Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 204: The Wedding

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"Then are you intending to marry me now princess Silja?" Donovan gently cupped her face in his large palms and asked gently.

"Yes," Silja nodded her head and a broad smile settled on Donovan's lips. Instantly he turned his form and they took flight towards their wedding destination.

He didn't want to delay even a bit for this moment, she has to be his tonight forever and ever.

Donovan landed on the vast ground in front of the shrine. Silja slid down from him and gasped when she saw such beautiful decorations around.

The whole shrine was decorated with blue flowers which were undoubtedly Silja's favourite.

How did he find out? 

Silja looked behind and saw Donovan walking in her direction. He walked close and intertwined their fingers tightly and Silja smiled satisfactorily.

"Do you know how to proceed with the wedding?" Silja asked afterwards. Well, there was no one apart from them and without a priest who would wed them?

"That…." And Donovan was actually lost for words there. First, he hasn't attended many weddings till now. The one he attended, he didn't pay much attention.

Don't get shocked because the type of man Donovan was at the wedding was something very unnecessary for him, something that was stupid and a waste of time. He wasn't even interested in women beyond their bodies, love was a foreign word to him. 

Until he met the girl who made him chugged back his words that he once said firmly. 

He didn't know how their wedding would turn out but one thing he was sure that if he let this girl slip and didn't bind her with him now, he would lose her forever.

And so they were here, confused about how they should process their own wedding without any priest.

"So what if we don't know much? Do we have to follow the usual things that others do?" Donovan said with his usual confident face.

"Huh?" Silja furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Is that so? Then how do we do it?" Silja asked. 

The actual process was that the priest will do an introduction which will be followed by the readings and then the vows and ribbon binding. Which will be followed by the groom decorating the bride's head with a tiara.

In the end, the couple shares a kiss and seal the bond.

But it seems like Donovan wants to come up with something else.

Then they should go as per his ways.

"So tell me what should we do?" Silja said.

Donovan was lost for words one more time. He just said that but now he has to come up with something.

"Let's go," he held her hand and both of them walked down the aisle together, which the bride should be supposed to walk with her father or guardian.

Well, Benjamin would be mad that Donovan has snatched his right to walk Silja towards her husband.

Silja felt her eyes well up in tears because of the rising emotions in her heart.

When Donovan saw the woman getting emotional he pressed her hand gently.

Silja looked at him and tried to smile.

The crystal shoes she was wearing were long lost but thanks to the flowers spread on the path she didn't get hurt walking barefoot on the way.

Both sides of the aisle also have decorations of white and blue flowers. They walked towards the main stage and Donovan took a step ahead and stood on the stage. He then extended his hand towards her performing the role of a groom.

Silja chuckled softly at his gesture and walked towards him. They both stood in front of each other looking into their eyes. 

The whole atmosphere has changed suddenly and Silja felt her cheeks heated up even on such a cold night.

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"We don't have priests who could do readings so I think we should skip that part," Donovan said. Then he walked back and moved towards the back where he was standing. Well, everything that should be used in weddings has been taken back by the maids.

So there was nothing they could use. "Here," Donovan was looking for ribbons but he couldn't find them but then he saw Silja extending her hand towards him.

He saw her holding a piece of long ribbon-like clothing that was used for decoration on the side. The white ribbon can not compare to the silk one which was initially prepared but the texture of the cloth doesn't matter at this moment.

Donovan smiled and took the ribbon from her hand. He held her fair wrist which was very small compared to him.

"Are you ready to take your vows?" He asked as he connected their hands together. The warmth sipping from his hand was making Silja's heart flutter.

Silja was too shy to say something so she just nodded her head shyly.

Donovan took one end of the ribbon and encircled it around their wrist one time.

"I Donovan Regalhelm take thee, 

Silja Castemont, to be my wedded wife I promise to…" suddenly Donovan halted in his speech with a big friend on his face.

Donovan looked at the woman standing in front of her. Silja looked at him with confusion.

Why did he stop? Did he forget the vows? Silja thought in her head. 

It can't be that he is regretting it now, can he? Silja's head made a wild guess and her own forehead creased.

But what Donovan was thinking was very different from what was going on in Silja's head.

He didn't forget the vows nor did he was regretting the decision.

Since their wedding was different, how could he take the same vows as others? His promises to her should be as unique as their union. And so his vows begin.

Under the starry night, the couple stood in their dirty wedding dresses. Hand in hand and with their heart beating at a similar rhythm. The rhythm that only they could understand, of love, of passion, of excitement, of nervousness. And with some uncontrollable emotions dancing in their eyes Donovan began again.

"I vow to love you forever. I will love you when you are wild with struggle when the world seems like a place of desperation and fear. I will love you when you are laughing and joyous when the blessings unfold before us like flowers in a field. I will love you like the night of our life falls, as we grow old and watch our bodies change. I will love you when death parts us for a time, and you will still know my love on the last day of the world as all the stars fall from the sky like kisses from my lips," the words came out of his mouth smoothly. Each and every word he uttered pierced Silja's heart with thousands of love arrows.

Silja looked at him with love-struck expressions and Donovan still smiled at her charmingly.

She felt like in just that few moments he described their whole journey ahead.

Silja's eyes again become glassy with tears threatening to fall.

"It's your turn now," seeing how touched she was Donovan smiled proudly and then bent a little to Silja level before he spoke those words in his 'oh so charming' voice.

Silja gulped softly and took the ribbon before encircling it around their wrist a second time with her shaky hands.

"I, Silja Castemont, take thee, Donovan Regalhelm to be my legally wedded husband. I vow…. I vow to stay by your side till my last breath, to support you when you are down. I will be the moonlight for you in every dark time. I will be the flowery road when you will meet the thorns in your path," Silja said softly. Each and every sentence with her clear and crisp voice.

Donovan looked at the girl with surprise and amusement in his eyes. Well, the girl's promise wasn't as unique as his but she said so many things in just a few sentences which touched his heart. The way she said made his heart thudding loudly in his chest, surely the girl has an even bigger influence on him than he thought.

After it was his turn to say a second vow and man tied a ribbon around their wrist 

"If you are the most precious and beautiful flower, I am willing to be the ugly thorn on the stem, protecting you from the greedy and evil eyes and every threat and problem.

I vow to annihilate every single person who dares to look straight into your eyes!" Donovan said yet another unique promise and Silja couldn't help but laugh out loud at his choice of words.

What he said was actually true. She has witnessed that Donovan didn't show but he was very territorial. After all, these were basic instincts of dragons, plus Donovan wasn't any common dragon, he was the prince and high born.

"Even with the room filled with so-called influential people, my eyes will always look on you. Your bewitching beauty and sinister heart will never cease to spellbound me. You will never be bland or dreary to me," Silja said without a teasing smile on her face.

Donovan looked at her with narrowed eyes.

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