Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 154: Friends Or Enemy

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When Kruel and Abrielle arrived, they saw a humble two-story building in front of them. The structure was small compared to the castle but the design and architecture were amazing. In front was a small garden which was maintained carefully. Fragrant and colourful flowers have bloomed in summer.

Even though the place was thoroughly cleaned and basic things had been arranged it wasn't even near a suitable place for a King to stay. Because at the end it was used to be a prison at one point, a fancy prison though.

Kruel smiled faintly as he looked around, even Evillene frowned.

"They are really taking it too far," Evillene couldn't help but comment.

"Let's not take it to heart, mother. This place also looks good. Look at these flowers, aren't they beautiful?" Kruel walked towards one of the flower plants.

"You don't like flowers, Azazel," Evillene pointed out.

Kruel's hand, which was extended to touch the flowers, stopped midway. He looked at his mother and then touched the flower gently. He smiled bitterly as he saw the flowers withering from his mere touch.

He retracted his hand and walked inside the building without any other word. Evillene followed behind.

The maids who were assigned to take care of them were standing at the inner door, trembling as both mother and son passed by them.

Kruel had just settled down in his room when he heard someone knocking on the door faintly.

"Come in," Kruel replied with a frown.

"Prince... prince Donovan is here to meet you, your highness," a delicate and fearful voice rang softly from behind the door. The maid was even afraid to push the door open and walked in.

Kruel, who had already guessed this visit, smiled and stretched his hand to take a shirt that he had thrown earlier on the bed.

"Let him in," he said to the maid and the maid didn't even waste a second and turned on her heels to sprint away.

By the time he was done buttoning the shirt, Donovan was already inside his room.

Donovan smiled at the man standing in front of him.

"Prince Donovan," he greeted the young man in front of him who was only a few years younger than himself.

"King Azazel," Donovan walked in and greeted him back.

The room was pitch dark as no source of light was present in the room.

But that didn't affect Donovan to locate the man standing in the middle of the room.

He could see the pair of amber eyes sparkling in the dark.

"I was expecting to meet you in private. It's good that you took initiative," Kruel sat down on the chair which was placed in the room without waiting for Donovan.

Donovan didn't comment for some time as he walked in front and took a seat in front of Kruel.

"Then you might also have guessed why I'm here," Donovan sat down leisurely on the chair with ease.

"Hmm, I have a bit of an Idea. Why don't you clear it for me," Kruel said and smiled.

Donovan looked at him and opened his mouth to speak.

"Why….," But before he could finish his sentence Kruel stopped him mid-sentence.

"Ahh...how can I forget to ask you. Prince Donovan, would you like to have something, tea, coffee, alcohol?" Kruel asked as a good host will do. Donovan pursed his lips.

"Don't be shy, Prince Donovan. You can have anything you want," Kruel added like a good host.

"Hah, don't worry, King Azazel. If I need anything I will definitely ask for it without being shy. After all, I'm sitting in my own home and you are the guest," Donovan smiled.

"Hmm, that's right too. How ignorant of me," Kruel faked a lough.

"So where are we?" He asked lazily.

"Why are you here?" Donovan asked straight without any delay.

"Umm, didn't I make myself clear earlier? I'm here to forget all the past feuds and start a new relationship between our two houses," the man spoke, his amber eyes shining in the dark.

"Do you expect me to believe that?" Donovan leaned forward, his voice grave, he wasn't in the mood for a joke at this moment.

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He has a lot more things to sort out.

"You don't believe me? Then what else do you think can be my motive?" Kruel frowned as if he was hurt by Donovan's words. 

"I'm here to find out that, so clear it," Donovan straightened his posture.

Kruel, who was feeling itchy in his throat, stood up and walked towards the side table where the liquor was placed.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Till today we only met on the battlefields but the heavens have finally given us time to know each other personally. So let's not waste it behaving like two enemies instead let us talk like two... friends," Kruel took a small pause at the end of the sentence.

"Huh, does King Azazel lack friends?" Donovan lifted his eyebrows.

Kruel returned back with two glasses and a pot of refined wine.

"Actually yes, I do lack friends. Or you can say that I don't have any friends," Kruel nodded his head and poured wine in two glasses. He stretched his hand and offered one to Donovan.

Donovan also took the glass without any hesitation and placed it on his lips to take a sip.

When Kruel saw him drinking wine that he had served without any fear, a smile spread on his lips. 

"Aren't you afraid that I might have mixed some potion in it to harm you?" Kruel asked, he has yet to touch his own glass. The wine was arranged by maids from the royal cellar but there was plenty of time for Kruel to temper it.

"You just said that you lack friends. So why would kill a potential friend in his own home," Don smirked and took another sip.

"Right, haha," Kruel laughed at Donovan's reply. He was truly a smart opponent, who was worthy to be his number one enemy.

"You know it's actually very hard to make friends for someone like me, given the reputation I have, most of them fear me and bow their head in front of me," Kruel tched.

"And even if I do try to make friends with people who do not fear me there is still a problem. I don't find them worthy of my friends. I need someone who can match me, you know? Someone who is strong and as smart as me... someone like you," Krue finally lifted his glass and took a sip.

"Umm, truly amazing," he praised the velvety smooth texture of wine in his mouth. Donovan smiled.

"You don't have to find someone the same as you to make friends," Donovan pointed out.

"Then how would we be equal?" Kruel raised an eyebrow.

"If you take someone as your friend, that means you are giving him the same footing as you, no matter how smart or strong they are. This is all friendship is about," Donovan said.

"No matter how weak or dumb friends are they will always help each other no matter what if the friendship is true," Don added and put down the empty glass in front of Kruel.

Kruel put down his glass and refilled Donovan's glass before handing it to him again.

"My army can do that too," Kruel argued.

"They are people who follow your orders, not your friends who can show you their true path without fearing you," Don said running his hand in his black locks of hair casually.

"True. Must be hard to find," Kruel commented.

"Indeed," the man with red eyes nodded his head.

Kruel then tilted his head seemingly remembering something.

"My mother told me stories about how our fathers used to be friends before our birth and I would say I was touched hearing all those stories of both the legends," the man blinked his eyes while sipping on his wine.

"Hah, so did I," Donovan agreed.

"Did your mother also tell you? Kruel titled his head.

"Yes, she did," Donovan nodded, but the look in his eyes suddenly became distant as an old memory surfaced at the back of his head.

A memory of a beautiful and graceful woman who was holding a year old boy in her hand as she walked in the small courtyard while she told her child a different story. But before he could get engrossed in memory Donovan shook his head and took a large sip from his glass.

"But no matter how good friends they are. In the end, they tore each other apart. My father perished for good while yours is still suffering,"  Kruel tched.

"The greater the relationship, the greater the hatred," Donovan stated.


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