes and meticulously get ready for the celebration but suddenly her mother orders her to stay in the castle and forbade her to attend the celebration.

She was very angry but she couldn't possibly refute her mother and go against her.

Little Genie was even unaware that her brother has disappeared from the dragon creek and only now has returned.

As soon as she heard the news that the celebration was over she rushed to her mother and father's chamber to demand an answer from her mother.

And when she saw Donovan coming she ran towards him.

"Big brother, look what mother did," the young girl walked towards Donovan with tears in her eyes. 

Donovan saw her tears filled eyes and felt his heart aching.

"What happened? He asked in his mellow voice.

"Mother forbade me to join the celebration," Genevieve complained. 

He looked at his mother and he could guess why she did that. Kruel's sudden visit must have frightened his mother.

"Hmm... there must be the reason behind why mother did that, right," Donovan spoke softly.

"Hmm, but what is the reason?" He looked at her and squatted down in front of her.

"What was the reason?" She asked innocently. She have at least right to know the resone, right?

"There were some bad guys in celebration this year, thats why mother didn't allow you to come," Donovan said.

"Who bad guys?" Genie asked confused.

"That's enough, Genevieve. Now go back to your room. Mother and father have something to discuss with your brothers," Abrielle cut her off before she could ask anything more. Donovan frowned but he kept quiet. He wasn't perticulary in fevour to hid everything from his little sister. This way they will surely made Genevieve more fregile, but since he that was what his mother wanted he never said anything.

"No, i wont go i will stay too," Genie ran back inside room again and sat down on sofa while her hands folded against her chest.

Mostly the girl was very obidient but she was bit more upset today so she didn't followed what her mother said.

Zachary and Abrielle exchanged look and Abrielle sighed. Then all five of them walked in.

Donovan and  Zivan took seats on both side of their sister and Samuel sat on the single chair.. While their perents sit in front of their children.

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