Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 164: Dressing Up

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"Milady?" Mira instantly let Silja go.

"I did this to you?" Silja's eyes turned red from the pain.

Mira was still a bit afraid of Silja as she didn't dare to speak anything for a moment.

Silja was quick to sense her fear.

She tried to hold her emotions and held Mira gently and made her stand up and sit down in the chair.

After that Silja took a long breath and calmed down. 

It seems like her powers have relapsed again. 

As the realization fell on her Silja tried to calm down. There was no need to be afraid, as long as she can control herself, everything will be fine.

"Arla," Silja then called Arla and soon the timid maid walked in.

When she walked closer she saw Mira who was bleeding and sitting on the chair in front of Silja.

"Milady," but instead of showing any big reaction, she stood there with her head lowered.

"Tend her wounds," Silja ordered in a cold voice.

Arla looked at the woman who seemed a little different than usual and then at the head maid.

She gently walked towards Mira and helped her remove the sleeves gently, trying not to hurt much.

Mira, who was still a bit shocked, didn't move and let Arla do whatever she was doing.

Arla examined the wounds and went inside the bathroom and came out with a bowl of fresh water and clean clothes.

She also prepared some medicine and silently started to clean Mira's wounds.

Thankfully they weren't deep and only skin was scratched, most likely to be healed in a few days.

Silja stood a few steps away from their facing wall.

Her face held a deep frown as she contemplated what happened earlier.

Her abilities were not just her powers but it was also directly connected to her emotions and vice versa.

Whenever she felt deep and strong emotions her powers started to surface and took control over her mind.

She has to make sure from now on that no matter what she will never lose her calm and hurt her own people.

Mira was the closest to her after her family. Both of them had grown up together and Silja had never treated her as her maid and respected her.

On the other hand, Mira had always maintained mutual respect. Even though she expressed her opinions without hesitation in front of Silja, she never crossed the line and ignored Silja's order.

But today she did, and it wasn't just a small offence that Silja could ignore. 

She has conspired with her brother to send Silja away from North on the day of her wedding.

Silja didn't know why even Benjamin was also doing that.

Didn't she make it clear last time that she wanted to marry Donovan?

Honestly, she didn't know why but she felt that Benjamin was being too overprotective of her this time without being concerned about her opinion at all. When she thought about it she felt again rage burning in her head.

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Silja was in deep thought when Arla's soft voice rang from behind.

"It's done, milady," Arla said and Silja turned around.

"Take her to her room for rest," Silja informed in a calm voice.

Mira, who heard that, raised her head.

"My lady..I…" 

"We will talk about it later," Silja stopped her in mid-sentence and then signalled Arla to take Mira away.

She wasn't in the mood to reprimand Mira right now. And Mira was also in shock.

Silja closed the door as they left and closed her inside away from the world for a few minutes so she could reflect upon what happened just now.

By the time Silja came out, it was already noontime.

Silja was sitting on the floor while her eyes closed when someone knocked on the door.

Silja opened her eyes slowly, and her eyes shone like gems in a dark room.

She slowly stood up and walked towards the door.

"What is it?" Silja opened the door and found Arla standing there and two unfamiliar maids behind her.

"Prince Donovan has sent them to prepare you for tonight's event," Arla spoke in a low voice.

"Hello milady, My name is Sinthia," 

"And I'm Bethenny. You can call me Beth," both the women introduced themselves.

"We are maids of Prince Donovan's courtyard. He has sent this dress and jewellery especially for you to wear on today's occasion," one of them who has dirty blonde hair spoke while the other nodded her head gently. The one named Beth has reddish-brown hair and a bit of a dark complexion but her face was small and all the features were well defined. While sinthia has a mature face and calm expression.

Silja creased her eyebrows but let them walk in nevertheless.

Both women were carrying one or two boxes in their hands. They put them down and turned towards Silja.

Silja noticed there was curiosity in their eyes but it didn't show much on their face.

It can be seen with one look that they were royal maids and were trained properly.

"If you don't have any problem, Milady. Shall we start the preparation?" The one with blonde hair and named Sinthia spoke.

"This earlier?" Silja remembered that the competition was going to be held at night so she needed to start preparing earlier.

She could see that the sun had yet to set.

But soon she realized why they needed to start so early.

It took them more than two hours working on Silja to do her makeup and hair.

And when Silja tried to protest about too many things that they were poking in her head the maids gave the excuse that it was her first time going out in public after their marriage announcement with prince Donovan so this was necessary.

In the end, Silja shut her mouth and resigned to her fate without struggling much.

After two hours of hard work, Silja finally managed to stand up from the chair.

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