Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 69: Trouble

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"I will...I will definitely serve our future queen the best way and will keep her safe," he said. 

Future queen? Donovan lifted his eyebrows but didn't on it any further. 

"And don't tell her about what happened here and what I said to you, is that clear?" Don narrowed his eyes and Carlo again nodded his head.

Then Don took his leave.

Silja on the other hand was waiting for Carlo to show up but the man was late today.

"You are late," she pointed out as Carlo met her.

"I was caught up in something urgent," he avoided her eyes and said. Silja could sense the lie but she decided to ignore it.

"You seem different today," she commented as they were walking in the street. She noticed that the man was moving his hand and her face was restless.

Those movements were enough to tell that something was going on in his head.

"What ...Nothing," but he denied and avoided eye contact again.

Silja narrowed her eyes and decided not to probe further.

"Where are we going today?" she asked after sometime.

"Umm... now that you have already experienced what poor people are like, why don't we go and see what the reality of them is like?" Carlo lifted his eyebrows.

"Good idea," Silja smiled and nodded.

"Come let me show you the most bustling part of the city," Carlo said with a smile.

He didn't know why the eldest prince suggested that but now all he could do was to follow the order.

"Which is that?" Silja asked, looking at him.

"Where free people become slaves," Carlo replied and smiled meaningfully.

Silja pursed her lips but didn't comment and just nodded her head.

"Before that I want to know your real name," Silja suddenly stopped in her tracks and faced the man.

"Hehe… don't ask irrelevant questions," he pursed his lips in annoyance.

But Silja didn't bulge and stand in the way.

Looking at her stubborn behaviour Carlo couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Do you want my service anymore or should I leave?" He said and turned around ready to leave.

"Wait... wait…. I need your services," Silja stopped him mid way and he smiled satisfactorily and both left.

As the sun started to set in the west Carlo and Silja returned back.

They were walking in the street, no one said anything and only the noise of the busy street remained echoing in their ears.

As they walked further, Silja frowned, she could feel someone following them.

"Careful someone is behind us," Carlo whispered as they were turning from the corner.

His sentence confirmed Silja's doubt..

They kept walking and suddenly Carlo pulled her into the alley. They kept walking in confusing small streets and then hid in dark corners.

They both stood near the wall waiting for their stalker to show up.

But even after some time no one showed up.

"Let's go," Carlo whispered.

Silja nodded and they started to walk out of the dark alley but suddenly something unexpected happened.

"Ah…." Suddenly someone attacked them from behind. The alley they took was dark and there was not much moonlight falling on the ground and thus it was very dark..

A painful groan left Carlo's mouth as someone thrusted a knife in the back of carlo.

Carlo groaned in pain and fell on his knees as his attacker pulled out the knife.

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Soon the other person tried to hit him again.

But Carlo used his quick reflexes and elbowed the person on his crotch area.

"Ahhhh M***"rf***r…." the knife he was holding fell on the floor as he put both his hands on his crotch area and started to roll on the ground.

There wasn't enough light but Carlo was still enough to see as his dragon was enhancing his vision. And Silja also has a good vision in the dark.

"Run…." As soon he pushed the man away Carlo yelled and Silja who was still in shock moved quickly. She gave him support and pulled him up. Carlo took the knife which had fallen on the ground.

They started running but suddenly three more men stopped their way at the end of the street.

All of them have their faces covered and have knives in their hands. 

Carlo and Silja looked at each other.

"We don't want to hurt you, leave the girl here and run to save your life," one of the men who was standing in the middle said waving his hand in front of Carlo. Silja's eyes moved as she heard that.

"Are you saying this after your man did this to me?" Carlo hissed. His left shoulder was bleeding and the left part of shirt was stained red.

"Huh, you are still alive, that is a blessing. Don't try to throw tantrums otherwise it will not take more than a second to kill you," The man who had spoken earlier replied.

"Alright...alright but first tell me, why do you want her?" Carlo asked.

"What do we want from her? Well what do you think we can do to her?" one of them replied looking with his dirty eyes at Silja.

Silja narrowed her eyes but didn't utter a word and silently kept observing the situation.

"Do you even know who she is?" Carlo asked, rolling his eyes. He could gess their motives more or less.

"Do you think it will matter who she is once she is under us, moaning and then when we are done having fun she will be standing in the slave market, to be sold hahaha," the other one couldn't help speaking out his dirty thoughts. Silja couldn't help but glare at the man who spoke those sentences. From the moment she left Atlanea most of the people who she met were saying rubbish to her.

Even though Silja was not a spoiled child she was still a princess and she has never met anyone till now who has talked to her like people do here.

"Are you even qualified to touch her?" Carlo laughed out loud and sat down on the floor holding his injured hand. Hearing him laughing and behaving as if nothing happened, the one who was their leader lost his patience.

"I was about to spare your life but now im have other thoughts" he said as he pointed his long spear at the man. Carlo raised his one hand instantly in surrender.

"Easy my friend.. easy… im..leaving…" he slowly stood up.

"You can do whatever you want with her…. I don't care...just spare my life…" Carlo started to make his way toward the opposite direction.

Silja's eyes widened. 

'This son of an insect, how could he leave her just like that,' she looked at his leaving back and then at the three men standing in front of him. Cherry on the top the man who was kicked on the groin by Carlo also made his way toward them. 

"Why the hell you let him go," the man wasn't even able to walk properly. It was clear that he was still in pain. It would be a miracle if his bloodline was not cut and he could perform well in future.

"You...shut up," the leader looked at him and said disdainfully, seeing how pitiful he was.

Silja took a deep breath seeing their exchange. All she needed was to divide their attention and get an opening to run away. But before she could run the leader diverted his attention to her.

"I must admit that the information was right, such a fine piece of woman you are," the leader stuck out his tongue and swapped it on his lips, his eyes roaming on Silja's body. Silja glared at him as she also looked around towards all of them mentally preparing herself for the fight. She was ready to attack and all four men were ready to pounce on her, suddenly they stopped as Carlo interrupted them.

"Ummm, wait a min," he who was walking away turned around leisurely.

"What the hell do you want now?" the main bendit asked with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Last question before I left, how did you get information about her?" Carlo asked as he walked back again.

His hand was seriously injured and was bleeding nonstop. Looking at her Silja felt worried. The blow was fatle, if not treated soon his hand will deform.

She didn't understand why the man turned back again; he should leave before he got more injured.

"That has nothing to do with you," one of the leckey replied.

"That's right but i'm curious just tell me, you must have heard it for someone, who was he or was it she?" Carlo raised his eyebrows. 

"You know what, I have given you a chance to run away and save your life but you seem not to appreciate that and still want to stick your nose in our business. So now….DIE," he said and from the corner of his eyes signaled his man.

And without waiting for another signal everyone started to fight.


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