Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 235: The Negotiation

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Silja was so touched by this small gesture of his.

"Are you touched?" Donovan asked, seeing her looking at him with a loving gaze.

"You can say that," Silja looked at him from the mirror.

"Then how about you give me a reward?" Donovan put his head on her shoulder.

"What do you want?" Silja asked.

"How about a kiss?" Donovan leaned and turned Silja's chair towards him.

"We just kissed," Silja pursed her lips. He has kissed her senseless in the bath just now. Her lips were already swollen from all the sucking by him.

"You don't count these things, just enjoy," Donovan rested his forehead on hers. His breathing was already heavy and deep.

Silja, also influenced by him, opened her lips to invite him but suddenly the door of the room opened and the maid walked in.

"Milady te…." All of a sudden the maid froze. 

Donovan cursed in a low voice as Silja shoved him hard.

"Yes, what is the matter, Beth?" Silja stood up from the stool and walked forward.

"I…I was here to inform you that the breakfast table is ready," Beth ducked her head down. Her face was red from embarrassment because of the scene she witnessed earlier.

On the other hand, Donovan sat down on the stool leisurely while his back leaning on the mirror.

"Alright, you can go now," Silja could see Beth's urge to leave the chamber as soon as possible.

And that's what she did. The girl sprung on her heels and ran away like a frightened rabbit.

"Shall we?" Silja turned around towards Donovan.

"What about my reward?" Donovan locked his arms in front of his chest.

"We have all the time to do that later, for now, let's go we are getting late," Silja pulled him up from the stool.

On the open terrace, the breakfast table was ready. 

All the three children were already present when Silja and Donovan joined them.

"Good morning sister in law, brother," Samuel and Genie greeted them one by one.

"Good morning to you all," Silja smiled looking at their cheery faces except Zivan who was still with a stoic face.

"Good morning sister in law," he only looked at Silja and forced out a smile.

Silja immediately noticed that something was amiss with the man, otherwise, there was no way her over-enthusiastic brother-in-law would not tease her.

"This is the first time we are all having breakfast together," Genie chirped.

"Brother Zivan, are you ill?" Suddenly Genie asked.

"No," Zivan replied.

"Then why do you have dark circles around your eyes and you look pale?" Genie asked innocently.

Zivan's lips twitched and he looked at Donovan accusingly. 

But he said nothing. Instead, it was Donovan who spoke.

"Zivan is just happy that I arranged…

"Nothing happened…..I'm just happy that brother Donovan arranged a new duty for me in our army," before Donovan could complete Zivan cut him mid-sentence.

Donovan narrowed his eyes but said nothing.

"Ohh," Genie smiled, happy for her brother.

"How come I don't know anything about it?" Samuel asked.

Zivan was the mastermind of getting information while Samuel was leading the groups and making strategies. So it was normal that he would be informed about everything beforehand. 

"Because we discussed it last night when you went to sleep," Zivan gritted his teeth.

Samuel could tell something was wrong but he decided to keep his nose out of his elder brother's business.

"Did anybody miss me?" Suddenly a voice rang from behind and Silja turned in shock. 

"Brother?" She was surprised to see Benjamin there.

"Good morning sister and brother in law," Benjamin kissed Silja's forehead and smiled at Donovan.

"Good morning to you all," he also nodded at the other two princes and the princess.

"He is also family after all," Silja heard Donovan saying.

She was very happy.

Soon Abrielle and Zachary also joined.

After breakfast, Silja and Donovan went to see Benjamin.

He was leaving with the few men that he brought.

"It would have been good if you could stay a few more days," Silja held Benjamin's hand.

"I wish the same," Benjamin planted a soft kiss on Silja's forehead.

"Sire Brandon will stay here as your personal guard," Benjamin looked at Brandon who was standing a bit far away from them.

"My personal guard? But it will be unfair to him," Silja shook her head.

Brandon was a high-level army officer in his father's army. How could she take him as her personal guard?

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"Don't worry he won't stay by your side all the time. Only when necessary," 

"Plus he wishes to stay in the north," Benjamin added.

"But…" Silja was still a bit unsure.

"Let him, it will be good for you," Donovan said.

Silja looked at him and then at the man standing far away from them.

Brandon was a good friend to her and she didn't want him to stay just as her personal guard. It would be disrespectful towards him.

Initially, he came here because North was new and thus she let him take the role of her personal guard temporarily for forever?

She needs to talk to him.

Soon everyone was ready to leave and Benjamin climbed his horse.

"Wish to see you soon," Benjamin said and then the horse started to move fast away from the castle leaving clouds of dust.

"We will meet them soon," Donovan murmured in Silja's ears.

After coming back to Castle Silja went to meet Genie and Donovan left for his own personal meeting.

"Milady, her highness Silja is here," Genie was sitting in her closed chamber with the dairy and peacock feather in her hand.

Her whole focus was on the words that started to appear in the book.

But before she could read them a maid announced from the outside.

Genie's eyes widened and she hastily put the dairy away securely.

"Sister in law!?" Genie exclaimed in her usual enthusiastic voice.

"Can I come in?" Silja asked.

"Of course," Genie moved to the side.

On the other hand, Donovan reached Lady Liliana's quarter.

"I was waiting for you in the morning," lady Liliana was standing in the garden, admiring the flowers blooming in the warm sun.

"Pardon me, Milady. But now I'm a married man and you see my duties have increased," Donovan stood side by side with the woman.

"I was shocked to see that a man like you can also say something. Even you getting married was quite a news for me and many of the ladies of the north," the lady turned around. She was wearing a beautiful smile on her rosy lips.

"Well it's all fate," Donovan shrugged.

"Since when did you start believing in fate, Prince Donovan?" Liliana walked towards the table placed in the middle of the garden.

In front of the table was a small fountain statue of a woman holding a baby dragon in her hand.

Water was constantly spraying out of the baby dragon's mouth.

Donovan sat down in front of the lady while the maids came and served them refreshments.

"Since I met her," Donovan smiled.

Silja was just like a miracle to him. Back then Evillene had killed all the royal Witches who could possibly help the dragon to break the curse. But still, they found Silja, in totally different circumstances at a totally different place.

Who could have thought that a royal witch was growing up as a princess in the castle of the human king?

Wasn't this fate. So now he does believe in fate.

Lady Liliana looked at Donovan with an expressionless face but then smiled and looked down.

"Where is your son?" Donovan asked.

"Will be somewhere in corner of some shady room, fu*king one of your maids," Liliana replied sipping her tea.

Donovan didn't comment on that.

"So have you thought about my proposal?" Donovan asked.

"Well I was aiming for you but your brother will do too," Lilian said.

"But I have to ask Marcella first," she added.

"Fair enough," Donovan nodded.

"Did you ask your brother?" She asked.

"I told him," Donovan smiled. Liliana's hand paused.

"I want a good husband for my daughter, Prince Donovan. I don't want to force this," the lady Liliana looked at Donovan with narrowed eyes.

"Don't worry he will make a good husband for Marcella. They suit each other well," Donovan reassured. And the lady nodded her head.

"Plus it should be me who should worry about my brother from your daughter, not you," Donovan stated the fact.

Lady Liliana burst out laughing hearing that.

"Well I have to agree on that," she didn't deny. She has raised the girl in a different way. 

In the proposal, they were on the profitable side no matter how one looks at it.

"So do you think you can convince lord Harthem?" Donovan asked.

"I'm positive about that," the lady nodded.

"So it is a deal?" Donovan asked.

"No, before that I would like to meet my daughter Helena first," the lady shook her head.

"Only after confirming that she is in better condition will I think about this," she put forward a request.

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