Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 176: No Way To Break The Curse

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"If you send people to sneak into my territory I will never let them go, you should know that clearly," Donovan stated. They may be weak but they still had the backbone and power to guard their own house.

"And about the witch, you are talking about, I don't know such a person, king Azazel?" Despite being shocked Donovan didn't say anything.

Exposing Silja's identity will risk her life and Donovan will never let that happen.

Even if it turns out that she can't help them break the curse he will never put her in any dangerous situation.

"I don't know any powerful witches. If I had one, I would have surely used that person to break the curse long ago," Donovan stated obviously.

"Huh, I can see that you are trying to save that person. I don't know how powerful she or he is but let me remind you one thing here. Even if you found a powerful witch you won't be able to break the curse. Because only one person with royal witch blood will be able to do that," Kruel said with a smirk.

"You won't be able to break the curse even if you found one with royal blood. Few more things will be needed to break the curse and as long as I know everything that can be used to break the curse is wiped out from the face of the earth along with the method of breaking the curse," Kruel smiled triumphantly.

Donovan clenched his fist as he heard that. How could he not know that?

Since the day he found out about the curse he has started to look for its cure.

He has read as many books as he can to find out about the solution. He has met many people over the years who can help him but it was as if there was no one who knows the solution for this pain of dragons.

But he has never lost hope and kept faith that the day will come when he will be able to lift that curse and fight the witches and restore the former glory of the Northern empire.

And now that Silja was with him his hope has become even stronger.

"Even without breaking the curse I'm strong enough to defend my kingdom," Donovan locked his eyes with Kruel's.

A sarcastic smile spread on Kruel's lips.

"Huh, I like that confidence and I would like to break it even more," both the men stood there facing each other with burning rage in their hearts.

They didn't doubt each other's capabilities nor did they belittle each other.

They didn't have any personal feuds but it was the rivalry that they had received in heritage and made it their mission to keep it up till their last breath.

An unknown amount of time passed as both of them stood there without speaking anything.

"Well, there is no need to rush through it. I will wait for your answer," Kruel was the first one to break the silence.

He drank the last sip from the glass and walked away.

Donovan kept looking at his leaving figure for quite some time before he closed his eyes.

He has got a whiff of Silja's existence and this is not a good sign.

Although he doesn't know who the witch is, he won't sit still and will surely create trouble.

Hand him the crest and witch?

In his dreams.

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Donovan scoffed and walked away from there.

"Good evening, Your highness," but suddenly a shadow flashed in front of him, Donovan halted his footsteps.

He looked at the man standing in front of him dressed in rough clothes and messy hair. In one hand holding a big jug of alcohol while the other extended towards Donovan.

"Here," he said with a slight smile on his lips.

Donovan took the wine he offered silently.

"You did a good job," Donovan took a sip from the glass.

"Of course, is there anything that Carlo can not do?" After all, he was Carlo Mason the infamous thief of Northcrest, was there anything that he cannot do?

"Take this," Donovan took out a small pouch from his pocket and threw it in the direction of Carlo.

"Haha, thank you, your highness," the man bowed deeply.

"But work is not over yet. I suspect they will still try to create trouble. Keep an eye on public opinion for a few more days. Only when this marriage is settled can we relax," Donovan instructed with a serious face.

"Don't worry about that. I have made the necessary preparations. Anyone who tries to mess around with you and lady Silja will be underlined in red ink in my record," And an evil smile blooms on Carlo's face.

Carlo was the one who helped Donovan to spread the news about Silja's good work.

Even though Carlo looked a bit unreliable he was the most suitable person to handle such things given his network and influence.

"Hmm, where is princess Silja? I should offer her a drink too," Carlo asked looking around when he saw Silja standing with Genie and the other two siblings at the side.

"No need," Donovan narrowed his eyes on the man.

'Tch, such a petty man,' Carlo clicked his tongue and decided to leave not daring to tease him more.

As he left Donovan walked towards Silja.

"Come with me," he held her hand and led her away from the crowd.

"Is your brother still being stubborn?" Even though Donovan wasn't by her side for a long time he could sense the change in Silja's mood.

"He has other plans," Silja looked down and concentrated on the ground as they walked along the river shore.

"Such as?" Donovan lifted his eyebrows.

"He has planned to sneak me out of the North by tomorrow evening, before marriage," Silja told him at last.

"Hmm, I have guessed that much. What else?" Donovan behaved rather indifferently.

"Aren't you mad?" Silja thought that once he found out about this plan he would surely be made but he was rather calm.

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