Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 193: Arla's Struggle

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Orphelia was experienced and faster. Generally, she only helps in some dire situations only but today was a special case. 

She is a hidden gem that Zachary has protected well throughout these years.

The woman was of much use and Donovan has already made up his mind that he will ask Orphelia to help Silja cultivate her powers.

After that, she was the most powerful and knowledgeable witch who could help them.

Donovan was pacing in front of the tightly shut door for so long, anxiously waiting for them to heal Aral so he could get some clues.

Soon he heard the old wooden door make noise as it opened from inside.

Donovan turned in the direction and saw the face of an old lady who was frowning slightly.

"She is awake. But her condition is not so good. Don't take too much time," Orphelia instructed in her hoarse voice. She then tactfully moved out, giving time to Donovan to ask the girl what he wanted.

Donovan nodded his head and walked inside the hut.

The weak body of the girl was laying on the old bed in small corner. 

Apart from that the whole hut was very crapmed as there were all kind of things put here and there. Most of them contain different types of hurbes and medicine to cure people which Orphelia has created by her own experiments.

Orphelia had tended Arla's wounds very efficiently and there was the smell of traditional medicine in the air.

Hearing Donovan's footsteps Arla moved her head to the side looking at him.

Seeing that it was the prince himself, the timid girl tried to stand up but her badly wounded body didn't support her thoughts.

"It's alright.." Donovan raised his hand to stop her from moving.

Curtsy wasn't important for him right now.

"Pri...prin..cess," Arla tried to ask but her throat was dried.

"We have not found her. That's why I'm here. Tell me everything you know," Donovan said. He was a bit impatient about everything.

"I...her..cough... cough…" before Arla could say anything she broke in a fit of coughs.

Donovan didn't want to but he nonetheless walked to the side and took the glass and fed Alra some water.

After drinking it she felt quite better.

"Tell me everything from the start," Donovan said after that.

"We.. were in the carriage... cough….



#Back to the time of kidnapping#

Mira came back from the outside and sat down on her seat.

The carriage was already on its way and Silja had already closed the window.

While all of them were in their own thoughts no one noticed that the whole carriage was actually filled with the smelless smock which was hard to detect.

And in just a few minutes Silja and Mira started to feel dizzy.

Arla who saw their situation felt her head hurting a bit too.

"Milady?" She tried to stand up and check Silja, who had lost consciousness in just matter of minutes.

On the other side, Mira, who was sitting beside her, was in the same condition.

Only Arla was the conscious one.

She tried to balance herself in the moving carriage and tried to wake Silja up but Silja was like a dead log, not moving an inch.

Arla tried to act fast and moved towards the door to inform the guards about the situation but suddenly the carriage took a sharp turn and the dizzy maid couldn't keep her balance and her head hit hard to the door of the carriage before she fell unconscious too.

She didn't know what exactly happened after that but when she regained her consciousness again she found herself being dragged by someone.

When she tried to open her eyes, glaring sunlight slipping from the leaves of the tall trees fell on her face and she groaned. 

With that, her head also started to throb with pain.

After the end of the long struggle she finally opened her eyes to find a blurry figure of man dragging her on the uneven ground hastily.

He was quite rough as he threw her near Mira and moved away. He didn't notice in his haste that the girl had already woken up.

He left and soon Aral stood up. She tried to wake Mira but the girl didn't wake up.

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Arla followed in the direction where the man had left and saw a few men and one woman were standing there, forming a circle.

Mira stood behind a nearby tree trying to understand the situation.

She found Silja laying on the ground in the middle of those people who were discussing something.

".. the magic potion that you bought was quite amazing. It made the whole carriage disappear just like that," the girl's excited voice resounded.

"That's nothing…," there were three bulky men. One of them replied and waved his hand.

"Now tell me what should we do with this woman?" The other one who sounded a bit impatient said,

"What else? Kill her," the girl who looked very small in structure standing beside those men. 

Her face was hidden beneath the mask but her eyes revealed a great hatred looking at Silja.

Arla, who was standing behind the tree, widened her eyes.

"Sure," as the girl commanded the man walked forward to finish his mission.

He was holding a dagger in his hand and Silja was sleeping on the ground defenceless. Arla's heart dropped from fear looking at the shiny dagger in man's hand.

And in the next second, she found her body moved like an arrow in the direction of them even before her mind could react.

There was nothing in her hand but the girl charged in their direction, fearless.

The four people were unaware of the girl came running towards them. One of them was ready to slit Silja's throat.

The girl who has ordered them was smiling brightly behind the mask she was wearing. 

'Thats all, once this woman is gone there will be no one in her path to becoming the wife of Prince Donovan,' That was thought of the girl as she saw the man's dagger just a few inches away from Silja's neck.

But suddenly the shine of her eyes dimmed as she felt a sudden push on her body and she swayed by side.

The girl saw a small figure of a girl pushing her aside and rushing in the direction of the man before she pushed him hard, away from Silja's body.

The man was quite strong compare to Arla but when she pushed him his whole attention was on Silja which benefited Arla and she was able to knock him away.

"Stay away," Arla yelled and stood in front of Silja in defence.

After Silja took Arla under her wing, Arla has changed a lot.

She wasn't that slave girl anymore who was even afraid to look people in eyes.

Arla looked at everyone with fierce expressions. And then she was swift to take the knife which had fallen from the hand of that man on the ground when he was pushed down by Silja.

She held the dagger with both her hand pointing at the people in front of the kidnappers.

After the initial shock was passed, everyone came to their senses.

The girl widened her eyes as she looked at the girl who dare to stand in front of her with a knife in her hand.

"Where did this girl come from?" One of the men hissed.

"Why isn't she uncounscious?" The girl yelled looking at the man who was supposed to make sure that everyone got unconscious.

"She was," the man replied without looking at the girl who was whining.

The girl glanced hatefully at Arla. All of them had their mask on so Arla couldn't see their face but when Arla heard that voice her eyes widened with shock.

"Catch her," the girl ordered the man and with one go three-man attacked Arla.

Arla tried to shake them off by using the dagger but she was no match to those skilled men?

But still, she swapped her hand in the air continually.

But one of the men caught her hand and took away the dagger from her hand forcefully.

And a forceful slap landed on Arla's cheek which throw her to the ground. Her already hurting head started to hurt even more.

"You bit*ch how dare you to try to spoil my plan?" The girl also walked forward and caught Arla by her hair.

Aral shuddered from fear as the woman caught her. Her words rang in her head like words of devil.

Those words were part of her nightmare once. How could she forget that voice?

It was the voice of her previous master Gwendolyn.

Arla's whole body started to tremble as she found all the fear that once she has lived started to come back again.

The fears that was installed by Gwen's family were rooted deeper inside Arla's bones.. And no matter how much good life she was living under Silja's care, it wasn't possible to forget the years of torture in just time of few weeks.

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