Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 182: The First Friend

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The droopy eyes were decorated with long and thick eyelashes and perfect thick eyebrows.

He was optimal for perfection. 

Genie has seen many handsome men but Kruel has a different kind of beauty in him.

He has sharp eyes but his facial features were very gentle which didn't match quite well with the coldness in his eyes.

Genie was momentarily lost observing her face.

"So do you agree?" When he saw her shocked face and eyes that were roaming on his face he asked, breaking her concentration.

"I…" When she looked up she saw sincere questions.

And for a moment she found herself lost.

What was she supposed to reply?

If the same question was asked to someone else they would have replied it easily with yes or no but for Genie, the simple question was something that she has never dealt with.

Her eyes darted on his face unsure of what to say.

"Huh, see I have already told you you won't be able to fulfil my wish," Kruel straightened up again and sighed dramatically.

His eyes dropped in disappointment, so did his lips.

Genie felt a sudden wave of loss in her heart.

"I should go back then,"  from the corner of his eyes Kruel saw her disappointed face and he smirked.

But Genie was too occupied to see that.

He turned around and started to walk away.

One step.

Two steps.

Three steps.

"Wait…" as he was about to form a new strategy but a voice stopped him from behind.

Kruel instantly halted his steps and turned around. His eyes were sparkling with expectations as he looked at her.

"Are you ready to be my friend?" He asked, looking at Genie.

Genie swapped her tongue over dry lips nervously.

She looked at Kruel and struggled to form a sentence.

"Why do you want to be my friend?" She looked up and asked.

"Because no one else wants me as a friend," Kruel lowered his head.

"How can that be?" Genie asked with widened eyes.

"Maybe I'm not suitable to be someone's friend," the man was acting so pitiful that even someone sees him this way they will surely think that he was not Kruel but his imposter.

Genie was about to refute that but he again spoke," see aren't also hesitant to speak," 

"No no...that's not the case," Genie shook her head vigorously.

"So do you agree?" As soon as he heard that Kruel smiled and turned towards her.

"It's settled then we are friends now," Kruel didn't waste any second before saying that.

Genie was bewildered after she heard that.

Seeing how he was smiling brightly she couldn't help but hold her tongue.

She wasn't sure if she could be his friend, after all, she was a princess while she didn't know how he was.

If her mother found out that an unknown man had entered her courtyard without anyone's knowledge and even tried to be friends with Genie she would surely become angry and afraid.

But when she thought about how his face had felt just hearing that she didn't want to be his friend, Genie decided that she shouldn't say anything for now.

After all, he was just being nice to her and she shouldn't act like a haughty princess.

"Okay. I'll be your friend," Genie spoke up with a smile.

"Happy to have you as my first friend," Kruel bowed and said like a true gentleman.

"Same here," Genie also couldn't help but smile. Well thinking about it he was also the first friend she has made.

After that, a silence spread over.

"Wait, you didn't tell me your name. What is it?" Genie asked curiously. It won't look good if she didn't even know her friend's name right.

"My name?" For a second Kruel was taken aback.

Which name should he give her?

Surely he couldn't say Kruel right?

There was even a risk in telling her to address him as Azazel.

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"You can call me Zel," after thinking for a long time he replied.

"Zel?" Genie furrowed her eyebrows 

That was a weird name.

But she didn't complain out loud.

"Didn't you like it?" Kruel lifted his eyebrows.

"No no...it's a very ..good name," Genie replied with a smile.

"Yes my mother gave me this name," He explained.

"Ohh, it's amazing and very easy on the tongue," Genie smiled at him kindly.

"So tell me more about yourself. Since we are friends we should know at least a few details about each other right

Kruel looked at her in silence. He was thinking about how to reply to her questions.

But before he could get a chance to reply a loud noise came from inside the room.

Someone was knocking on the door heavily.

Genie turned around with widened eyes. Then she ran inside her room after crossing the lake.

"Genie, open the door.." it was Abrielle's voice. Genie was about to go and opened the door but something clicked in her head suddenly.

She turned and ran outside.

As expected Zel...her new friend was still standing there.

"Go … I'll see you later," her breathing has turned rapid. Genie held Kruel's hand and pushed him towards the back exit.

"What's wrong?" Krule asked, confused.

"It's my mother, if she sees you here she will surely punish you for entering my courtyard this late. Leave NOW…" Genie urged him and shoved him hard.

She could already guess the results of what would happen if her mother found out that a man had entered her courtyard this late. And on top of that, she has talked to him alone and also made friends with him.

"But…"Kruel probed further but Genie cut him off.

"Go… we will meet later, Go now," she urged and the voice of door knocking was becoming louder coupled with Abrielle's anxious voice.

"Don't worry about me, go open the door," Kruel looked at her worried face and said in a calm voice.

Genie had no luxury of time to say anything to him as she went to open the room.

She took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Mother, what happened?" She asked as if nothing had happened.

"What were you doing? I was knocking for so long," Abrielle took a step in and her first reaction was to check that her daughter was alright.

"Ohh I was inside the bath chamber," Genie tried to come up with a feeble excuse. But Abrielle narrowed her eyes as soon as she heard that.

It has been a long time since Genie has left how long she was bathing. Plus her hair and body were completely dried. It didn't look like she came out after bathing at all.

"Is that so? Then why didn't you take help from maids?" Abrielle asked. Seeing the look on her mother's face Genie instantly understood that her mother was getting suspicious.

"Ohh mother I wasn't bathing so there was no need for maids to help me so sent them away. But look how dumb I am, I forget to let them help me remove the dress," Genie come up with an answer.

"Ohh what happened then? How did you remove clothes by yourself?" Abrielle asked curiously.

She found her daughter a bit different today.

"Come let me show you what I did," Genie smiled and held Abrielle's hand.

She led her to the bathroom.

As soon as the door opened, Abrielle saw the mess on the floor.

There were small pieces of dress laying quietly on the floor.

Abrielle was speechless as she looked Abrielle was speechless.

"You cut off the dress," Abrielle couldn't help but shake her head.

"Well I couldn't find any other way," Genie smiled shyly.

"No worries," Abrielle didn't take it in mind that her daughter has ruined the dress after all it wasn't a big deal if one dress was ruined. Genie wasn't going to wear that again after all.

Genie secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Pheww ….she did it.

"Why did you come back so suddenly from the celebration?" Abrielle walked out of the room and asked.

" Weren't you very excited to go to the celebration earlier?" The woman looked at her young daughter. Genie was getting older and with that, her mood was changing too. Abrielle remembers that Genie used to tail around her whole day when she was little. But now her daughter spends most of her time in either library or learning some skills from the septa or other maids.

Although this kind of change was natural and somewhat necessary Abrielle kind of missed the past when she used to spend lots of time with her daughter.


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