Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 186: The Oath

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"I'm prince Benjamin Castemont of Atlanea, asking a promise from you that you will keep my sister safe no matter what and always put her safety and happiness first before anything else," Benjamin looked at Donovan with a deep gaze.

"You will stay by her side no matter what, be her shield and save her from each and every problem," Benjamin added.

"Give me this promise and take this oath," Benjamin pressed his palm firmly on Donovan's.

Their blood mixed with each other biding them with each other by a promise.

"I, Prince Donovan Regalhelm of the North, am promising you, Prince Benjamin, that I will never let Silja get hurt, I will always put her happiness and security before anything. This is my oath and I shall be punished by the justice of God if I break this promise," Donovan's firm words echoed in the silent room.

The oath was completed as they said their words.

Benjamin pursed his lips, satisfied.

Benjamin took his hand which was smeared with both of their blood.

Benjamin slowly took out his handkerchief and wiped the blood.

"Are you satisfied now?" Donovan asked. He has taken the oath for his satisfaction. But even though Benjamin hasn't asked him to do that he would have. Because once he has expected Silja in his life he was going to protect her no matter what.

She will be his priority, first and foremost.

"I won't say that I'm satisfied because I will never want her to marry someone like you. I always wanted a simple life for her where she didn't have to face any internal or external conflicts of family," Benjamin said with a bit of regret.

He walked towards the window and stood there facing the rising Sun in the sky.

"But according to the situation right now, this is the best outcome that we can have. So even though I don't approve of you, I have to acknowledge you," Benjamin then turned around. 

"I understand," Donovan nodded his head. It doesn't matter if Benjamin likes him or not. To be honest he didn't even care if Benjamin or anyone else agreed to his marriage with Silja or not. But Silja does. For her, Benjamin was her family and she will never be happy if Benjamin is opposing the marriage. So Donovan has to make efforts to make his future brother-in-law approve. It doesn't matter what method he has to use.

"But don't think that I'm approving of you because of your petty threats. I'm not least afraid of you. And even if you tell Silja about the truth of her birth, I know she might get angry but in the end, she will understand and forgive her family," Benjamin's sky blue eyes landed on Donovan and stared at him deeply.

Donovan didn't doubt anything about what Benjamin said. He believed it and he knew that even though he can threaten Benjamin for some time, the effect will wear out pretty quickly so he had to find a new way and as expected the name of Kruel and Witches was enough to make him stand on his side.

After all, no matter how bad Donovan was as an individual but as compared to Kruel he was still a bit better option.

And that was a known fact, Donovan already knew before coming here that he would definitely win this battle needless to say anything.

"Don't worry, I will keep my words," Donovan assured.

"You better do otherwise I have plenty of other means to make you," Benjamin's lips arched in a very evil smirk.

Donovan looked at the man who was smiling so brightly. Benjamin might look very simple from outside but Donovan knew that there was more to this Prince of Humans.

They shouldn't ignore or neglect him because the man who could dare to come to the land of dragons along with a few of his men can not be that simple.

He might be either stupid or very smart who have no fears.

When I returned, Donovan just smiled and then took his leave.

He has a few more things to handle before the ceremony starts.

Far away from them in the barracks of the royal castle, a bit of commotion was going on.

After being unconscious for many days finally, Olivia has come to her senses.

Joshua who was out for the last two days came back immidealtly.

In the room, Olivia was laying on her sickbed quietly.

Her eyes were covered with dark circles and there was a big frown on her face as if she was in immense pain.

There were still wounds on her face and all over her body.

Her face has turned purple, lips trembling as she tried to fight the urge to cry out in pain.

"Olivia," Joshua stood at the door frozen.

In just one day she was looking even more haggard.

Few healers were monitoring her pulse from time to time. 

Olivia looked at her brother and her eyes filled with tears. 

"Bro...bro..th.. r," it took her so much energy to speak just one word.

Her eyes wept uncontrollably.

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Lord Joshua walked towards her and sat by her side.

"How are you?" He gently patted her head.

Olivia has held herself back till now but when she saw her brother there all her pain she felt before came back again. The pain, humiliation and grievance she felt over the past few days come at once and she couldn't help herself and broke into a cry. 

"Shh... it's okay now," her brother patted her hand and tried to console her.

"Don't cry...I'm here now. Everything is fine," he tried for a long time before Olivia finally calm down.

She soon become tired and closed her eyes.

"How is she?" Joshua let her rest and came out to speak to the healers about her condition.

"The wounds are not healing, we tried everything that we had but it's simply not working," one of the healers who belong to the royal castle replied.

Joshua then looked at another man who was a bit younger than the other healers present.

He was a personal healer who came from Icecrain.

When Joshua found that Donovan or king Zachary weren't going to do anything about his sister's condition he sent latter and asked their healers to come back immidealtly.

The man shook his head lightly, meaning that there wasn't any hope.

The main healers of the royal family narrowed their eyes as they saw the exchange between two-man.

"Do you look down on our ability, lord Joshua?" One of them raised the question. Few of them were very displeased when they found that Joshua has summoned his own healer.

The people working for the royal castle were top-notch who were recruited from all around the whole Northern empire.

So how could they allow a no-name healer to come and work with them?

"That's not the case. Master Mohen here is the personal shaman from many years. He was the one who has to heal Olivia since we were kids. He understands her body well. That's why I summoned him here so he can assist you all in my sister's treatment,"

Joshua sighed.

On his face was a humble expression but inside he was disgusted.

He could see that the healers of the royal family weren't trying their best to heal his sister.

Even though Olivia's wounds were sevier how hard it could be for the top-notch specialist for them.

Even the witch blood they were using was not of good quality.

And still, they were brave enough to question him.

But he didn't want to fall out with them...yet.

And so he kept a humble attitude.

"Milord is telling the truth. I'm merely here to provide you assistance and in return to gain some experience from working with you," the shaman name Mohen, also added.

The healer who has asked the question snirred but didn't say anything.

At least they knew their place.

He thought and left from there.

Lord Joshua sneered behind them.

"Tell me everything about her condition," he turned around and looked at his shaman.

"She was tortured very badly, her wounds are inflicted by special witch methods. It's hard to cure them," the experienced shaman replied while shaking his head.

Joshua couldn't help but feel helpless hearing that.

"Try everything you can and find a method to heal her," Joshua was lost. His one and only sister was suffering and the people who caused her suffering were roaming around without any guilt at all.

He won't forget this, Joshua might look all smily but he was wicked from inside.

He was ruthless beyond limits otherwise he wouldn't have been able to bring where the duchy of icecrain was now.


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