Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 58: The Mysterious Bloodline

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"The ability to control living beings, which can only be seen in the pure-blooded witch. That means her blood is pure, which means she is connected with the Royal witch family of the south by close blood relation," Zachary evaluated it and the lines deepened in his forehead.

"Yes, someone with royal blood, but the blood is not pure," the woman repeated his words.

Zachary lifted his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You see these two lines here?" She pointed to the thick trails of blood which were entangled with each other.

"One of them represents darkness while I can't understand the meaning of the second one. She has the royal blood of a witch in her veins but there is something else too. More powerful and mysterious, something that is unseen before, dark and dangerous," the woman spoke.

"Human blood?" Zachary asked.

"Human blood can not be this powerful nor any other creature I know of." She shook her head.

Seeing her talking in the round and round manner Zachary pursed his lips.

"What you are saying doesn't make any sense. Are you even reading this accurately?" He asked with questions in his eyes.

"Are you doubting my witchery, my king?" The old witch looked at him with her shiny eyes.

She was old but the shine in her eyes was intact and those eyes were filled with years of experience and knowledge. And Zachary couldn't help but shake his head.

He wasn't doubting her.

"She is not a human but the daughter of a witch. One of her parents is a witch while the other is I can't tell right now. But both the bloodlines she received from them are powerful, making her the strongest witch one has ever seen," the old witch declared.

It was needless to say that the blood they were checking was of Silja. When she has injured the woman who healed her took her blood samples on the order of the king. To run the ritual to find out about the exact bloodline of Silja. When he first saw her she looked different.

But when she touched the horse and the horse went mad he found out something he was looking for for years.

The witch who ruled the south were all the original Witches and had pure blood flowing in them.

The royal bloodline was very powerful and thus they have the power to control the living to some extent. But it varies from individuals.

So when he saw Silja unknowingly using her power he understood that she was not a common human but has definitely something to do with Royal Witches. And that was the reason he did all these things about forcing her to come to the North.

And now the oldest witch they have had also confirmed her bloodline.

The old woman was a witch who was living in the dragon land. It says that all the living creatures walking on the land are dependent on each other and the same goes with witches, dragons, humans and dwarfs.

About a century ago there was a time when all these three races lived together in harmony. Their existence was beneficial to each other.

But suddenly a war broke between witches and dragons and things turned upside down.

Humans decided to stay neutral in the war while Dwarfs also didn't side with anyone openly but they were helping Witches behind the curtains.

And thus all these years the wars and attacks keep happening, disturbing the peace of all the creatures over the years.

While mostly all the Witches and dragons think of each other as their sworn enemies, few were still good who understood that war was just unnecessary.

And they decided to stay on the opposite sides.

Orphelia was one of the few witches who were on the dragon king's side. They live between dragons while their real identity is known by few people.

She and other witches under her work as a healer were some of the trusted people of Zachary.

Zachary was happy with the information he received. He smiled satisfactorily as he tossed a pouch at the woman.

"Your reward," he said.

"Find out more about this other mysterious bloodline as soon as possible," Zachary added.

Orphelia opened the bag which has two gems of different sizes and colours.

She took out one of them and smelled it one by one.

"Real…" her eyes sparkled and she nodded her head in happiness.

After that, the king left her house.


In the royal castle.

When Donovan pointed out to check her wounds then she realised that she was scratched by the witch. But apart from the initial pain, she felt nothing now. The burning pain that was lingering before was now gone.

Donovan first took her to a nearer empty room and when Silja looked at herself in the mirror she just saw some scratch marks.

Otherwise, her neck was smooth as ever. If not for the dried black blood on her neck she would have assumed that it was her imagination about the witch's nail being poisoned.

Her eyes then fell on the dress. Which has cut on it. When Silja looked down she saw there was also some blood mark but other than some superficial wounds there was nothing.

Even in the area which was cut by the knife, there were no signs of poison.

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Was the knife normal?

That must be the case.

Silja thought for a second but deep down in her heart she believed that it has something to do with her power maybe.

She always had good health and her wounds also healed pretty quickly but this was way too speedy.

"Milady?" A maid called from behind and Silja speedily arranged her clothes.

"Yes, come in," she said and two maids entered the room.

"Are you hurt anywhere, milady?" They walked near and asked.

But Silja dismissed them soon after saying that she is fine. All she wanted to do was go and check the witch in the dungeon.

It was already the time of night and soon people will start to come back from the fair.

Who knows, maybe Don has already sent a message to the King or any of the princes. She didn't want to run in any of them and was being asked questions about how she defeated the witch whom their Dragon soldier couldn't.

"Why didn't you let them help you?" After the maids left Donovan entered the room.

"I'm fine, "Silja waved her hand in dismissal.

"And we shouldn't waste the time and go to interrogate her soon," she was in a hurry.

"There is no rush, she will not run away from there," Donovan said.

It will be better if she can, Silja thought.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Don asked again.

"Yes," Silja was quick to reply.

Nodding his head Don started to leave the room.

"Wait," but Silja stopped him midway.

Don turned around and lifted his eyebrows.

"Did you inform any royal family members about this?" Silja asked. She was fiddling with her fingers and her face looked nervous. Don noticed that.

'She is strange. I need to dig more about this mysterious human princess,' Don made a mental note.

In reply to her answer, he didn't inform anyone else. One because he himself was a prince, one of the Royal family members.

Second, everyone was at the fair and he didn't want to tell anyone and make them panic.

The situation is already under control so they can take action slowly.

"Not yet," He replied.

"Ohh," Silja released a sigh of relief.

"Anything else?" Don lifted his eyebrows and Silja was about to shake her head but she suddenly realised that even after so many interactions with him, she still didn't know his name.

"Umm, what is your name?" She asked.

Don, who heard her answer, stayed silent for a while.

How can she be so smart yet so clueless at the same time?

He thought

"You can call me Don," he said.

"Don?" Silja said it out loud and Don felt his name rolled smoothly on her tongue.

He smirked and left.

Soon after he led her to the dungeon where the witch was being held captive.

Actually, the royal dungeons were the place where no outsiders could enter. But when Silja asked him to come with he couldn't deny it.

Will his father be angry at him after hearing this? Don thought to himself.

He can do this small cheat anyway since she was the one who helped them capture the witch.

Silja slowly walked behind Don as they moved to the underground tunnel. It was dark and lanterns and flambeau were hanging on the walls at some intervals.

As they walked in she noticed that all the soldiers were bowing their heads to the Don. And questions started to arise in her heart about his identity.


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